Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

Zuo Zhou actually doesn't have much experience in solving crimes.But as a person who has watched more than a thousand episodes of Conan, he naturally knows that when encountering a serial murder case, he must find the common ground of the victims.

So what do these exterminated officials have in common?Are they all officials?

Thinking about the many black-clothed murderers in that painting, could it be that Mr. Ximen is still a lunatic who kills the rich and helps the poor!

Zuo Zhou first took out the articles of the adults, and after reading them one by one, he suddenly realized that this is not a group of corrupt officials, but a group of loyal and courageous martyrs.

All of their articles during the imperial examinations were exposing the disadvantages of the times. Of course, such critical articles are actually useless, just like many literary movies that mock the dark side of society. There's nothing you can do but stay angry.

But since they can become Jinshi with this kind of article, they are naturally not easy. They not only exposed the current problems, but also proposed solutions, and the success rate of this method is quite high.

Well, to put it simply, that is a talent visible to the naked eye!
Well, Young Master Ximen ≈ Possibility of bad guys +1
Zuo Zhou rubbed his temples, feeling a little annoyed, but continued to read the information.The eight adults were wiped out overnight, among which Sheng Dingtian was the last one.As for the murderer, he wrote the name 'Thirteen Murderers' in this column, followed by three words 'I have been executed! '

Zuo Zhou: "..."

This should be regarded as evidence that there are moths in the court, not to mention the fact that Mr. Ximen was still alive before, just the number 'thirteen' is wrong.

Zuo Zhou took out the painting again, there were fourteen people in this painting alone, so what about the ones that weren't in the painting?
Among other things, there are many residents in the XC area, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to go quietly. There should be guards on the periphery, or just buy the police as a cover?

Also, it is said that the family was exterminated, but the little girl probably survived, that is to say, someone in the court wants this matter to end here?
Is this person good or bad?Too many questions, where should I check this time?

Zuo Zhou paused for a moment and continued to look at the documents, only to find that it was Di Renjie who made the conclusion of the case!
This name is really unexpected. Is it the case that Lao Di supervised?Could it be that you, Di Renjie, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, also betrayed the revolution?

Lu Qinghou saw Zuo Zhou's complexion turned very bad in an instant, and asked worriedly: "Master Li, are you alright?"

"Qinghou, tell me, can a person who hates evil really become a bad person?"

Lu Qinghou didn't understand what Zuo Zhou meant, but he still thought about it hard, and replied: "Being jealous doesn't mean you won't do bad things. There are quite a lot of people who hate themselves in this world."

Zuo Zhou took a deep breath, listening to what you say is better than listening to what you have to say, what you said makes so much sense!
Reluctantly closing all the documents, Zuo Zhou sat up with a depressed look, "Forget it, I'm in a bad mood today, let's talk later, I'll buy you a drink another day."

"I'm going to concentrate on my exams."

"I know, it's just being polite."



Not long after Zuo Zhou left Dali Temple, Yuchi Zhenjin found Lu Qinghou, and of course this kind of thing would not be concealed, so within a quarter of an hour, the information of the eight adults was placed in front of Di Renjie.

"Yuanfang... is this what you're looking for?" Di Renjie's face became even more ugly.

Yuchi Zhenjin nodded in agreement, but he felt more and more that this matter was not simple, so he couldn't help but also looked at the documents, "Huh? There are still their imperial examination articles in these files?"

Just like what Zuo Zhou suspected at first, this is really not normal.

However, Di Renjie had a sad look on his face, "I did it. They are my best friends. They are all capable people who are loyal to the country. To commemorate them, I put their articles in the case file, and I want them to read them." Look, their ideas have been implemented, to comfort their spirits in heaven!"

Yuchi Zhenjin nodded suddenly, followed by admiration, good officials are all worthy of respect, you may not believe it, corrupt officials sometimes admire those good officials more than ordinary people.

"It's a case my lord handled before, and the murderer has already been executed, so there's no problem!" Yuchi Zhenjin saw the last signature.

Di Renjie nodded, there is indeed no problem, it should be... no problem!

Di Renjie's expression was full of suspicion at first, and then as if thinking of something, he said in a deep voice: "Yuchi, follow me to the Taifu's residence."


The two started immediately, but Di Renjie stopped just as he stepped out of the Dali Temple. He slowly raised his head to look at a restaurant diagonally across the road.

On the third floor, Zuo Zhou was sitting by the window, sipping his wine glass one by one.

The eyes of the two met, without dodging or surprise, Zuo Zhou greeted the shopkeeper for a jug of wine, and flew to Di Renjie's side with it.


"Taifu's Mansion!"

Zuo Zhou suddenly said, "I didn't like that old man, his beard is dirty, hum!"

Yuchi Zhenjin said in shock: "You knew we were going to... Are you planning to follow Lord Di?"

Zuo Zhou glanced at this guy, how could he say such a thing blatantly?It's not good for everyone to be embarrassed.Besides, if you ask me that, I will definitely not admit it!
"Where did I follow? Didn't this jump out!"

Yuchi Zhenjin's eyes widened, "That's because Master Di counted on you."

Zuo Zhou hehe, "Anyway, you have no evidence."


"Okay!" Di Renjie frowned and interrupted the two people who started to cast spells, "You brought wine?"

Zuo Zhou bumped the wine jar in his hand, "Of course you need a gift when you come to visit, or... prepare to throw a glass as a sign!"

Di Renjie rubbed his temples, strode away, and didn't want to talk to him at all.Zuo Zhou and Yuchi Zhenjin are like two bodyguards... Well, I can't say bodyguards, it's unlucky, Zuo Zhou can remember his career as a bodyguard with zero success rate.

The place where Zhuge Zheng and I lived was given by Emperor Qin, and it was not far from the imperial palace, so it didn't take long for Di Renjie and the others to get there.

Taifu, that is, assisting ministers and teachers of the emperor, but in fact there are differences between Taifu and Taifu.

Some grand tutors are powerful figures among the three princes, while others are just the prince's teachers, just because of their reputation.And Zhuge Zhengwo belongs to the latter. Unless Fusu really ascended the throne, he will not change in his life.

But after all, he is a grand tutor, so he still has the style he should have. This mansion is quite large, and it has a feeling of low-key luxury and connotation.

Various items used for ordinary people's decoration are replaced by vegetation, flowers and plants here, turning one's own home into a garden.

"Three masters, please follow me to the living room and wait, Mr. Zhuge will be here soon." The boy in gray clothes who led the way for the three looked polite and spiritual.

Di Renjie obviously knew this young man, and said with a smile, "Dayong, bring me all the good tea from your family."

Dayong shook his head mischievously, "Master Di tricked me. After Mr. Zhuge found out, he must have acted indifferent on the surface. When you leave, he will punish me for copying books."

"Hey, I'm familiar with copying books, and I often ask Ah Xiang to do this." Zuo Zhou was happy.

Dayong looked at Zuo Zhou and sneered: "Then I should have a lot in common with Sister Axiang."

"You'd better not have it, you'll get beaten!"

"Hahaha, why did General Li scare the kids!" Before everyone was seated, they saw Zhuge Zhengwo walking from the backyard laughing.

To be able to come and meet so quickly, it is obvious that Di Renjie also attaches great importance to him.It's just that Zuo Zhou's eyes fell on the girl behind him.

What does the girl say?Beautiful, with great temperament, but the wheelchair is a bit glaring.Well, and the kid behind pushing the wheelchair is kind of annoying too.

Probably because of being scolded before, Jian Chen saw Zuo Zhou at a glance, "It's you!"

"A mere grassroots, so rude, call an adult!"

" are so powerful!"

Zhuge Zheng couldn't laugh or cry, he waved his hand to interrupt the crackling sight of the two of them meeting in the air. "Jian Chen, you know, this is my disciple, Wuqing. Wuqing, I have met Lord Di and Lord Li."

The girl sat on the wheelchair and leaned slightly, "I have seen Lord Di and Lord Li."

Di Renjie nodded, and was about to speak when Zuo Zhou took the lead again, staring at Ruqing's legs, "Girl, are these legs...are they completely broken?"


Everyone's expressions suddenly became brighter, what should I do?Kind of want to hit him.

Zuo Zhou coughed lightly, raised his head and raised his chest, "Don't get me wrong, I'm very good at treating broken legs and feet, the more broken the better, it's not uncommon to treat a broken leg if it's simple!"

The big white legs of the four famous arresters, it's exciting just thinking about it.

The girl seemed to be quite self-cultivated, but she had a cold face but no tone of blame, "Thank you for your kindness, but the meridians in the legs have been poisoned and have died, so there is no cure."

It's not that there is no cure, Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows but didn't waste any more time, but he had a judgment in his heart, hehe, great harvest!

After all, the martial arts novels I read in my previous life are too complicated. If you want to say Zhuge Taifu, I may not remember it. If you want to say Zhuge Zhengwo, Zhuge Shenhou, etc., the four words that pop up in Zuo Zhou's mind are " The Four Famous Catch'.

It's just...the four famous arresters in so many movies and TV dramas are comparable to the existence of idol boy groups. There are warm men, cool guys, romantic, mature and stable, and their professional ability is outstanding. Everywhere they go, fans shout 'Distressed Giegie! '

There was only one version, which turned Wuqing into a female version, and he went to watch this movie because of the female version of Wuqing.Well, a beauty is still a beauty, but I can't say too much, I feel sorry for the ticket money, after all, the most outstanding characters in it have collapsed.

But thanks to Zuo Zhou's lsp heart, he vaguely remembered the plot. Although there will definitely be differences in this world, the general direction should overlap.

Zuo Zhou settled down and sat down. Di Renjie next to him didn't chatter, and cut straight to the point: "I'm here this time because I have some business to understand. It's about... the Thirteen Murderers!"

 Of course it's the female version, no one will read it!

  After being reminded by a book friend, I found out that it was actually recommended, so it really should be updated, but it was too late, and the manuscript was not saved!


(End of this chapter)

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