Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 195 Consult an Expert

Chapter 195 Consult an Expert

"Yayu, you... seem to have some prejudice against Yuan Fang, in fact, he..."

"Uncle, I don't need to say more about my niece's life, but because of this, I have mastered some skills of matching people. Coupled with the assistance of soul-shifting Dafa, my niece can clearly grasp the maliciousness." Ruthlessly interrupted Di Renjie's words, with a pretty face Sha explained: "Since the first time I met Li Yuanfang, he has been quite hostile towards me. When it became clear that I could not be the murderer, although the hostility has diminished, but... still no suspicion Good intentions! Until just now, he actually had doubts about me again, hmph, I have a clear conscience, but I also like others to be suspicious."

Di Renjie froze for a moment, malicious?Harmful?Thinking carefully about Zuo Zhou's performance in Taifu's residence before, he suddenly became happy, "Ya Yu, this gentle lady is a gentleman. Men have some thoughts about women, which can't be simply described as having bad intentions."

Ruthlessly stunned for a moment, but also a little confused for a while, so... the other party is not suspicious of me, but greedy for my body?
Next to him, Dayong threw his fist, "Oh, so this Li Yuanfang is a womanizer, sister, be careful!"

Yuchi Zhenjin glanced at this boy, "There is no man who is not lustful, the only difference is whether he is willing to take responsibility. In my opinion, although Li Yuanfang acts out of character, he is a person who can be trusted for life."

Di Renjie had a good time watching these young people talking nonsense, "I didn't expect Yuchi to defend Yuan Fang. Didn't you all dislike each other before?"

Yuchi Zhenjin acted impartially, "I just can't understand how he is neither big nor small, and doesn't follow the rules, but I'm still very sure of him."

Ruthless found that the problem was getting more and more biased, and continued: "Anyway, I hate him."


Zuo Zhou, who left Dali Temple, did not go home, but went directly to the Imperial Academy.

Soul-shifting Dafa, this name is actually not uncommon. It can often be seen in various fairy tales, but it is very rare in martial arts novels. At least Zuo Zhou can remember the only one that can explain the source systematically.

It is the unique skill recorded in the Nine Yin Manual!

In this world, the Nine-Yin Manual is a top-notch study, and it contains many exercises. In addition to internal and external exercises, there are healing chapters, acupoint acupuncture chapters, light body skills, formations, bone shrinkage and other thaumaturgy, and even the soul-shifting method. There are all kinds of exercises that involve mental power. If you think about it carefully, with this set of unique skills, you don't need to practice anything else.

Zuo Zhou knew that although the Nine Yin Scriptures were good, the upper limit was too low.Although a practitioner can become an all-round master, it is the end of the realm to become a master of the list.

On the contrary, Longevity Jue and Tianmo Policy are also unique skills on the human list. Although it is not easy to get started, their upper limit is quite high, which may help people enter the earth list.

The reason is not that the Nine Yin Manual is really that unbearable, but that most of it contains the restraint method that the author Huang Chang created based on the enemy's martial arts. Naturally, such targeted training methods will not There are many pursuits in the realm.

If Huang Chang hadn't been hunted down by his enemies, with his intelligence, he would definitely be able to create a higher level of unique skills, even surpassing the formula of longevity and the magic trick.

Now Huang Chang is already a bachelor in the Hanlin Academy, if Mr. Ximen hadn't died suddenly, Zuo Zhou would visit him in a few days.Now his wife and children are still at home, so naturally he hasn't researched the Nine Yin Manual.So here comes the question, the Nine Yin Scriptures haven’t come out yet, so where did the soul-shifting Dafa come from?

There is only one source, the system lottery of the exiles!

At this point, it seems that Dingdang, the exile who betrayed the Sheng family, has a reason, and it is nothing more than coveting the Sheng family's secret knowledge.It's not too strange to say that the Sheng family is also a scholarly family, and the maids in the family are naturally disciplined. If they are natives, they will never grow up step by step and will never have the heart of betrayal, nor the courage to betray.Only exiles can ignore slavishness, as long as there is enough temptation, they will not be surprised to do anything.

However, it is uncertain whether this Ding Dong is related to the murder of Mr. Ximen. After all, it is a character who has not appeared before, so no one can say for sure.

But now Zuo Zhou has a few guesses, one of which is the confirmation of the ability of the soul-shifting method. After all, it involves spiritual power. He has to consider the possibility of Mr. Ximen being hypnotized.This requires him to find Huang Chang as soon as possible. Of course, the possibility of this guess is not high, because the murder weapon that killed Mr. Ximen is gone. No matter whether he committed suicide or not, someone must have taken the murder weapon at that time!
If it is so convenient for the enemy to be hypnotized, then taking away the murder weapon is superfluous and illogical.

As for the others, Zuo Zhou had to consider the possibility that Zhuge Zhengwo saved the wrong person back then!

Well, isn't that kind of drama often?In order to protect the master's bloodline, the housekeeper pretended to be his own daughter and son as Miss Young Master, and then died on his behalf. He will take revenge when the Young Miss grows up!

Of course, there are also those kind of concierge children who grow up and come back to take revenge, and the plot is quite unexpected.

But if the person who took the place of death was an exile, that would be interesting. No one else would know, and Zuo Zhou wouldn't even think about it.
Now Zuo Zhou is afraid that this ruthlessness is fake, um, maybe it is some kind of jingle.Then this matter is interesting. If Ruthless is the Ding Dong who once betrayed the Sheng family, do you think she still has contact with Lao Ai's group now?

"This matter is getting more and more interesting!"

Zuo Zhou muttered and entered the Imperial Academy. The Imperial Academy in Daqin is somewhat different from other countries.

In other countries, the Hanlin Academy placed talents in literature, classics, divination, medicine, monks and Taoism, calligraphy and painting, chess and other talents. In addition to serious research and learning, many of them accompanied the royal family to entertain and entertain.It sounds a little unscrupulous, but that's the truth. However, this thing has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages are likely to attract the emperor to do nothing. After all, there is more than one emperor with special interests on the next door to the earth.But the advantage is that it does promote cultural development from a certain perspective.

But Daqin's Hanlin Academy is great, Qin Huang doesn't have so many bad habits, he completely uses the Hanlin Academy as the Academy of Sciences!

In addition to the normal literature research, there is everything that one expects to find in smelting, medicine, business, mechanical engineering, etc. It feels like the Emperor Qin built the Hanlin Academy as the only industrial university in the world.

Correspondingly, the scale of the Imperial Academy is naturally very large. Although it is not far from the imperial palace, its scale is like a university town, even larger than the imperial palace.

Similarly, the guards are also very strict. With the identity card of the official of Zuozhou Dali Temple, he really can't get in. Fortunately, he has no idea of ​​asking for any information. his advice.

Zuo Zhou's attitude is still very respectful, he is a university scholar after all, just like those celebrities in the Three Kingdoms era next door, after meeting, he must show three points of respect.

About a quarter of an hour later, there was the sound of Gada Gada's hooves in the distance. The sound was slow, and even if Zuo Zhou was not seen, one could hear a little bit of leisure and freehand brushwork.

According to the reputation, it was a middle-aged man. Although he was wearing Daqin's official uniform, he was wearing a bun. The most important thing was that the bun was not well tied. Swaying and covering the view in a short while.

From time to time, this middle-aged man has to stretch out his hand to brush his hair, his movements seem to be in a hurry but self-contained, it makes you want to laugh but you don't know why.

"Junior Li Yuanfang, I have met Mr. Huang Chang." Zuo Zhou did not use the etiquette of meeting officials, but respectfully held the disciple salute.

The middle-aged man paused for a moment, then dismounted awkwardly and helplessly, "What's the matter with you? Just let me be a gift from you, I can't even hide!"

Zuo Zhou smiled and asked: "Sir, you are a great talent, why can't you bear the courtesy of a mere disciple?"

Huang Chang looked Li Yuanfang up and down, and finally his eyes fell on the Wushuang sword on his waist, "Hey, it's you, um, you didn't do well!"

Zuo Zhou was slightly stunned, followed his line of sight to look at his own Wushuangjian, and then sighed: "What you taught me, sir, is that I really did not do well. I didn't kill Wei Jinzhong."

Huang Chang seemed very satisfied when he heard the words, and lightly stroked his not-so-thick goatee, "If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. It's great to be kind! Next time you see him, kill him."

"That will definitely kill him!"

Zuo Zhou smiled brightly, he didn't know what Wei Jinzhong did to offend Huang Chang, but he agreed to it.

"The guard said that you have a case and need me to be a consultant? Tell me, what's your problem?" Huang Chang greeted the guard casually, walked to the lawn next to him, and sat down carelessly with the hem of his long coat , the horse next to him even mentioned him in disgust.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhou naturally couldn't restrain himself anymore, and sitting beside him reached out and took out a book of changes from his arms, which was the edition written by Huang Chang.

Huang Chang immediately became excited when he saw it, "Hahahaha, let me just say, there are still people with knowledge in this world!"

"Mr.'s demeanor, the students have admired him for a long time, but the secular world hindered us from meeting him as soon as possible. This time, if the case has not fallen into a dead end, I am afraid that we may not have the chance to meet him."

"There are very few copies of this book, and you and I are destined to be able to read it. Let us know if you have any questions."

Zuo Zhou asked in a low voice: "Do you know the soul-shifting method, sir?"

"What kind are you asking?"


Good guy, I can't fix this directly!
Seeing that Zuo Zhou was at a loss for words, Huang Shang understood, and said slowly: "There are many kinds of soul-shifting methods, and each school and school are different, but except for the Taoist school called Soul-shifting Dafa, the names of other sects are not like this. But basically It can be divided into two categories. One is that the mental power is closely connected with the body to achieve an effect similar to lightness kung fu, and the other is to use the spirit to influence the enemy's soul and control the enemy invisible!"

Zuo Zhou licked his lips and asked with a sneer: "How do you know?"

"I haven't practiced, but I will."

Zuo Zhou wasn't shocked at all, boss, isn't this normal? "Secondly, do you think this soul-shifting method can control a person to slash and slash randomly before committing suicide?"

Huang Chang was funny, "Don't say you committed suicide, you can eat shit!"

The corners of Zuo Zhou's mouth twitched slightly, is it so wild?Suddenly, another thing came to mind, "Then tell me, if you use this method to control people to commit suicide, will there be resentment?"

Huang Chang frowned, "Whether there is resentment is related to the individual and cause and effect, and has nothing to do with whether it is controlled. If the death is controlled by others, then there must be resentment."

(End of this chapter)

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