Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 197 Another dead one

Chapter 197 Another dead one

Duguwei sat honestly in the prison, which was definitely a novel experience for him. In his conscience, the prison environment in Dali Temple was quite good.However, this kind of treatment may not last long. After all, Di Renjie, Li Yuanfang and others came to interrogate him just now, and he didn't say anything, which probably annoyed these people.

And...he just found out that Mr. Ximen was killed!
The corner of Dugu Wei's mouth turned bitter, this was probably fate, he had a premonition before that the imperial capital could not come back, but he did not expect that the first one to leave was Young Master Ximen.No, it should be Ouyang Da, Zhang Xuao and Sun Bugong, hehe, I really don't know what they think, don't you feel ashamed to come back?
A trace of disdain flashed in Duguwei's eyes, people really cannot be compared with each other, these disillusioned people regard the imperial capital as a place of sadness, and they will never come back if they have no choice, while some people just talked about it at the time The sadness of crying, in fact, has no memory, and does not even take it to heart.

Thinking of this, he heaved a long sigh. Of course he had his reasons for not saying anything, but... just now, his inner defense line was almost broken. He never expected that the girl would come. Her mother was exactly the same.For a moment, he almost thought that Sheng Dingtian's wife turned into a hungry ghost and would come to claim her life!
Although he wasn't afraid of death, he didn't want to die. After hearing what happened between Mr. Ximen and those three people, he had to think about whether he wanted to escape?However, from a certain point of view, the prison in Dali Temple should be very safe.It's not that the enemy can't get in, if they can do it in the son-in-law's mansion, then it is reasonable to kill people in the cell of Dali Temple.The reason why he said it was safe was because he felt that Zuo Zhou and the others wouldn't spread their affairs everywhere, and the killer shouldn't know.


"This Duguwei's mouth is really tough, my lord, why don't you use punishment!" Yuchi Zhenjin was a little annoyed.

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "Zhuge Zheng, I've said so much, I really don't know what Duguwei's hidden part is?" It's a pity that none of the three coffins he brought scared Duguwei.

Di Renjie sat in the middle of the lobby, tapped his fingers on the table, and said after a while: "Zhuge Zheng, I was not the murderer back then. It stands to reason that the crime in this matter has little to do with him, so the reason for concealing it It’s nothing more than for the face of the court. But Dugu Wei’s concealment is a bit unreasonable. The only explanation is that this incident was not just caused by the recklessness of the people in the martial arts from the beginning to the end, there may be other reasons, and Dugu Wei You probably already know why."

Zuo Zhou answered, "Zhuge Zheng, I only went to save people after I learned about the actions of the thirteen murderers. In other words, what happened before that, and only the thirteen murderers knew about it."

Dayong raised his hand timidly, "Well... I don't know a word..."

"Talk!" Zuo Zhou waved his hand casually. These natives are always polite, and they are always trembling when facing high-ranking officials.

Dayong sneered, "Well, I always thought that the other seven families were wiped out just because one family didn't suffer! It's too arbitrary to judge that this family has a problem when encountering enemies. No, it can't be said to be arbitrary anymore, it should be said to be... Stupid! But we just saw that Dugu Wei, it seems that he is not as stupid as imagined!"


It was quite embarrassing to say this, and of course everyone knew it was stupid, after all, no matter what time it seemed, there was no need to clean it up.But after all, this is a fact that has already happened. Although it is unbelievable, as a judge who pays attention to evidence, the most taboo thing is to use one's own wisdom on the prisoner.After all, if everyone could be as rational as a bystander, there would be fewer disputes in this world.

As for Zuo Zhou, he actually had no reason to laugh at anything. When he saw Mr. Ximen died, he also slashed a street in a rage!
So it's hard to say how angry the thirteen murderers would be when they learned that the seven upright officials had been exterminated, and how much they could maintain their sanity.

The ruthless expression was very bad, and everyone didn't know how to comfort them when they saw this. She probably hoped that the thirteen murderers at that time could maintain their rationality.

"My lord! My lord! It's not good!"

Suddenly there was an anxious shout from outside, and Zuo Zhou burst out laughing, "Old Di, if I were you, I would fork this thing out!"

Di Renjie gave him an angry look, Mr. Di when there is something wrong, and old Di when there is a problem, is your face loose?
"How decent! Talk about something!"

Di Renjie didn't let the yamen servant who reported the letter go out and knock on the door again, but just reprimanded him a little.

"Duguwei is dead!"


Everyone rushed to the dungeon immediately, and they saw that Duguwei, who was alive and kicking before, had died.

"How long has it been? Is this murderer so blatant?" Yuchi Zhenjin exclaimed, but his heart was a little creepy.

They just finished interrogating Dugu Wei, so he died?Could it be that the murderer is hiding in Dali Temple?

This terrifying thought also flashed through everyone's minds at the same time. The only consolation would be to temporarily exclude everyone present, after all, they were all together before.

"Autopsy first!" Di Renjie's face was very ugly. The prisoner died in the prison of Dali Temple.

The assistant of Dali Temple is a somewhat hunched middle-aged man, one of the few leftovers from Dali Temple back then. In fact, Di Renjie didn't want to leave him behind, but there is really no one available, let alone such a professional talent.

Everyone just looked at him like that. At the beginning, the operation was quite calm, but as the autopsy progressed, his forehead gradually started to sweat.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhou sighed, "Can't find the cause of death?"

"Poisoned to death!" Wu Zuo was sure, but then said a little embarrassedly, "I just don't know what poisoned me, and I can't see how I got poisoned."

Yuchi Zhenjin said anxiously: "You should check carefully!"

The whole face of the crocodile was crowded together and he was about to cry, "The villain is incompetent, I have looked at the whole body, and even checked the scalp carefully, there is not even a needle hole!"

Zuo Zhou was a little upset when he saw the collapse of his work. He unconsciously thought of the Chu family who adopted Chu Chu in the first place, but then he threw away this idea. , but the Chu family are ordinary people, try not to involve them as much as possible, but keep this matter in mind, if you want to form a team in the future, you must pay attention to finding relevant talents.

Di Renjie also felt very awkward, thought for a while and made a quick decision, "An autopsy! Find the cause of his death no matter what."


Wu Zuo wiped the sweat off his face. In this environment, dissection is rare, after all, the natives still don't accept it.But it must be admitted that anatomy is more helpful in discovering the truth.

Dayong was a little worried, "Sister Wuqing, let me push you out."

"No, I want to see who is helping me avenge me! Or... is she hiding something?" Wuqing is obviously also a very stubborn girl.

"Huh? Found it, my lord!"

Wu Zuo happily lifted up Dugu Wei's thigh, that thigh had been cut open, and the meridians could be seen to be rotten and necrotic!
Everyone paused and looked at Wuqing, which also damaged the meridians of the legs. Could it be that it was a kind of poison that Wuqing had fallen into?

Wuqing obviously thought about it, "I'm not sure if it's a toxin, but... I remember that what poisoned me back then was a hidden weapon, similar to a lotus-shaped hidden weapon with the size of a knuckle."

"Poisonous lotus Du Lian, the signature is this kind of hidden weapon. It is said that she is a ruthless woman." Zuo Zhou frowned slightly as he spoke, as if he had thought of something but didn't say anything.

"Look to see if there is anything abnormal. Be careful, everyone. Since it was poisoned, there must be something highly poisonous." Di Renjie said, and Yuchi Zhenjin and the other arresters quickly put on their gloves and entered the cell to start searching.

The cell was located underground, and a lot of straw was laid to prevent moisture, and the cleaning was diligent, and there were no insects, rats and ants.This has created a lot of convenience for everyone's search work.

Zuo Zhou rubbed his chin, looked at Wuqing, and then at Di Renjie, "When I detoxified Wuqing, the antidote was still from Zhuge Zhengwo. To judge whether it belongs to the same poison, I am afraid it will fall on Zhuge Zhengwo. .”

Of course Di Renjie understood what he meant, "Yayu moved here to live with me, he has a lot of resentment towards me, it's hard for us to meet now."

"This is official business, what are you afraid of!"

"That's right, it's official business. As the Minister of Dali Temple, I naturally want to preside over the overall situation here. I will leave it to Yuan Fang to find Zhuge Zhengwo to assist in the investigation!"


Just as Zuo Zhou opened his mouth, Yuchi Zhenjin shouted, "I found it!"

He was holding a silk thread as long as a forearm in his hand. This thread was very thin, showing a gray color, and it seemed to be highly poisonous.If it weren't for everyone turning the cell upside down, it would be hard to find just this inconspicuous gray color.

Wu used tweezers to pick up the gray silk thread, then threw it into a porcelain bowl, and took a little bit of Duguwei's blood and poured it in. Sure enough, the blood turned black quickly.

"It sure is poisonous!"

"What poison?"

Wu Zuo: "..." Isn't your lord embarrassing me?

Di Renjie also knew it was useless, it seemed that in the future he would have to find someone who was familiar with Jianghu sects to do the job, otherwise this job would be really difficult.

"It's enough to confirm that it's this kind of poison. Then... how to inject the poison? Put it in the food along the silk thread? Or directly inject the silk thread into the body?"

Wu Zuo: "..." I'm old, it's time to retire and enjoy life.

Di Renjie was a little annoyed, Zuo Zhou waved his hand, "Forget it, I'd better find Zhuge Zheng and come over here, you guys protect the evidence well, maybe Zhuge Zheng knows me with such a special method, don't let the enemy have a chance to destroy the evidence. Ha ha!"

(End of this chapter)

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