Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 203 Divine Sword Slash!

Chapter 203 Divine Sword Slash!
"Holding the knife, I respect you as a swordsman, put down the knife, you are not even a woman ticketer, look at you, who picked up a girl to please the master, you are a turtle at best!"

Arhat Fist, Eagle Claw Kung Fu, Four Elephant Palm, Mantis Fist, Chicken Fist, Duck Fist, Horse Fist, Dog Fist, Snake Fist...

With one hand, Zuo Zhou pinched the blade of the blade tightly with his fingers to prevent it from moving, and with the other hand, he used all the punches he knew. As he said before, when he couldn't use the sword, This youngest Mo is nothing.

"Yuan Fang, don't beat him to death!" Di Renjie anxiously reminded from behind that Mo Laosan is indeed a bit miserable now, and he is about to be beaten into a pig's head.

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, "Don't worry, I've already taken care of everyone's sensory experience. Every martial art will never attack the same part. Look, don't his facial features look very average now?"


Many yamen servants suddenly realized that what Zuo Zhou said was correct, if every part of the skin was swollen, then you wouldn't be able to see the swell, at most it would be unnaturally fat.

Zuo Zhou stopped, and it could be seen that Mo Laosan had lost consciousness, but he pulled the knife and found that it hadn't let go yet, what should I say?As expected of a swordsman!

In fact, this Mo Laosan is very strong. Judging from Zuo Zhou's fight with him just now, his strength is steadily surpassing the clouds!

This is very surprising. After all, Bu Jingyun is the protagonist of a certain series, and this Mo Laosan can't even be considered a supporting role. How can he have such a strong ability?But Zuo Zhou didn't really care that much, after all, the ghost knows what's behind this big hand.

Speaking of which, Mo Laosan lost so quickly, but his inertial thinking was too serious.He is a pious swordsman himself, but seeing Zuo Zhou's powerful sword, he thought he was also a swordsman.Judging from the process of the confrontation just now, the two formed a stalemate. According to the procedure of the confrontation between swordsmen, the next step is either a competition of skill or a change of tricks. He fights hand to hand.

So, the two pursued differently from the beginning. Mo Laosan regarded this as a swordsman fight, while Zuo Zhou only pursued victory.

"Interesting, generally such a pure swordsman is not common, and someone who can be so devout to the sword must have something that can make him confident."

To put it simply, everyone is gifted, but you don't know what this gift is, and some people may not even know what they are good at all their lives.

Hard work is just the cheapest thing, but it can be owned by individuals, but it will always be a few people who can lead the world to progress.This is because of the existence of talent!
Mo Laosan's love situation also occurs in all walks of life, but there must be a point at the source that can give you confidence that you can go a long way on this road.Or it was a compliment from an elder, or I actually achieved a success, or... I got a unique sword technique!
Zuo Zhou held the machete and stretched it, and found that Mo Laosan was still holding it tightly, Zuo Zhou turned his head, "My lord, this guy is a bit stubborn, can I cut off his hand?"

Di Renjie came up and slapped Zuo Zhou on the back of the head, "You just fell in love with his knife, you can just cut off a finger, why cut your hand."

You are so smart! ...Zuo Zhou jokingly squeezed Mo Laosan's fingers. In fact, he didn't need to cut them so violently. Just crushing his finger bones...huh?

Zuo Zhou suddenly stared at the handle of the scimitar in surprise. The handle was very long and gorgeous, and matched the style of the whole knife very well. However, he turned the weight of the knife and found that the handle of the knife was The handle is not solid.

Suddenly, Zuo Zhou thought of the real Li Yuanfang again, he just hid his martial arts in the handle of the knife.Well, you are dead and still give me lessons?
Zuo Zhou didn't ask to take the knife out of Mo Laosan's hand, and twisted the handle directly, and a roll of parchment popped out of it with a snap.

Zuo Zhou took it casually, and even though Mo Laosan fell down, he opened the parchment, and the densely packed small characters came into view. The more Zuo Zhou read it, the more frightened he was, until the system displayed a prompt.

Slashing with a divine sword, one of the best skills in the earth list, one of the best skills of the Demon Sect's township teachings, it can capture the heart and refine the emotions, only those with great wisdom and wisdom can't practice it, only those with the most affectionate nature can't practice it!
Zuo Zhou lowered his head and glanced at Mo Laosan again, the ground list, the unique skills, no wonder he is so arrogant in practicing knives, if I have such a kind of ground list, I will also... huh?I have a lot of unique skills on the list, ha ha.

Zuo Zhou cheerfully stuffed the parchment into his bosom, and then closed the handle of the scimitar again in a vicious manner. Di Renjie rolled his eyes while watching the whole process.

"Come a few people and carry him back. By the way, it's better to tie him up, than letting him wake up suddenly will hurt you all."

A group of yamen servants ran over carrying the rope, but before they could make a move, Xiaoqing suddenly blocked Zuo Zhou with an umbrella.

"go away!"

Zuo Zhou hugged Xiao Qing, at this time the umbrella was shattered, and a black glow hit Zuo Zhou's Guowei Arhat Fist.

Boom!Just a single move caused the surrounding government servants to fall back and forth, while Di Renjie retreated quickly under the protection of Yuchi Zhenjin.

Huh, Zuo Zhou backed Xiaoqing more than ten meters, leaving two clear marks on the ground, feeling like his shoes were going to be worn out.

"You're stupid! You can block even the strong ones?" Zuo Zhou yelled and threw Xiao Qing behind him, his face serious and cautious like never before.

He has seen strong people on the ground list, but this is the first time that he is tough!Ugh?Why would I want a hard steel front?

I don't know how to be tough when facing Mo Laosan, so why should I be tough when facing Wei Jinzhong?You didn't kill Mr. Ximen, hehe!

In the distance, Wei Jinzhong walked forward holding the magic sword with a mad face. It was a coincidence that he met Li Yuanfang here, which happened to save him to look for it.

Then Zuo Zhou wandered away with Xiaoqing in his arms...

Wei Jinzhong: "..."

He didn't rush to chase, but stopped beside the fainted Mo Laosan, "Hmph, more than success, why don't you take him away?"

A masked man in black quickly jumped over, carrying several belts on his body, each with several curved throwing knives.He picked up Mo Laosan and said, "Eunuch Wei, be careful, then Li Yuanfang took the magic knife!"

Wei Jinzhong was disdainful, "So what if you take it away? Can he practice it right away?"

The masked man in black shook his head, "My father-in-law doesn't know that the magic sword has an unparalleled allure for swordsmen. It can be integrated into any kind of sword technique, and it is a huge improvement in the spiritual realm. So some people learn the magic knife and use it majesticly, while others use it in a tricky and weird way. If the talent is really strong enough, it can even achieve instant results! Of course, instant success will often be taken advantage of by demonic nature. "

"Hmph, even if Li Yuanfang can make it fast, is it possible that he can kill me two more steps?" Wei Jinzhong was extremely disdainful, waved the man in black away, and then began to walk towards the city gate step by step.

He wants to walk slowly, to give the people in the court enough time to feel hopeless, hahahaha!

"Go, stay with Ah Xiang, Zhan Shiqi and the others, stay at home honestly, I will pamper you tonight!"

Xiaoqing was pushed by Zuo Zhou, and she gave him a reproachful look, but she also knew that she couldn't help, so she left quickly.

Here, Di Renjie had already mounted his horse and headed towards the palace, Zuo Zhou followed closely behind, but what he saw along the way found that the court had already made preparations.

A bed and crossbows were densely erected on the roof, and the policemen and officers and soldiers in golden cloaks were waiting in battle in all the alleys.

But Zuo Zhou didn't think this could stop Wei Jinzhong, who was already on the list.

When he came to the palace gate, it was the first time for Zuo Zhou to go so far away from the palace gate. After seeing Zhuge Zhengwo and Lu Xiaofeng who seemed to have been waiting for a long time, he suddenly wondered: "What does this mean? To stop him from this palace gate? It's not enough to rely on just a few of us!"

Zhuge Zheng and I didn't even look at him, Lu Xiaofeng laughed and said: "It's His Majesty's order, but in fact we didn't count you in the first place."

This was a bit heartbreaking, Zuo Zhou took a step back bored, and let's see how to stop him.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, the bed crossbow was the first to fire. The huge three-meter-long arrows pierced Wei Jinzhong's chest.

Wei Jinzhong's wide eyes became more and more crazy, his smile mixed with wrinkles made him look like a lunatic no matter how he looked, a bit like a clown.Still a pretty domineering clown.

"Ha! Hahahaha, no one can stop me today!"

The magic sword thrust into the ground, and the black sword light formed a whirlwind that directly smashed all the crossbow bolts, and the spreading air wave caused the hidden policemen and officers and soldiers to stumble.

Well, some of the people in the martial arts who watched the excitement before had already stayed away wisely at this time, and Caibi was not qualified to watch the battle.

"All officers and soldiers evacuated, this place is beyond your ability to participate, evacuate civilians, rescue collapsed houses everywhere!"

A righteous voice shouted, and saw Bao Zheng riding on a tall horse, as if he didn't see Wei Jinzhong at all, he just lowered his head and directed the police to rescue him.

Wei Jinzhong didn't do anything to him either. After all, he couldn't be the emperor. After Qin Huang was killed, the new emperor would always need some capable ministers to ascend the throne.

He continued to walk forward, and saw a few more people outside the city gate from a distance, Zhan Zhao was dressed in a red dress and had a sword in his hand.

"Hey? Your sword is not bad, is it Juque?" Zuo Zhou wondered.

Zhan Zhao opened his mouth but did not speak with a bitter face, next to him Lu Xiaofeng laughed and said, "I know, it was originally Ju Que, but he exchanged the sword for Zhan Lu as a token of love."

"Then it's a good thing, why this expression?" Zuo Zhou playfully jumped to the front of the fold to see Zhan Zhao's expression.

"Because a strong man took a fancy to the Juque Sword and snatched it from his fiancée." Lu Xiaofeng spread his hands.

Zuo Zhou was amused, "This robber has already taken the head of an official, this is a rebellion!"

Di Renjie rolled his eyes, "Don't rebel at every turn, it's hard to say what's going on in the Jianghu, maybe the people who get robbed will take advantage of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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