Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 217 Who should I kill?

Chapter 217 Who should I kill?

Including the princess and Zuo Zhou, the entire team is about 1000 people, enough to stand on the playground of an elementary school in a fourth- and fifth-tier city.These included some maids rewarded by Emperor Qin, and the rest were mostly guards selected from the Imperial Palace guards, and the cavalry of the Yang family, led by Yang Paifeng.

The nominal leader of the whole team is Zuo Zhou, but the leader is Yang Paifeng, Zuo Zhou is more like a supervisor.

"Oh my god, as the leader of the team, do I have any privileges?" Zuo Zhou felt that he should have some authority.

Yang Paifeng has a pair of smiling eyes, and they are very cute when they are squinted, but Zuo Zhou has always agreed with a philosophy, squinting is a pervert!
This girl got into a fight with him as soon as she left the imperial capital. The main conflict was that she didn't allow Zuo Zhou to have private contact with Qingping!
Is there any reason?Is there still Wang Fa?As the leader of the entire team, I can't even enter the princess' tent at night!What kind of reasoning is this?

"General Li, please respect yourself!"


Yang Paifeng turned it over and dropped it, and just said one sentence, which made Zuo Zhou lose his temper. Do you dare to change it?At least it can reach the level of communication!
"General Li, have you ever offended General Yang?"

Qing Ping poked her head out from the carriage, without hiding anyone, she asked directly.

"Back to the princess, we don't know each other at all!"

Well, now that my identity has changed, I can no longer be called Xiaoqing, I have to be called Princess, even if I know my name, I have to be Qingping.The last time someone received such serious treatment was Qingpingjian.

Qingping glanced at Yang Paifeng when she heard the words, "General Yang, we..."

"Princess, please respect yourself. This matter is of great importance. Although the soldiers of Jiangnan Road don't care, they probably don't want the princess to gain a reputation for lewdness!"

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, can the word 'lewd' be used indiscriminately?Besides, she doesn't seem to be looking very well. Could it be that Qingping is not the one who has enmity with her?

"You have a grudge against me?" Zuo Zhou asked bluntly.

"I've never met face to face." Qingping sighed, thinking about it carefully, she didn't seem to have any intersection with the Yang family army, oh yes, the surname of Yang Cang back then was Yang, but what could it have to do with it?

Zuo Zhou understood, "That's because this girl is naturally angry, after all, she used to be a professional firefighter!"

Yang Paifeng was not angry, and she was even quite proud. She used to be the fire-burning girl of the Yang family. She was allowed to learn martial arts because of her extraordinary talent.No matter what, this is also a model of counterattack of grassroots people getting ahead.

Zuo Zhou didn't know what to do for a while when he ran into such an unreliable person. After all, although Yang Paifeng was not much older than Yang Wenguang in terms of age, he was actually higher than Yang Wenguang in terms of seniority. So the Yang family sent him here, which really represented a lot of meanings.

No matter how upset he was, he couldn't start a conflict at this time, and the other party just didn't want him to get too close to Qingping.

"Tch, when we're done, we'll have a huddle and talk every day, just to see if you can stop it? Hmph!"

Zuo Zhou curled his lips like a team rocket talking harshly, and Qingping shrank back into the carriage helplessly.And Yang Paifeng was still so vicious, and he couldn't see any other emotional changes.

"What's the matter? Do you have a grudge against her?" Nie Feng asked with a smile on his face. After all, Zuo Zhou was the one who taught him the book of picking up girls, so the relationship is quite close.

"I don't know, I've never seen it before." I felt very inexplicable.

Qin Shuang laughed and said, "It must be when you offended someone, but you didn't know it yourself. I noticed it when the team started. She seemed to be looking at you with scrutiny all the time."

"Scrutiny? Which one?" Zuo Zhou was curious.

Qin Shuang thought for a while, and muttered uncertainly, "It's a bit like... looking at juniors."

Zuo Zhou was stunned, his first thought...could it be the romantic debt left by old man Zuo?It's impossible for Zhu Yuyan to have anything to do with the Yang family, it doesn't make sense!
"Forget it, don't mention the bad things, when are you going to leave? Regarding the resignation of the lord of Wushuang City, Emperor Qin has issued an imperial decree, and Nie Feng is the new lord of the city. Face is always necessary, you have to go to Wushuang City to show your face and register or something."

Qin Shuang agreed after hearing the words, "This is indeed the case. The imperial court must always have a righteous name and integrity." As he spoke, he looked at Mingyue who was talking and laughing with Honglankui not far away, "Now Miss Mingyue is already the daughter-in-law of my Tianxiahui. , and the pursuit of Dugu Ming and the fake Dugu party should also be put on the agenda."

Zuo Zhou was not surprised. They were in need before, so Concubine Xiao secretly let Dugu Ming and his son go and let them protect them secretly. When they returned to the imperial capital, the father and son had no idea where they had gone.

Qin Shuang's approach is also the orthodox way of people in the world. Cutting grass must be eradicated. Besides, as the newly appointed Wushuang City Lord, avenging the old City Lord is also a good way to win people's hearts.

Zuo Zhou thought about it and looked at Nie Feng with a gossipy face, "Hey, I heard that when you were in the son-in-law's mansion, you and Miss Mingyue lived in the same room?"

Nie Feng blushed, showing a rare expression of shyness, " took the initiative!"

"Well, I believe that, I often encounter this kind of thing."


Qin Shuang shook his head in disgust, and looked at Bu Jingyun, who was a bit out of touch not far away, as if he had been a little absent-minded since he was on the road.

Zuo Zhou was not surprised, because Shuang'er had already confessed everything, and now Bu Jingyun had already been blacklisted by the Tianxiahui, and only Nie Feng and Qin Shuang didn't know about it.Once close to the Tianxiahui's sphere of influence, the drama of brothers fighting against each other can begin.

I'm afraid this guy is thinking about how to get out, right?
In contrast to the low pressure beside Bu Jingyun, there is the very talkative Jian Chen on the other side. This young man who has just come out of the rivers and lakes seems to have a little interest in Wuqing. He follows Wuqing every day, and it is difficult for him to face Wuqing. The cold temper can still keep talking.

Ugh?Could this be the legendary social bullying syndrome!

Whoa, whoa!

Suddenly, there was a strange sound in the sky, Zuo Zhou looked up, good guy, the sky is full of homing pigeons.

These homing pigeons lowered their altitude one after another to land next to the target, making bird droppings all over the ground for a while, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Haha, hahaha, everyone, don't be embarrassed, everyone should know that our team is complicated, so quickly pick up the carrier pigeons and have a look, maybe there is some information that can save your life!"


No one moved, isn't moving at this time equivalent to a violent wolf?He will be killed by the sword, look, Li Yuanfang even raised the sword!

After waiting for a while, Yang Paifeng picked out one from the group of pigeons. It was obvious that the Yang family had its own information channel, and he didn't know what he said. He just saw her glance at Zuo Zhou after reading the note.

"Huh? Is it related to Lao Tzu?"

Forget it, let's not be cowardly now, and follow up with any tricks.Then continue to focus on other people, just want to see someone jump out and get stabbed.

Then it was the iron hand that moved, obviously Zhuge Zhengwo also had his own connections.

But Zuo Zhou didn't care, Zhuge Zheng and I were only concerned about the case of the Eight Gentlemen. Now that Mo Laosan was exposed, although he would go back to Jiangnan Road, he must hide it. They won't be so easy to find.This requires a lot of hard work, and it would be great if Zhuge Zhengwo was willing to use his connections in the Jianghu.

The person who came out next surprised him a bit, it turned out to be Bu Jingyun!

He picked up a carrier pigeon, opened it to look, and said with a look of surprise and worry: "It's a letter from my disciple of Feiyun Hall. The leader of the gang was plotted against by the Twelve Demons of Tianchi, and his eyes were blinded!"


Nie Feng and Qin Shuang stood up abruptly, speechless for a moment in shock, Xiongba!That is also an existence close to the sky in their hearts, and they were plotted against?

Zuo Zhou smiled secretly, and returned Feiyuntang disciple, I think it is Wei Xiaobao!
Qin Shuang frowned and instinctively felt that something was wrong. After thinking for a while, he lowered his head to look for it, and found that there were also pigeons from Tianshuangtang among the pigeons. This discovery surprised him a bit. He hadn't heard from the Tianxiahui for a long time. Yes, I used to think that in the imperial capital, the messenger pigeons could not fly in, but after leaving the imperial capital, there is still no news, which is a bit wrong.

Qin Shuang picked up the pigeon, opened the letter to check, but snorted coldly.

Nie Feng hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?" He also wanted to find the carrier pigeon of Shenfengtang, but he couldn't find it, but he thought about it, after all, he was with Senior Brother Shuang. Just let us know through Tianshuangtang Pigeon.

"Master ordered us to delay returning to Tianxiahui, and hunt down and kill the Twelve Demons of Tianchi with all our strength!"

Nie Feng was a little embarrassed, "How do we hunt them down? We simply don't know where the Twelve Demons of Tianchi are?"

Qin Shuang also frowned anxiously, and while freezing the note into pieces, he said, "It must be Wen Chou Chou's bad idea again. The Jianghu is so big, if the Twelve Demons of Tianchi want to run away, how can we find it?"

Bu Jingyun continued at this time: "Let's go to Wushuang City with Junior Brother Feng first, and deal with Emperor Qin's business, and then try to get rid of the Twelve Demons of Tianchi."

"Senior Brother Yun is right, Feng, Emperor Qin's order has been issued, and it is not easy to resist it." Mingyue's entire body stuck to Nie Feng's body, looking very attached.

Nie Feng stopped thinking immediately, "Let's go back to Wushuang City first."

Qin Shuang had no choice but to say, "That's the only way to go."

Zuo Zhou watched the situation change, and he was already laughing in his heart. According to the information Wei Xiaobao gave him, after Xiongba recovered from his injury, he returned to the Tianxiahui, and immediately announced the matter of the three traitors to the world, and then even banned them. Feiyuntang, Shenfengtang and Tianshuangtang.As for the Twelve Demons of Tianchi, it was not easy, Tonghuang disappeared, they had no leader, and with Xiongba's attack, a few were killed on the spot, and then they all scattered, and no one knew where they went after that.

(End of this chapter)

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