Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 219 Baijian Villa and Famous Sword Villa

Chapter 219 Baijian Villa and Famous Sword Villa

The stool smashed hard on the ground, probably because the movement was too big and too slow, Zuo Zhou's move didn't hit the enemy, but it didn't matter.Because the enemy is scared out!

I saw a figure rolling out of the shadow with a whoosh, as if a pile of ink was separated from the shadow, and then the ink turned into a human form.

This is a rather slender female assassin, wearing a black gauze mask and a standard night gown, she can tell at a glance that she is not a kind person.

She looked at Zuo Zhou in shock. She probably didn't know how she was found out, but this did not affect her performance of the task. She turned around and rushed towards Qingping. prick.

Qingping was a little surprised but not afraid at all, she just stepped back a little lightly, two female soldiers of the Yang family had already handed over their spears, and with a flicker of cold light at two o'clock, they pushed aside the steel thorns, piercing through the eyes!

Zuo Zhou didn't make a move, just took a breather, these two girls' marksmanship is really good, they are already better than the second-rank masters in the world, is this the elite of the Yang family?Of course, this wasn't enough to surprise him, a congenital master. The point is, he found that this marksmanship was extremely familiar?

what's going on?He didn't remember what kind of marksman he was with... oh yes, he had fought against a spear-wielding guy from the Azure Dragon Society, but that guy's marksmanship was definitely not like this.So... Could it be that I really scumbed a girl from the Yang family before, and then forgot about it?

Amnesia meme is too sloppy, he never plays it!
Hoo hoo hoo, the two female soldiers of the Yang family cooperated very tacitly with their marksmanship, swiping horizontally seemed to weave a big net in front of Qingping, even if the assassin's movements were weird, he couldn't break through at all.

The guards outside the tent had already heard the change, several female soldiers decisively tore the tent apart, rushed in from all angles to protect Qingping, and pointed their spears faintly at the assassin.

At this point, the female assassin also knew that she couldn't perform meritorious deeds, but she saw that she threw off the black robe, and she didn't know what mechanism was added to the black robe. It turned into fireworks and burned in mid-air, emitting a burst of colorful smoke to block everyone. line of sight.She herself was short and wanted to get into the shadow again!
"Where to go!"

When Yang Paifeng arrived, he stood outside the tent with his spear horizontally, just in time to see the scene where the female assassin entered the shadow, he waved his hand and threw the spear out with such force that it was directly nailed into the shadow and poured three feet into the ground.

However, it is a pity that the assassin was not shot out. It can be seen that the attack shadow has no effect. Just now Zuo Zhou was completely scared out of the sneak attack.

"I see!"

Zuo Zhou chuckled and raised a chair again, hoo, this time the force was stronger, but the part he attacked was not the shadow but a slightly higher position.

Bang, the chair was smashed, and the female assassin reappeared, but this time she was clutching one arm in embarrassment, obviously the blow just now was not light.

Yang Paifeng's eyes lit up, his movements were straight and reckless, the female assassin passed him before he could react, and then the female assassin fell to the ground with blood splattering from her limbs, obviously her limbs were broken and she couldn't get up again .

This hand is amazing!
Yang Paifeng is obviously a traditional military master. Apart from horse fighting spears, he also has a pair of double knives hanging on his waist as secondary weapons.And the body technique is even more straightforward. This kind of master often has a very strong impact, especially in the first few moves.


Yang Paifeng danced with two sabers and put the flowers back into the scabbard, which is called a heroic posture.

"Woo, poof!"

The female assassin vomited blood and died.

Yang Paifeng: "..."

Qingping: "..."

All the female soldiers: "..."

"Look, there's an old saying, don't pretend to be coquettish, don't pretend to be coquettish, pretend to be coquettish... Anyway, you can't be handsome for three seconds."

Yang Paifeng ignored Zuo Zhou's verbal sarcasm, and was still in a dazed state, " did she die?"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, looking at the innocent face of the other party, he couldn't get angry, "General Yang is afraid that he has never dealt with spies like dead men, and they usually have poison in their mouths or clothes. .Once the mission fails and is captured, they will take poison and kill themselves. So to deal with this kind of people, it is useless for you to break their tendons, you have to remove their jaws. Of course, even this is not foolproof. The ones who really want to die It’s hard for people to defend themselves.”

Yang Paifeng used to deal with bandits or enemy soldiers. How could he know that there were so many twists and turns, "Then it won't work if you tie it up?"

"Hey, you should also pay attention to the lethality of the rope. Some ruthless people use the rope to scratch many wounds on their bodies. If you don't pay attention, you will bleed too much and die."

"..." Yang Paifeng's three views seemed to have been greatly impacted, his face was cloudy for a while, and when he came back to his senses, Zuo Zhou had already started to turn over the female assassin's body.

"It scares the snake!"

"What do you mean?"

Zuo Zhou got up slowly, and handed the two steel thorns to Yang Paifeng. The latter took it and found that there was a blurred mark on it. It seemed that someone had wiped it off forcefully, but it might have been too hasty and not completely wiped off. It can be vaguely distinguished that it belongs to the imprint of Mingjian Villa.

"The assassin on Jiangnan Road!" Yang Paifeng exclaimed.

The weapons of Daqin also had standard standards, but due to its vast territory, it was unrealistic for a unified arsenal to produce weapons and then transport them to various armies before there was a modern transportation capability.Therefore, each army at the level of Jiangnan Road and Jiannan Road has its own designated arsenal.

The arsenal designated by the Jiannan Dao army is Baijian Mountain Villa. Yes, it is quite famous to Zuo Zhou, because their naming skills are very poor. Well, it is the place that produces peerless swords.But I don't know why, Sword Sword Villa used to be very famous in the weapon circle, but then it seems to have provoked a certain enemy, the owner of the house and a group of skilled craftsmen were all wiped out.The skills of the remaining craftsmen are obviously not good enough. If they used to take the high-end route, they are now actively down-to-earth.

To put it another way, when Chen Ying didn't die, except for the military standard weapons, all the elite weapons were made by the Yu family. It can be seen how bad the level of Baijian Villa is now!

However, I heard that the previous patriarch had built many good weapons and sealed them in the sword tomb of Sword Worship Villa, but no one knew how to open them until now.

As for Jiangnan Road, it is different. The south has been a land of prosperity since ancient times, and it is often called the land of fish and rice.So in the past, there were also many forces that established the country there.And this complicated situation has created a strange situation, the place responsible for making weapons for multiple countries is the same, namely the famous sword villa!
Yi Yun, the old owner of Famous Sword Villa, is a master of personal rankings. Not only is he powerful, but he is also good at dancing. He has maintained good relations with various countries and forces. In addition, he has always been neutral, so he survived in the cracks.

After the Great Qin Iron Cavalry swept the world and many countries were destroyed, the business of Mingjian Villa naturally shrank a lot, but even so, they are now also supplying the weapons needed by the Jiangnan Dao Army and the Song Army.

Of course, the most commendable thing is that the technology of Mingjian Villa is good, they can mass-produce standard weapons, and they can also customize elite weapons.However, due to the requirements of various countries, unless they are the villa's own people, they will not accept business from individual tourists from the rivers and lakes.

In other words, this female assassin is either from Mingjian Villa or from the Jiangnan Taoist Army, so do you even need to think about it?
"Are you sure?" Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows.

Yang Paifeng nodded affirmatively, and while looking at the pair of steel thorns, he explained: "The weapons ordered by Mingjian Villa will have a special mark, and then recorded in the Villa's weapon list. No one will be so stupid as to imitate, because That's stupid, and it only takes a trip to tell the truth from the fake."

Zuo Zhou was amused, "Then would you send an assassin with such an obvious sign to assassinate?"

"..." Yang Paifeng was silent for a while, and after waiting for a long time, Zuo Zhou couldn't explain, so he could only ask helplessly, "What do you mean?"

"The weapons may come from the army of Jiangnan Dao, but the person may not be from Zi Yu. The previous Mo Laosan is an example! And..." Zuo Zhou said, pointing to the corpse, "This female assassin has no appearance in the team. Identity, that is to say, she has no place to live, and she does not have supplies such as dry food for long-distance travel on her body. In other words, her role is to deliver news and assassinate. If the assassination fails, then blame Ziyu. Let us lose Even if Princess Qingping is killed, Zi Yu can also be held accountable. In this way, Tian Zhan is the one who is most likely to grasp the hearts of the Jiangnan Dao army."

"So... this is actually Tian Zhan's person?" Yang Paifeng looked stunned.

Can I say that he is a member of the Blue Dragon Society? ... "General Yang really knows everything, Bingxue is really smart!"

Yang Paifeng's face turned cold immediately, "Hmph, you're so glib, you're all dirty when you're playing tricks!"

Left boat (⊙_⊙)?
The scene fell into embarrassment again for a moment. A guard carried away the assassin's body, but Princess Qingping approached her and asked with a smile, "How did you find her?"

Zuo Zhou hugged Princess Qingping's slender waist, "I have suffered a lot before, and I was a little dazed, but now I want to smash it when I see the shadow that is not pleasing to the eye. And, I often think that the mirror represents a couple." Master and apprentice, will the shadow be the same? Who knows, it seems that this shadow represents a school!"

"Then how did you hit her, why didn't I hit her?" Yang Paifeng was curious.

Zuo Zhou o(^`)o
Qingping's whole body seemed to be squeezed into his body, she asked softly: "Then how did you hit her?"

Zuo Zhou smiled and said: "When General Yang threw his spear to attack, I found that there was a very short-lived twisted ripple in the space above the shadow. Only then did I understand the principle of this technique. It is actually a kind of illusion. Changing, producing an effect similar to the refraction of light into the water. She didn't really blend into the shadow, so she was like a fish swimming in the water, attacking a point above the shadow she saw."

(End of this chapter)

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