Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 222 How can the bright moon shine on the ditch?

Chapter 222 How can the bright moon shine on the ditch?
Zuo Zhou doesn't like to be passive, because once he falls into a passive position, he subconsciously wants to find someone to discuss it with. If you don't have anyone to help you analyze it, then you have to waste your brain cells and solve the problem by yourself, which is very tiring.

Well, in the final analysis, he is still a bit lazy. He hopes that his life can be spent peacefully like the first 16 years, instead of so many things happening in this year.

Zuo Zhou wobbled back to the City Lord's Mansion. He didn't move Dugu Ming's body. He just stabbed a flying knife with a report letter on the gate of the City Lord's Mansion. The body collection was left to Nie Feng. Well, maybe with Dugu Ming's corpse, he can get more love and affection from the people in the city.

As for himself, he walked out of Princess Qingping's room, and... before he got close, he saw two female soldiers glaring at him!

"Hey, I'm busy here, I still don't sleep at this late hour, hahaha!" Zuo Zhou laughed dryly.

"Master Li doesn't sleep, how dare we sleep?"


Well, I didn't expect the elite female soldiers of the Yang family to know how to bicker and taunt, how clever.

Zuo Zhou turned and left bored, and was about to go back to his room to sleep after a round of shopping, but found two girls sitting on the roof.

"Are you two... admiring the moonlight?"

The red sunflower and the blue sunflower lowered their heads at the same time, and the blue sunflower said rather lonelyly: "In just a dozen years, the world has changed so fast, it seems that even the moon is different!"

Zuo Zhou felt a toothache when he heard this Youyou's tone, but he didn't expect Xiaolan to be quite artistic.

But I heard Hongkui ask again: "What? Was it blocked by those female soldiers again?"

"It's just that we don't want to get stuck. We're not sending the princess to get married. It's not up to them to care who the princess is with. But the team still needs the best of the Yang family, so we can't get stuck. Besides, along the way, Yang Paifeng has nothing but It's pretty cooperative except for stopping me, and I have to give her some face."

Lan Kui continued: "My elder brother used to be like this, he would consider this and that, aren't you tired?"

Zuo Zhou was funny, and Fei took the room and sat beside Lan Kui, "This world is like this, if you want to get something, you have to lose something. The difference is that you don't care about what you lose."

"Must be like this?"

Zuo Zhou paused and shook his head, "Some people say that knowing how to compromise is a sign of growing up and becoming mature. It is true that on the surface it is indeed difficult, and it is harder than living a wanton life! But this is not actually a sign of so-called maturity and growth. It doesn't mean it's right. There are always various ways to achieve a goal, and compromise is just one of them, and it's a relatively simple way."

"Take the assassination of Emperor Qin as an example. It is difficult, but it is not impossible. A positive example is Wuming who forcibly gained a reputation as a martial arts myth. A negative example is Wei Jinzhong, who cleverly used the sky-wrath mental method to summon the sky-thunder strike Myself. Two choices and two endings, the former relies on the hard power developed step by step, and the latter is opportunistic. Obviously the former is more difficult and more stable, while the latter is simpler but has huge hidden dangers."

The red and blue sunflowers obviously understood what Zuo Zhou meant, and they stopped talking for a while, and Zuo Zhou didn't bother them. The sudden sentimentality of the two girls probably meant that they wanted to do something, something that required sacrifice.

Then of course he has to talk about it, if it takes time and effort to change things, don't always think about taking shortcuts.Because what you sacrifice is often more precious than the time and sweat you put in.

"I want to cry, but I can't cry." Lan Kui suddenly hugged Hong Kui pitifully, her face squeezed against Hong Kui's chest, deformed.

Zuo Zhou glanced at it, hey, what a big face, why didn't he notice it before?Can this puppet change according to the soul?
Speaking of it, Zuo Zhou felt that these two puppets were not simple anymore. If he had expected correctly, it was definitely out of good intentions when the wax man Zhang gave the two puppets to the baby.Because as long as the dolls and girls can care for the puppet with heart, they will find that the puppet has the effect of nurturing the soul.Then they can give up their bodies and continue to live as puppets, which is also considered to be under the control of the Tong Huang.

It's a pity that Wawa's two daughters have changed from victims to perpetrators. Not only did they fail to understand Waxman Zhang's kindness, they even killed them ungratefully... So he really died?It's a bit too simple, a person with this kind of craftsmanship can die so easily?
Zuo Zhou once again recalled the pictures in Doll's memory, and was a little uncertain for a while, so he could only wait for the opportunity to go to the Song Kingdom, and then take a look.

With one move, Hongkui grabbed Zuo Zhou's eyeballs. If Zuo Zhou hadn't reacted in time, he would have been blind.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Where are you looking!"


Well, just now Zuo Zhou was a little obsessed with thinking about things, but you are exaggerating. Do I have to tell you about the puppet that I have studied in detail?
"I'm too lazy to talk to you, but I just want to remind you that these two puppets are my property. You are just tenants at best, and it's fine if you don't pay the rent. If you do something to damage the furniture, I'll... I'll dig you The grave of Prince Jiang Guo!"

Lan Kui stopped crying immediately, and looked at him blankly, how could he threaten Sword Soul like this?
Hongkui directly grabbed two tiles and shot at them, but Zuo Zhou had already run away.

Zuo Zhou, who returned to the room, did not enter the dream space immediately, he was always thinking.

The exile forces in Wushuang City don't know whether they are enemies or friends, but he is afraid that no one will be able to trust him here in the future.Exiles can't do it, and neither can the natives. Although it seems that the Yang family is on the same front as him for the time being, but with Yang Paifeng's naive appearance, you can rest assured to discuss it with her?
"Oh, it would be great if Lao Di was by my side at this time!"


Early the next morning, when Zuo Zhou was still stretching, Qin Shuang, Nie Feng and the others took people out. It's a pity that they went out with high spirits, but when they came back, they looked depressed and gloomy.

"What's up, buddy? Didn't sleep well at night?"

Zuo Zhou just asked casually, but found that Nie Feng blushed a little, probably playing with Mingyue late last night.

Mingyue is more generous than Nie Feng, "Someone said before that there was a flying knife in front of the door, and there was a letter from Daoshan, saying that Duguming was dead and was somewhere in the city at the moment. So we took people there, but found there A raging fire was ignited. After we put out the fire with palm wind, we found that Dugu Ming's body had been severely damaged."

Zuo Zhou was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Nie Feng pretending to be serious, "It seems that some people hate Dugu Ming more than us, this is a good thing, don't always be so sad!"

Nie Feng let out a long sigh. Although he always felt that something was wrong, he had no choice but to give up. After all, their conflict with Dugu Ming was only about Wushuang City.If Dugu Ming didn't die, they might take some precautions. Now that they're all dead, they can sleep peacefully and think about nothing.

"What General Li said is not wrong, and this is considered a good thing. That Dugu Ming was domineering in Wushuang City back then, and now this retribution is due to karma."

Nie Feng nodded and said no more, obviously Mingyue's consolation was quite effective.

Zuo Zhou smiled and watched the two leave, then ran to see Duguming's body.

When he saw the charred corpse, he suddenly became happy. You see, this temptation is very useful, isn't the enemy's tail exposed!

Yes, that's right, putting a knife in the door to send a letter is a temptation!
Zuo Zhou wanted to know to what extent this exile force had infiltrated Wushuang City, especially how much energy it had in the City Lord's Mansion.After all, the City Lord's Mansion is now occupied by the elite of the Yang family and the princess guards. Apart from some old people from Wushuang City who were originally loyal to Mingyue, there are not many outsiders.

But I didn't expect that the first person who found out that the letter was delivered was not the princess guard or the elite of the Yang family, but a hostile force!

If it is ruled out that it is really unlucky to happen to be seen by the enemy, it can only show that the influence of this exile is very powerful.Moreover, they even had time to use the fire to destroy the corpses, so this time was considered abundant. was this fire that made Zuo Zhou almost burst out laughing. Fortunately, Zuo Zhou was a professional, otherwise he couldn't help it.

There is a saying that the more you do, the more mistakes you will make. This sentence is especially applicable to murderers. If the exile forces take Dugu Ming's body away, it will be fine, but it will be set on fire.

Just now Mingyue said that the corpse had been burned, but she said it was Duguming's corpse!

Well, listen, isn't that a bit contradictory?
Is Nie Feng stupid?He's not stupid, he won't take the negligence of seeing an unidentifiable corpse and easily identifying it as someone else.

There is only one situation that can make him make such a mistake, and that is if someone who has a special right to speak and is trustworthy tells him so, he will believe it.

And there is only one such person in the entire Wushuang City, and that is... Mingyue!
As a person who grew up in Wushuang City, she must be very familiar with Dugu Ming, and she has a close relationship with Nie Feng. If she said that the corpse was Dugu Ming, then Nie Feng would definitely believe it.

"Do you have any clues?"

A cold voice sounded beside Zuo Zhou, Zuo Zhou came back to his senses and looked down to see the ruthless and suspicious eyes.

Zuo Zhou laughed, "I'm a general, and I don't specialize in solving crimes. If you are interested in this matter, then you can take it. Don't worry, if you can't solve the case, I will definitely come down and join you!" "


Tie Youxia was at the side to examine the corpse, and got up a little embarrassed when he heard this, "This... Is there any misunderstanding? I think..."

"I don't want you to think, as long as I think! This team is dominated by me, whether Dugu Ming dies or not is none of my business? Me, and you, our task is to protect the princess and reach Jiangnan Road, and then expose Zi Yu's true colors and regain the power of the army." You, including me, and the Eight Gentlemen’s tragedy, are all issues that can be considered later!”

Zuo Zhou began to release his murderous aura early in the morning, not because he was angry, but because speaking like this would be very powerful, and it also paralyzed the forces of the exiles. After all, it is still uncertain whether Mingyue is an enemy or a friend, so there is no need to offend.

(End of this chapter)

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