Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 232 I'm Mo Lao 3, The Clever Batch 1

Chapter 232 I am the third child, a smart group

"Look, look, you're really hooked!"

After waiting for less than half an hour, those people who originally wanted to sneak into Muming Town came back, but they didn't expect that there were still people watching them from the tallest building in Muming Town.

"Actually, I've wanted to ask since just now, does your master often live on the highest floor?"

Jian Chen couldn't keep up with this person's thinking at all, "General, this surveillance is a serious matter, if you don't do it, you can leave it to others."

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it, and besides, can you find other people with such good eyesight as mine?" Zuo Zhou raised his chin arrogantly, "I just want to know, does your master often look down at the window like this?"

Jian Chen made him lose his temper, "Yes, I can see it occasionally."

Zuo Zhou smiled with satisfaction, "Sure enough, big bosses like to look down on all living beings from above, or why the leaders of any country like to speak from a high place, and if I pretend to be aggressive in the future, I have to find a good view The place."

Jianchen Sanguan was shocked, and looked at him in disbelief, "You've been talking for a long time because of this?"

"Otherwise? Is there anything more important than this?" Zuo Zhou turned and went downstairs as if it was a matter of course.

Soon, I saw Qingping and Wuqing who were joking and chatting, "The enemy has already entered. If it's as expected, they will definitely attack tonight. Besides, there is good news!"

Zuo Zhou said and looked at Wu Qing, who was slightly surprised, "Is it related to me?"

"you guess!"


"Don't make trouble." Qingping patted him funny.

Zuo Zhou pursed his lips boredly, with no meaning at all, "Actually, I have been thinking about who will come to the door at this time. Xiongba probably doesn't have the time and energy to face the imperial court's siege. Very urgent, but besides mobilizing the army, he has no redundant or supportive quack masters at all."

Wuqing is very smart, and he gradually became excited when he heard the words, "So only Qinglonghui meets the requirements in terms of motivation and strength, and Mo Gesan is the one who comes!"

"Correct me, now he is called Mo Laosan. He has a good sword technique, so he needs to pay attention! Of course, he failed last time. Although I played tricks for the reason, his strength should not be underestimated. What's more, he also brought a lot of swords. Few masters come over, each of them is quite bluffing."

"Leave Mo Laosan to me!"

Zuo Zhou had never thought that Wuqing's attitude was so firm, but he also understood the hatred in the other party's heart, "Are you sure? This Mo Laosan is not weak."

"I'm not weak either! What's more... Only when he faces me can he tell the whole story."

Seeing that Wuqing is so determined, Zuo Zhou didn't want to say much, so he just turned his head and pulled Jian Chen, and said in a low voice: "Hey, this is a good opportunity for you to be courteous, Wuqing has always been bitter about her enemies, you just need to capture these people alive That can change her opinion of you."

Jian Chen has also grown up now, Zuo Zhou looked at him suspiciously immediately after speaking, "You don't want to cheat me again, do you?"

"Why do you say again? Have I cheated you before? What I told you was wrong and unreasonable, but you didn't do it well yourself."

Zuo Zhou was always righteous when he fooled people, and with Jianchen's city, he really couldn't expose it.

Jian Chen thought for a while, and immediately called the shopkeeper, "We take the initiative to attack!"

Zuo Zhou nodded in relief from behind, very good, he finally did not teach in vain.


Half an hour later, there was an inn, and Mo Laosan was sitting in the room slowly wiping his scimitar, and beside him was a subordinate who reported the situation and a corpse whose head had been chopped off.

"My lord, I just went out to inquire about it, and Li Yuanfang indeed came to Muming Town with me."

Mo Laosan paused slightly, a little strangely, "Didn't Li Yuanfang follow the Siege and Suppress Tianxiahui? That's impossible!"

There are a group of old Yinbi in the Qinglong Club, who like to play tricks and tricks, and this time is the same.The imperial court wanted to take action against the Tianxiahui, and the Qinglonghui had always looked at the Tianxiahui as disliked, so it also contributed to the flames in secret.

But regarding the military power of the Jiangnan Dao, the Azure Dragon Society has always been determined to win, so they are actually as eager as Zi Yu.The period from the imperial capital to Jiangnan Road was their only chance to kill Qingping.

It's just different from Ziyu's simple and straightforward, Qinglonghui first made a trick to advance the time of the Siege of the World, intending to transfer the guards around Princess Qingping, but it didn't expect that Li Yuanfang didn't go with Yang Paifeng, On the contrary, she protected Princess Qingping and hid in Muming Town.

"What went wrong?" Mo Laosan thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that they had followed Princess Qingping to Li Yuanfang's house. Could it be that Li Yuanfang just felt sorry for Qingping, so she rejected Yang Paifeng?This... This is a rebellion, isn't he afraid of blaming him afterwards?
Mo Laosan couldn't figure it out for a while, although as a man, as long as his orientation is normal, there is nothing bad about being lustful, but some men have more careerism than lust, so this kind of people don't understand why some people give up everything because of feelings .

Of course, Mo Laosan was a little bit self-important, he never considered that it was Zuo Zhou who saw through their plan.

"My lord, this Li Yuanfang is not easy to deal with! Even Eunuch Wei..."

"Shut up! Don't grow others' ambition!"

Mo Laosan scolded, but then said very honestly: "You go out of the city now, and find a little red in the Central Plains."

The subordinate wondered: "This... Zhongyuan Yidianhong may not agree to kill people in Muming Town."

Mo Laosan shook his head, "Don't worry, he owes you kindness, and he will definitely help. Besides, we don't need him to succeed, as long as he can successfully hold Li Yuanfang down. At that time, you will all cooperate with him in attacking, and I will help you." Then take the opportunity to go in and assassinate Princess Qingping."

"Yes, little man..."

boom!With a crisp sound, the door of the inn was smashed open, more than 30 guards broke in, and what they saw was a large number of innkeepers and waiters lying dead on the ground.

But it turned out that in order to be able to hide his whereabouts, Mo Laosan deliberately found an inn with little traffic, and then killed people to monopolize it.

"Let's capture Mo Laosan without a fight!"

Jian Chen personally led the team into the door and was the first to win, but Mo Laosan was more decisive than he thought, and when he heard the other party called his name, he ignored him and directly grabbed his subordinates and threw him out of the window.And he stretched out his hand to wipe the blood on the corpse next to him, then fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

Jian Chen never dreamed that the enemy would have such an operation. Several enemies surrounded him, and he took them as stabbed to death. However, when he searched the second floor, he didn't see Mo Laosan except for the bloody corpse lying on the ground. At this time, the guards guarding outside shouted that someone jumped out of the window and escaped.

Jian Chen didn't even think about it, turned around and chased after him, while Mo Laosan, who was pretending to be dead, immediately got up, feeling extremely puzzled, where did he leak his whereabouts?
No matter how the whereabouts are leaked, this Muming Town can't stay here, let's go first.So he rushed out the door and grabbed a fast horse in the stable and rushed out of the city.

Because Jian Chen focused all his attention on that subordinate, he perfectly missed Mo Laosan.

It's just that this scene happened to be seen by Zuo Zhou on the Zhonghua Pavilion, "It's not enough!" With a sigh, Zuo Zhou drew out the seven arrows and drew his hard bow, but...seeing Mo Laosan ran far away from the city, he Slowly let go of the bowstring.

Although Lianzhu arrow is good, but it is easy to kill Mo Laosan with one arrow!

If this is dead, ruthless hatred is nothing, but how can I find Du Lian, how can I find the murderer who killed Mr. Ximen?

"Tsk tsk, forget it, anyway, you will come back later."

Zuo Zhou put away his hard bow, turned around and sat with Qingping, they kissed me and waited for the news of Jianchen's failure.During the process, the scene was so sweet and ruthless, she blushed relentlessly, she deliberately avoided it, but she was worried about Jianchen's affairs, and wanted to know the result as soon as possible.

Seeing Wuqing blushing over there, Zuo Zhou thought it was interesting, and suddenly slapped Qingping on the buttocks, which made Qingping coquettish, and made Wuqing's breathing quicken, well, the jargon in the circle is called 456!

"Hey, if I were you, I would go and act with Jian Chen, it would be better than waiting here now!"

Ruthlessly suppressed the ups and downs in his heart, "Mr. Zhuge wants to match Jianchen and me."

Zuo Zhou and Qingping were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other with a smile and said, "Usually, even if a girl knows about this kind of thing, she won't say it out loud, don't mean anything to him."

He is ruthless and does not hide, "I still have a good impression. He is from a famous family, handsome, righteous, and has already entered the innate talent at a young age. He is a good match. It's just...not to the extent that I like it."

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "I don't like it, but I still boast so much!"

Qingping suddenly gave him a stare, "What do you know, good conditions don't mean you will like it! You are a person who is used to stealing, cheating, cheating, greedy and lustful, although martial arts are strong, but you can not talk about martial arts. Did I follow you differently?"

Zuo Zhou stared back, "I don't even know I have so many advantages unless you tell me!"

Qingping rolled her eyes, but persuaded Wuqing: "So... are you giving him a chance?"

Ruthlessly nodded, chatting is fine, as long as the two of you don't show affection in person, "He is a good man, and I can see that he has been pleasing me. I don't mind getting along with him. Maybe, after a long time, feelings That's it."

Zuo Zhou happily interjected, "I didn't expect you to be quite sober. This kind of relationship has to be dealt with slowly. There may be love at first sight in this world, but most of them are caused by lust."

Qingping looked at him again, "I remember when we met for the first time, I seemed to be all in front of you, and you didn't see your interest back then, did you?"

Zuo Zhou laughed, seeing her expression of doubting his own charm, "At that time, you were covered with sores and festered, like a rag doll. It's no wonder you can turn around. Then I have a bad taste."

(End of this chapter)

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