Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 235 What do you mean?I've sworn an oath!

Chapter 235 What do you mean?I've sworn an oath!

Mo Laosan panicked, he had never been so close to death, did he feel this way?
Flustered, weak, and in pain, his head was empty and he couldn't think of anything. Only his remaining reason told him that it would be useless to turn around and run away.

Zuo Zhou didn't pay much attention to Mo Laosan, an enemy with a broken arm and no sword, no matter how strong your sword skills are, what can you do?And look at the flustered look at this moment, I'm afraid you haven't experienced such a crisis before, but I still praised you for your good sword skills, bah!
"Don't talk about it, you have no inner strength and true energy, which is very suitable for bluffing people. In the future, when you meet such rampant and pretentious people, you can go and fool them."

Ruthlessly ignored him, just stared at Mo Laosan and continued to ask: "Who is it?"

"If you say so, let me go? They won't do anything? And they won't kill me in any way!"

Frowning ruthlessly, Zuo Zhou answered with a smile: "You are too much, but you do have the capital to negotiate. I swear in the name of Li Yuanfang, if I, Li Yuanfang, still embarrass Mo Laosan after he tells the mastermind behind the scenes, Let me be ruined, my family ruined, my son have no ass hole, and I will die badly! Well, you say it."

Mo Laosan's face trembled wildly, "Actually, there's no need to be so cruel..."

"Say it quickly, my patience is limited, don't let me kill you before you say it!"

"It's Xue Hubei!"

This name surprised Zuo Zhou and others, who thought they would name a surprising person.

Zuo Zhou was funny, "Zhugezheng, I said that Xue Hubei abolished his martial arts because of guilt. Also, you wouldn't say to keep half and hide the most important person, right? Then don't blame me for getting mad!"

Mo Laosan hurriedly said: "No, no, it's really Xue Hubei. He pretended to abolish his martial arts at the beginning, but he didn't really do it."

Wuqing said coldly: "You just said reputation. If it is Xue Hubei, he is just a killer. What kind of reputation can make you believe him one by one?"

Mo Laosan continued: "Xue Hubei is just an alias he used when he disguised himself as the thirteen murderers. This alias has only been used once. In fact, his real identity is Xue Xiaoren, the second owner of Xuejiazhuang!"

"Xuejiazhuang..." Jianchen, who has never had a sense of existence, finally played a role, "Xue Yiren, the owner of Xuejiazhuang, is a master of swordsmanship. He was already a master of the human list ten years ago. He even had the title of blood-clothed man when he was young. After returning to seclusion, he restrained his murderous aura and often guided young swordsmen in the Jianghu, so he is quite famous. Xue Xiaoren is Xue Yiren's younger brother, but I have never heard of any deeds!"

Zuo Zhou was stunned, no wonder Zhongyuan Dianhong came out, the original reason is here, Xue Xiaoren is the leader of a killer organization in Chu Liuxiang series, isn't he the master of Zhongyuan Dianhong, it seems that this killer organization is very active!
"You thirteen criminals really have complex components, so is there anyone else who is a bad guy who is suspended animation or hiding?"

Mo Laosan said again: "There is also Leng Liuping. He pretended to die while he was in Miaojiang. In fact, he was still alive."

Zuo Zhou glared and said angrily, "Why don't you ask or tell me!" With a swish of the sword, he cut off another layer of the broken arm, and the proportion was very good, the landing part was only the width of a finger!

"Ah! Don't cut it, don't cut it, it will be gone if you cut it again! That's really all, I'm just a little guy, and Xue Hubei is handling the above things."

Mo Laosan burst into tears of pain, but Zuo Zhou turned ruthlessly, "Is what he said true?"

The ruthless mental power is strong enough to distinguish the truth from the false, and nodded when he heard the words, "So far, everything I have said is the truth."

Zuo Zhou nodded, "The last question, where is Du Lian?"

As the only woman among the thirteen murderers, Mo Laosan was obviously stunned when she mentioned it, and this sudden behavior made Zuo Zhou's heart sink. It seems that he doesn't know any clues about the case of Mr. Ximen .

"Du Lian...she's gone."

gone?This ambiguous statement, coupled with the embarrassment on Mo Laosan's face, set the fire of gossip burning in Zuo Zhou's heart. Hey, he likes to watch people die!
"Hey, say it!" Zuo Zhou slammed his sword on the ground.

"Be gentle, it will really collapse!" Jian Chen yelled angrily.


Zuo Zhou was expressionless, as if the entire tilt of the floor really had nothing to do with him.

Mo Laosan trembled in fright, this Li Yuanfang might not be a lunatic, could it be that he still wants to drag someone to be buried with him?
"Du Lian really left. At that time, she knew that we were deliberately misleading everyone to destroy Sheng Dingtian's family, so she fell out with me, and then took her daughter to the Qing Dynasty, er, at least that's how it was at the time, and I never heard of it again. Her news, where she went, has nothing to do with me."

Zuo Zhou looked at Wu Qing, whose face was a little ugly, not only pain, but also disappointment, she could see that this was the truth.In other words, Du Lian was actually deceived at the beginning, so she has no reason to commit crimes and kill Ximen Gongzi and others.

Zuo Zhou knew why Wuqing was disappointed, but he didn't care, but continued to ask: "Then do you know, did she teach other people her unique poison?"

Mo Laosan shook his head, "She never taught others her unique poison. She hasn't taught it to me for so many years with me. However, maybe she will teach her daughter in the future."

Zuo Zhou's questioning reminded Wu Qing that although Du Lian was not the murderer, the poison did exist, and this was the clue itself, so they still wanted to find Du Lian and learn the origin of the poison from her.

"Hey, this Du Lian is also a poor woman, at least she has a bad eye for men. She was with Ouyang Da before, but her son died in the end. Later, she found you, but she was deceived by you and made a big mistake."

Zuo Zhou shook his head amusedly, and waved at Mo Laosan with a look of disgust.

Mo Laosan was stunned for a moment, and asked uncertainly: "The general really let me go?"

"Hey! Smelly shameless thing, general, I swore a poisonous oath, what do you mean?" Zuo Zhou raised his big knife with a haughty face, as if you take a step slowly and see if I cut you or not, you will be finished.

Mo Laosan was overjoyed, bowed his body humblely, and smiled while covering his broken arm, "The general said that one is the same, and the last general admires it. In the future, if you meet the general, you will retreat and give praises to the general!"

At this moment, Mo Laosan no longer had the prestige before, and even staggered a little due to the pain, but he still resisted and jumped out of the window, performed lightness kung fu and fell to the ground along the outer wall of the Zhonghua Pavilion, and ran all the way out of the city .

No one stopped him along the way, probably because he was not wearing night clothes, so those martial arts people did not regard him as a killer.

Seeing that the city gate was right in front of him, Mo Laosan finally breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly there was a strong wind in his ears, and his body suddenly lost all strength.

The forward figure fell to the ground uncontrollably. The last image in his field of vision was an arrow nailed to the ground with a faint red light shining. The arrow trembled and then floated out of nowhere. go.

'Why do arrows float up? '

This was Mo Laosan's last thought in his life, and Zuo Zhou waved his hand to take back all the Qijue arrows, tidied up his quiver as if no one was there, and put the bow and arrow together by the wall.

Now Zuo Zhou's regular weapons are Wuji Dao, Wushuang Sword, and bow and arrow. He really looks more and more like a general with a good bow and horse.It's just that it's inconvenient to carry the bow and arrow, so he usually puts it in places where he may encounter it, such as high places and other suitable positions for sniping.

"What kind of eyes do you have?"

Zuo Zhou felt the strange eyes of his friends.

Jian Chen sneered, "General Li... is really a ruthless person!"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes at him, "Anyone who is an official knows that he should be upright and honest, but there are still so many corrupt officials in the world. An emperor knows that he should be diligent in his administration and love the people, but there are never many foolish kings who indulge in pleasure. If vows are useful, where is the world coming from?" War, how can there be so much sorrow!"

Zuo Zhou raised his head and sighed, and a 45-degree angle of sadness made everyone stunned. Of course, the most important point was not mentioned, what does Li Yuanfang's poisonous oath have to do with Zuo Zhou?
Reaching out from his bosom, he took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to Qingping, "Heiyu intermittent ointment, go and apply the medicine for Wuqing."

Qing Ping took the porcelain vase and twisted it on his back secretly. Fortunately, she knew the details of this stinky man, otherwise she might not even dare to have a son in the future.

"Uh, let's go down first, it's not safe here." Jian Chen looked at the crumbling ninth floor of Zhonghua Pavilion, and reminded without tears.

Zuo Zhou raised his hand and interrupted: "You guys rest at ease, the three parties who want to harm the princess don't have the time and energy to deal with it. This place is safe now. I'm going to support the Tianxiahui. After all, you can't really resist the decree."

When it comes to resisting the decree, everyone only remembered that what Zuo Zhou did was wrong before, but after experiencing the assassination of the dog king and others and now Mo Laosan, they realized that what Zuo Zhou expected was right, but the decree was not. It's not thorough enough.

Ruthlessly said: "You wait for me, let's go support together."

Zuo Zhou hurriedly raised his hand to stop him, "Don't! It's inconvenient for you to move, and now you're injured, and Princess Qingping really needs guards. Although I'm sure there will be no danger, I'm not afraid of accidents, but I'm afraid of accidents." One, what if there is such a psychopath who comes to assassinate him!"

Ruthlessly looking at Princess Qingping, she also thought it made sense, and besides, she was actually not interested in Xiongba, so she nodded and stopped pushing.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhou put his bow and arrow back on his back again, jumped out of the window, took a fast horse from the stable, and galloped out of the city.

They naturally went down to the eighth floor, and saw a little red in the two halves of the Central Plains at a glance. The smooth wound made Jian Chen startled, "It's really a good sword technique. There are so many famous people who use swords, and I have never seen one. Who can use a weapon like a broadsword to such a level? Fortunately, he is a soldier. If he was in the martial arts world, he would have been famous far and wide! Alas...sword skills...he ruined the Zhonghua Pavilion!"

Jian Chen finally thought of it, and looking outside, there was no sign of Zuo Zhou.At the same time, what made him even more desperate was that he saw a carriage slowly driving into Muming Town.

"Master, I have never wanted to see you so much as now!"

 I said, Brother Li can win today, it depends on whether I have enough milk, test it!
(End of this chapter)

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