Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 243 I'm Coming to War!

Chapter 243 I'm Coming to War!
Jian Chen is undoubtedly a good talker, or to put it another way, he has soft ears.However, this kind of softness is not the same as the softness that is good at being blown around the pillow. It is a kind of softness that is extremely egoistic.

He usually seems to be very principled, and he is willing to do things according to the principles, but if there is one thing that violates his principles but is beneficial to him, then he will fall into hesitation.

A true warrior dares to face a miserable life. There is no doubt that Jian Chen is not a warrior, so when he hesitates, he will not be able to reconcile with himself, so that he can't stand the deadlock.

But if someone appeared at this time to persuade him, even if the persuasion was unreasonable, he would give up his principles and choose the self-interested side.

From a certain point of view, this can be regarded as a kind of herd mentality, but this kind of mentality is very similar to the vast majority of netizens on the next earth, and it is too easy to be used by others.

Whether it is the next-door earth or this world, or any world, there are too many such people, and they run through the entire history.

So from this point of view, Jian Chen is just an ordinary person. Although his innate aptitude is very good, in terms of quality and character, Wuming is a bit misleading.

Zuo Zhou saw through Jian Chen's nature, so he handed over the sword box and the golden snake cheats to him.Jian Chen was too eager to become stronger, especially when he saw Zuo Zhou showing off in front of Wu Qing again and again.

It was also thanks to Zuo Zhou that he didn't seem to have much interest in Wuqing, otherwise Jianchen would have exploded right now!
Therefore, when there is a kind of unique martial arts in front of him, and there are even matching magic weapons, he is really moved, but as an unknown disciple, he should not learn other martial arts from other schools, which is obviously against the rules.

But just as Zuo Zhou expected, he just tried to persuade him a little bit, and he didn't even use [-]% of his verbal skill, so Jian Chen accepted the Golden Snake cheat book and the sword box.

Of course, Jian Chen who accepted the sword box was no longer ashamed to ask Zuo Zhou for debts, you see, everyone is happy.

At least Zuo Zhou and Jian Chen thought so.

"Okay, let's go back, Xiongba hasn't decided the winner yet!" Ruqing glanced at Jian Chen without any emotion. At this time, Jian Chen was busy looking through the Golden Snake cheat book and didn't find it.

Zuo Zhou raised his big sword and said, "The battlefield is not so easy to decide the winner. At least according to the current situation of confrontation, it is very likely that we will go back, and they haven't made a move yet!"

Zuo Zhou spoke casually but did not delay, and walked towards the main hall unhurriedly, while You Ruo and Du Feng behind him were a little embarrassed.It's hard to come out, do you want to go back?If this encounters Xiongba, how should the two of them face it?

The brothers and sisters made eye contact from time to time. Although there was no sound, they had already begun to talk deeply with each other.

You Ruo: Brother, think of a way.

Dufeng: How about you act like a spoiled child?
(╬ ̄ dish ̄) = ○# ( ̄#) [-] ̄)
Communication was not nutritious, and it was roughly like this. By the time everyone returned to the main hall, the entire Tianxiahui had gathered soldiers who could not see the end.

The flags were unfurled and the momentum was like a rainbow. It was completely different from the soldiers Zuo Zhou had encountered before, and even different from the elite soldiers under Chen Ying's command before. It was worthy of being the elite of the Yang family.

In other words, in order to deal with Xiongba, will the Yang family use all their strength?If all the power is taken out, what is their purpose?

"Report the battle damage." Yang Paifeng ignored Zuo Zhou and his party, and listened to the report of the female soldiers under his command.

"No serious injuries, two people from 710 were slightly injured, and six died..."

Maybe because she knew it was embarrassing, the female soldier's voice became smaller and smaller, but Yang Paifeng's eyes grew bigger and bigger, "There are still casualties when dealing with a group of chickens and dogs? How did you die?"

"I met the masters of the twelve astrology and the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi, and I was defeated and killed."

Yang Paifeng's face was gloomy, "Six people, it should be two small three talents, twelve astrological signs, twelve evil spirits of Tianchi, where are the enemies? Let them run away?"

The female soldier glanced at Zuo Zhou and the others, "The snake in the twelve astrological signs, and Zhi Tanhua in the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi were killed by Mr. Li and Wuqing. Matchmaker."

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised when he heard the words, it turned out that there was a matchmaker among the Twelve Demons of Tianchi, um, he didn't even know it before.

Yang Paifeng's face brightened a little, "The dead soldiers were buried generously, and everyone thoroughly investigated every corner of the Tianxiahui. Today we will camp in the Tianxiahui."

"Remember to help me choose a good room, I want to dominate my daughter's room!"


One sentence silenced everyone.

You Ruo behind trembled, looking at Dufeng pitifully: Brother, have I been exposed!

Dufeng swallowed, "General, why do you want to live in a woman's room?"

Zuo Zhou took it for granted, "Then Xiong Ba is thinking about dominating the martial arts world or practicing martial arts every day. This kind of person is probably self-abuse. Even though he is the leader of the gang, there must be no gorgeous decorations in his room. It is estimated that even the bed They are all hard and hard beds. But Xiongba's daughter is different, Xiongba must be as distressed as the apple of his eye, there is no shortage of delicious and useful things."

This reason... is very good, Dufeng and You Ruo breathed a sigh of relief, Yang Paifeng resisted the urge to complain and waved the female soldier to leave. As for whether he would help Zuo Zhou decorate the room, hehe, even after thinking about it, he knew it was impossible.

"How long do we have to wait?" Tie Shou said suddenly, knowing from Wu Qing and Jian Chen that someone had assassinated the princess before, he broke out in a cold sweat instantly.

Different from people like Yang Jiajun with missions, his mission is to protect the princess. Although there was an imperial decree from Emperor Qin before, he thought with his heels, if the princess died, it would be no wonder that Emperor Qin would not get angry!

Now what he thinks in his heart is to quickly get rid of Xiongba, and then go back to pick up the princess.

"It's still at a stalemate, we can't get in!" Yang Paifeng was a little helpless, and she didn't expect that Xiongba was so strong, which was different from the information.

At this time, Jian Chen wisely put away the Golden Snake cheats, glanced inside the hall, and asked with some uncertainty: "Isn't your information saying that Xiong Ba has lost his eyes, so there is nothing to worry about?"

Zuo Zhou was amused, "Is it enough to mobilize so many masters to encircle and suppress? Plans are for breaking things, so don't make a fuss." He shook the big knife in his hand and moved towards the main hall for the second time. move forward.

Compared with the last surge of zhenqi, this time it seemed to be more solidified. This is not a good thing, because the scale of zhenqi explosion inside it is constantly increasing, and the small hall can hardly bear this scale of zhenqi. up.By the way, there is nothing wrong with Wei Xiaobao and others, right?

It was precisely because of worry that Zuo Zhou ignored Xiongba and the three Yang family masters when he entered the hall, and quickly checked Wei Xiaobao's situation.

But he saw that this guy was already standing behind Feng Yunshuang's cage, and the domineering pressure of his true energy was blocked by the three people in the cage.

"Hey, little brother, I think it's difficult for you here, why don't you hand over the antidote, and I can guarantee to send you away safely. As long as you don't go against the court, I won't make things difficult for you!" Left Zhou looked at Wei Xiaobao and said kindly.

But these words sounded a bit threatening to others, Wei Xiaobao laughed and said, "Why do some people always think that they can kill Xiong Ba's leader?"


Zuo Zhou admired Wei Xiaobao a little bit, this show is really good, so shouldn't this sentence pattern belong to him, Li Yuanfang?

"General Li has gone and returned, but what advice do you have?"

Xiongba seemed to be quite worried about Wei Xiaobao, so he interrupted Zuo Zhou's conversation.

"The guild master is very polite, and he dare not take the advice. I'm just a little curious, wondering how much stronger the guild master's combat power is at this time."

"So General Li wants to give it a try? What a pity, I thought we were all the same kind of people, and our cooperation was pretty good back then!" Xiong Ba slightly turned his head to Zuo Zhou, as if he was looking at him.

"Tsk tsk, you said it well, why are you swearing?" Zuo Zhou raised his hand with a knife, "Ghosts are the same kind of people as you!"

Zuo Zhou had already made up his mind, so he slashed at him, then got away and left. This is a good start for you guys, no thanks!
"Last time, Dugu Jian was killed without a great achievement. Now let General Li see the real three-point magic finger. I heard that General Li has killed the masters of the world. Please taste it!"

Xiongba is very powerful, let alone other things, his tongue is really fast, and he can talk so much in one breath in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Xiongba stretch out his right hand, Zuo Zhou immediately noticed something wrong with this hand, he had only three fingers left, and his thumb and little finger were gone.

However, the three fingers pointed out side by side, and the three forces converged between them like a miniature version of the Tailed Beast Jade, hitting the blade of the Wuji Saber right in the middle.

When singing!

The huge sound of gold and iron clashing was accompanied by dizziness and tinnitus, and Zuo Zhou's body shook so much that he almost couldn't even hold the sword!
Good guy, is this the gap between veteran masters and parallel importers?Even if he had to slash Wei Jinzhong's magic sword hard at the beginning, he never felt so uncomfortable.And this is a slash combined with the magic sword, so it was blocked so easily?This three-point magic finger...has the attack power of the top ranking!

The three natural forces of Fengyunshuang converged at one point, and the energy similar to thunder and lightning escaped from the rapidly rotating energy ball.What the hell, even Super Saiyans have to dye their hair first.

While complaining in his heart, Zuo Zhou realized that he couldn't retreat, because Xiongba's other hand was already at his waist, so the next move should be more than just Tianshuang Fist.

Life and death are all in one step!

Zuo Zhou let go of the Wuji Saber, stepped into Xiongba's arm span with one step, his body was extremely low, creaking, and he threw out the Wushuang Sword in the posture of drawing the saber and chopping, eleven nirvana!

Infinite sword shadows gathered at one point as if the sky exploded, the target was not Xiongba's eyes, ears, mouth, nose or any vital points, but Xiongba's other hand that was folded.

This sword, in the eyes of outsiders, is a bit inexplicable. Why does such a powerful move need to stab the hand?
Because in Zuo Zhou's view, this hand is a weakness, because he has all five fingers!
 Ad Ghost didn't die in the three rounds he won against T1. How should such a stable ad be targeted?
(End of this chapter)

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