Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 276 The Changes of Tang Country and Yuyan's Learning

Chapter 276 The Changes of Tang Country and Yuyan's Learning

The princess went out for shopping, the princess went to the Qing'an City government office, and the princess went back to Jiang's house.

This was Princess Qingping's schedule for this day, and then Xue Yiren, who was gagged, was secretly sent to the prison of the county government.

"Hmph, let my eldest brother ride in a carriage with Princess Qingping, thanks to Li Yuanfang who can figure it out!"

Xue Xiaoren was angry and happy, then turned his head and said, "How is it? Now you have no problem!"

In an unknown small village, Xue Xiaoren sat on a chair and looked at a burly man with disheveled hair. This man was wearing a light leather armor with a knife pouch full of throwing knives slung across his shoulder, for fear that others would not know that he was a hidden weapon. master.

"Brother, you came all the way to find me, so naturally you won't shrink back because of mere difficulties. But I want to remind you, this time you acted privately, if you are blamed by the big leader, don't expect me to speak for you."

Xue Xiaoren's smile gradually faded, "Did you forget that you are Leng Liuping after you have been Liu Yunfei for so long?"

Flying knife man's eyes flashed a cold warning, "I am Liu Yunfei, if I hadn't used a pseudonym to do that stupid task with you, the name Leng Liuping would not have been born, hmph!"

Xue Xiaoren was annoyed in his heart but thought that he needed help from others, so his tone softened, "What happened back then was also an accident. Who knew that Zhuge Zheng was so fast and Di Renjie was so tough!"

Liu Yunfei waved his hand, "I won't say much about the rest, just try to finish the things here, and I will take my people back to Tang Kingdom."

"Oh? Isn't there chaos in the Tang Kingdom? I heard that An Lushan destroyed the Tang Dynasty's court!"

Liu Yunfei was a little helpless, "Everyone thought that troubled times were approaching, and Tang would destroy its own future without Da Qin's intervention, but who knew that there would be a guy who could turn the tide."

Xue Xiaoren asked curiously: "Who? An Lushan, who is so fierce that so many people can't deal with it, can he deal with it?"

"It's not that I can deal with it, it's that An Lushan has been chased like a dog!" Liu Yunfei sighed, and said something that surprised Xue Xiaoren, "This person is named Guo Ziyi, and he was the last imperial martial arts officer before An Lushan's rebellion. The number one scholar, after enlisting in the army, he made many outstanding achievements and quickly climbed to a high position. When the emperor of the Tang Dynasty fled Chang'an, he was only a city lord, but he dared to recruit wandering warriors from scattered villages to join the king of Jingqin. He was originally thought to be one of the many big and small forces who took advantage of the opportunity One, who knew that he was invincible all the way, the team was getting bigger and bigger, and when he arrived in Chang'an, he had gathered a team of 3 people!"

Xue Xiaoren was puzzled and said: "As far as I know, there are 15 infantry under An Lushan's command. What role can his 3 soldiers play?"

Liu Yunfei glanced at Xue Xiaoren, his bewildered expression was exactly the same as his original one, "I thought so too, but...he launched a charge of 3 people, knocked on the gate of Chang'an in a daze, and the whole way was like a broken bamboo. Entering the palace, even punishing the nine sons of An Lushan, if there were no masters in the Anlushan army, I am afraid that Anlushan would be gone in this battle!"

"This is illogical, why! 10,000+ infantry can block the gate of Chang'an City just by being distributed, why should they enter the city!"

"It's flying!" Liu Yunfei smiled wryly, and continued: "This incident has caused a sensation in the entire Tang Kingdom. Both the emperor who is at large and the martial arts want to know why. I didn't contact me until not long ago. One of the surviving spies told me that those 3 people are all martial arts masters, and they are well-trained martial arts masters!"

Xue Xiaoren was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "Thirty thousand militarized martial arts masters, this is really a big deal, but this is nothing. If you count as a martial arts master according to the strength of the second rank, then the Daqin Iron Cavalry has almost the same strength. However, Daqin Iron Cavalry focused on equestrianism, archery, etc., but did not focus on light kung fu. Wait, I guess the stragglers that Guo Ziyi recruited at the beginning were not simple, are they all from the Jianghu?"

Liu Yunfei nodded, "I didn't know about this before I came here. Guo Ziyi has won consecutive battles and has already set off to welcome the emperor back to Beijing. Although troubled times are very difficult, they are also an opportunity for the rise of powers, big and small, so many people don't I would like to see this, so there have been dozens of assassinations, large and small. It is a pity that Guo Ziyi's martial arts are so strong, none of these assassinations worked, but it also forced his real kung fu."

"Real kung fu?"

"This Guo Ziyi learned Baijiaquan on the surface, but in fact what he is really good at is the martial arts of the Demon Sect. His real identity is Shi Zhixuan, the evil king who failed to compete for the master of the Demon Sect back then!"

Hiss, this news has completely contracted Xue Xiaoren's air-conditioning for a year.

"Shi Zhixuan! He would jump out so blatantly? What about Cihang Jingzhai? Wouldn't he be involved?"

Liu Yunfei shook his head, "I don't know about this, but as far as I know, Cihang Jingzhai mobilized power to Daqin before, and the Tang State may be a bit empty. Even if they knew about it, no one could restrain Shi Zhixuan. Even Yu... I suspect that there is still a possibility of cooperation between the two sides, after all, it is impossible for those 3 martial arts masters to be from the Demon Sect. Especially when Shi Zhixuan's identity was leaked and he did not leave, it is unreasonable."

Xue Xiaoren was amused, "Hearing what you said, it seems to be really interesting. What do they want to do? While controlling Tang, they also want to influence Daqin, and they still think about merging the country."

"Hehe, maybe!" Liu Yunfei was also happy. He actually took this matter as a joke. Among other things, the Azure Dragon Society would not allow this kind of thing to happen. For Daqin, there is only conquest but no merger.

"Forget it, let's not mention this. Before I came, I ordered all the members of the Feidaomen to hide in the dark, but this is not a long-term solution. Rescue Xue Yiren as soon as possible, and I will go back sooner."

Xue Xiaoren nodded, and was a little bit unwilling as he spoke, "Hmph, that coward Sima Guang! He refused to help on the grounds that he didn't have the order from the leader, otherwise he would transfer Li Yuanfang away, and we can start now."

Liu Yunfei didn't say anything, he hadn't been in Daqin for a long time, and he wasn't interested in these intrigues.


Another two days flew by.

Qingping stuffed a grape into Zuo Zhou's mouth, and said leisurely, "When are you leaving, there is really nothing interesting in Anqing City."

Zuo Zhou laughed, "Okay, I'll inform City Lord An to prepare and leave tomorrow. But you may have to leave first, we will take the opportunity to hide in the county government, and let a person who is about the same size as me wear armor tomorrow The helmet goes out of town with you."

"I know, be careful yourself, that Xue Xiaoren may not be good at martial arts, but he is very insidious." Qingping is still full of confidence in Zuo Zhou.

Zuo Zhou heard that he kissed Qingping's cheek, but his eyes were not far away, where a group of girls were teaching Jiang Yuyan martial arts.

It is said to be martial arts, but it is actually some emergency moves, which are a bit similar to women's self-defense. It is just to take advantage of the enemy's lack of backup and use some ruthless moves, and it must be the case that the enemy's true energy is not high.

But... Zuo Zhou's eyelids twitched a little.

At this time, Jiang Yuyan looked a little clumsy, her small fists were clenched with no strength at all. Although the movements of turning around and jumping were decent, they were more like dancing than practicing martial arts. Wrestling, it's like trying to make my sisters happy.

If Zuo Zhou hadn't known what this person was, he would have been deceived.

Mingyue looked at the clumsy Jiang Yuyan a little funny, thinking that although the father is the same, but the mother is different, is there such a big gap?Jiang Yulang and Jiang Yufeng's aptitudes are both good, so Jiang Yuyan's talent probably lies in playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting!

She already knew Jiang Yuyan's life experience, although she was surprised, she didn't care. She clearly remembered that Jiang Biehe seemed to be a sinister and cunning son named Jiang Yulang. It's normal, after all, Jiang Biehe, as a hero in the south of the Yangtze River, is quite handsome, so there are naturally many women.

"Your foundation is too weak. It seems that no matter what kung fu I teach you now, you won't be able to use it. How about this? Let me teach you a set of emergency moves. This set of moves was taught to me by my brother when I was young, when I was bullied in a private school." , so he taught me how to deal with other children." Jiang Yufeng said helplessly, she never thought that her sister's qualifications were so poor.

"Brother's unique move, good good good!" Jiang Yuyan was like a child who got a lollipop.

As Jiang Yufeng spoke, she suddenly drew a dagger from her cuff, and stabbed Jiang Yuyan in the eyes as soon as she raised her hand. At that moment, Jiang Yuyan was covered in cold sweat, and her pupils dilated rapidly.Immediately afterwards, her knees softened and she fell to the ground sideways, with a slight pain in her heart, but she saw that dagger was pressing on her heart.

The whole yard suddenly fell silent. Is this what your brother taught you to use against your classmates when you were young?How are your classmates?

Jiang Yufeng didn't notice the weird atmosphere for a moment, and stretched out her hand to gently support Jiang Yuyan, "There are a few key points in this move, one is how to hide the dagger, because the woman's figure is slender, so the dagger is more difficult to draw attention to." The smaller the better, the thinner the better. Like mine is a special one. When I have time, I will ask someone to help you make a special one. The second key point is to choose the right target. It is common for people who are born below, but there is true energy in the hands of masters. Those who are strong can’t use it, because your movements must not be as fast as the other’s blowing breath. Before you blind the opponent’s eyes, the true energy will hit your wrist. The third is that the last blow must avoid the bones. Because your strength is limited, if you touch a bone, it is easy to get a chance to kill with one blow. I just stabbed the heart. If you are not sure, you can stab the throat, but remember to move away quickly after stabbing to avoid the enemy's counterattack."

Jiang Yuyan pursed her lips, her face turned pale with fright, and asked everyone's doubts aggrieved, "Sister, how tall is the grass on the grave of your classmate back then?"

(End of this chapter)

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