Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 278 Don't move, someone slips the shovel

Chapter 278 Don't move, someone slips the shovel
Jiang Yuyan couldn't sleep. People said that girls' moods were not seen but worn, but the beautiful skirt she was wearing now did not make her feel happy at all.

Lying on his back on the bed, staring blankly at the roof, a dagger in his hand was spinning smoothly, and his five slender fingers were flying up and down, like a naughty boy who didn't listen well in class but was good at turning pens .

This dagger is very ordinary, but she used it for practice. If Jiang Yufeng saw this scene, she would be surprised from ear to ear. The clumsiness during the day and the flexibility at this moment are like parallel lines that never intersect, but Jiang Yufeng Yan used his acting skills to connect them vividly.

It's just that she has been fooled by a few people, which is not enough to make her excited. This is the first time she has come into contact with martial arts, and it is also the first time she has been hit badly.

Things in the world are like this, insiders look at the doorway, outsiders watch the fun, "I can do it, I can do it" can only stay in the stage of talking forever, the fact is, you can't do it if you do it!

When Jiang Yuyan didn't know martial arts before, she thought it might be similar to dancing, it was all about controlling the body.Since I can learn dance very well, there should be no problem with martial arts.But when I really started to learn, I was blinded. Controlling the muscles and bones is just the most basic thing. There is also true energy, spiritual power, and the mysterious and mysterious true meaning of martial arts, each of which is far beyond the responsibility of dancing.

At that moment, she deeply realized why Mingyue said that she was a bit late to practice martial arts now. After all these years, she didn't know how many years it would take to make up for the relevant knowledge base alone!
However, she may not have that much time.

Today's Jiang Yuyan is the best age for a girl, and it is also the age that makes men drool the most. A few days ago, she even found out that Jiang Yulang looked at her a little wrongly, that was her brother!

At this time, she urgently needs a chance to control her own destiny.

Heck, just at this moment, there was a slight noise outside.

Jiang Yuyan knew this sound was the sound of a wheelchair pressing against the ground, and there was only one person in the entire Jiang family in a wheelchair.But it's already dark, why did she come out?

Jiang Yuyan sat up straight from the bed like a carp, and tiptoedly opened the door to follow.She was not far behind, the moonlight was so bright tonight, she could almost see the side face of Ruthless.

For a moment, she was a little amazed at the ruthless beauty, that kind of temperament really matched the moonlight, like a fairy, a fairy who came to the mortal world with the moonlight.

Jiang Yuyan was stunned for a moment and continued to follow from a distance. Ruthlessness and innocence do not have the effect of increasing the five senses, so she was not found.Judging by the ruthless mental strength, it would not be undetectable by an ordinary person following him.It can only be said that Ruthless, who is full of worries, has fallen into a small world of his own.

Just like that, one was at the front and the other was at the back, until Wuqing stopped outside Zuo Zhou's door and didn't move anymore...


"where is this place?"

Turning around in a ruthless panic, it was pitch black, so deep that there was no end in sight, and only a little light illuminated her surroundings.Then, she gradually calmed down, this... should be an illusion, because she is standing now, not only standing, but also able to walk freely.

This was what she dreamed of, but at this moment, she didn't feel excited at all!

"Is this a joke? Do you think I have a good temper and can forgive anyone who does anything to me?"

Familiar voices sounded, right behind, on top of the head, next to the ear, under the skirt... Well, this is a bit unscrupulous, but this is the feeling of Wuqing at this time, everywhere, and there is no trace of it at all trace.

"Actually, I just wanted to make a joke with you. I saw you were too nervous before. After all, you are the strongest among us. How could I be a threat to you?"

There was a trace of embarrassment on the ruthless face, and he said a lame explanation, and hoped that Zuo Zhou would believe it.

Zuo Zhou showed his figure and gradually appeared in the darkness. He had been standing there all along, but he couldn't see it before Wuqing.And with his appearance, the surrounding darkness seemed no longer as terrifying as before.

"Of course you can't threaten me, so I'll let you out now, and you immediately turn around and go back to your room to sleep. Promise me, put away your useless soul-shifting technique, and be a good girl." Zuo Zhou smiled, as if coaxing a child .

And when Zuo Zhou pointed out the soul-shifting method, his ruthless smile gradually subsided, "I admit that I fell, I didn't expect you to be so good at mental attacks. You guessed right, you have been right all along, killing Ximen The son's is me."


Zuo Zhou was a little annoyed, and let out a long breath, "It's meaningless for you to do this, and I'm not a shameless person. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. It's impossible to wrong a good person just because you don't want to admit it. Why do you have to take the blame for others? Woolen cloth?"

"There is no guilt, you are right to seek revenge from me!"

Ruthless' hands suddenly had a curved golden moon blade, which she seized from Mo Laosan's scimitar, and flew towards Zuo Zhou.

Zuo Zhou slashed it to the ground with a knife, and then stepped on one foot, no matter how ruthless he controlled it, he couldn't pull it up anymore.

"You adapt quickly. Speaking of which, my dream space is not good at all. Although I can pull in enemies who actively attack with mental power, I still need to solve it myself, which is very troublesome." Zuo Zhou looked up. A glance at the darkness around him made him feel annoyed.

"It's still unknown how the outcome will be like this!"

Wuqing turned his hands again like flowers, and hidden weapons that were so dense that they almost formed dots in the air rushed in like a tide.

Zuo Zhou was amused, "Although my dream space can embody everything in reality, it can't be created out of nothing. Can your delicate body hide so many hidden weapons? Good guy, there must be eight people in this big movie. Chengdu is fake!"

"Don't care if it's fake or not, as long as you can beat you!"

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou looked at Wuqing's serious expression, clicked his tongue twice, the Wushuang sword came out of its sheath, and sword shadows fell all over the sky, each sword shadow was staring at a hidden weapon with incomparable precision, no matter it was real or fake... Oh, it's all true!
"I underestimated you."

The characteristic of the dream space is to perfectly reproduce reality, as long as you can do it in reality, it can be realized.Zuo Zhou used to play horse battles with the two girls here, because he has enough strong equestrian experience, so he can manifest the horses.And ruthless strength can theoretically control this rain of hidden weapons at the same time, so she can also manifest it.


There was another change in the entire dream space, the sound of snakes pierced the ears, and the listeners got goosebumps.

Zuo Zhou grinned, "Hey! Disgusting. Jian Chen's licking dog even showed you the Golden Snake Cheats?"

23 Golden Snake Cones circled in the air like a swimming dragon. These living Golden Dragon Gu combined with spiritual power formed a wonderful combination.

They danced crazily in the air at such a high speed that even Zuo Zhou's sword shadow couldn't catch up for a while.

"You're boring now." Zuo Zhou was obviously tired. All the sword shadows overlapped and scattered to form a big net. He scooped up the entire space horizontally and caught all the golden snake cones in it.Under the ruthless control, the Golden Snake Cone wanted to pass through the gap, but it was unexpected that the sword shadows suddenly began to elongate and become thinner in the next second, and the sword shadows turned into countless sword threads.

The large net made of sword wire did not have enough gaps to pass through the golden snake cones. Seeing all the golden snake cones struggling and tied together, he ruthlessly gave up control, and suddenly a golden snake sword appeared in his hand and stabbed at Zuo Zhou.


The blades intersected, and a snake from the Golden Snake Sword bit him.

Zuo Zhou was prepared for this special attack method. Xia Xueyi didn't succeed at the beginning. Are you brave?

Nianhua finger pinched it, and without waiting for the other Golden Dragon Gu to bite, he directly threw it towards Wuqing's face.

Wuqing obviously didn't expect Zuo Zhou to fight back like this, and the Golden Snake Sword had no choice but to defend. When it touched the blade, the Golden Snake Gu would automatically wrap around the sword.

Just as she was about to attack again, Zuo Zhou had already turned into an afterimage and came to her side. Guowei Arhat Fist was unleashed, her stomach, thighs, buttocks, back, chest and even her pretty face, Zuo Zhou was not polite at all. Hit all the places that can be hit, especially the chest, and pay attention to it for a while.

At the same time, he also kept his hands back, at least he didn't display his true energy, nor did he add any true meaning of martial arts.He just thinks that this girl is innocent!

Clanking, the Golden Snake Sword fell to the ground and disappeared, ruthlessly curled up and fell to the ground twitching. Although Zuo Zhou didn't exert all his strength, she didn't have internal energy to protect her body. An ordinary person's body strength was even weaker than that of an ordinary person. , has made her very uncomfortable.

"You... you can kill me and avenge Young Master Ximen."

Zuo Zhou was bored, "You think I'm stupid, this case can be closed by you casually committing the crime? But there is one thing I really admire about you, you really worked hard to delay the time!"

" are really trying to lure the king into the urn. Any plan is a lie, and you just want to expose him." Ruthlessly worked hard to get up from the ground, staggered to his feet and walked towards him step by step. Grabbing Zuo Zhou's clothes, he didn't seem to want to let go.

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "I don't seem to have told you that the time in this dream space is a bit different from the real time. We've been playing here for such a long time, but in reality, um, maybe a dozen seconds have passed."

Wuqing's eyes widened in an instant, Zuo Zhou opened her hands and pushed gently, Wuqing fell down again.

"When did you know it was his?"

It's this time, and Zuo Zhou didn't hide it anymore, "When I was in Xuejiazhuang, I said that Xue Xiaoren would find someone who could suppress me in the official position, and I specifically pointed out that I would follow the official path because it was fast enough."

Ruthlessly said bitterly: "So it was all a temptation?"

"Yeah, no matter what the reason for the murderer is, his target is the thirteen murderers, so he won't let Xue Xiaoren go. Now that he knows the news, he will definitely go after him. But I'm not sure if the murderer is among us." , So I took the initiative to send a letter delivery mission, what was the result? Dayong, who has never had any sense of presence when pushing your wheelchair, took the initiative to undertake the letter delivery task. "

"Just because of this? What if... Dayong really thinks he is useless, so he wants to help?" Wu Qing was still struggling.

Zuo Zhou beat him to death again, "So, You Ruo and Wei Xiaobao didn't come back immediately after they found out that Xue Xiaoren had run away. Guess who they saw in ambush beside the official road?"

Ruthlessly clenched his fists and clenched his lower lip, "Since you already know, why didn't you do it earlier!"

"Always investigate clearly, such as what is the relationship between him and you, and what role do you play in it. However, I changed my mind later, and I found out that you may not know about him in advance. Then It doesn't matter what you have to do, I'll go and ask him in person."

"So you gave him the task of delivering the letter again, that is, tell him Xue Xiaoren's current address, and when he goes to kill people, you can catch everyone?"

Zuo Zhou nodded, "That's it, but to be honest, I really didn't expect that you would come to stop me! Let me guess, maybe I did it too obviously, so Dayong also thought of the loophole, and then found I confessed to you, confessed to you, and then you came to stop me?"

As Zuo Zhou said, he lowered his head slowly, stretched out his hand and caressed his ruthless cheek, "The person who can make you disregard everything and perform the soul-transfer method on me against your conscience should be someone who is very important to you! Let me guess , your brother?"

The ruthless pupils trembled violently, and that subconscious reaction completely confirmed Zuo Zhou's guess.

"Let me just say that there is nothing wrong with Yan Jing's original paintings. The center of those paintings are your siblings. Since they are not sisters, they must be younger brothers. In fact, no matter which victim it is, they will tell the killer. We. It's just that their memory of your brother is still the same as it was when the family was killed. They think that your brother is dead!"

Listening to Zuo Zhou's reasoning ruthlessly, his body felt as if he had fallen into a cellar of ice, unable to lift himself up.

"Then let me guess, what's the reason for this unreasonable situation. Well, if everyone said that your brother was dead, and even Zhuge Zheng and I buried him with my own hands, then...he is an exile? Tch Unexpectedly, your Sheng family was lucky enough to have an exile who talked about feelings."

Zuo Zhou curled his lips as he spoke, then looked at Wuqing but got no response, huh?No guess!

Uh, this is embarrassing, okay, "No matter what the situation is, if your brother killed someone, I will not be soft."

Zuo Zhou turned around as he spoke, stepped out of the dream space, pushed the door open, and saw Wu Qing outside the door woke up too, but because of the pain in the dream, she was covered in cold sweat.

"Go back, you will catch a cold with your physique." Zuo Zhou patted Wuqing's shoulder thoughtfully, passed him by, and adjusted the big knife behind his back with both hands.

Ruthless watched this action with red eyes, as if the blade was covered with her brother's blood!

"and many more!"

Zuo Zhou paused, turned around and said helplessly, "You want to do it again... Are you crazy?"

Wuqing took out a small bottle from his arms, raised his head and poured all the pills in the bottle into his mouth.

Jiang Yuyan, who was hiding in the dark, watched with horror. This ruthless sister... is actually a slut?

She knows that pill, it was the one that the old bustard wanted to force her to take in Yunlai Pavilion back then...

(End of this chapter)

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