Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 298 The Camel's Script

Chapter 298 The Camel's Script

Some people always think that killing love is very simple, but in fact it is not the case. What the heartless martial art pays attention to is not forgetting or destroying, but not to delay or owe!Or you can also understand it as a cause and effect.

When it comes to cause and effect, the whole topic seems to have a touch of metaphysics, and it seems to be gradually becoming more powerful.The fact is also true, the unfeeling martial art is indeed very powerful in terms of power, but the difficulty of cultivation is also very high.

Take the Second Sword Emperor as an example. He has a confidant, a brother, a wife, and a daughter. His own martial arts are very strong and he has reached the level of a master on the list. From all aspects, he is definitely a winner in life.

But for such a person to practice the Unfeeling Martial Arts, he needs to end all the causes and effects related to friendship, love, and family affection.

This ending is not killing his wife to preach the Tao. If he really did that, it would be equivalent to owe the karma to his lover, and he would not be able to pay it back once the person died, unless he found the reincarnation of his wife.Therefore, it is a good choice to break up the relationship or to be more straightforward, to use divorce to cut off the cause and effect of the two people.

Irresponsible, not proactive, and not refusing, the Second Swordsman is also an orthodox scumbag!
The wife's problem has been solved, but the problem of the daughter and the brother has not been solved. The brother will not talk about him. He plans to use the gourd to draw a ladle on the daughter, and also teach the daughter to practice unfeeling martial arts, so that the characters of the father and daughter will gradually develop. Indifference, and finally when the relationship faded, the father and daughter separated naturally.

It's just that there is a problem in this, that is, one of the two daughters was taken away by his wife.

The Second Sword Emperor actually didn't intend to let his wife take away his daughter before, but if he didn't let her take away, it would be difficult to sever the relationship with his wife, so the comparison between the two was left alone.

In fact, when Qin Shuang found out that the second sword emperor, Mingyue, was false and that the real Mingyue had been killed, he was secretly delighted.Because the karma between him and the other daughter has been broken, and the only thing that still has a little connection is the responsibility that belongs to the father.This aspect is much simpler, as long as they help their mother and daughter to avenge.

In this way, the Second Sword Emperor came, and he seemed to be in a good mood. This can be seen from his rejection of Zuo Zhou's request for a sparring session. In the past, the Second Sword Emperor would severely teach the younger generation who came to challenge him.

"What's going on in Wushuang City?"

Hearing Zuo Zhou's question, Qin Shuang hesitated for a moment, but asked back: "Junior Brother Feng... besides being betrayed by Mingyue, what else happened?"

"Why do you say that?" Zuo Zhou was a little strange.

"When I went to Wushuang City, Junior Brother Feng had already gone back first. He... killed all of Mingyue's subordinates who hadn't had time to run away. He did it himself!"

Um?Zuo Zhou was a little confused, this is really not Nie Feng's character, killing people by himself?It's still a large-scale killing... Wait, maybe this guy has a crazy blood attack!

Zuo Zhou immediately thought of the problem of Qilin's crazy blood. This trick is the favorite method of creators such as authors and screenwriters.

Just like the screenwriters of American manga, when they can't think of a plot, they will resort to universe restart or parallel universe. If they can't think of a setting, it must be quantum mechanics.Similarly, Hong Kong manga is also the same way. If it is not easy to continue the plot, it will make the protagonist go crazy. After killing a few supporting characters, let the protagonist slowly make up for it, and calm down the impact caused by this incident.

"You know about this?" Qin Shuang obviously noticed the change in Zuo Zhou's face.

Zuo Zhou didn't answer, but asked again: "He didn't fight with you, did he?"

"No...why, he still fights with someone he knows?" Qin Shuang was a little surprised. He thought that Nie Feng was furious because of his betrayal, but now it seems that there is something wrong.

"As far as I know, the Nie family has a kind of ancestral crazy blood. Once he has an attack, he will deny his relatives and his skills will soar. If he didn't fight with you, it means that something must have happened in the middle, which caused him to have an attack but not completely. But This situation is fine, if he keeps killing him like this, he will inevitably become a lunatic, since the fake Mingyue people have all run away, it has brought him back from the brink of madness."

Qin Shuang smiled wryly when she heard the words, "Everyone has their own destiny, and the path they choose, the bitter fruit can only be eaten by themselves."

The corner of Zuo Zhou's mouth twitched, did he intend to care about it?Well, yet another completely different character from the original.Or else Kong Cijie's ladies are amazing, they used their lives to create a brotherhood between Qin Shuang and Fengyun.

Zuo Zhou couldn't say much about this except expressing his understanding.But when it comes to the character design being different from the original book, Hua Wuque is still talking to Jiang Xiaoyu!
Zuo Zhou didn't know the specific process, but judging from the current situation, the conversation between the two should not be staged as a full-scale martial arts. The reason is very simple. Jiang Xiaoyu's current strength is far stronger than the original book, and Hua Wuque has no ability to instantly kill him.

For a person with the idea of ​​assassination, if he knows that he can't kill him with one move, then there is no reason to insist.And as long as you don't insist, you will have the opportunity to talk about it.

The identity of a blood brother is nothing to a ruthless person. After all, there is no shortage of extreme people in this world. There are the second sword emperor who practiced ruthless martial arts, and there are also Yaoyue Lianxing who have been planning to see brothers kill each other for more than ten years. Then It doesn't matter if there is an extra Jiang Xiaoyu or Hua Wuque who killed his own brother.After all, the characters in the rivers and lakes described by Master Gu are generally very extreme.


"The tea from the royal family is not as good as the tea from Yihua Palace." Hua Wuque took a sip from the edge of the teacup and put it down again.

Jiang Xiaoyu was amused, "Jiang Biehe brought it here. Naturally, the tea in this Jiangnan hero's house is not as good as the tea in Yihua Palace."

Hua Wuque raised his eyebrows, but didn't continue the topic, "It's very lively outside, why don't you go and see?"

"General Li is very strong. According to my opinion, he is almost invincible in the innate realm. Even if he fights against the master of Renbang, he will not give up."

"That's why I'm not sure about killing you." Hua Wuque was very straightforward.

"You know everything?" Jiang Xiaoyu was very happy to see the other party confess, which would save a lot of time.

"You look so similar, I have no choice but to think about it. Actually, I met you before you met General Li, but I was a little confused at that time and needed to investigate."

Jiang Xiaoyu didn't seem to ask too much. There are always many channels for Jianghu people to investigate Jianghu affairs. After all, the intelligence network in this world is intricate.To put it bluntly but very down-to-earth, the father of the two brothers, Jiang Feng, also had a household registration in the government.

Although the local government may not be able to arrest the twelve signs, how they died, when they died, and whether their mother had given birth when they died can all be seen in the autopsy report.The only thing that is difficult to judge may be the point of twins, but after all, they look alike, so it is not difficult to guess.

Xiao Yu'er nodded, "How was your life in Yihua Palace?"

"Fortunately, in Yihua Palace, I am the Young Palace Master. I can do whatever I want. I am well-clothed and well-fed. I have unique skills and training, and I am served by a maidservant. The only palace rule that can restrain me is only one. The second palace lord's order. What about you?"

"I'm... well, I'm the youngest and weakest in the Valley of the Wicked. I can't do anything. What I eat is poison and medicine. I've learned a lot about how to steal and steal, and I have to serve people every day. The only thing that can restrain me There is only one threat, if you don’t do it well, you will die.”

Neither of the two brothers was surprised, but they saw a little envy in each other's eyes.

"That's really good, at least everything you do is for yourself."

"You're not bad, too. I want to try the luxurious life too."

The communication is so simple, it seems that there is no real progress, but in fact, the two brothers will talk about everything they can.

When Zuo Zhou saw Hua Wuque coming out from Jiang Xiaoyu, Jiang Yulang moved closer, "General, aren't you worried?"

"What is there to worry about? Only children who are cared for by their parents can be pure. People who grow up in any other environment, good or bad, are not blessed to enjoy pure happiness. Two thinking people collide unless their interests have fundamental interests. Sexual conflicts, otherwise we can’t fight.” Zuo Zhou Youyou suddenly turned to look at Jiang Yulang as he said, “Let your father make a list of people who are friends with him and have nothing to do with Yihua Palace. List them all."

Jiang Yulang's heart skipped a beat, he lowered his head and cupped his fists, the excitement on his face could not be stopped.It seems that the day when Dad dominates Jiangnan Dao martial arts is just around the corner.

Jiang Yulang left, and Jiang Yuyan leaned over again, "General... please spare my father's life!"

Zuo Zhou is not interested in helping, "Don't worry, I am not interested in killing anyone. Besides, your father treated us well before."

Jiang Yuyan must be very smart. When she is not strong enough, she will naturally have a backer and thighs. Jiang Biehe's existence at this time can still be regarded as protection.She's not stupid either, the two solicitations she got alone with each other naturally showed Li Yuanfang's disdain for her father.

But Jiang Yuyan was wrong about one thing, Zuo Zhou really didn't intend to let Jiang Biehe die easily, this is not a matter of good or bad people.This is not Master Gu's novel either, Hua Wuque and Xiao Yu'er are right in front of him, so he doesn't need to feel involved.

Since there is no sense of substitution, naturally there is no such thing as a righteous problem of good people beating bad people, and the grievances between the two brothers and Jiang Biehe have nothing to do with him.

He is a member of the imperial court. After the military power of Jiangnan Road is taken back, both he and Qingping will return to live in the imperial capital. Qingping only has the military power on the surface, but even if he actually has the military power, he can't rely on the army to manage the place, let alone Jiangnan. Tao also includes two parts: official and Jianghu.

Who are the official channels?With An Yunshan being intimidated by Shi Hongshi, Jiangnan Daojiedushi is a good position, and he can compete for it with his qualifications!
Who do you rely on in the rivers and lakes?Jiang Biehe is a good choice, it's just that this guy is a bit ambitious, but it's okay, there's Jiang Xiaoyu here!


Another night passed, and the team continued to set off after dawn. Now there are more masters in this team.Zuo Zhou seemed to have seen the picture of Zi Yu pulling his hair in sorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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