Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 305 The second shock

Chapter 305 The Third Shock

People's minds are really complicated. What I hated before may be liked in the future.What was liked before may be hated later.

If the little time in the year 3333 of the next-door earth is included, Zuo Zhou has lived for three lifetimes, so some things are quite clear.

Thinking has nothing to do with maturity, and there is absolutely no shortage of weird people in the world. If it were in the Marvel universe, maybe you would still see graffiti of "Thanos is right" in the toilet.Therefore, rational and normal people cannot argue with lunatics, just like treating the Gotham clown, whether it is mentally ill or purely bad, many people like that kind of extreme evil, but this so-called personality charm only exists in among the works.If it happened in reality, whoever likes him is an idiot!
Or to put it bluntly, if you have a gun in your hand and the clown is in front of you, don't hesitate to shoot and it's over.If you are killed, no one will arrest you. Even if you don't explain, people will think that you are acting in self-defense.

For Yaoyue Lianxing, Zuo Zhou has gone through such a process.When I was young, I thought Yaoyue was so cool when I watched the fifth elder brother's version of Peerless Shuangjiao, but the older I grew up, the less I felt it. To put it bluntly, "cool" is just a feeling, and it's not even a derogatory term.

As far as Yaoyue is concerned, he is cruel, cruel, and indifferent to human affairs, and he is not worthy of anyone's liking. Of course, it doesn't matter if he is just greedy for her body.After all, there is a certain reason for the three views to follow the appearance.

In contrast, Lian Xing is a little bit better than her, and at least has a little bit of conscience under her cold-blooded appearance. Of course, this bit of conscience is only for specific people.

Now, Yaoyue yelled hysterically, once again exposing her paranoid and extreme nature.

"What should I do? I suddenly feel that I don't want to seek revenge from her."

Jiang Xiaoyu rubbed his cheeks, facing Yaoyue's red eyes without any shyness, even with a little pity in his eyes.

Zuo Zhou laughed, "Yeah, from a certain point of view, your father hurt him badly back then. You see, it hasn't healed after decades."

Jiang Xiaoyu took it for granted when he heard the words, "Hey, so what if you look better? With this kind of personality, which one would you choose?"

Zuo Zhou spread his hands, "I'm definitely different from your father. If it were me, I would have to go to bed to find out more. Maybe the two of us will be in harmony? Then there will be no future."

Jiang Xiaoyu felt a little powerless, he shouldn't be talking about relationship issues with a slut, but looking at Yaoyue who was already a little out of control, he continued to ask: "Then what if it doesn't fit?"

"If you don't get it right, try something else, maybe her sisters will get it right!"

Lian Xing: "..." A distraction was kicked by You Ruo, but the power was not so powerful that it was not considered a minor injury.

Jiang Xiaoyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "If my sister and sister don't get along well, then I'll try a maid or something, right?"

"It's rare, Xiao Yu'er, you finally got the hang of it. It's obvious that your father sneaked away because he thought he was in harmony with your mother. You see, you have a pair of twins in your life. Just because they are easy to give birth to, if I were Jiang Feng, I would choose You are a bitch!"

what! ~~~~
Yaoyue's scream was accompanied by the blasting air waves, and the streets and houses collapsed and shattered in an instant. Her petite body came to Zuo Zhou's side like a flash of jade light, and her crystal clear palm slapped Zuo Zhou Tianling Gai fiercely. .

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

Zuo Zhou let out a strange cry, and raised his hand to throw the fruit-level Arhat Fist at him, because the Dharma form was broken before, and the power of the Fruit-level Arhat Fist that has not yet been condensed is limited.But he didn't care, because he didn't intend to confront the tough. After all, Yaoyue didn't know any tough palms besides the majestic qi.Even when the defense was broken, her instinct as a warrior would not allow her to use the hard steel style of play.

So when the punch seemed to hit cotton, Zuo Zhou was not surprised, and when he raised his hand, Shaolin Dragon Claw grabbed it.

Crack, the claws and palms intersected, the sound was quite crisp, from the analysis of strength, this should be the attack power of the Arhat Fist that I had just attained.

Yi Hua Jie Yu is well-deserved of its reputation, Tian Mo Ce's control over the force field is also amazing, but... I don't kill myself, and you don't have a killer move. Just using this method of transferring power to make me hit myself can't beat me .

Yes, I know you are full of qi, but my qi recovers quickly too!

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang bang, bang bang, bang bang bang, the two of them wrestled together, fighting close to each other, Zuo Zhou's moves were dangerous and he was familiar with all kinds of kung fu, obviously he had a wealth of fighting experience.

As for Yaoyue, every time he was able to counterattack the opponent's attack, although it looked dangerous, it was actually as stable as an old dog.

However, an embarrassing thing happened, and neither of them could do anything about it.

Wuji Dao Dao Hun was seriously injured, and the rest of the weapons could not withstand the power of Zuo Zhou Shen Dao Slash, let alone the love of the city.And Sword Eleven Nirvana is a move of pure qi and sword intent, and it is a bit incompatible with martial arts such as Yi Hua Jie Yu and Ming Yu Kung, which can manipulate force fields.

That's why Zuo Zhou said to play support, but let a support face the assassin, what are the teammates doing?

Zuo Zhou glared unkindly at Tie Shou and the others next to him. The latter joined the battle with a wry smile. Tie Shou's fierce attack combined with Qin Shuang's wide-ranging chill, entangled Yaoyue again and liberated Zuo Zhou.

"If we fight like this, we won't be able to hold them!" Jiang Xiaoyu was a little anxious, he wouldn't give up revenge, just now he just had the mentality of inviting Yue Lian Xing.

"Don't worry, since I can play support, there will naturally be someone who can play the main attack." He said and looked at Yang Paifeng and others who were approaching.

The third charge, this time their target is no longer those dead soldiers and Yihua palace gatekeepers, Yang Paifeng held up the spear, all the true energy was condensed in one place, the whole cavalry seemed to be transformed into a spear , and the goal is to invite the moon!

The strong air pressure hit her face, making Yaoyue's breathing stagnate, but the power was not enough, but it had already suppressed her in momentum.

This time, the impact cannot be stopped!
Because of this understanding, Yaoyue forcibly led the iron hand attack into the ground, and the power of the counter-shock exploded and pushed her and the iron hand away at the same time. She was planning to use this power to help her move her position.

But at the very moment, a chain was wrapped around her feet from an almost impossible blind spot.

Where did the chain come from?Wasn't Zuo Zhou's chain cut off just now?

Hey, the advantage of soft weapons like chains is here, you only need to pick up the two ends and tie a knot to continue using them.

"Auxiliary is to force control!"

Zuo Zhou chuckled, no one heard his muttering, and he pulled hard with his hand.Yaoyue, who was not heavy at all, was pulled down from mid-air, and before she could react, she had already bumped into Yang Paifeng's spear head-on.

How to unload the force formed by the entire cavalry team?
Unless you are a strong player on the ground list, you should honestly avoid its edge first.But if you can't avoid it, just like Yaoyue at this time, vomit blood!
Yaoyue vomited blood, and the blood-red liquid was scattered in mid-air, and there was a nearly circular air shield around her, which was the special effect formed after Ming Yugong was run to the extreme.

If the elite cavalry led by Yang Paifeng looked like a wolf, then Yaoyue was the bone in the wolf's mouth.One wants to crush bones, and the other wants to turn wolves into huskies.

The two sides competed for a long time, Yang Paifeng insisted on Yaoyue and ran almost [-] meters.

At this time, Tie Shou also caught up, and the two fists that condensed his true energy directly hit Yaoyue's ribs. The angle was very tricky. If Yaoyue was not facing Yang Paifeng directly, he might want to beat his chest.

Qin Shuang also joined in, but he aimed at the back, and with two punches, Yaoyue's air mask shrank and sunken instantly, and the frost covered Yaoyue's neck.

"It seems that everyone's ability to repair damage is very strong!" Zuo Zhou laughed, and swiped Wushuangjian to shoot straight at the sky sword shadow. If you can't move your hand, you can't block my sword shadow.

"elder sister!"

Lian Xing's shrill pierced in suddenly, and after being hit by Xuanyuan Sanguang's palm and You Ruo's foot, he was scratched again by Wei Xiaobao's thunder beads. Lian Xing finally stood behind Yaoyue, with one hand behind her With his back to help him relieve his strength, he used Yi Hua Jie Yu with one hand to fight against Jian Ying.

Ding ding ding ding ding!

The metal clattered together, countless sword shadows intertwined uncontrollably in the air, collided with each other and dissipated, and the true energy dissipated chaotically. Zuo Zhou felt distressed for a while, which was accumulated with great difficulty.

Take back the Wushuang sword, turn your hand to remove the hard bow, and draw the seven absolute arrows to the full!
"Attack Lian Xing!"

Zuo Zhou released the bowstring at the same time as he issued the order, and then shot again with the bow at a lightning-fast speed, seven times in a row!

The ultimate Qilianzhu, which has reached the level of Qilianzhu, even the Qijue Arrow will be blown to pieces because of its power, but good things are for use, and it can be regarded as something worthwhile if it can kill a person. value.

Hearing Zuo Zhou's order, Tie Shou, Qin Shuang, and Xuanyuan Sanguang all turned their attacks to Lian Xing, and she had to withdraw her hands to deal with the attack with all her strength in a moment of panic.But Zuo Zhou's arrow did not shoot Lian Xing, but Yao Yue!
The superposition of layers of power made the arrow look dazzling, like a shooting star streaking across the sky during the day.

The bright light gradually enlarged in Yaoyue's eyes, and as she approached a little bit, the breath of death even began to caress her neck.


Just like Zuo Zhou's enemies were about to burst into battle, Yaoyue didn't die so easily, one of his overlapping hands suddenly separated and pressed against Lianxing's back behind him.Yi Hua Jie Yu directed all of Yang Pai Feng's impact to him.

The powerful impact force penetrated into the body and directly injured Lian Xing's meridians, but the sisters still cooperated a little over the years, and immediately carried out Yihua Jieyu to export this impact force directly to the attack of Tie Shou and others.

puff! ×3
Naturally, the sudden change was not something Tieshou and the others could cope with. The three of them flew far away vomiting blood, and even rolled several times after landing.

Yang Paifeng also stopped. The impact of the entire cavalry team was able to stop them with just two people.This Yaoyue is indeed worthy of being a master of the list.

But Yang Paifeng didn't intend to let the enemy go, even if the impact force was transferred, it would definitely cause harm to the body. Taking advantage of her illness, they would die!
"Sister, you shouldn't love to fight, let's go!"

Lianxing sprayed blood on Yaoyue's face, and she finally regained her sanity. Seeing Yang Paifeng stabbing him with a spear, Yaoyue picked up Lianxing and spun around in the air to avoid the stabbing, and flew away with a whoosh gone.

"Run away, what should I do?" Jiang Xiaoyu was about to chase after him, when he suddenly realized that he seemed unable to beat him.

Zuo Zhou was not in a hurry, "If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. The Yihua Palace is there. This is a good opportunity to become famous in the martial arts world. How could Hero Jiang let it go?"

Jiang Xiaoyu (⊙_⊙)? "You Jiang he serious?"

Zuo Zhou o(^`)o "It's not you anyway!"

(End of this chapter)

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