Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 310 Let Me Earn 1 More Point

Chapter 310 Let Me Earn More

Now it's garbage time, He Hongyao's Golden Snake Swordsmanship is very proficient, but like Wuming once commented, the most valuable part of the Golden Snake Cheats has never been the Golden Snake Swordsmanship, but the breeding and manipulation of the Golden Snake Gu.So even in the face of Su Ying who only had one arm left to move, He Hongyao did not have the upper hand.

After all, Su Ying still has feet to use, and Fengshen's legs are very powerful.

However, after Jiang Yuyan arrived, the outcome of all this seemed to be doomed, and even Jiang Yuyan couldn't find a reason for her failure after thinking about it for a long time.

So here comes the question, is it going out now to kill the two, and still say that the old man is taking advantage of it?

This is really a troublesome thing!
Sure enough, everyone has troubles, Xueba worries why the test score is only [-] points, Haiwang worries why there are always more than a dozen girls contacting him at the same time, don’t you all have careers?
What Jiang Yuyan was worried about was, if she went out now, would the two of them have hidden killer moves.If they go out after they finish playing, will there be another accident due to the delay.

She is still not confident after all, if it was Zuo Zhou, he would definitely choose to go out now, because he is confident in himself, confident that no matter what hidden means the enemy has, he can defeat him.

Therefore, Jiang Yuyan's inner inferiority made her choose the safest way to fight herself, and so on...

Of course, these two people who struggled to fight each other in the arena didn't know. Su Ying was a little thankful now that what she just hit was a palm instead of a kick. If she was bitten on her leg, she might not be able to hold on for so long at this time.

In fact, those who have watched "Feng Yun" all feel that Nie Feng is stronger than Bu Jingyun. Why?Just because he cultivated Fengshen legs, you think, after owning the peerless sword and Xueyin Kuangdao, the two of them have to leave one hand to use the weapon, which is very important for Paiyun Palm or Tianshuang Fist. The performance of similar martial arts will be an obstacle, but Nie Feng is practicing legwork. For him, having a weapon is simply addition!
Well, it's a bit ridiculous to describe strength in such an awkward way, but that's how it is today.

There is no difference in power between the palm technique and the boxing technique, but there is a difference in the use method. The palm technique changes more, so both hands are more suitable for use, while the boxing technique pays attention to strength and strength, and one hand can exert all its strength. The reason why the strength behind the arm is not weakened much.

Now Su Ying completely gave up on Paiyunzhang, and only used Tianshuang Fist and Fengshen Kick to fight He Hongyao.Then...she felt a little mysterious breath, this breath is very abrupt, like a node of fate, you keep moving forward, and you will understand it when you arrive, but if you don't arrive, even if you see it and touch it, you still can't understand it.

At the beginning, Su Ying didn't quite understand what was going on and why did she feel this way?
But with the passage of time, Su Ying gradually came to a realization.
Why is the combination of wind and frost?Shouldn't it be Fengyun?
After a short period of hesitation, Su Ying suddenly remembered that this is not a TV series, but a different world, that is to say, Maha Wuliang does not necessarily have to be performed with the help of Fengyun. But it doesn't mean it can't be displayed by other natural forces.

What's more, it seems that Nie Feng and Qin Shuang have worked together to exert this kind of power, even long before Bu Jingyun, after all, Bu Jingyun was still calculating Xiongba at that time.

Thinking of Su Ying's sudden awakening here, could it be because Nie Feng and Qin Shuang used the power of combining bi beforehand, so using Fengshuang combining bi is easier than Fengyun combining bi?

Only fortune tellers believe in fate, but if you insist that it does not exist, you are wrong!Well, after that, we must try Fengshuang Hebi together with Mingyue, it can't be said that it is more reliable than Fengyun Hebi.

Thinking in her heart, Su Ying suddenly changed her move, kicking and punching forward at the same time, this is a very weird movement, the fist and foot did not hit He Hongyao, and they hit together abnormally, and He Hong was hit all at once. The medicine is gone.

If you give me such a chance, do I take this opportunity to give you a sword?Or give you a sword?Still, give you a sword!
The pseudo-golden snake sword formed by nine poisonous snakes directly stabs at the other supporting leg, and it is about to hit. The fists and feet that intersected before suddenly burst into dazzling light. It is also an intuitive manifestation of power.

In an instant, the power of wind and frost mixed together, and the bitingly cold wind blade exploded, piercing through He Hongyao's chest three times. Because it was too fast and too close, He Hongyao had no ability to dodge at all. Relying on her true qi, she even retracted her sword to defend herself, but the power of the combination of wind and frost was so powerful that it not only crushed the nine poisonous snakes, but also pierced through her body-protecting true qi.

Three pillars of blood sprayed out from He Hongyao's body, completely staining her clean body red with blood.


He Hongyao backed away quickly, gushing out a mouthful of old blood, not caring about speaking harshly, turned around and was about to run.

"Hmph, let you run away, wouldn't I still be entangled after that?" Su Ying's face turned pale for a moment, but quickly recovered, and Fengshen's legs made a big jump and stopped in front of He Hongyao.

He Hongyao was shocked, his eyes showed panic, and his body even retreated uncontrollably.Seeing this, Su Ying naturally wanted to take the opportunity to kill, and punched He Hongyao's head hard with a cold fist.

However, at this critical moment, when even Jiang Yuyan, who was watching, thought He Hongyao was going to die, she saw her puff up her chest, and the thin apron, which was originally only one piece left, suddenly flashed a dazzling red light .

Su Ying and Jiang Yuyan, who were at the same angle, suddenly discovered that there was a bright red peony embroidered on the bellyband!
Why didn't you find out before?Is it an invisible embroidery method?
This peony is not simple, if you take out a magnifying glass and study it at this time, you will find that the lines that make up the peony are not silk threads, but tiny Gu worms!
And these Gu worms were all shot out under the urging of He Hongyao, their speed was as fast as lightning, Su Ying didn't have time to react at all, countless Gu worms had already pierced through the protective body and shot into her body of.

Su Ying let out a muffled groan, and her whole body became sluggish, and her Tianshuang Fist did not fail, and hit He Hongyao hard on the cheek.

"Ho ho..."

He Hongyao was laughing, half of her face was covered with frost, her jaw was completely crooked, and she couldn't even speak smoothly.But she was still laughing because she won!
The red thread Gu is not too powerful or too poisonous Gu insect, the only effect may be to have a miraculous effect on protecting the body, but it has to be gathered together in large quantities to be effective.Therefore, in the Five Poison Sect, there are very few people who use this kind of Gu insects. After all, it is very troublesome to make such a close-fitting apron.

But at this moment, Su Ying was already in a bad state, and the red thread Gu was deadly enough.

Looking at Su Ying again, she fell to the ground slowly amidst He Hongyao's distorted laughter, and gradually lost her voice.

He Hongyao took a long breath, stretched out her hand to grab her chin, and straightened it so cruelly that she even burst into tears from the pain.But the joy of victory overwhelmed everything else, He Hongyao kicked Su Ying, and found that she was really quiet before slowly squatting down to search her body.

However, the moment she crouched down, Su Ying made a move. It was the same hand that was poisoned and stiff before. She punched her throat with a fist. neck.

He Hongyao looked at her in disbelief, the brilliance of life was slowly disappearing.

Su Ying laughed miserably, "I didn't think of the red thread Gu, but you didn't think of it, either. The Golden Snake Gu replaces the meridians in my body. The mere red thread Gu is just some food."

He Hongyao was in despair with a trance, and then completely fell silent into the boundless darkness.

Su Ying slowly sat up, wanted to get up but sat down again, the power of the red thread Gu just now mainly lies in the impact force, poison or something is average, after all, she has a high resistance to poison, but the impact force can easily knock her down. destruction of internal organs.Fortunately, the Golden Dragon Gu in her body, which acts as a meridian, blocked the vital points, otherwise she would have no chance to fight back.


A bitter wind suddenly hit from the back of his head.

Su Ying shuddered, feeling the approach of death again, it was difficult to fight back in a sitting position, not to mention the serious injuries on her body, she immediately lay down on the side, and at the same time, she finally saw behind her, it was a masked woman, Judging from the eyebrows, eyes and figure that are only exposed to the outside, she is definitely a beauty.

'When did I offend such a person? '

Su Ying dodged a palm and wanted to get up, but Jiang Yuyan was so powerful that she started chasing and oppressing her with every move, forcing Su Ying to be unable to get up.

If she couldn't get up, she couldn't use Fengshen's legs. She could only use Tianshuang fist and Jiang Yuyan's hard steel front.

However, there was a problem. When the fists and palms intersected, the bitter cold air did not burst out. Instead, Jiang Yuyan grabbed her wrist, and her seemingly slender fingers directly dug into her flesh.

Crackling, clapping with both hands along Su Ying's arm and climbing up to the shoulders, the five fingers were directly clasped to death, which easily caused a dislocation, and then grabbed to the throat.

Su Ying was shocked, "Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand! Who are you?"

There are no female disciples in Shaolin, and this kind of unique knowledge is not something ordinary women can learn.However, Su Ying reacted quickly, and with a jump of the Golden Snake Gu, it broke through her flesh and shot at Jiang Yuyan!

Jiang Yuyan seemed to be forced to retreat as a matter of course, but what Su Ying didn't expect was that a golden snake was shot from the opponent's wrist, and she was most afraid that she would swallow the golden snake Gu into her stomach?

hiss!What kind of snake is this?Can devour Golden Dragon Gu?Don't be afraid of being poisoned!
Su Ying couldn't believe it, but she was experienced after all, so she quickly connected her arm while the opponent retreated, and then Paiyunzhang came over.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuyan's eyes were filled with excitement, and she ignored the force of the Paiyun Palm, and gave it a hard touch, and then used her kicks to counter Fengshen's legs a few more times.

I can't help but sigh in my heart, the three masters of Tianxiahui are really extraordinary! (ω)
 Today is the birthday of the old book friend Fat Fobal, and a new chapter will be added, happy birthday
(End of this chapter)

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