Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 320 How did the situation collapse like this?

Chapter 320 How did the situation collapse like this?

Zuo Zhou half-kneeled above the main hall, feeling extremely complicated.

Just a quarter of an hour ago, when he came in with Concubine Xiao, he was quite happy when he learned that Emperor Qin was going to summon him in front of civil and military officials above the main hall.This is the rhythm of making it clear that he wants to help him recover his identity and give him a marriage!
However, just a few minutes ago, Yang Wenguang handed over a document. Zuo Zhou didn't know what it was at the time, but Qin Huang's expression changed after reading it.

By the way, the Emperor Qin who met all the officials turned out to be that impostor!
Well, this was a bit beyond Zuo Zhou's expectation. Wasn't this guy afraid to meet officials at first?Why did it pop up now? Could it be that he consciously improved his acting skills?Or did something happen?
Zuo Zhou didn't say anything about it, anyway, he was not afraid of being exposed anyway, so what was he worried about.

But then I was a little confused, and only heard Qin Huang ask: "Yang Wenguang, I want to call General Li to be the son-in-law for Princess Qingping, do you... have any objections?"

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Even if Zuo Zhou didn't turn his head, he could still feel the question mark on the head of Manchao Wenwu at this moment. What's the situation?When does Princess Qingping need the Yang family's consent to call someone to be her son-in-law?
Qin Huang sighed, and asked the servant to open the document for Manchu Wenwu to read. It was a marriage letter, and Qingping's name and birth date were impressively written in the woman's column.And the man's column is... Yang Ping! ?

This Yang Ping...

"Qingping, is this marriage certificate real?"

Qin Huang asked softly, Qingping was stunned for a moment, her expression became strangely anxious, she stepped forward and replied: "True! But at the beginning, my brother made the marriage contract to steal Jingzhou City secretly, and later Yang Ping also died in The hand of the imperial sister."

Many civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty knew what happened to Princess Qingping back then. After all, it involved the military power of Jiangnan Dao. Now it doesn't matter if Qingping admits it, so what if it is true, Yang Ping is dead.

"General Yang is a bit unreasonable. What does the marriage contract have to do with your Yang family, and Yang Ping has died at the hands of Qingping. Now you speak out and damage the reputation of Princess Qingping." Prince Xiao was the first to come out. Speaking for Zuo Zhou, it can be seen that if he had to maintain his personality, he would stand up from the wheelchair.

Zuo Zhou was a little moved, but he didn't expect Yang Wenguang to snort, "Mr. Xiao doesn't know something. This Yang Cang and Yang Ping father and son are offshoots of my Yang family!"

Concubine Xiao: "..."

Do you dare to believe that the surname Yang is all your family members?
"You guys don't know that after our ancestors helped Song fight against the Liao Dynasty, many branches of the Yang family did not return to the Song state. And Yang Cang is one of the many branches of my Yang family. The head of the Pei state married Yang Cang before. Yang Cang sent the marriage certificate back to my family, so Princess Qingping is the one who entered the ancestral hall of my Yang family."

Qingping was stunned, why did she unknowingly enter the Yang family's ancestral hall?Yang Jiapei?

Qingping looked at Zuo Zhou in a daze, feeling at a loss for a moment, she suddenly thought of something, no matter whether Yang Wenguang made trouble or not, from the perspective of marriage contract, she seems to be indeed a widow, or the one who killed her husband black widow.

"If you don't believe me, this is the family tree of the Yang family, and the transcription of each name in it is witnessed by many highly respected scholars." Yang Wenguang was obviously very well prepared.

The servant handed the genealogy of Yang's family to Emperor Qin, and after a brief review, Emperor Qin said: "My loves, what do you think of this matter?"

As soon as Qin Huang's words fell, Zuo Zhou had already stepped forward and knelt on the ground, performing a standard general's etiquette, "Your Majesty, I met Princess Qingping at Weimo, and they lived and died together. Please Your Majesty's grace!"

At this point, the memory is over, but Zuo Zhou, who has been lowering his head, suddenly has a bad feeling in his heart, or he seems to see a certain possibility in the future.

From the moment the fake Emperor Qin uttered the first sentence, he felt it was wrong.Why do you still call him Li Yuanfang?Have you thought about helping him prove his name?This fake Emperor Qin seems to be a little... hostile to him?Not really, it's like a preparedness, a crisis plan feeling.

But no matter what the reason is, if Emperor Qin dared to act recklessly today, then... the history of the Great Qin next door will repeat itself, and Emperor Qin's death is approaching, I will kill him! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

No one in civil and military circles in the court saw that Zuo Zhou's eyes were red at this time. Di Renjie stood up after Consort Xiao, "Pei Guo and Yan Guo are gone, Yang Ping and Yang Cang are dead, this engagement should not be counted."

Yang Wenguang seemed to have expected that Di Renjie would stand up and speak for Li Yuanfang, but he didn't refute, just stood and watched quietly with a smile, as if everything was expected.

"Master Di's words are wrong. The etiquette cannot be revoked. Since Princess Qingping has entered the Yang family's ancestral hall, she is a member of the Yang family. As the husband's family, if she disagrees, she cannot remarry."

A middle-aged man who looked very upright stood up, his voice was very strange, but it just gave people a feeling of uprightness.

Zuo Zhou looked back slightly, only to find that the middle-aged man was also looking at him, with a trace of complacency in his eyes, as if he was waiting for Zuo Zhou to look back at him.

This look...he has seen portraits of Sima Guang.

Zuo Zhou lowered his head again, and had no intention of scolding him, because he knew that what happened today still depends on Qin Huang's thoughts.

However, after Sima Guang, a large number of courtiers stood up, and they kept saying that they were maintaining the rules and abiding by the orthodoxy.

Zuo Zhou glanced up at Yang Wenguang again, and found that this guy was also looking at him, but he didn't feel complacent, but rather annoyed. He seemed unwilling to take care of this matter, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Zuo Zhou bowed his head again, the quarrel was far away from him at this moment, and he could not hear any sound.He knew that Di Renjie, Concubine Xiao and Bao Zheng were arguing for him.But it's useless to argue about it, because they really don't seem to make sense.

Some people say that you don't know the pain until the sword hits you. Today Zuo Zhou knows the pain.Hehe, he has never had such a deep understanding of the pain of feudal society.

The sages who created a new China, you are amazing!
Above the main hall, the debate continued. Bao Zheng, Di Renjie, and Concubine Xiao are very powerful, even if there is no reason, they can still compete for some points.

But there are too many courtiers on the side of the Yang family, no, it cannot be said that they are on the side of the Yang family, it should be said that there are too many on the side of the 'rules'.

It has to be said that this matter has caught up with a special time, Qin Huang wants to pass on the throne to Hu Hai, according to the etiquette, it should be passed on from the elder to the younger.If Emperor Qin compromised according to the etiquette this time, then the ministers would have the upper hand in the matter of the next crown prince.

Therefore, the ministers are not targeting Li Yuanfang and Princess Qingping, but their imaginary Great Qin Dynasty!
As for Li Yuanfang and Princess Qingping, they are just small characters who can be sacrificed.

Qingping cried, crying silently, she didn't go to see Emperor Qin or pray for anything, she just stared at Zuo Zhou's back.In the entire hall, he was the only one still kneeling, waiting for Qin Huang's words.

"Okay, stop arguing!"

Emperor Qin opened his mouth, but all the officials were silent. He looked at Zuo Zhou who was still kneeling in the middle, and sighed: "This matter is related to the dignity of the royal family. I need to think carefully about it. Ladies and gentlemen, please step down."

"Your Yang family... lacks a widow?"

Qin Huang was about to get up and leave, but he heard a clear taunt echoing throughout the hall, and everyone looked at the slowly standing figure in shock.

crazy?Isn't this Ni Lin who stabbed the Yang family?
Yang Wenguang was furious, staring at Zuo Zhou, but met a pair of cold eyes head-on, puff, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell into a sluggish state.If it weren't for the generals behind him to support him, he would have fallen at this moment.

Everyone is dumbfounded, is this a move on the main hall?Don't want to live anymore?

"Your Majesty! This lunatic's murder is a crime of disrespect, and the worst thing is... poof!"

Zuo Zhou glared at him, and Sima Guang rolled his eyes twice more than Yang Wenguang vomited blood.

So, sometimes the truth is very simple, if you can't pierce a layer of window paper, you just don't understand.You see, isn't this mental power attack very useful?People say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, because the eyes are the body organs that are easiest to display spiritual power.He only needs to reveal a trace of the world-destroying breath, and it can have the effect of staring at someone with morning sickness.

Huh, why didn't I think of it before?Well, maybe I haven't been so angry before!

The only pity is that his eyes are not strong enough and can only bear a little.

"Yuan Fang, what are you doing? Don't hurry up..." Xiao Concubine shouted anxiously.

"The exiles said that Emperor Qin is about to die, you all remember it!"


Zuo Zhou's words made everyone shudder. What is the difference between your words... and saying that you want to kill the king?
no difference!

Zuo Zhou looked at Qin Huang's eyes without respect, um, it's a fake anyway, and he didn't need any respect at all.Qin Huang was startled by that look, a dozen eunuchs had fallen beside him at the same time, each of them was at the level of a master, and his movements were quick, as if they were all cultivating the Sunflower Book.

At the same time, all the generals in the palace clenched their fists and stared at Zuo Zhou with full vigilance, and there were also some experts with strong blood.

There are strong players in the local ranking within a hundred miles of your radius. The opportunity has come, please be sure to seize it!

The system's sudden reminder made Zuo Zhou feel as if his heart had been poured into a pot of cold... Shit, even if the list came, he couldn't stop him from killing people.Let him push Daqin into the abyss of chaos with his own hands today!
The innate zhenqi in the body is flowing rapidly, and there is no wind behind him, and Faxiang's arm will appear in the world in the next second.

"General, forget it."


Qingping grabbed his arm, tears of satisfaction filled her face, a man was going to make Daqin an enemy for her, what more could she ask for in this life?
Zuo Zhou paused, "You don't have to worry about me, no one in this palace can stop me."

Qingping shook her head, "It doesn't make sense, whether I'm a regular wife, or whether I marry or not, I'm your woman."

The men and women looked at each other, Zuo Zhou suddenly felt that there should be a camera circling them at this moment, the more beautiful the better.Suddenly, I felt that it was boring, no wonder so many exiles went to Song State.In other words, that chaotic country is freer and doesn't need to be subjected to such birdishness.

"Let's go." Zuo Zhou took Qingping's hand and walked out of the hall.

The ministers are confused, come as soon as you say it, and want to leave as soon as you say it?
Sima Guang pushed away the person who was supporting him, and wiped a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth, "The murderer intends to assassinate His Majesty, and the left and right guards still haven't taken him..."


A mountain-like momentum pressed down, suppressing the entire hall, Sima Guang held back his words, unable to even move.

Zuo Zhou didn't turn his head back. The aura was not from him, but from the strong man on the ground list who was hiding in the dark.

"All... all back down."

The fake Emperor Qin waved his hand to let all the courtiers leave, the pressure disappeared, and no one dared to say anything more.When he was the only one left in the palace and even the servants were gone, he took a long breath, "Uncle Bai, why did you let him go?"

A man in a black satin robe turned out from behind a palace pillar, with a tall and straight figure, a heroic appearance, and a serious look between his brows, just one look made the fake Qin Huang a little timid.

"If I don't take action, you will die!"

Fake Emperor Qin laughed, "Aren't you still here?"

The black-robed man turned his head angrily, "I was able to defeat Wuming in a hundred moves back then, but Zuo Zhou just now can kill me in one move!"

"Hiss! So powerful!" The fake Qinhuang shuddered, feeling a little bit peeing.

But the man in black robe said again: "Of course, you must not see it, because you will definitely die before me!"

(End of this chapter)

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