Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 327 In the future world, crisis and opportunity coexist

Chapter 327 In the future world, crisis and opportunity coexist

In this world... there are immortal Buddhas?

Well, isn't it reasonable for the world of Gaowu to be a bit of a fairy?

Then why is it gone again?

Being fooled and lame...

"No, uh...I mean there must be no immortals and Buddhas now, otherwise there is no reason for us exiles not to know." Zuo Zhou didn't refute Qin Huang's words, he just said the information he confirmed with certainty.This has always been the world of high martial arts, with spells, but there are absolutely no gods.Either Qin Huang's previous understanding of the strong was biased, or these gods were all dead.But it doesn't make sense, what kind of catastrophe can stew all the immortals and Buddhas in one spoonful?The key is that it has not affected the common people, and even the common people don't even know that the gods are gone.

Before Qin Huang opened his mouth, Bai Qi said: "Aren't you curious why I destroyed the Skyfury Sword? Actually, I don't want to cross the river and demolish the bridge, but things like zombie bodies will be targeted by immortals, so I must Eliminate hidden dangers before they are discovered."

Fusu answered, "In the past, there were many countries in the world. On the surface, it was the imperial courts of each country that controlled the country, but in fact, those immortals and Buddhas had already marked out their territories."

Zuo Zhou was stunned, "So, the reason why a unified and profound culture cannot be formed is because Shinto worship suppresses the development of thought? Well, please let me take it easy, do you mind if I ask? Which god was Daqin before? territory?"

"Shui De Xingjun."

"Have you seen it?" Zuo Zhou was surprised.

Qin Huang leaned the sword of the Son of Heaven against the edge of the dragon chair, waved his hand and said, "I killed it."


These words almost made Zuo Zhou choke, he thought these gods and Buddhas were very tall, but in the end, your backhand was a turning point, I couldn't stand it.

Bai Qi smiled and said, "Do you still remember the one you killed yesterday?"

"Which one? Oh, the one who forgot to ask for his name?" Zuo Zhou was very disdainful.

"That's the one... I don't know her name, but aren't you surprised? Why did she break into the palace and beat up all the court masters, and then forced the late emperor to help her spread martial arts and select disciples?"

Zuo Zhou blinked, "You've already said that, then she... is Shui De Xingjun's person? By the way, is your Shui De Xing Jun the same as the Shui De Xing Jun we understand on the next-door earth?"

Bai Qi denied it as if he was talking about gossip, "It should be different. We don't have the concept of who manages whom. The difference in god position is only because of their different forms of power. Shui De Xingjun's use of the natural power of water Incomparable. I heard before that Shui De Xing Jun slapped Manjusri Bodhisattva on the mouth, but I don’t know if it’s true.”

Qin Huang seemed to be tired of holding the jade seal all the time, so he put it aside, "Do you know why I just said that using the method of secretly managing the rivers and lakes will restrain the development of martial arts? Because there are precedents for this, Daqin is the Shui De Xingjun In this country, if you practice other exercises in this country, you will always get half the result with half the effort. Only by practicing water attribute exercises can you achieve the best results, but this country also belongs to the domain of Shui De Xingjun. If you practice exercises of the same attribute, There's almost no chance of overtaking him."

"Hiss! Is Shui De Xingjun so strong that he has turned the entire Qin Kingdom into his domain?"

Qin Huang nodded, a little proud, after all, he was the one who killed him, "Not only Qin, but other countries have the same problems. Under the cover of those gods and Buddhas, all schools of thought will be suppressed, and we know that martial arts are the most powerful. The most important stage is to comprehend the true meaning of martial arts. If the true meaning of martial arts is suppressed, how can you become stronger, and you can only be a slave to the immortal Buddha for the rest of your life, and you will not be free!"

"Then the question is, how did you kill such a big Shui De Xingjun? What about the immortals and Buddhas of other countries? Other kings killed them?" Thinking about the sassy operations in other countries, he didn't believe those emperors With this kind of ability, he didn't even believe that Emperor Qin had killed Shui De Xingjun.

Qin Huang was delighted. He could see Zuo Zhou's disbelief, "It's actually easy to explain. Speaking of it, I should also thank you exiles for coming."

"Appreciate further details!"

"The fusion of the wills of the two universes is bound to bring about a change in the rules of heaven and earth. The rule of our world is the supremacy of personal force, while the rule of your world is... in the words of your exiles... science is the supremacy! Both After the fusion, the upper limit of personal force has been reduced and the lower limit of scientific rules has been raised."

"We don't know much about scientific rules, but when we think about it carefully, the specific points are all reflected in mechanism skills, so the widow recruited public losers early on. As for personal force, since the upper limit has been lowered, then What do you think will happen to those gods and Buddhas who have exceeded the upper limit?"

Seeing Qin Huang's gloating smile, Zuo Zhou immediately understood, "Die!"

"That's right, it's death! But it's not necessarily true, as long as you lower your strength below the upper limit before the fusion starts, it was a lively time, some people lowered their strength by their own clones, and some attempted to feign death Yes, there are those who self-mutilate their bodies and sacrifice their health, and even those who have crazy intercourse and reproduce, oh yes, the so-called secret recipe of the Meng family's childbirth is inspired by this."

Zuo Zhou's eyelids are twitching wildly, the Meng family is reckless, the gods and Buddhas are here to reduce their strength, and you use it to have children?
Qin Huang continued to laugh and said: "However, the way of heaven cannot be deceived. The avatars were destroyed together with the main body, those who died in feigned death became real deaths, and there was no scum left of the self-mutilated ones. The children who had sex insanely gave birth to many children, but I also died." A happy death."

"Then the ones who didn't succeed in lowering their strength? Couldn't there be no survivors?"

"Yes, in fact, there are many people who reduce their strength. The key lies in the word 'complete'. You must not only give up your own strength, but also give up your comprehension. You must be comprehensive, otherwise you will be targeted by the Dao of Heaven. However, No one can grasp this limit well. Besides, self-reduction of strength is a serious injury to any god and Buddha, and it is a serious injury that hurts the foundation. If you go this way, then I am sorry. In the future, the upper limit of personal strength will be stabilized again. After that, you also get stuck because of fundamental problems, and it is difficult to reach the top again."

"Then let me guess, that Shui De Xingjun didn't just choose such a serious trouble?"

Qin Huang thought for a while and was not very sure, "It should be, but it's not entirely."

"What do you mean?"

"When the widow killed him, he only had the strength to enter the ground rankings. He should have taken the path of forcibly lowering his strength, but yesterday you killed that... who, the widow thinks, Shui De Xingjun should be Two sets of plans were prepared, but unfortunately, both were broken."

Zuo Zhou's expression froze, "Since Mr. Shui De Xing has a plan, then the other gods and Buddhas..."

"No god will sit still and wait for death. There may be some ways to survive, but don't need to pay too much attention. The way of heaven can't hide it, let alone the will of the two universes! Since everyone is standing on the same starting line, then I don’t need to be afraid of anything, I am full of confidence in the human race!” Qin Huang said as he struck the sword of the Son of Heaven on the ground, and the crisp voice radiated far away, as if a provincial clock was vibrating in his heart, Qin Huang was very nervous. Strong!

Zuo Zhou sighed to himself, but Bai Qi beside him sighed: "In fact, compared to those immortal Buddhas, the problem of the monster race is bigger!"

"Huh? Why are you related to the Yaozu again?" Because Zuo Qianhu and Zuo Zhou knew there was a Yaozu back then.

"Because it is much easier for the Yaozu to suppress their strength than those immortal Buddhas. They only need to give up the human body and restore their original shape!" Bai Qi explained: "So, it can be expected that in the future, before the immortal Buddha re-emerges, Yaozu will stand on the world stage first!"

"Monster disaster!" Zuo Zhou felt a toothache, which was very troublesome. Immortal Buddha looked down on the people like ants, but he would not intentionally make things difficult for ants.But the monster race is different, the species are different, just like humans eat pigs and sheep, they will also eat people.

"But there is no need to worry for the time being. Human masters are rising very quickly, and it is more difficult for monster races to reproduce than human masters, so we have an advantage in numbers. As long as the high-end human combat power can withstand it, the monster race is not a worry." Qin Huang didn't seem to care much.

Seeing his confident appearance, Zuo Zhou still didn't quite understand, where did this confidence come from?The world cannot be united, and each country is fighting on its own, just like the immortal Buddha before.It was fine when the immortal Buddha had the absolute upper hand before, but now it is obvious that the monster race will occupy the peak faster!
Are you so optimistic?

Zuo Zhou almost had distrust written all over his face, Qin Huang was not surprised when he saw this, but anyone who knew this would inevitably have pessimistic thoughts, "Sometimes, it is necessary to take a little risk, the human race has escaped the suppression of the immortal Buddha , Naturally, I have to give up the protection of the Immortal Buddha. I can't let the people be the masters like your world, but I can at least let the human beings be the masters."

"This is what you're going to do next? Specifically? It won't be like I said, let Bai Qi lead the troops to push all the way, and then sacrifice Daqin! Isn't that the same as the history of my world?" Is it the same? And you also said yourself that if you are united for a long time, you will be divided for a long time. There is no culture with a deep foundation in this world, and there may not even be time to form this culture."

Qin Huang nodded, "Of course there is no way to do it with normal means, but with some unconventional means, you can still be famous in history and become an emperor through the ages!"


Qin Huang straightened up as he said, and held up the sword of the emperor, the jade seal and the bamboo slips again, "After I leave, the jade seal will be held by Hu Hai, and Bai Qi will hold the sword of the emperor, and hand over the bamboo slips to Zuo Zhou. Well, the auspicious time has come." Come on, don't delay, you can kneel!"

Bai Qi, Fu Su, and Hu Hai all knelt down, but Zuo Zhou stood there in a daze and seemed out of place.

"No, why do I have to kneel?"

Zuo Zhou can't laugh or cry, if you were the First Emperor of my world, then I would kneel, but you...

Qin Huang smiled mischievously, like an old urchin winking at Zuo Zhou, as if saying, 'Young man kneels, it's not a loss! '

(End of this chapter)

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