Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 330 The Great Qin Messenger

Chapter 330 The Great Qin Messenger

"Are you back? Are you satisfied with venting?"

"I'm not satisfied, I didn't even break a sweat, it's boring."

Di Renjie lowered his head and smiled, he had also heard about the incident, most of the court ministers couldn't figure out why Yang Wenguang wanted to offend Li Yuanfang.Many people even regarded Yang Wenguang as a supporter of Fusu, thinking that he wanted to use this incident to emphasize the ancestral system and force Emperor Qin to submit!
Who knew, it turned out to be for such a childish reason.

Hehe, the younger generation of the Yang family is a bit self-willed and shameful this time, not even Hu Hai.

However, this is young people, they are not exiles without so much experience, they are not old or even middle-aged, they have no experience in dealing with world affairs.

Therefore, when the reason was known, it seemed less unacceptable, including the departure of the Seventeenth Exhibition because of this matter.

They still don't know a word, social death!
It's that simple, the actions of the younger generation of the Yang family killed Zhan Shiqi Society.

If there was anything they hadn't thought of, it was that Yang Wenguang and Yang Paifeng couldn't beat Zhan Shiqi.

"Your woman is very powerful."

Di Renjie admired it sincerely, but it was her negligence. Before that, he only thought that there was no one in Dali Temple to rely on, except Yuchi Zhenjin and Li Yuanfang.Only now did I find out that Ximen Xiang and Zhan Shiqi were very good. It was said that they were just beginners a year ago. How come they are so good now? It's only been a year.

Well, if you look at it this way, then wouldn't Wei Xiaobao and Shuang'er also be some kind of masters?Oh, by the way, that old man Zuo... Forget it, he doesn't even know martial arts, so it's not worth looking forward to.

"My woman will naturally be stronger."

Zuo Zhou waved his hands proudly. Ah Xiang and Shiqi have been exercising together in the dream space for more than a year, plus the fire and cold blessings of the fire monkey and frost centipede eggs, as well as the water-piercing sword technique and the Yue family's spear technique itself. Power, why are they not strong?
In addition, Yang Wenguang and Yang Paifeng are both military generals. If it is better to fight immediately or lead troops to fight, then Zhan Shiqi will definitely not be able to fight, but it is better to fight standing up. .

Di Renjie looked at Zuo Zhou's proud look and said with disgust: "It depends on whether you can get it back. If you can't get it back, it's hard to say if it's your woman."

Zuo Zhou's face suddenly became ugly. If a woman doesn't want you to find her, then you may not be able to grab a piece of her clothes even if you chase her to the ends of the earth.

"when are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow, I have to solve some things today, at least I have to leave without worry."

Di Renjie took an official document from the table and threw it to Zuo Zhou. The latter took it roughly, making the official document wrinkled, but obviously neither of them minded.

Zuo Zhou opened the official document, slightly surprised, but then nodded as if it was a matter of course, "It's so fast, it's only been a day, and the ambition is so big? Or is it a war?"

The Qing Dynasty is at war, against the Song Dynasty...

"This is information that has just arrived. Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty launched an attack on the border of the Song Dynasty, and he kept saying that it was for unification."

Zuo Zhou was amused, "Does this mean to let Qin Huang take the blame? Or is it a test?"

"All of them." Di Renjie leaned on the chair and rubbed the center of his brows. There were too many things and he was a little tired. Internal problems continue, but the army is not in chaos, and its strength is still there. The Tang State has just quelled the Anshi Rebellion, and now it is in full swing. It is not wise to provoke a country that is on the rise. Although the new emperor ascended the throne, the strength of the Tang State There, no matter from which point of view, Great Qin is still the strongest among all the countries. Yuan State is on the verge of destruction, but due to geographical problems, if Qing State wants to destroy Yuan State, it must first kill Song State. In this case, it is better to destroy it first the state of Song."

"By the way, let's try Hu Hai's character and courage? Well, this timing is very good. There are internal problems in the Ming Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Daqin, and no one has time to take care of him. With no worries, it's okay for the Qing Dynasty to take action. normal."

Di Renjie laughed, "He's already enthroned after all, so you can save him some face and call him 'Your Majesty' or 'Xin Huang'."

"Okay, how does Hu Hai decide to respond?"

"...You should know that although Emperor Qin agreed to stop fighting at the beginning, the follow-up matters were presided over by the new emperor. The new emperor's original intention was to suspend the war and consolidate the territories and resources that had been obtained. Until everything After successfully digesting everything, let’s plan for the future!”

"I asked you what Hu Hai planned to do, what are you talking about with me?" Zuo Zhou disdainfully.

Di Renjie said indifferently: "Daqin conquered too much territory before, and it's not easy to completely digest it. Who knew that your letter brought Turks into the territory of Daqin. Now Wang Jian is dragged back and can't get away. Isn't it to stabilize the situation on the Turkic side!"

Zuo Zhou drooped his eyelids, as if he didn't understand at all, it was obviously Yang Wenguang who led the troops to flatten the Turks, what does it have to do with me, Li Yuanfang?
Di Renjie was not surprised to see Zuo Zhou pretending to be stupid, and continued: "When we knew that you were going to the Song Dynasty, the new emperor immediately thought that you were going to cause trouble. Coupled with the information we got before, we were discussing Afterwards, I decided to give you an official status as the Great Qin envoy to the Song State."

"Wait for me!" Zuo Zhou stretched out his hand, straightened up with a strange expression, "When did I say I was going to the Song Kingdom?"

Di Renjie replied naturally: "Zhan Shiqi came from Song State, his father died at the hands of Song soldiers, and the Ten Killing Gate took root in Song State. Now that he has left, is there any reason not to go to Song State?"

"That's not necessarily true. What if she guesses that we think the same way, so she deliberately doesn't go to Song?"

Di Renjie's eyes instantly became a little strange, "You...have you misunderstood Miss Zhan's IQ?"

How can it be repaired!I really want to refute him, but I don't know how to refute!

"In what name are you going as an envoy?"

"To discuss the business and trade issues between the two countries, of course, it's just a show. The Qing Dynasty has violated the border. We are sending the mission to the Song Dynasty at this time to tell the Qing side. We have been paying attention to this matter!"

"What's the use of this? It's better to give me a team of elites, and I'll fight guerrillas in the past." Zuo Zhou turned sideways to express his contempt for Hu Hai, a coward.

"No, we haven't even solved the Turkic problem completely. If we add a little more trouble, it will increase the burden on Daqin. This is not in line with our overall strategy." Di Renjie shook his head.

Zuo Zhou paused for a moment, and asked somewhat uncertainly: "Listen to what you mean, General Wang Jian has encountered trouble in Turkic?" Wang Jian is a person who can rub Xiongba under his feet, so it won't be impossible to destroy the individual resistance of Turkic power?

"It's still a matter of the Azure Dragon Society. There was also a dragon head in the original region of the Western Regions. This guy gathered a lot of anti-Qin forces. It caused a lot of trouble for Wang Jian. The most important thing is that this guy is very shrewd. If you don't confront Wang Jian head-on, it will cause the general a headache."

"Didn't Sikong Zhaixing tell you that the dragon head in the Western Regions is the Happy King?" Zuo Zhou asked curiously. Back then, Wei Jinzhong also borrowed soldiers from the Happy King. It makes no sense not to reveal it now. Bar.

Di Renjie was helpless, "Sikong Zhaixing has been exposed, and the identity of Happy King is the last piece of valuable information he brought back."

" did you get exposed?"

Di Renjie paused, then sighed: "Speaking of which, it's a scandal. Zhao Ji also joined the Azure Dragon Club and recognized the fake Sikong Zhaixing. If it wasn't for his good lightness kungfu, he might have been killed by now."

Zuo Zhou was speechless. What was the relationship between Zhao Ji and Lao Ai? It was not surprising that he could recognize Sikong Zhaixing's fake Wheel-Running King.

Ugh?Wait, if it was exposed, why didn't He Ran come back?Could it be that he died too?No, he has nothing to do with Sikong Zhaixing.In other words, He Ran and Ye Zhanqing have not been exposed yet!
Zuo Zhou raised his eyes and glanced at Di Renjie, but in the end he didn't tell the news. It's a secret, the less people know, the better.

"Wang Jian also led troops to attack Happy City after getting the information, but unfortunately, King Happy escaped after getting the news in advance." Di Renjie did not notice Zuo Zhou's abnormality, and continued: "However, our people at the border seem to have discovered some There are signs that Happy King has probably entered the hinterland of Daqin, and it is unknown where he is now."

"Hehe, where is his love, I'm going to the Song Dynasty, and I don't bother to pay attention to him just running in front of me."

Di Renjie continued: "Naturally, it would be overkill to use your strength to deal with Happy King, but this time you are going in an official capacity after all, and you can't just go by yourself so casually."

"Oh? Is there anyone else who wants to be with me? Say it first, if it's the Yang family, forget it. I don't hate them, but I'm afraid I can't help but kill them."

"...not the Yang family, but the guards under the supervisory censor."

Zuo Zhou's head went down for a moment, and then he realized, Zhan Zhao!
"That's fine. The only ones who care about Zhan Shiqi are Zhan Zhao and the others. It's just... I remember that Mr. Bao and Zhan Zhao are all from Song Dynasty, so there won't be any problems, right? Uh , I'm not doubting Master Bao's loyalty to Da Qin, but... would you mind telling me why Master Bao came from Song State in the first place?"

Zuo Zhou is a little curious. Although there is no unified culture, no unified country and other historical backgrounds, since the two worlds are parallel to each other, there must be some similarities in Bao Zheng's character design.

If the Yang family's defection from the Song Dynasty was completely heartbroken by the royal family, then what was the reason for Bao Zheng?

"This is Bao Zheng's matter. When you arrive in the Song Dynasty, you will naturally have a chance to know. But I still want to remind you, don't make trouble!"

"Don't worry, I'm going this time to find Shiqi. You know me, Lao Di, am I the kind of person who doesn't care about the overall situation?"

 It's very inexplicable, where is there any sign of the end of this book?There are so many countries waiting to be written in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, how can it be completed if there are more than 1000 chapters?Why are there so many unfinished stories in the book review section?

(End of this chapter)

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