Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 340 Diary of a Madman?

Chapter 340 Diary of a Madman?

It was not the first time for Zuo Zhou to see such things as Soul of Sword and Soul of Sword, but the Soul of Sword of Huolin Sword still surprised him.This is a very complete soul, complete but not pure.

To put it simply, Soul of Sword and Soul of Sword, whether it is a vicious evil soldier or some kind of Buddhist magic soldier, is very simple in itself, or it is the desire for victory, or the persistence of evil thoughts. heart child.

But the sword soul of the Huolin Sword is very different, it is very complicated, just like a normal adult soul, in this short time of entering the dream space, it has shown emotions such as fear, suspicion, madness, and even The eyeballs rolled around, as if thinking about something.

In stark contrast to the Fire Lin Sword, it was Nie Feng, no, not all Nie Feng.

Of course Nie Feng is still the same as before, but he was a little surprised when he first arrived in the dream space, but the fire unicorn next to Nie Feng is very eye-catching!

Nie Feng actually has two souls?
"This is where?"

Nie Feng seemed a little surprised by the fire unicorn next to him. It was a bit small, even standing upright, it was less than two meters high, and it was completely incomparable with the one in Lingyun Grotto in his memory.Then I saw the one on the opposite side, which was a bit similar to the one in Lingyun Cave. Even with all fours on the ground, it was nearly five meters high, and its figure was quite strong.

Nie Feng instinctively put on a defensive posture, but was surprised to find that the big unicorn seemed to be acting very sincerely in front of Zuo Zhou.

"This is my consciousness space. Originally, I wanted to bring you and Duanlang in for a talk, and help you reconcile the conflict, but now I have discovered that this so-called conflict should have nothing to do with you. The fire unicorn is fighting a proxy war!"

As Zuo Zhou said, he stared at the big and small unicorns with unkind eyes. The big unicorn was obviously more intelligent, so he took a step back in fear, while the little unicorn was a little ignorant and barked at him!Well, it's pretty cute.

Zuo Zhou couldn't help smiling, Nie Feng frowned and remained silent for a while, but then recalled the crazy experience during this period.The male body jumped away from the little unicorn with a shock, "Is it the one that drove me crazy?"

"Obviously." Zuo Zhou spread his hands, "It seems that it is not so easy to cure your rampage problem. At first, I thought your crazy rampage state was somewhat similar to Buddhism, but now it seems that you have to treat it from the source. "


"Let's manifest your experience during this period of time first. I remember that you had nothing when we separated. Why did this change happen during this period of time?"

Nie Feng didn't resist, and agreed to cooperate after almost a pause. Then, just like Zhan Shiqi's time, a panoramic picture began to appear in the space.The difference is that this time, Zuo Zhou's Dream-Returning Heart Sutra has improved significantly, so he doesn't need to teach Nie Feng to learn it.

After all, thinking about two big men sleeping holding hands, the picture is so beautiful, I dare not...

The entire dream space changed from darkness to light, and then to darkness again. Zuo Zhou was a little surprised. This turned out to be the scene of Wu Qing and others fighting against the enemy at Jiang Bie He's house. Could it be that he had already awakened Crazy Blood at that time?

Uh, by the way, what is the name of the little boss of the red fire ants?

Zuo Zhou scratched his cheek. This is a bad habit. There is a saying that the loser eats dust, but he will forget the loser. This is not good, it is impolite!
There is nothing to say about the battle on the screen. Without knowing the characteristics of the enemy, everyone failed to take advantage of it, and was even forced back step by step.Well, looking at it now, if Jiang Biehe and the others had obtained enough information at that time, and everyone had weapons in their hands, then the other party would not be so easy to be arrogant.

The battle was nothing to watch, and it soon reached the stage where the false bright moon attacked Ruthless. Zuo Zhou didn't know about this before, and... this was the first time the two met since they had a relationship, and Zuo Zhou felt a little complicated .

But after all, it was Nie Feng's perspective, and what he paid attention to was the fake Mingyue, obviously the other party hurt him badly.

"Things like emotional injuries can only be diluted with time, and I can't help you." Zuo Zhou patted Nie Feng on the back, but this guy should thank the fake Mingyue, after all, she is just a scumbag. As ruthless as Kong Ci, I am afraid that Nie Feng will remember her forever.

Nie Feng shook his head, and glanced at the fake Mingyue. Although there was hatred, it was no longer so unforgettable.

As the screen continued, Nie Feng's perspective screen gradually turned blood red, obviously showing signs of being possessed, but he was awakened by Ruthless.There were almost no problems so far, but the sudden situation also made Nie Feng a little suspicious, so he began to investigate his own life experience.

After all, to rule out poisoning, we can only investigate from the aspect of blood.Nie Feng first found some famous martial arts figures, or some old Jianghu who washed their hands in golden basins to inquire about his father's related deeds, and soon found that something seemed wrong. It didn't happen anymore.The most important thing is, if there is such a thing as crazy blood, why didn't his father become possessed when he confronted Xiongba?My wife has been robbed, isn't it exciting enough?Then his father really has a heavy taste.

Feeling wrong, Nie Feng made a decision to go to Lingyun Grotto to find his father's remains!

It has to be said that this was a bold or stupid decision. Lingyun Grotto has been quiet for many years. No one knows whether there are any strange beasts. It's okay if there are no beasts. If there are, then this is an act of giving away the head.

At this point in the picture, Zuo Zhou noticed that Nie Feng's expression had become ugly. Needless to say, he must have recalled some embarrassing experience.

Soon, Zuo Zhou found the answer in the picture...

There was raging fire and blood everywhere, and the three humanoid unicorns were fighting together frantically.They never cared about the injuries on their bodies, or whether the other party was of the same kind, or whether they were related by blood, they just rolled together and tore apart.

Yes, two of them are flesh and blood relatives, Nie Renwang and Nie Feng, the father and son can't recognize anything at this time, and Duan Shuai on the side is like a phone call gift, there is no sense of existence at all .

In the dream space, Nie Feng's eyes were already blushing. He watched helplessly as he tore open King Nie's throat and smashed Shuai's neck. He looked like a wolf king after winning the battle for territory. Yes, it's all animalistic!
The corner of Zuo Zhou's mouth twitched, well, it seems that even without the influence of the little unicorn, Nie Feng would probably be crazy.

The screen continued, after Nie Feng killed King Nie Ren and Duan Shuai, he began to drink blood on the two of them until their bodies shriveled and turned into dry bones. Nie Feng's strength was visible to the naked eye.

But the good times didn't last long, this fight really awakened the king in Lingyun Grotto, a real fire unicorn!
"Oh? Interesting!"

Zuo Zhou became interested. Judging from the picture, this fire unicorn is an authentic ground force. As it approached, pieces of fire clouds filled the Lingyun Cave, burning the entire sky red.Then the fire wave began to radiate, the mountains where it passed were scorched black, the forests turned to ashes, and all the villages as far as the eye could see were turned into ruins, and countless people turned into scorched corpses before they even had time to scream.

At this time, the crazy Nie Feng was very timid, even picked up Nie Renwang's Xueyin knife and ran away, and even used Fengshen's legs to the extreme in the crazy state, running so fast!

At this point, there is almost not much left in the picture. Nie Feng didn't know what to think, and started to go to Yujia Village, and then he was blocked by the broken waves as Yu Yue said, and then blocked the entrance of the village to hinder traffic.

"Okay, the truth is out, you don't need to blame yourself too much, your father is obviously already a puppet controlled by the fire unicorn, and you are the same, this is not your hand, killing this little unicorn, Even revenge!"

Zuo Zhou deflected his hatred tactfully, and Nie Feng really looked at the little Qilin with hatred when he heard this.

The little unicorn stretches its teeth and dances its claws
Nie Feng was so angry, he raised his foot to kick but was stopped by Zuo Zhou, "Wait a minute! We know why you went crazy, it was nothing more than being stimulated by this evil beast. But the secret of this evil beast I haven't figured it out yet, besides, why did you come to Yujia Village? Aren't you curious?"

"Not curious."

"..." Why didn't you follow the lines?
"It's okay if you're not curious, I'm curious!" Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes and walked towards the little Qilin.

This little unicorn is obviously a bit confused, you are afraid of the real Fire unicorn in the picture, are you not afraid of me?Am I not fierce enough?Do you want me to show you the ultimate world?


The little unicorn flew over and bit Zuo Zhou's neck.

"Be careful!" Nie Feng shouted anxiously.

Zuo Zhou didn't panic at all, and was even a little disappointed.You see, the real Fire Qilin is so red as soon as he appears on the stage, you must have made some sparks!With teeth?Are you a husky?

He knocked down the little Qilin with one knife, and then stepped on one foot to make it unable to turn over.


Zuo Zhou looked at the incoherent Nie Feng, "What? My heart hurts, I chopped it with the back of a knife."

"No, I'm just wondering, where did you get this knife, you obviously didn't have one just now!"

Zuo Zhou didn't bother to explain, my dream space can't be opened yet?Stretching out his hand to press the little unicorn's head, the entire pitch-black dream space changed again.

The sky is still the same sky, and Lingyun Cave is still the same Lingyun Cave, but... the world is not that world!

"Hiss! This is the world before the arrival of the exiles!"

The aura of different worlds is simply too sensitive for Zuo Zhou. After all, when Emperor Qin turned into a dragon vein, he was watching from the side. The strange and regular aura is shocking even thinking about it now.

Nie Feng also seemed to feel a little different, but he saw it differently from Zuo Zhou, pointing to a tree in the corner of the screen and said: "I remember this is a very big tree, why is it so small now? "

Zuo Zhou glanced at the tree trunk, which was only as thick as the mouth of a bowl, "It was at least five or sixty years ago!"

 I originally wanted to add an update today, but suddenly something happened, so let's change it to tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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