Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 344: Meng Meng Da Investment Expert

Chapter 344: Meng Meng Da Investment Expert
Guilt ah!
If you have a guilty conscience, this fight will be difficult. After all, he is not the kind of unreasonable person. It is impossible for him to beat the creditor without paying his debts like Gu Yi.You can't, at least you shouldn't.

Zuo Zhou sighed, kicked the long-faced man in the chest and kicked him away.

"Don't be impulsive, we have something to say, and we can explain any conflicts!" If you don't understand, just fight again.

The girl named Xiaomeng was excited, she didn't expect that the reinforcements Bingbing had found were so powerful, she moved lightly behind Cao Zhengchun.

Yes, Liuliqin came here on purpose. As soon as they arrived at the border town, they heard that it was taken over by Daqin, and the leader was a general named Li Yuanfang.As soon as she heard that she came, she felt relieved, this is an acquaintance, and whether she can escape the pursuit depends on him.

In fact, Zuo Zhou also tacitly knew it. After all, the world is so big and it is not so easy to meet each other. Even if it is a coincidence, it will not be when the other party is in trouble, so there is a high probability that Liu Liqin came here to ask for help.

"General Li is right. You can talk about anything you want. Since the general wants to be reasonable, let's talk about it."

The fat-faced and thin-faced men retreated after hearing the sound, and a good young man walked out from the corner, handsome and unrestrained, a fan he found somewhere was still shaking there.

Behind the son is a young man, an old man, two middle-aged men and two women. The old man has no martial arts but his eyes are restrained and full of wisdom. The breath is long, the face is full of beards, and the reaction is strong. The two women... martial arts are ordinary and should be vase roles.

What surprised Zuo Zhou the most was that young man. Zuo Zhou saw a kind of self-confidence in him, a kind of self-confidence that he saw in Jian Chen back then.This kind of self-confidence is hard to come by. It's either Jian Chen's naivety who hasn't been beaten by society like Jian Chen, or the self-confidence that is truly capable and built through battles.

Murong Fu frowned and then let go. He found that Zuo Zhou's eyes fell on Xiang Yu the most, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"This lord is very powerful, but the leader of the garrison in the border town, Li Yuanfang, General Li?"

Murong Fu clasped his fists knowingly, Zuo Zhou came back to his senses when he saw the situation, he knew that this man was going to follow the rules of the rivers and lakes, you see how standard the clasped fists were.

"If you are a commoner, you don't want to be called a general. It seems that the general is using power to suppress others."


Are you swearing... Murong Fu was angry but kept his expression on his face, "Brother Li is considerate, I don't know what relationship these girls have with Brother Li?"

Zuo Zhou looked at the three of them. To be honest, apart from Zhou Zhiruo who was a celebrity, the rest of Liu Liqin had little to do with him, and the one named Xiaomeng didn't even know each other.

Zuo Zhou began to hesitate. He was confident that he could keep all these guys behind with a single blow, but it wasn't your reason for being unreasonable, and he couldn't develop the habit of doing everything.

Why couldn't Murong Fu see Zuo Zhou's hesitation, and said with a smile, "Brother Li was probably deceived by villains, so I will tell Brother Li about the cause and effect."

When Zuo Zhou saw the situation, he suddenly understood in his heart that since the other party dared to speak the truth so frankly, he must be on the right side.

"My Murong Fu, originally a son of a merchant in the south, owns a family business in a water town in the south. Because he was young and ignorant, he envied the pleasures of the rivers and lakes, so he left home to travel for many years. Although he has made some achievements in the rivers and lakes over the years, his homesickness has become more and more serious. But when I returned home, I found that the family property was about to be wiped out by the servant girl!"

Murong Fu stared at Xiaomeng with his folding fan, making everyone feel his anger.

Everyone couldn't help but looked at Xiaomeng together, Zuo Zhou was surprised at the identity of the other party, Murong Fu?Then behind him is Azhu, Abi, Deng Baichuan, Gongye, the four generals who are involved in different turmoil and evil?What about the old and the young?Another change?

"This...isn't a loss, at least the real estate is still..."


call!Zuo Zhou almost didn't laugh, he had witnessed the lethality of the exiles in another way.

"Okay!" Murong Fu slapped his palm with his fan, "Since you admit it, for the sake of Brother Li, I don't want your life either, just pay back my loss."

Before Zuo Zhou could speak, Zhan Zhao said coldly from behind: "It's only natural to pay back the debt, not to mention that it belongs to the private owner's property."

Zhan Hongling also smiled helplessly at Liu Liqin, his elder brother was the most upright, and luckily Murong Fu didn't have any official position, otherwise he would be embezzling public funds, which would be a bigger crime.The most they can do is to save Liu Liqin and Zhou Zhiruo. As for Xiaomeng, I'm sorry that this is really impossible. Yes, the key is just like what Liu Liqin said, guilty conscience!
Xiaomeng was a little anxious when she saw it, and her small faces were squeezed together as if crying, "It's not completely lost, the money gang just said that the compensation will be postponed, and they didn't say no compensation! This is an investment, do you know about investment? There is a payback cycle!"


One sentence silenced everyone. In the eyes of most people, it was just a rascal's words, but the same words had different meanings to different people's ears.

Murong Fu hesitated for a moment, he only knew that his property was cheated, and when he wanted to arrest her, he ran away. As for what the other party did with the money, he really didn't know, if it had something to do with the money gang, That really needs to be clarified.

Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng looked at each other. The situation in the Song Dynasty was complicated, and they had heard about the strength of the Money Gang. As for the return cycle... They are people with a big structure, not capitalists who only recognize immediate interests. If there is really a lot to do, they will not Mind to wait a little longer.

As for Zuo Zhou... when he heard about the Money Gang, he planned to intervene. Don't forget, Shangguan Jin Hong is the confirmed leader of the Qinglong Society!
"Young Master Murong is a reasonable person at first glance, why don't we sit down and clarify the matter, if it is really my fault, in the name of me, Li Yuanfang, I will never cover up!" Zuo Zhou stretched out his hand and grabbed Grabbing Xiaomeng's shoulders and pulling him aside.

Murong Fu smiled and said: "Okay, Brother Li is generous, with what Brother Li has done, no matter what the result is today, I will make Brother Li a friend." He walked aside as he spoke.

The three of them found a clean place to sit down, Murong Fu acted with dignity and did not dislike the dirty floor, which made people feel good about it.

Xiaomeng looked at the two people who were staring at her at the same time, and wanted to turn back to Bingbing for help, but Zuo Zhou held her head and pulled her back, "Don't look, I'm in charge here, I say no, none of them can save you !"

The coldness in Zuo Zhou's words made Xiaomeng shudder, and Murong Fu looked at her indifferently, as if he would kill himself as soon as Brother Li said 'no protection'.

Xiaomeng swallowed hard, and said with a sneer: "The thing is like this, I am an exile..."

The matter of the exiles is considered an open secret among the court and the Jianghu, and generally those who have reached a certain level of strength always have channels to know.So Xiaomeng didn't hide it either, this girl was a master at investing when she was on the next-door earth, and the money in her account was enough for her to spend several lifetimes extravagantly.

It's just that after arriving in this world, luck was too bad, so much money was used to draw a lottery, but no one was drawn out, and there were even few second-grade martial arts.And his family background is not good, he turned out to be a refugee from the country of Yan. You must know that the country of Yan was destroyed by the Great Qin immediately.His mother died of a serious illness, and his father sold his elder brother into the Imperial Palace of Yan to be an eunuch in order to keep the two brothers and sisters alive.Then, with the money from selling her brother, she was sent to a rich family as a maid, and this rich family was the Murong family.

Xiaomeng didn't know what the Murong family meant at the time, but she grew up with Azhu Abi, and she was clever and won the trust of the master's family. She became a housekeeper, with more power than Azhu Abi.

At this time, her ambition was a little inflated. She used to live recklessly on the next door to the earth, so she didn't like to serve people here, so she began to look for various opportunities for speculation.

Due to her strong ability and foresight, the Murong family's business has grown rapidly under her leadership, and it seems to have reached the size of the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce in its heyday.After that, she will participate in the money gang's investment!
Back then, the Money Gang wanted to open up the Daqin market. What a great opportunity it was. With Xiaomeng's ability, it was natural to see at a glance that the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce had no power to fight back. It was only a matter of time before they occupied the Daqin market.It just so happened that Shangguan Jinhong didn't intend to take the risk alone, so he also recruited many people to join the group. Among them were "merchant families" like the Murong family, as well as various rebels, and I heard that there were even some big figures in the court of Song Dynasty.

It was originally a sure thing, but at the critical moment, the money gang suddenly withdrew from Daqin completely!
What about this investment?Isn't it all in vain?
Afterwards, a group of investors approached the Money Gang to get their investment back. Shangguan Jinhong is very honest in business, and will return the investment to anyone who wants to leave. Action will not ask them to participate.

Many people hesitated after saying this, some continued to get their investment back, while others chose to wait and see.Xiaomeng belongs to the group of people who wait and see. After calculation, she feels that the money gang's plan is still promising, but the payback period is a bit long.

Originally, this was the end of the matter, but who knew, Murong Fu had traveled well in the Jianghu, but he came back suddenly. This time, he naturally found that the family property had been moved somewhere, and he would not let her go.

So Xiaomeng brought her Bingbing, who was eating and drinking, and ran away with Zhou Zhiruo, and then it was the current situation.

After finishing speaking, Xiaomeng looked like he was waiting to die with his eyes closed. Murong Fu fell into deep thought, while Zuo Zhou asked, "You have such confidence in the Money Gang? Is there anything they have done recently?"

Xiaomeng opened her eyes and nodded, "The news from the Money Gang has already planned to try to open the Daqin Market again. This time, it will be much easier because there is no Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce."

(End of this chapter)

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