Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 350 This is a bad shot!

Chapter 350 This is a bad shot!

"Do you know? That Li Yuanfang winked at me!"


Nie Feng: "..."

Qin Shuang: "..."

Jian Chen: "..."

The second dream: "..."

The Second Knife Emperor calmly glanced at the young men beside him, and snorted, "What's so surprising about this? Li Yuanfang's talent is not bad, and it's inevitable that he won't be able to hold on to becoming famous at a young age, not to mention just finding a few more women."

Nie Feng looked at the second sword emperor a little speechlessly. It is hard for you to imagine that a person who said "come here" and "senior" is actually a person who practiced unfeeling martial arts.

"Senior, the problem with this matter is not how many women Li Yuanfang has found, but whether we will be stopped by him when we take revenge."

The second sword emperor still looked indifferent, "This girl is not the woman who killed Mingyue, at worst we don't touch her when we do it."

"But you can't be sure whether Li Yuanfang will embarrass us because of her blowing the pillow." Jian Chen said coldly. He knew that Li Yuanfang's private life was very chaotic, but he didn't expect it to be so chaotic. Even the wicked servant of riches will seduce.

Qin Shuang looked at them, paused and said, "I believe Li Yuanfang, he is not a person who disregards the overall situation, there should be some misunderstanding."

Everyone ignores it, and the person involved has said it himself, so is it still false?
Yes, the person involved refers to Xiaomeng.

At this time, all of their masters were squatting on the beams and eavesdropping on the conversation in the room. After all, the fluctuations of the little braid's Fengshen legs were too obvious, especially since Nie Feng had already advanced in martial arts and had used Fengshuang to comprehend with Qin Shuang. After the force of nature, the perception of this aspect is extremely sensitive.

Now that he recognized it, Nie Feng would naturally find a group of people who had a grudge against the fake Mingyue.


"Li Yuanfang seduced you? Why didn't I find out?" Liu Liqin frowned.

Xiaomeng was quite disdainful, "You don't even dare to meet netizens, you know the relationship between men and women!"

Liu Liqin was defeated, but she managed to seduce the little braid's gossip soul, "Tell me this paragraph in detail."

Xiaomeng's eyes lit up, and he said cheerfully: "Once we exiles get a certain amount of freedom, most of us will use our own names, so that we can find our former relatives and friends, and also establish a network of contacts, and even get the name of the exiles. Recruitment by the organization. It can be said that exiles are born with two identities, which is an advantage. Just like Zuo Yaoqing, she has already made her own name into a brand."

What Xiaomeng said made Xiao Zhuzi a little stunned, "Yes, Bingbing, why don't you use your original name? Mingyue and Su Ying didn't use it because they needed this name. Are you different? Afraid of meeting netizens? That's not right, either. You weren’t considered a top anchor in your previous life, you didn’t have many fans, at least globally.”

Xiaomeng said cheerfully: "You don't know, it's all her own fault! She just wanted to make a farewell to the world special, but when there was no one in the world, she encountered a mental illness that couldn't be reincarnated. It was just a tip , but that reward also made her pull out a remnant of a unique book, no, I'm starting to get entangled!"

"What kind of mental illness, he is very educated, especially the study of history is deeper than me, I guess... he is an old pedant!" Liu Liqin retorted, and then rubbed his temples in annoyance, "I just A little hesitant, what if... what if he is ugly? What if he is a scum? You know, there is no necessary connection between knowledge level and moral level. What should I do if I am really mentally ill? I promised to be his wife at the beginning, what if he asks for favors in return? If I agree, I will feel uncomfortable, if I don’t agree, I will feel bad!"

Xiaomeng rolled her eyes, "You should learn from your good sisters, be more ruthless, be more ruthless in doing things, and be more indulgent in life. For a man, if he is not suitable, he will be kicked. If he is entangled, he will be reincarnated!"

Liu Liqin turned her head away with a look of disgust, and sure enough, she couldn't pee in the same pot as you coquettish sluts.

Xiaomeng doesn't care either. In fact, people's social circle is inherently complicated. Bingbing actually has a better relationship with Zuo Yaoqing, but Zuo Yaoqing is a well-rounded person with a very wide social circle, so Bingbing also got to know her. Many people, some of them have a good relationship, and some have a normal relationship, but as a grandma, she pays attention to people who stretch out their hands and don't smile, so even if Bingbing doesn't like it, she won't say anything.

"Oh? Didn't you just talk about Li Yuanfang? Don't use me as an example. They didn't wink at me!"

The little braid suddenly came back to his senses, damn it, he was all distracted by the gossip just now, "Why is this Li Yuanfang winking at you?" He looked up and down

One time, just your money?Who can compare with those women in the courtyard?

Xiaomeng was proud, "Anyway, the way he looks at me is wrong, there must be some conspiracy. If you don't believe me, just watch. When I get to him, he will definitely treat me differently from other people!"

Seeing her answer so decisively, Xiao Zhuzi couldn't help but believe it.


Nie Feng and the others outside looked a little ugly.

"It seems that it is not easy for us to take revenge. The exiles will use other names, so who knows what the name of this fake Mingyue is now?"

Qin Shuang's words made everyone fall into deep thought. They didn't care whether Liu Liqin's name was Bingbing or not. What they cared about was that now that the fake Mingyue has been completely exposed, they will definitely not use a fake name anymore. It will not be so easy to find her in the future .

"How about... keep up with this little braid!" Second Meng hesitated and said.

Qin Shuang shook her head, "I don't know what tasks this little brat will have in the future, so he might go back to find the fake Mingyue. Besides, exiles are generally not afraid of interrogation, after all, they have a lot of lives."

Jian Chen nodded approvingly, "That's right, a carrier pigeon is enough for reporting missions and the like, she really might not go back to see the fake Mingyue. Compared with this kind of uncertainty, I think I should always follow this Liuliqin It's safer to be with Xiaomeng, they will go back to Daqin after all."

Nie Feng frowned, "You can follow, but it can't be too obvious. After all, if that fake Mingyue finds out that we have been following them, he will definitely not show up."

The second dream is: "Then what should we do? Everyone knows that we are here for revenge, our existence itself is too obvious!"


Really tangled!
Fortunately, soon they didn't have to worry about it anymore, a sudden signal flare disrupted all the rhythm.

bang bang!

The dark night was illuminated by the signal flare as if it were day, and I don't know how much material was added to the signal flare. The moment it exploded, it woke up everyone, including the sleeping and drunk.

Zuo Zhou and Murong Fu flew onto the roof at the same time, looking from a distance, there were swords, swords and shadows on the city wall, and death came quietly amidst the flickering fire.

"Fuck! Knowing that we are in the city, the Qing army still took advantage of this time to attack? This is completely disrespectful to me!"

"Probably because Brother Li won't intervene, and Song Jun is indeed lax. I saw that many people went hunting in the surrounding mountains before." Murong Fu didn't seem to be too surprised by this. Since he dared to use Qinhuang's transformation of a dragon as an excuse to invade Song, how could he take a Great Qin envoy seriously?Even, this is likely to be another temptation.

What Murong Fu could think of, Zuo Zhou could also think of, so without any hesitation, he drank the wine in the wine jar casually, "I'll go to the top of the city to have a look."

Murong Fu was slightly surprised, "Brother Li wants to make a move?"

"No shot, but if they take the initiative to cut me, then I can't be blamed."

Murong Fu: "..."

Seeing Zuo Zhou's figure shoot towards the city wall, Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng, who had just come out, looked at each other speechlessly. As a third country, being so high-profilely involved in the battle, is this another kind of participation in the battle?What was he thinking about?
In fact, Zuo Zhou's idea is very simple, now is not the time for him to make troubles, at least he doesn't want to make troubles until he finds Zhan Shiqi, because a chaotic state of Song is not conducive to him finding someone.

However, sometimes it is not easy to intervene.

"Hey, why don't you hit me?" Zuo Zhou stood on the city wall and grabbed the long sword of a Qing army master with his fingers.

The master smiled and said: "General Li was joking, you are the envoy of Daqin, and you are not from the Song army, how could we do anything to you!"

Zuo Zhou felt a little embarrassed, let go of his fingers and let the master go away, and looked at the army gradually pressing up outside the city wall, good guy, in order not to accidentally hurt him, even the archers stopped shooting arrows at him.

Is this sending my portrait to every soldier?

Zuo Zhou began to run back and forth on the city wall in disbelief, but found that wherever he ran, there was a gap in the arrows for a while, and finally even the archers stopped firing arrows!
"I really want to know who the leading general of the Qing army is, you are so cruel!"

Zuo Zhou reluctantly turned his head and waved to Jiang Yuyan. Jiang Yuyan was stunned for a moment, looking at those Qing army masters flying over the city wall to make trouble, she didn't know what to do for a while.Could it be that General Li is testing whether he knows how to fight?

Jiang Yuyan hesitated for a while, her expression was certain, even if she knew that she knew martial arts, it didn't seem to be a big deal, um, try to make her expression upright, the reason why she didn't say that she knew martial arts was because no one asked!Yes, there is nothing wrong with this answer.

Thinking about walking towards the city wall...

Zuo Zhou was depressed. The intelligence of the Qing army was a bit good. Seeing that all the masters of the Qing army avoided Jiang Yuyan, he became more and more curious about the command of the Qing army. He had never seen such... so... Forget it , Facing Jiang Yuyan who had already approached, sighed: "Yuyan, follow me in the future and get used to this small scene where thousands of troops avoid Yuanfang."

Jiang Yuyan: "..." You asked me to go up the city wall just to say that?
(End of this chapter)

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