Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 353 Let's find someone who is uncomfortable

Chapter 353 Let's find someone who is uncomfortable

"It is always inevitable to fight in the rivers and lakes, whether it is the competition of strength or cheats, anyway, this is the eternal theme of the rivers and lakes." Zuo Zhou stood on the city wall, looking at the expressions on the faces of the two people below, "But I I didn't expect someone to forcibly ignore my official status and come to challenge me in a martial arts competition! How outrageous!"

The people behind were speechless when they heard Zuo Zhou's complaints, as if someone was challenging Dali Duan.You have to use the way of the rivers and lakes to fight one-on-one with him, and then say, 'If you lose, give me the country! 'I'm afraid that even the halberds of Daqin cavalry can't pierce through this face!

"The other party's intention is obvious. The martial arts competition is a private act. At most, it involves martial arts competitions in the Jianghu. No matter what the result is, it will not be promoted to the state." Murong Fu waved his folding fan a little funny, but he still expressed his concern: "Since the other party has come here blatantly, Then you should have been prepared, and it is better not to agree, after all, you are the envoy of Daqin, and there is no question of avoiding the war. No one in the world will look down on you because of this!"

Zuo Zhou laughed and shook his head, "Indeed, whether it is me or Oboi's identity, the death of either of us cannot be a purely personal problem. But Daqin is now digesting the Turkic problem. Before this problem is resolved, Daqin is capable If we fight a tough battle, we won’t be able to digest the new territory anymore. So if we really fight, it will be a loss! It may even delay precious development time, allowing Tang Guoming and others to find opportunities to grow bigger.”

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows, "Hearing what Brother Li said, Oboi expected that you would not dare to fight him to the death, so you said you wanted to challenge him when your life was safe?"

Fan Zeng continued: "No, this is destined to be a battle without death. Because Daqin doesn't want to fight, Qing will not fight either. After all, once the two countries go to war, regardless of victory or defeat, Daqin will lose, but Qing's army will also lose. They will be beaten and maimed, and it may not be Daqin who will be taken away by the fisherman, but there must be the Qing Dynasty!"

Zhan Zhao wondered, "Then why do you still fight?"

Fan Zeng sighed: "Since neither side will die, then General Li has three outcomes, either he does not fight, he loses, or he wins. If he wins, Oboi himself does not matter, because General Li's reputation is far away. He is older than him. If he loses or does not take part in the battle, General Li's undefeated record so far will be compromised, and he will encounter various obstacles in his actions in the Song Dynasty. These obstacles may be caused by The masters of the people may also be the eagle dogs of the Song Dynasty court. Speaking of it, this is also the inconvenient part of the identity of the Jianghu!"

Xiang Yu frowned when he heard this, and said coldly: "So this simple, direct but effective strategy, the key to breaking the game is whether you can win? Is this Oboi very powerful? I have never heard of it before!"

Fan Zeng shook his head, "I haven't heard much about it, but if you dare to challenge General Li, you don't think you are weak. The problem is, if you can't use your ultimate move, it will not be easy for General Li to win, and the effect is almost the same as avoiding the battle." gone."

Zuo Zhou frowned and looked at the people who had been analyzing in a weird way, "No, I was wondering, who said I belonged to the Jianghu people? Just because I have the status of the prince of the Demon Gate, and because I killed many masters , just say that I am from the Jianghu?"

Are these reasons not enough?
"Okay." Zuo Zhou had no choice but to turn around and tiptoe to search in the crowd, "That Xiaoai, come out, don't hide."

Murong Fu and the others were stunned for a moment, and when they turned their heads, they saw an innocent woman walking out of the crowd. From this look, she was still in the innate realm!Why didn't you pay attention before?
"My lord, you can deal with this kind of small situation by yourself, and I can't help you." Xiao Ai smiled. She is good at taking advantage of small fights and following behind the masters as a pendant, not going to the front desk to join the gambling game what!
Now that Zuo Zhou asked her to come out, it immediately attracted the attention of many people, especially Fan Zeng. As a counselor and a fortune teller, he naturally felt the deepest about him.

"Don't make things difficult for you, help me see if that Oboi below is a bit short-lived!"

"Uh, just for a meeting?"

"Yes, it's just a face-to-face meeting. It doesn't matter. Just talk about your first impression."


Those who are familiar with Zuo Zhou already understand that he has murderous intentions!
"Wait, the opponent is a general of the Qing Dynasty, if this causes a war between the two sides..."

Zhan Zhao rushed out to stop him, but Zuo Zhou stretched out his hand to stop him, and said with a smile, "Oboi made a mistake in calculating one thing, that is... no matter what dangers I encounter, Hu Hai will never send troops for me!"

Everyone was startled, and when they came back to their senses, Zuo Zhou had already jumped off the city wall.

But the moment he jumped, Zuo Zhou secretly glanced back, and found that everyone's expressions were different, and they almost didn't laugh.

Originally, if a master who could not be defeated by Bai Qi's personal testimony, if he was killed in the Song Dynasty, even if Hu Hai sent thousands of troops, he would not be able to avenge him.Similarly, it is difficult for a master of this level to suffer losses, let alone Hu Hai sending troops to fight.

The hardest thing to do at that time is Kangxi, if Aobai dies, will you beat him?If you don't fight to lose your reputation and morale, you will be doomed to lose if you fight, even worse than Daqin!
Considering Kangxi's character, Zuo Zhou can basically think of the final solution, which is nothing more than completely defining the matter as the grievances of the rivers and lakes that have nothing to do with the court, and then secretly making some stumbling blocks disgust Zuo Zhou.

But Murong Fu and the others obviously misunderstood, thinking that the enmity between Hu Hai and Li Yuanfang was a bit deep!
"I've heard about General Li's name for a long time, but when I saw him today, he was indeed Yingwei!"

Aobai did enough superficial work, and even clapped his fists in accordance with the rules of the world.

Zuo Zhou looked at him and then at Yuanzhen beside him, "I don't know the name of this great master..."

"The poor monk Yuanzhen."

Zuo Zhou rubbed his chin and asked, "I also have some karma with several eminent Shaolin monks. I just heard that Master Yuanzhen took refuge in the Yuan Kingdom, so why did he become a pawn of the Qing Dynasty?"

Yuanzhen's face changed drastically, it wasn't that he was not deep in the city, he was really shocked, why did he have cause and effect with the Shaolin monks, his whereabouts would never be known by any Shaolin monks, Li Yuanfang told the truth about his relationship with the Yuan Kingdom relationship, the intelligence strength behind this is quite terrifying!

When Zuo Zhou saw that distorted face, he understood what kind of intelligence ability, it was just a test.

After Qin Huang transformed into a dragon, the world situation changed dramatically, and the Yuan Kingdom, which was already on the verge of extinction, was unwilling to be annihilated. This is because they sent people out to make trouble.Haha, but the difference between a big country and a small country is that one can take advantage of the general trend and rely on strength to gain benefits at critical moments, while the other can only struggle in the margins, gain benefits little by little, and slowly grow itself to achieve the goal of making a comeback .

"Hahaha, General Li misunderstood. His Majesty believes in Buddhism, so he just invited Master Yuanzhen to come to our Qing Dynasty to preach. Your Excellency probably doesn't know that Master Yuanzhen is our national teacher of the Qing Dynasty!"

Of course, Zuo Zhou didn't believe a single word of Oboi's explanation, but he still had to do superficial words, "It turned out that the national teacher was face to face, so disrespectful! It's a pity that Shaolin Temple was banned by Emperor Qin, otherwise the younger generation might have the opportunity to listen to Zen principles."

Yuanzhen: "..."

Zuo Zhou ignored Yuan Zhen again, and turned his attention to Oboi, "Just now I asked a fortune teller, she said you look dead, that's why I came down to fight you!"

Aobai was slightly stunned, he raised his head and looked towards the city wall, his eyes easily fell on Fan Zeng, Xiao Ai successfully hid himself.

"Master Li's words are a bit hurtful."

"You are not friendly. Since the fortune teller said you look dead, it means that there will be no accidents in the process of killing you." Zuo Zhou clenched his fists and stepped forward. The Wushuang sword that was originally inserted at the gate of the city began to shake slightly. tweet.

Ao Bai and Yuan Zhen looked at each other inexplicably. Is a person who is an envoy of the Great Qin so ignorant of the general situation and disregarding the overall situation?
Yuan really didn't like it, they just wanted to cause some trouble for the Daqin Mission, they didn't make the situation too big, and the other party obviously had other plans, although they didn't know what went wrong, but this matter couldn't go on.

"I heard about General Li's heroic appearance earlier, and I will never regret the rest of my life when I see him today. Let me go!" Yuan Zhen's mouth was like a machine gun, and he said straight away, pulling Oboi to leave.

"Don't tell me that General Oboi doesn't understand? How dangerous it is to leave your back to your opponent?"

Aobai was startled, and turned his head slowly. The sharp air force had locked him firmly. If he really ran with Yuanzhen, the opponent's attack would fall without hesitation. When the time came, they would turn their backs on the enemy. It is equivalent to losing half a move.

"Master Yuanzhen, get out of here first, I'll be the queen!" Obai waved his hand.

"Did I let you go? Speaking of killing you, I still hope to travel in a relatively stable country of Song." At least until I find Shi Qi.


Unsheathing the Wushuang sword, the shadow of the sword swayed like rain in the air, passed Ao Bai and went directly to Yuan Zhen.

Any player understands the truth, cross the meat shield and cut the mage!
Yuanzhen was shocked, and waved his monk's robe to deal with the sword shadow with Zuo Zhou's very familiar cassock's demon-subduing skill. However, Zuo Zhou could tell at a glance that this cassock's demon-subduing skill had nothing to do with the true meaning of Buddhist martial arts.

Can't help laughing: "Hahahaha, what a Buddhist monk!"

With a wave of his hand, he had already added a spin to the sword shadow, and easily tore Yuan Zhen's cassock with the magic-subduing skill, but only heard a crisp clanging sound, and the sword shadow fell three feet into the ground but did not hit Yuan Zhen.

"Huh?" Zuo Zhou was confused, where is Yuan Zhen?Where did such a big circle really go?

"The general is ahead!"

Jiang Yuyan saw far above the city wall, and pointed out a rapidly moving earth bag in the distance.

"Earth escape? Is it Japanese ninjutsu or Taoist magic?"

Zuo Zhou was wondering, but saw that Yuanzhen, who had been called out of Xingzang, suddenly got out of the ground and fled to the Qing army camp with light work, and the original moon-white monk robe had been replaced by a masked night clothes!
"Well, it seems that all the spies from Yuan Kingdom have infiltrated Dongpu?" Zuo Zhou didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he saw that after the death, Oboi's body was swollen, his body was full of muscles, and his height increased to nearly [-] meters. It hit like a tank.

Zuo Zhou's face trembled slightly, "As expected of the world of high martial arts, can the Thirteen Taibao's horizontal training turn a man into a Hulk?"

(End of this chapter)

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