Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 355 Into the Cloud Dragon Jade Unicorn... Exhibition 7

Chapter 355 Entering the Cloud Dragon Jade Kirin...Exhibition Seventeen
What is this wave?It's a wave of fat!

Li Xiang returned to Yanmen Pass with the soldiers on the stolen horse. Although the generals of the Qing army were dead, the number of the Qing army was too large. If they love to fight, they will seek death.

This is not a matter of formation or formation. The difference in numbers between the two sides is the level where there is no miracle.

"General Li, thank you for your kindness, if you need the last general's place in the future..."

Li Xiang stopped in the middle of his speech, he realized that he was a bit too overconfident, how could Li Yuanfang use him?
Zuo Zhou didn't care too much, "Don't be too grateful, I'm just responding to the other party's malice, after all, the other party did it first." While speaking, he wiped his Wushuang sword, grateful that after fighting with Oboi, Wushuang sword A bit dirty.

Oboi died, and the monk disappeared. Although the Qing army still surrounded the Yanmen Pass, but the generals were mobilized again to boost morale, and they had already obtained enough supplies, at least they could delay it for another half a month.At this time, Li Xiang's face was full of red, as if he had also merged into the cheerful atmosphere in Yanmen Pass.

"Brother Li is well-deserved, and the magic knife technique is also infinitely powerful!" Murong Fu complimented, his eyes were almost overflowing with light, and he wished to go back and understand it immediately.

Zuo Zhou laughed loudly, put his hands on his hips and replied, "It's just that Oboi's level is too poor."

At this moment, Zhan Zhao came over, "What do you think of those monks and... who suddenly appeared before?"

Zuo Zhou laughed, "Great Qin wiped out so many countries in the Western Regions, why can't they collude with some like-minded people to rebel against Qin? It's too domineering!"

Zhan Zhao opened his mouth and didn't say anything else, just like what Zuo Zhou said, in fact, some anti-Qin forces colluded with foreign forces to make troubles, which is almost a normal operation.It's just that he is also considered to be experienced in the world, so he can naturally see that among those people just now, there are not only monks from the Western Regions, but also people from Dongying.

Dongying is an island country with a small area, but the residents on the island are particularly warlike. Because Daqin is not adjacent to the coastline, they don't have much contact with them. On the contrary, Song, Tang and Ming have frequent exchanges with them.But the attitude of most countries towards them is also indifferent. In the eyes of the courts of these countries, the size of the islanders is actually similar to that of some rebels in the Song Dynasty.

Moreover, because of Qinhuang's transformation into a dragon, wars started within the island country. When they achieved unity, they would undoubtedly target this continent.

Judging from the ninjutsu used by Yuanzhen, we have reason to suspect that Yuanguo has secret contacts with Dongying.

"Hey, I knew that Yuan Kingdom should have been destroyed in the first place, so I wouldn't mess around with things now." Zhan Hongling shook her head. As a former member of Song Dynasty, she knew a lot about Dongying's way of dealing with things.In the same way, after all, they are here as envoys to the Song Kingdom, and they knew a lot about the Qing Kingdom before they came. With the character of the Qing people, it is unlikely that they would collude with Dongying. She believes that it was done by the Yuan people, and now the Yuan country is on the verge of destruction. , In order to turn the tide, they did everything they could.

"Don't worry about Yuanzheng's affairs, and don't worry about Yuanguo's affairs. For Daqin, Tangguo and Mingguo, the only means they can use is to send spies to lurk. The only thing that can give them some benefits now is The war between the Qing Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, but if I am from the Yuan Kingdom, I will never hope that the two countries will win or lose too quickly, because the next target of the Qing Dynasty is likely to be the Yuan Kingdom."

"So this is the reason why Yuanzhen didn't help Oboi?" Zhan Hongling was a little puzzled. He ran away so simply, wasn't he afraid of being accused by the Qing Dynasty?

Zuo Zhou stretched out his finger and shook it, "You're wrong, it's not because he doesn't want to help, but because he can't help!"


You win and everything you say is right.

It's a farce, and the specific reaction of the Qing Dynasty is unknown, but Yanmen Pass intends to celebrate it, so I can probably sleep well tonight.

Qiao Feng led many gangsters to have a good time, but Qi Shaoshang left after returning, Zhan Zhao was a little helpless about this, not meeting would mean some kind of answer.


The wind at the border is a bit cold, but the wind in Kaifeng is brightly lit.

Yes, this is the word, a word with great visual effects, seemingly brilliant but without warmth.

The literati are still pushing cups and changing cups, and the high-ranking and powerful people are still enjoying life in different ways.

It makes people feel complicated to say that the Song country is weak, but its economic development has not lagged behind at all, and it can even be regarded as relatively rich among many countries.

Taking Kaifeng alone as an example, Song Huizong abolished the curfew rules, and the night life of the people was colorful. In the capital, not counting as officials, there are more than ten thousand people who can spend millions of dollars.

However, I am afraid that few people can explore and understand what is under this prosperity.

Qin Tianjian

A Taoist priest in purple robe, long beard, tiger eyes and sword eyebrows is standing on the observatory. He slightly raises his head, counting with his fingers, a little bit of air twists and surrounds, and runes of different shapes float up and down.

"Hey, the career of a fortune teller is not suitable for you, Brother Long!"

There seemed to be countless stories hidden in this "Brother Long", which seemed to be mocking and self-deprecating, and the emotional tone made even the flowers, plants and trees cry.

The Taoist finished his calculations and sighed without looking back: "I'm ashamed, after all, I don't want to part with the identity of the spirit of heaven and earth, but I don't have a clear understanding like fellow Taoists."


Two figures slowly stepped out of the shadows, the first one had a dignified appearance, a square face with thick eyebrows, and there was a kind of bearing in it.The person behind him has fiery red hair, erect pupils and fangs, with scales appearing behind his ears, his killing intent can hardly be restrained.

The Taoist turned his head slowly and glanced at the red-haired man, "Unexpectedly, it turns out that you put the key on your compatriots! So what should I call you now?"

The square-faced man said with a deep smile, "Just call me by my common name, Lu Junyi."

The Taoist didn't care, and just asked, "Jade Qilin Lu Junyi? Have you found any other brothers?"

"Brother?" Lu Junyi snorted coldly, "I don't know who you are referring to, but there is no one around me except Xiao Yi and Huo Lin!"

The Taoist priest was silent when he heard the words, and sighed for a while: "From the moment everyone decided to reincarnate, this heart has been scattered. Sometimes, I really envy you that you can still have Xiaoyi by your side. It's not like me..."

Lu Junyi looked at him and there seemed to be anger flashing in his eyes, "Gongsun Sheng! Don't play such ridiculous tricks in front of me. You keep the dragon soul and reincarnate in the family of fortune tellers. Isn't it the opportunity to awaken the dragon veins that you are waiting for?"

The Taoist had a bitter expression on his face, "Brother misunderstood me, who can count on the Emperor Qin being transformed into a dragon's vein? The reason why I was reborn into a family of fortune tellers is that there are some arrangements to restore my memory!"

The red-haired man Huo Lin stepped forward when he heard the words, barely concealing his awe-inspiring killing intent, but Lu Junyi waved his hand to stop him: "You call me brother, I won't make things difficult for you, but I will give you one last chance, you Think about it!"

Gongsun Sheng paused, finally made a decision, and sighed: "Brother Haojiao learned that since you decided to reincarnate as humans, we have already embarked on different paths."

Disappointment flashed across Lu Junyi's eyes, he stopped talking and turned around to leave, but he heard Gongsun Sheng say again: "Don't go looking for those water monsters, they have already taken refuge in King Tota, I'm afraid they are one step ahead of you Awakening."

Lu Junyi paused, his face became even uglier, and then slowly disappeared into the darkness.

Gongsun Sheng continued to watch the stars as if nothing had happened. After a while, a soldier came to the observatory and said, "Your Majesty is here to invite you."

"Well, you report back first, I will change my clothes and go to meet His Majesty!"

Gongsun Sheng waved his hand perfunctorily, and then walked towards his room. Of course, changing clothes is nonsense, he is going to get medicine, which can make Song Huizong like a wolf like a tiger.

It's a bit unpleasant to think about it, he is a dragon, a dragon that condenses the natural power of heaven and earth, and he is reduced to practice medicine for mortal emperors?Still this medicine!

Sighing all the way, Gongsun Sheng came outside the palace, and his expression immediately turned into a smile, "Your Majesty, this pill has been practiced for seven to seventy-nine days, if you take it, you will be as powerful as a dragon..."

On this side, Lu Junyi left the palace without disturbing anyone, and Huo Lin couldn't help but said behind him: "Brother, why didn't you let me kill that ungrateful guy?"

Lu Junyi shook his head, "Brother, he also has his ideals. Although I know that it is a road of no return,... at least he is doing things I dare not do. Let him go!"

Huo Lin shut up after hearing the words, and said after a while: "Then what are we doing now? And those stinky fish and rotten shrimps really took refuge in King Tota? I remember that King Tota used to beat and kill my monster a lot. Clan brothers, they dare to forget their roots!"

"I've already been reincarnated as a human being, so what's the point of forgetting my origins? Gongsun Sheng won't lie to me about this kind of thing. The King of Tota is a pioneer of Buddhism. It is said that Buddhism's plan in Daqin has completely failed. Presumably, it will shift its focus in the future." Let’s put it in other countries. Hmph, if the Buddha’s gate keeps calling the demon race as evil animals, I’m afraid it won’t look good to us. Those stinky fish and rotten shrimps are willing to go to Buddha’s gate as mounts, so let them go. We The most urgent task is to wake up Xiao Yi."

Huo Lin didn't speak any more, the two seemed to be slow but fast, and soon they left Kaifeng, the gatekeeper couldn't even see his shadow, only felt a cool wind swaying by.



Zuo Zhou also came out at night, but he was not watching the stars, but two people watching the stars.

"By the way, are fortune tellers good at stargazing?"

Fan Zeng and little Ai Qiqi turned their heads back, "It's just a simple way to seek good luck and avoid bad luck by making the general laugh at it. It's nothing compared to the general raising his hand to control the situation between the two countries."

"You guys have wronged me. Yanmen Gate can't be guarded. I just delayed what was bound to happen for half a month. If you have time to sigh, why don't you help me figure out where Zhan Shiqi is going."

Fan Zeng smiled wryly, wondering: "My lord, I haven't been a fortune teller for a long time!"

Xiao Ai was straightforward, threw the tortoiseshell copper coin in his hand, and after landing, cracks appeared, "I've already calculated, but Miss Kezhan is protected by a strong person on the list, and my lack of ability is almost backfired!"

Zuo Zhou: "..." My little Seventeen seems to be a bit powerful!
(End of this chapter)

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