Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 358 Nonsense!Am I the one who buys the knife?

Chapter 358 Nonsense!Am I the one who buys the knife?
"Hey, stop the thief in front!"

The officer with a half-faced birthmark and full of evil spirits waved his arms, and all the soldiers drew their swords out of their sheaths, and one by one performed light kung fu and began to leap towards Zuo Zhou.

Chao Gai got up slowly, and supported the big tree next to him as if he had been hit.Yes, he is Chao Gai, the unlucky guy who didn't get a seat in the Water Margin, he was also the former Tota Heavenly King, a decent human being became a god, Taoist Dharma protector, Buddhist Heavenly King...

Well, too many names sometimes make him feel embarrassed, but he doesn't want to, it's all because of his master back then, who was originally from the Taoist sect, but later turned to the Buddhist sect, which made him ambiguous.

But fortunately, the ones we dated in the past were all gods, and everyone can still reason, and they didn't blame him for it. It's just that the awkward position made him often driven by both Buddhism and Taoism. When one side does one thing, the other side has to do another thing, which often makes him burnt out.

But all of this has changed after the great changes in the rules of the world. Unlike those gods who are very rooted, he is a human being, which is very suitable for today's rules of the world, so he took advantage of it. Although he still has to reincarnate but Memory can be awakened at a very young age through special operations.

Of course, this memory is also castrated, and any power level beyond the realm must dissipate, but this is already higher than the starting point of many people. After all, he remembers the exercises and knows what path he should take, without the process of exploration , making outsiders look like he is a genius who has been gifted since he was a child.

This person, once he has strength, ambition will also come, Taoist Buddhism?Hmph, I couldn't afford to offend before, but now... I still have to maintain a good relationship, but I still have the right to speak.

It's ridiculous to say it, and he has to thank his former self a lot. At the beginning, because he was in the middle of the cracks, he had to manage both sides carefully, which gave him an excellent reputation in the past world, and many monsters and ghosts stored their memories in him.

In his opinion, this is a god-given opportunity, and Chao Gai deserves to be the overlord in this life!
So he started to search for and help the former old guys awaken their memories, and lead them to fight the world, but... now he is a little suspicious.

Some old fellows... Wouldn't it be better if they weren't awakened!
Chao Gai was hesitating, while the officers and soldiers were already very close to Lou Chuan.Murong Fu raised his head and smiled jokingly, then waved his folding fan violently, a gust of wind blew towards the river, pushing the boat forward for a long distance.

This simple operation directly disrupted the operations of those officers and soldiers, and they began to fall into the river with all their strength. Chao Gai covered his face and turned his head, and asked a person wearing a scholar's shirt next to him. : "Are you sure that's it? Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

A little behind Chao Gai is a white-faced scholar, Mingming is not very old but his face is a bit old, especially after growing a very beautiful goatee, his whole person has a military look.

If Zuo Zhou was here, he would definitely be able to recognize this guy. It was Wu Yong, who was known as a wise man!

If you say that this is a very sinister man in the original book, if Zuo Zhou really saw it, he might kill him first.

"Well, it's probably because I haven't awakened yet, let's take a look first."

Wu Yong pretended to be calm, wiped his forehead when Chao Gai turned his head, and secretly glanced at the information in his sleeve.

Yang Zhi, a descendant of the Yang family general, was born in martial arts.Because of a birthmark on his face, he is also known as the Blue-faced Beast. He is highly skilled in martial arts. When the branch of the Yang family left the Song State, he also left.

Well, the information is correct, the breath is not wrong, and even this indecisive, cautious but ignorant character has continued.'s really a bit unbearable!

Zuo Zhou slowly knelt down on the bow of the boat, stared at Yang Zhi who was thumping in the river and asked with a smile: "Yang Zhi, the green-faced beast, right? You don't mean to throw the blame for sinking Hua Shigang on us? No Yes, no, if yes, I thank you, I also want to see how domineering Taiwei Gao is, maybe some masters were bewitched to make things difficult for me just after I entered Kaifeng!"

Yang Zhi froze for a moment, then choked on water...

Zuo Zhou didn't take advantage of this group of idiots falling into the water. It's not that he respects any Liangshan heroes. It's just that the guy underwater has already swam towards Yang Zhi and the others. He has no intention of meddling with other people's affairs, as long as they don't mess with him that is.

"How do you know about Yang Zhi, the blue-faced beast?"

Zuo Zhou was taken aback, then looked back at Xiaomeng and Liuliqin who were full of suspicion, and hummed without changing his expression: "Water Margin, the information leaked by you exiles."

Xiaomeng and Liuliqin looked at each other, "What else is there? Which idiot would reveal such important information to you?"

Zuo Zhou laughed, "Important information? What's so important? It's just a group of rebels, or a group of rebels who were recruited in the end. I'm afraid that even if the court finds out, they won't care. What good can you gain?"

Liu Liqin's eyes widened, and she said stiffly: "Why don't you get any benefits, at least... At least you can try to fool a few experts into working for yourself."

Xiaomeng poked Liu Liqin on the side, and reminded with a little embarrassment: "Except for a few with backgrounds, most of them are not very strong. And those with backgrounds are mostly from the imperial court, so it's not easy to fool around! "

Liu Liqin rolled her eyes, "Which side are you from? How do you tear down my platform!"

Xiaomeng rolled her eyes back, "I'll just remind you."

Liu Liqin looked at Zuo Zhou again, "Even if you can't fool anyone, you can still snatch a few beauties. I heard that someone beat Wu Dalang and Ximen Qing to death, and then occupied Pan Jinlian!"

Zuo Zhou turned his head when he heard the words, and didn't even notice, "You are also a woman, why did you get so excited when you mentioned this? Were you a prostitute in your previous life?"

Liu Liqin said anxiously: "You are a thief, your whole family is a thief! I'm telling you, there are definitely benefits to be gained from prophets, at least... at least Yang Zhi still has a precious sword, wait for him When you can't afford to eat, you can get a precious sword at a low price!"

Zuo Zhou: "..."

That's right, Yang Zhi still has a precious sword on his body!
Zuo Zhou smashed his fist and patted Liu Liqin on the shoulder with a smile, "It seems that you are more honest than those exiles. The exiles who leaked the information did not mention these details."

Liuliqin felt as awkward as if she had eaten a fly, and Xiaomeng who was next to her hurriedly took a step back, fearing that her IQ would be affected if she got along with her for a long time.

Murong Fu listened to the whole process from behind, and vaguely understood the role of the 'unpredictable prophet', he put his arms around Xiaomeng's shoulders, as if a son was close to a maidservant, "I was the one who neglected you before, and you don't care about secret books or anything else." Don't be too anxious, let me help you write that what... the biography of the kettle!"

Confused, Xiaomeng turned her head and gave Liuliqin a hard look. Do you know how many characters are in "Water Margin"?You are really a good girlfriend, give me a chance to be 007?
"Sister, let's stop talking." Zhou Zhiruo tugged on Liu Liqin's sleeve, dragged her to the back of the crowd, and stood with Azhuabi, who looked harmless to humans and animals.

At this time, Zuo Zhou squatted on the bow again, "I heard that you have a family heirloom sword, if you give it to me, then I will show you a clear way!" Said, waved to Cao Zhengchun, took it Show Yang Zhi the customs clearance documents.

Yang Zhi's internal strength is profound, and his eyesight is naturally good. When he saw it, he knew that the behavior of dumping the blame would not be done, and then fell into deep thought.

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, huh?It's not that Yang Zhi is in a desperate situation where he can't afford to eat, so why hesitate?That is a family heirloom sword, shouldn't it be flatly rejected?
Zuo Zhou's expression returned to normal in an instant, and he realized in his heart that there must be details that he didn't know about.

Just as he was puzzled, he saw Yang Zhijiang directly throwing the knife onto the boat, "I hope the envoy will keep his word."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, and picked up the so-called family heirloom sword. It was inserted in a rather delicate golden flower scabbard, which looked a little gaudy.

With Zuo Zhou's eyesight, it is easy to see that this scabbard is just a fake, far worse than his inconspicuous black scabbard.Not to mention raising a sword, it would be nice if it didn't scratch the blade.

Zuo Zhou glanced at Yang Zhi, this guy couldn't be lying to himself, could he?
Gently drew the knife out of its sheath, and before it was fully drawn, a cold light appeared, which made Zuo Zhou feel the biting air blowing towards his face, "A good knife...but not a magic weapon!"

This is a very contradictory proposition. The so-called magical soldiers must have spirits, just like his Wushuang Sword, Wuji Sword, and Bi Xuezhao Danqing, like Nie Feng's Xueyin Sword, Jian Chen's Hero Sword, these magical soldiers have their own Sword Spirit Blade Soul.But Yang Zhi's family heirloom sword in front of him is a bit weird.

Judging from the feel of the hand, the material of this knife has faintly surpassed all the magic weapons mentioned before. It's not just talking about being hairy and indestructible, but it just doesn't have a knife soul!
This is not only unscientific, but also unmetaphysical. Could it be that the original knife maker just made it casually and didn't take it seriously at all?

Zuo Zhou pulled out the treasured sword in doubt, but saw that the surface of the sword was like a mirror shining on people, and there was a cyan dragon pattern on it that was faintly visible under the arousal of true energy.

With a shake of his heart, Zuo Zhou's eyes were empty and he focused on the system panel.

The Qinglong Yanyue Knife (remnant), lacking the handle and the soul of the knife, contains the residual moves of the Spring and Autumn Saber, which was obtained by the Yang family by accident. take away.

Zuo Zhou: "..." Slowly put the saber back into its sheath, lowered its head and looked at Yang Zhi with a complicated expression, but whoever is surnamed Yang is your Yang family?Your Yang family not only has many widows, but also many men!
Yang Zhi's expression changed, why are you looking at me like that? "You want to go back on your word?"

"No, who doesn't know that I, Li Yuanfang, say nothing. The huge wave just now was indeed man-made, and the thief is under the water. You can still see him now. If you catch him, your guilt will be much lighter. !"

Hearing this, Yang Zhi and a group of officers and soldiers plunged into the water, and they saw a man with a bewildered face.

Ruan Xiaoer: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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