Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 379 What kind of bad thoughts can I, Li Yuanfang, have?

Chapter 379 What kind of bad thoughts can I, Li Yuanfang, have?

"You... why are you floating?"

Looking at Zuo Zhou who was also rowing on land, Liu Liqin couldn't help thinking of the word 'wave'!
Zuo Zhou lowered his head and took a look. In fact, he was used to this way of walking, and it was quite interesting. No wonder so many masters like to go high and high.

"If you want to care, do you have some floating?"


When Murong Fu and others came, when they saw the Ding family that had been reduced to a piece of rubble, everyone was angry.It hasn't been long since Zhan Zhao separated from them, and his fiancée is going offline now?

It's like when you see a good friend's house break down with your own eyes, you will feel that it is about you, and you should do something, but you can't do anything.This kind of emotion is very complicated. Although it was only for a moment, it also made these self-proclaimed masters angry.

Fortunately, fortunately, Li Yuanfang came first, and everything has not developed to the worst point.

The brothers and sisters of the Ding family are completely relieved here. With so many masters, even if the local garrison really comes, they don't need to be afraid.

Once I relaxed my mind, what I had to do made me feel a little depressed. So many servants of the Ding family who died innocently, they all had to be buried.There are also many tycoons who died because of helping the Ding family, and they will also take care of their funeral affairs. Whether it is compensation to their families or related offerings later, the Ding family will never forget it.

If this large sum of money is thrown out, the Ding family's property will basically shrink by half. Of course, most of the high-ranking people in the rivers and lakes eat enough for one person and the whole family is not hungry, but this thing mainly depends on conscience. Fortunately, Ding's family is It's really nice, and it doesn't say that it's secretly saving anything.

As soon as these matters were dealt with, Zuo Zhou and others were delayed for two days.

After bidding farewell to many helpers in the martial arts, the brothers and sisters of the Ding family took Song Ci and boarded the boat with them.

Until then, Zuo Zhou took the initiative to ask about the attack.

"My brother-in-law, as a member of the Daqin Mission, couldn't leave without permission to do something, so he handed us the letter from Bao Zheng and Mr. Bao, asking us to find Mr. Song, and let us take Mr. Song to Daqin." Ding Zhaolan said. Said, occasionally glanced at Li Yuanfang, in fact, Zhan Zhao's original words were, "The chief envoy of our mission is a troublemaker, I must watch him, otherwise there may be troubles." Of course, these words cannot be said directly .

Zuo Zhou naturally didn't know how Zhan Zhao arranged himself behind his back, and continued, "And then? How did you become a court criminal?"

Ding Yuehua shook his head, "We don't know what's going on. In fact, Mr. Bao asked us to take care of Mr. Song before, and nothing happened in the past, but for some reason, this time the court suddenly said that Mr. Song was a criminal of the court, and sent here The people of the Imperial City Division and the garrison are arresting him."

Everyone couldn't help frowning when they heard the words, and there was no sign of the sudden change, which made them completely incomprehensible.

The person who tied the bell had to be untied. Song Ci, who had been leaning against the side of the boat without saying a word, suddenly sighed, "It's because the performer is thousands of miles away."

Zuo Zhou turned around, "What play?"

"Eliminate dissidents! Or simply vent revenge."

"who sang this?"

"Song Huizong or Manchu civil and military, heh, 'civil and military', bullshit!"

It's hard for you to imagine that Song Ci, who has always been very elegant, actually cursed people?

"Wouldn't it be fun not to greet relatives directly?"

"..." Song Ci gave Zuo Zhou a funny look, "General Li's straightforwardness is admirable."

"How much admiration? Forget it, I'm joking, just tell me what's going on?"

Zuo Zhou just wanted to ease the atmosphere. Facts have proved that as long as I am not the one who is embarrassed, it can effectively relieve the tension.

"The matter started a few years ago, everyone must know why I live in seclusion."

"Sir, I admire your character, but it's a pity that the Song family is really..." Murong Fu said respectfully. To him, Song Ci was a famous person in the Song Dynasty. Speaking of the kind that everyone admires, if there is such a Even if you are a good friend, outsiders will admire your character.

Song Ci sighed bitterly, "If there is a choice, old man... I would rather not have this kind of reputation."

"Wait for me later, can someone explain this passage in detail, I haven't heard of it yet!" Zuo Zhou interrupted Song Ci who wanted to continue talking.

Song Ci remained silent, but Murong Fu took the initiative to say, "I'll do it."

Murong Fu took over the storyteller's words and used his eloquence to describe the whole incident in a thrilling, tragic and desolate way, which made Zuo Zhou finally understand why Bao Zheng Zhanzhao and Zhuge Zhengwo all left the Song Kingdom.

It was a few years ago, when Emperor Qin ordered the cessation of conquests, and it was time for countries to relax their border defenses and step up their internal affairs.Under such circumstances, development has naturally become a top priority. Bao Zheng, Zhuge Zhengwo and many righteous people set off a decisive battle against the corrupt officials.

The specific process involved too much, and it is estimated that no one can figure out all the details, let's just talk about Song Ci's line.

The whole plot is basically similar to the "The Criminal of the Great Song Dynasty" that Zuo Zhou has seen, but the scale is larger, and there are countless righteous men on our side who have sacrificed their lives and forgotten their lives.Zhan Zhao, Zhuge Zhengwo, and the Five Rats are all quite famous among them.Thinking about Qi Shaoshang, the guard at the border gate, you can understand how many unsung heroes there are!

There is also Chaotang. In just one year, it has set a shocking record of changing the same official position five times. When the struggle progressed to the later stage, the enemy has already resorted to unscrupulous methods, and various assassinations emerge in endlessly.Just Zhan Zhao and the others took down as many as three killer organizations!
Fortunately, the final result is gratifying. Song Ci has found evidence, fatal evidence that can uproot the corrupt party members in the court.They won, and they won in an upright manner. Not only was the evidence complete, but the procedures were all in compliance with the regulations. They did not give the enemy any possibility of sophistry. Justice, this time, was in their hands.


When Song Ci happily presented all the evidence in front of the emperor, with hope in his heart, longing for the Song Kingdom with a clear world, and looking forward to calling Song Kingdom a great Song in the future... the emperor burned all the evidence...

Song Ci, Bao Zheng, Zhuge Zhengwo and other court officials, they may never forget what the emperor said with a look of embarrassment, "The country needs their abilities, if they are killed, the country will inevitably be in chaos, what a disaster!" '

is it hard?It's not difficult!
What kind of courtier do you need?Song Guo has plenty!Will the country be in chaos?Why the chaos? Shouldn't the people applaud the killing of corrupt officials?

They don't understand, and probably no one understands, so they lost this rumbling struggle in such a ridiculous and pathetic way.

After Song Ci resigned from office and went back to seclusion, Bao Zheng and others may still have expectations for Song State, so they are still officials and insist on fighting against corrupt officials.And because of this incident, the emperor also strictly ordered the members of the corrupt official group not to retaliate afterwards.

Those people obeyed the order, but the good times didn't last long. In less than a year, Song Ci's wife and daughter died of fires and strange diseases one after another. There were unexpected events, but when Bao Zheng and others wanted to investigate strictly, the emperor decided the case.

The emperor, Jinkou Yuyan, said that it was an accident, and it was an accident. How could there be other reasons?

A golden word finally chilled the hearts of Bao Zheng and others. That year, one-third of the court officials wrote a letter to resign, probably to tell the emperor that even if all the officials in this court were gone, the operation of the court would not stagnate. .

They proved to the emperor with facts that if all the corrupt officials were killed at the beginning, the court would only be better.

The emperor also understood their painstaking efforts, and came to his senses: Oh, it turns out that my court can function without anyone, so why do I still worry about state affairs every day?

There is a shortage of officials, so someone will fill them up, but it is not known what kind of people are filling them up.

Afterwards, Bao Zheng and Zhuge Zhengwo took their people to Daqin. Some of the other officials went to seclusion and were never found, and some went to other countries.After that day, rebel armies rose everywhere in the Song Kingdom, and the people suffered unspeakably.

There is a tacit understanding, the rebels did not use any slogans such as "cleaning the emperor's side", if there were, it was also "eliminating the faint emperor"!
However, it was amazing that Song Ci didn't go to Daqin with Bao Zheng and others, so it happened that Bao Zheng and others kept thinking about him and let Ding's family take care of him.

"Why don't you go to Daqin? You don't have hope for the Song Kingdom!" Zuo Zhou was also curious.

Song Ci replied indifferently: "Well, there is no hope for the country of Song, but I want to see with my own eyes how this country will perish. Whether..."

Song Ci's voice stopped abruptly, but Zuo Zhou and others understood his unfinished words. How will this country be reborn?

Zuo Zhou looked around, the atmosphere was heavy again, scratching his head, "Then why did you agree to leave now?"

Song Ci took it for granted and said with a smile: "The internal rebels rebelled, and the Qing Dynasty broke through the barriers outside. This situation cannot be broken by the Song State. I have already predicted the final outcome. Why do you want to stay here?"

Zuo Zhou was stunned, "Is it because you want to leave that the important figures in the court did it?"

Song Ci shook his head, "Those people are just making me live in pain, it doesn't really matter whether I leave or not. I think they came so fast and there are so many people this time, they should be targeting Zhan Zhao."

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, "Aiming at Zhan Zhao? Da Qin envoys dare to move? It seems that I made too little noise!" Zuo Zhou suddenly overlooked something, but he has killed many awesome people, but he is not awesome. Only the strong can see it.For example, those people under Yang Zhi's command, they know a fart's sword skills, maybe they can't even tell how strong Chao Gai is, and if it is spread to Kaifeng, they probably won't think how fierce they are.At most, it is just to use the innate realm to fight against the master of the list.

Song Ci said again: "Since they dared to retaliate against me back then, they also dared to retaliate against Bao Zheng and others, but Bao Zheng and others have many experts around them. This time Zhan Zhao came alone, although he couldn't openly target the Great Qin envoy, but he could It made Zhan Zhao miserable. It just so happened that I was with the Ding family brothers and sisters again, a family that harbored criminals, of course it must be wiped out!"

"That's it, then I'll ask again, are there many masters in the Imperial City Division? Is there any ranking list?"

"Why are you asking this?" Song Ci looked at Zuo Zhou with strange eyes, the light in this person's eyes was a little different, very similar to those criminals he had arrested before.

Zuo Zhou sneered: "Don't get me wrong, everyone knows that I, Li Yuanfang, hate evil like a vengeful enemy, so what bad intentions can I have?"

 A song from Amway, the one that was played at station b yesterday, waiting for you to come back
(End of this chapter)

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