Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 394 Annoying my old man

Chapter 394 Annoying my old man

This is really a sad story. The old man doesn't even have a reliable apprentice in his old age. It's so sad!

Of course, Zhou Tong is a decent person, so he would never tell others about this matter, and he didn't want to care about it, nor would he do anything to sell his disciples.It's just that one of the most reliable disciples at the moment is going to Bianjing, and he can't turn a blind eye to this.

"Boy, have you ever thought about going back to Daqin directly?"

Zuo Zhou looked at him strangely, "I don't mind doing this, but after all, it's Daqin's envoy group, so I have to go to Bianjing at least for a while. What's more, there are a group of people waiting on my upstairs boat, and we have to solve some problems." questionable."

Zhou Tong curled his lips, "Forget it, then you wait for me, I'll say goodbye to my junior brother and the others, and then we'll take a boat to Bianjing together, I'll be with the old man, I'll make sure your trip will be smooth and calm!"

Zuo Zhou had nothing to say, he could only smile back, but unfortunately, with such a big master in the rankings, there might not even be anyone who can touch porcelain.

Before Zuo Zhou could say anything more, Zhou Tong had already jumped far away with a whoosh.

"It's the first time I've seen Master so anxious." Zhan Shiqi took Zuo Zhou's hand, leaning half of his body weight on Zuo Zhou.

Zuo Zhou enjoyed this kind of dependence quite a bit, and asked with a smile: "You have gained a lot when you came out. This luck is probably comparable to that of Ah Xiang. I think she will cry out of jealousy when she goes back!"

Zhan Shiqi rolled his eyes at him angrily, "Don't bully Ah Xiang!"

"Who bullied her? Why does she cry every time? It's not because of you."


Zhan Shiqi was speechless for a while, and Zuo Zhou didn't change the topic, just admired her embarrassment, it was so fun!

But according to Zuo Zhou's understanding of A Xiang, this girl will definitely attack him at night after seeing Zhan Shiqi also having a relationship with him, Emma, ​​she is inexplicably looking forward to it.

"Miss Zhan, the Patriarch has..." At this moment, a servant came to invite Zhan Shiqi, but he was taken aback when he saw Zuo Zhou, but he pretended not to see the intimate appearance of the two of them.

"Look, the servants of this big family have rules, they don't see, they don't hear."

Zhan Shiqi pinched his lower back amusedly, this seemed to be a natural skill of women.

The two held hands and walked all the way to the living room. Everyone was amazed when they saw Zuo Zhou. How did this person get in?What if there is any bad intention in this?

"Dare to ask this..."

"Li Yuanfang, it's not a pleasure to meet you, you don't need to look up for a long time, you talk about yours, we just came to say hello, and we will leave right away."


Li Yuanfang, this name can be regarded as thunderous, but anyone who is concerned about the international situation knows it, but they never expected to appear here one day.

"Uh, the general came from a long way, so I'm sorry to welcome you from afar." Hu Cheng looked at Zuo Zhou and Zhan Shiqi's intimacy with each other and understood something. Cow connections.

"No need to greet." Zuo Zhou smiled, waved his hands and began to spread around, and soon saw Hu Sanniang and Lu Junyi sitting together.

The mood suddenly became bad. Originally, after knowing that the self-awakening will be based on human thinking, he still wanted to recruit a few masters?Who knew that Lu Junyi and Hu Sanniang had met when they were happy.

Tch, sure enough, no wonder people say that you can’t be addicted to female sex when you are doing business, what a waste of time, hum, I choose female sex!

Now that he knew that there was no hope of recruiting, Zuo Zhou of course would not waste any more time, just greeted a few people casually and dragged Zhan Shiqi away.

"Uh, nephew, don't you tell the master?" Lu Junyi stood up and said, looking like he wanted to stop him.

Zuo Zhou was immediately excited, come quickly, if you don't do it now, there will be very few opportunities to touch porcelain in the future!
But Zhan Shiqi spoke faster, and said with a smile: "Master already knows."

Lu Junyi froze, what do you mean?Has Zhou Tong been here?Why didn't he find out, wait, maybe...

Lu Junyi's face was very ugly, Hu Sanniang obviously thought of this too, but she wasn't too nervous, since Zhou Tong didn't do anything, it meant he wouldn't meddle in his own business, but it's a pity, she originally wanted to take advantage of this place list master.

"Since the general has important matters to deal with, I won't stay any longer. If the general has any orders in the future, it's good to send someone to inform. It's fate for everyone to get to know each other."

"Hehe." Zuo Zhou left only a smile, turned around and dragged Zhan Shiqi to leave, as if there were any uncertainties.

Zhan Shiqi couldn't help but said happily, "This...wouldn't it be a bit impolite?"

"If you don't wave your hand, it's a farewell."

"Forget it, it's so embarrassing." Zhan Shiqi quickly adapted to Zuo Zhou's rhythm, and hugged his arm again. He was a little wild and tired when exercising before, but now his whole body seems to be glued together.

Zuo Zhou was funny and happy to be dependent on her, so he cuddled up to each other and slowly left Hu's village, and then headed towards Louchuan.

Outside Hujiazhuang, there were hidden Liangshan spies who truthfully told everyone about this scene.

Song Jiang and the others felt very complicated. They didn't see the knife with their own eyes, but only knew from Wu's poor description that King Tota had been beaten.But this doesn't actually make them really afraid of Zuo Zhou, but, considering Zuo Zhou's identity, they really don't want to have a bad relationship with Da Qin.


On the other hand, Zhu Chaofeng of Zhujiazhuang also welcomed Zhou Tong.

Luan Tingyu was a little puzzled about the whereabouts of this senior brother. Last night, Luan Tingyu actually accompanied the three of Zhu's family to support him. After the retreat, he was afraid that Liangshan would take the opportunity to attack Zhujiazhuang, so he went back to defend himself. Considering that the other party had many generals, at the same time Those who wanted to invite Zhou Tong to make a move, unexpectedly found that he was not in the room.

"Brother, why are you leaving all of a sudden?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhou is in such a hurry, why don't you go after some banquets, so that I can prepare a carriage for Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Tong casually put the burden on his back, "It's rare to meet a junior who is willing to take care of me. I feel very itchy, hehe! By the way, senior brother, um, normally a senior brother shouldn't talk about these things. But I think that Hu Sanniang The city is too deep, not a good match! Well, of course, my disciple Lu Junyi is not a good bird, so be careful. Well, none of my disciples can worry about it. If anyone finds you in the future, don’t look at me face."

Luan Tingyu was shocked, what happened to senior brother?Leaving aside the matter of Hu Sanniang, but talking about his disciples in this way is a bit like cleaning up the family. If this word gets out, Lu Junyi's reputation in the Jianghu martial arts will be considered bad.

"Senior brother, my junior martial arts skills are low, but I have a lot of contacts in the Song Dynasty martial arts. If something happens, you can tell me directly. Did my nephew and the others make you angry!"

Zhou Tong really wanted to explain, but to be honest, he didn't understand it before. Hearing things like "awakening" and "demon soul" made people feel dizzy.Anyway, I understand that Lu Junyi knows Hu Sanniang and everyone in Liangshan!
After thinking for a while, he said, "I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood to keep the green hills. If Liangshan strongmen come to harass me again in the future, it would be a good way to escape decisively. Well, but in a short time, the people of Liangshan should not mess with you!"

Luan Tingyu was even more confused when he heard this, but he also knew the character of this senior brother, and he would not be shaken by his words at all, so he could only watch him leave in the end.

But just like what Zhou Tong said, the people from Liangshan will not push any further, because it didn't take long for Lu Junyi to find Song Jiang and the others and tell them about Hu Sanniang's awakening. His death was pushed to Zuo Zhou.

At this point, a group of men were clamoring to chase the boat, but Wu Yong jumped out at this moment and stretched out his big hand. If anyone dares to provoke today, he will... he will turn around and go back to Liangshan to help you buy coffins!

"Brother, don't be angry. Now that the situation in the Song Dynasty is changing, personal hatred is a trivial matter. As long as he is still alive, we will have revenge one day with our abilities." Lu Junyi waved his hand to stop Song Jiang, and continued: "According to Hu Sanniang, the fourth brother There is a big plan, and it should be implemented soon, we have to make preparations, this time you came out and took down the Lijiazhuang, which can be regarded as an explanation to the Tota Heavenly King."

Song Jiang frowned, "What's the specific matter, you don't have to cover it up, second child."

Lu Junyi shook his head, "I don't know the details, but this trip to Bianjing is a must. Besides, I really don't like the King of Tota, so I'm sorry that I can't accompany my brother on this trip this time." .”

Song Jiang expressed his understanding, "Second brother, don't say that. We and Natuota Heavenly King are also using each other. This time, the behavior of Bianjing can guarantee that Chao Gai will die!"

Lu Junyi smiled, and quickly left with Huo Lin to Zhujiazhuang. Liang Shan retreated. Whether the marriage contract between the Zhu family and the Hu family will be completed is a matter for Hu Sanniang to decide, and he is too lazy to care.

What he has to do now is to lead Yanqing to Bianjing, and when Hu Sanniang is in trouble, he will steal the martial arts secret book.

It's just... How should I face Zhou Tong?
Lu Junyi had a headache, he wasn't sure how much Zhou Tong knew.

"Nephew, you tell uncle what you did to make your master angry and leave overnight!"

As soon as Lu Junyi entered Zhujiazhuang, he bumped into Luan Tingyu head-on. When he heard that Zhou Tong had left, he relaxed a lot.

Lu Junyi wanted to lie for a moment: "Uncle Master doesn't know something, I think the battle was really fierce, so he signed a peace agreement with Liangshan on behalf of the Liangzhuang Alliance, but this method made Master very angry."

Luan Tingyu snorted as soon as he heard it: "You are stupid. If you seek peace through compromise, there will be no peace! Isn't Daqin a living example? They only need time to digest the benefits they have obtained, and when they recover Defeat the Turks right away? How could you make such a mistake! Besides, you forgot that the court of the Song Dynasty just blindly sought peace before driving your master away in anger!"

Lu Junyi looked ashamed and said: "Master's lesson is that I will immediately pack my luggage and go after Master." He happened to take this opportunity to leave for Bianjing.

(End of this chapter)

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