Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 406 Cai Xiang, believe it or not, I am as surprised as you are

Chapter 406 Cai Xiang, believe it or not, I am as surprised as you

Bang, Duang, Ding, Bang...

A lot of onomatopoeia can no longer explain the angry Song Huizong at this time, but it is understandable for the ministers and workers of the Song Dynasty. After all, the wife at home is gone early in the morning. Who can bear it?

"Didn't you all claim to be well-informed before? Why don't you talk now? I usually raise you for nothing?"

In Song Huizong's incompetent rage, a group of courtiers looked at Cai Jing from time to time, hoping to get some hints or answers from him, but this was doomed to be futile.

Cai Xiang, who used to always hold his head high, now lowered his head and closed his eyes as if he didn't hear anything.

After Song Huizong vented a lot, he finally calmed down a little. He glanced around and his eyes fell on the three commanders of the Imperial Army.

In the Song Dynasty, the supreme commander of the forbidden army was the emperor himself, and then there were three generals who were not under each other and were responsible for different positions.

"I know you have been secretly protecting me, what did you see last night?"

Two of them slowly turned their heads to look at the one in the middle, who was responsible for sending people to protect the emperor last night.This person was originally the instructor of the Forbidden Army, his surname was Gu, and he was good at using spears and sticks.Yes, it was Lin Chong's previous position.However, General Gu knew better than Lin Chong how to socialize and please his superiors, and he was promoted to the position of Commander of the Imperial Army within a short time.

General Gu, who was proud of the five and six in the spring breeze, now wants to screw out the brains of his colleagues on the left and right. Of course he knows where Li Shishi has gone, but he dare not say it!
Speaking of which, since he was born in the army and is Lin Chong's successor, he is naturally an old acquaintance with Lin Chong. Speaking of which, there is still a bit of Lin Chong in his own kung fu.

Lin Chong was ignorant of human intelligence, so he had Lu Qian who was his "best friend", and General Gu who was "compared with martial arts".

Although General Gu doesn't like Lin Chong very much, he has also met Zhou Tong. He is a master at the top of the list. He can sense whether you are malicious just by relying on his spiritual sense. If he has any careful thoughts, he dare not show them in front of others. play.

And last night, he saw Zhou Tong and Li Yuanfang take Li Shishi away with his own eyes, which one of these two could he afford?
You, Song Huizong, are a bull, but he is an envoy of the Great Qin Dynasty and a master of the local rankings, who cares about you!

General Gu felt uncomfortable, and glanced at Cai Jing as if asking for help. Last night, after he discovered the problem, he immediately found Prime Minister Cai. After all, he did not dare to make a claim on this matter.

Cai Jing seemed to have sensed his request for help, and stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, calm down. Recently, many strangers have come to Bianjing. I'm afraid things are not that simple. Besides, there are many rebels colluding with the Qing army. Your Majesty and teachers The girl's relationship is not a secret, I'm afraid there are thieves who want to kidnap Miss Shishi to threaten His Majesty, and now the frontier soldiers are fighting bloody battles, Your Majesty must not let those rebels take advantage of it!"

Song Huizong's face was still angry, and the dragon chair was about to be smashed into pieces, "Rebellious ministers and thieves! Didn't you send troops to suppress the bandits? Why did you let the thieves enter the capital instead!"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is precisely because the rebels cannot withstand the siege that they made such a move to threaten His Majesty!"

Song Huizong felt that it made sense when he heard this, and sighed, "It's all because I have troubled Shishi, Cai Qing will be fully responsible for this matter, and I must find Shishi back!"

"Yes!" ×n
After leaving the main hall, a group of people surrounded Cai Jing with shouts, and even Gongsun Sheng followed quietly in the crowd, and he was actually taken aback.

At that time, his first reaction after learning about this incident was, damn it!Li Shishi is lost, so is my conspiracy a clear card?
At this moment, Cai Jing didn't say much, he just waved his hand to let a group of people disperse, while he himself left the palace and went straight to Honglu Temple.

Originally, he really didn't want to go, so it was good to let the Great Qin envoy stay there.But why did Li Yuanfang act like this?You didn't do that with provocation, robbing the emperor's woman, or stealthily, are you shameless?


Zuo Zhou yawned for a long time. He came back a little late last night. Zhan Shiqi was obviously a little sour when he saw that he had brought back another beautiful woman, so he tossed and tossed him for most of the night before he fell asleep contentedly.It's a pity that he still has to come out to meet Cai Jing who should come, what a man.

"General, last night that...that son..."

Jiang Yuyan thoughtfully brought a cup of tea, she said of course it was Li Shishi, but last night Li Shishi was dressed in men's clothes, so she naturally wouldn't talk too much to expose anything.

No one would believe it, except for Zuo Zhou and Zhou Tong, among all the people in Honglu Temple, she was the one with the most keen spiritual sense, and she was the first to notice that Zuo Zhou and Zhou Tong had returned.So last night she was the first one to come out to meet the two of them, and also the first one to meet Li Shishi.

how to say?Jiang Yuyan felt that this woman was very threatening when she first saw her. Having also been in the brothel, she could almost see the details of the alluring beauty in front of her at a glance.Hmph, he's a seductive bitch who can seduce people!
But soon she felt relieved a lot. When she decided to start rolling up crazily, she found that Li Shishi didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about Li Yuanfang, well, at least not now, so the one who should be anxious is Zhan Shiqi.

"Oh, master, my disciple." Zuo Zhou took a sip of his tea casually, only to find that wolfberry was added in it!
What's the meaning?Implied that I can't?Believe it or not, I will bleed you with one stick!


Jiang Yuyan froze for a moment, why didn't she think of it?Although maids can always be around, they are not as close as masters and apprentices after all, and if they really become masters and apprentices, no one can say anything about teaching martial arts hand in hand and face to face.Damn, what a smart bitch!

The threat that Li Shishi just dropped has risen again!

Zuo Zhou had no idea that his disciple was already flustered in Jiang Yuyan's heart at this time, so he just put the tea bowl aside lightly, "Yuyan, Cai Jing should come later, this person doesn't need to serve tea."

Jiang Yuyan nodded and put away the tea bowl she had prepared. She paid close attention to Li Yuanfang all the time. I am afraid that in the entire Song Kingdom, except for Song Ci, there is no one worthy of his special attention.Then she naturally wouldn't care about anything, let alone a prime minister, even if Song Huizong came, she would still treat him coldly.

Things were pretty much as Zuo Zhou had expected. After the early court time, soon someone informed that Cai Jing was coming.

"Hey, isn't this Prime Minister Cai, a treacherous minister, I have long admired my name, I have admired my name for a long time!"

Cai Jing: "..."

Zuo Zhou was quite enthusiastic. Before Cai Jing could speak, he hugged him into the living room. Those who didn't know thought this was not Honglu Temple, but the backyard of his house.

Cai Jing was suddenly at a loss when he was seated. He used to take the initiative when meeting anyone, but now facing Li Yuanfang, he didn't know what to say.

After thinking for a while, he said, "The envoy came from afar and should have warm hospitality, but recently the Qing army is approaching, the rebels are rampant, and your Majesty's state affairs are heavy, so I neglected the envoy. I hope you understand."

"Don't worry, I understand, I understand, no one understands how attractive a beautiful woman is better than me. Look at my many confidante, every day I wish I could get drunk and die in a gentle town."

"..." Cai Jing sneered, his face was very cooperative, but he didn't believe it at all in his heart. At your age and cultivation level, I'm afraid you wish you could spend a few more hours a day practicing martial arts, and you can still indulge in beauty?

Zuo Zhou didn't think that he was misunderstood at all, he just smiled and waited for Cai Jing to continue to play.

Cai Jing gave up the idea of ​​beating around the bush with some boredom, but he forgot that the character in front of him dared to bully the Emperor Qin and his ministers in the Great Qin Dynasty Hall, how could he abide by the rules of their Song Dynasty Dynasty Hall?

"I came here this time for Miss Shi Shi, Your Majesty misses her very much."

Zuo Zhou blushed, serious, "What's wrong? Cai Xiang thinks I snatched Master Li!"

Cai Jing's face shuddered, how dare you say it wasn't you? "I heard that there are many rebels who want to threaten His Majesty with the help of Miss Shi Shi, and it is thanks to the general who rescued them."

Zuo Zhou immediately rolled his eyes, he was a little discouraged, he thought of all the reasons for you, but he just couldn't say it, it's boring!
"Let's say it first, I didn't grab it!"

Cai Jing is also a little angry, you still don't admit it, what's wrong?If you have to turn your back on me, if you dare to be a rascal, I will act as if nothing happened!
"She is indeed with me, but she wants to come here by herself. Whether she wants to go back is her own problem."

Cai Jing heaved a sigh of relief, you just need to admit it, "The general is joking, who doesn't know that Shi Shi belongs to His Majesty..."

"Everyone knows it is right? Everyone knows that the Tang Emperor's surname is Li, so am I also qualified to inherit the throne?"

"..." Why is such a freshman general still messing around?
"Cai Xiang, long time no see, how are you doing?"

Just at this time, a soft voice sounded from behind, Cai Jing had met Mr. Li, and at this moment, he knew that the Lord was coming, and he couldn't help but feel proud, hehe, who can refuse the glory and wealth?
"Miss Master, His Majesty misses you very much..."

Cai Jing was stunned for a moment, but he was amazed by Li Shishi's attire after he had seen the big scene. In the past, Li Shishi's gauze skirt and shawl looked like orchids in the empty valley when he had light makeup, and he was as gorgeous as ever when he was wearing heavy makeup.But he had never seen Li Shishi dressed in men's clothes, he was so chic and suave and personable, although his skin was firm and petite, he still looked like a woman, but it made people have an impulse that he couldn't bear to expose.

Well, if His Majesty sees this, I'm afraid he will be excited for a long time again!
Li Shishi nodded slightly, clasping his fists with both hands, "Please report back to Your Majesty, there is no more Li Shishi in the world."

Cai Jing smiled wryly, what is this awkward, "Why did the girl say that?"

Zuo Zhou was overjoyed, and stopped in front of her, "People say that there is no such person, why don't you search for it?"

Cai Jing was silent, he opened his eyes and said nonsense, but he heard a firm voice behind Zuo Zhou, "Li Shishi is not me, surname is not, name is not, everything is not, there has never been such a person as Li Shishi in the world. .”

Cai Jing frowned, looking at Li Yuanfang eager to try, this is... wait for me to find fault?
"Which... is this little brother from the mission?"

Zuo Zhou was upset, "I can bear this...cough cough, well, you...tell Xiang Cai who you are?"

"Let's go, Li Xunhuan."


(End of this chapter)

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