Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 412 Li Yuanfang, I see through your details!

Chapter 412 Li Yuanfang, I see through your details!

"My Buddha is merciful. If General Li enters my Buddhist sect, he can practice joy meditation."

Um?A group of people behind Zuo Zhou stared wide-eyed, not looking at Zuo Zhou, but staring at nothing. What you said doesn't sound like a serious monk.

Well, in fact, as a martial arts person, even if he is not a Buddhist, he still has a lot of knowledge about Buddhism. After all, Buddhist martial arts also occupy a large proportion in the entire martial arts.Buddhist disciples mainly exist in the human race, and the multiplication of races is the way of human relations, so it is natural for Buddhist exercises to have the birth of Huanxi Zen, and even the practice methods are varied.

However, the difference between human beings and beasts is the attribute of being able to restrain instinctive desires and having reason, so people in the martial arts collectively call those masters who lose control and only act according to instincts the magic way.

Among all human behaviors, the one closest to desire and the most likely to be lost is the great harmony of life. Therefore, the dual-cultivation skills of various schools are the most likely to cause people to become enchanted.

Therefore, the secret of dual practice, whether it is Buddhism or other sects, is to replace desire with emotion. To put it bluntly, it is to applaud for love!
Buddhism originated in the Western Regions, and it gradually evolved into today's Buddhism after it was spread to various countries, but even so, there are still many differences in concepts, not to mention internal differences, but there are also differences in understanding of the same Buddhist scriptures Different, no one can convince anyone.But they are somewhat disdainful of Huanxi Zen.

It's not that there are constraints such as unreasonable and unreasonable, but that the efficiency of Huanxi Zen is really too low to achieve the same effect!

To put it simply, since you pay attention to applauding for love, then the other party must have characteristics that can make you love.

A handsome man and a beautiful woman are the most basic requirements. Since both parties are practicing kung fu, the sooner they become stronger, the better.

So here comes the question, if I have that talent, what kind of kung fu can't I practice?Isn't it sick to have to deal with you with these underworld things that can easily make you enchanted?

So, don't think that you can mess around with men and women after practicing Huanxi Zen, that's all nonsense or some thieves are using the license plate of Huanxi Zen to run wild.

Practicing Huanxi Zen not only prevents the relationship between men and women from messing around, but also makes the selection of practice objects more stringent!
"Master, I asked you if you can mess with men and women, but you asked me to practice the joy of meditation. This is clearly cheating me, so I have to suspect that you want to take me into Buddhism for my own good. Do you still want me to be a mount? Could it be that some Buddhist Bodhisattva is greedy for my body and asked you to fool me into practicing kung fu!"

The faces of other people are full of disbelief, they have never seen such a brazen person, but Zuo Zhou's face is full of eagerness to try, as long as you dare to promise, I will dare to enter the Buddhist gate, I am speechless after seeing it .

Yes, Liao Kong didn't dare to make such a promise at all. The point of this sentence is not the word "relationship between men and women" but the word "messing around". There are few, and there are many elites like Master Concubine Xuanfan Qinghui among them.Most importantly, are female believers considered Buddhists?

Liao Kong felt that Li Yuanfang definitely thought it was a calculation, so didn't he recruit a peerless master for Buddhism?
Of course, it is also possible to turn Li Yuanfang into Buddhism and then regret it. This only destroys his own state of mind. If he really has the righteous heart of "I will go to hell if I don't go to hell", maybe he will do it. However, He can't bear it!

Liao Kong is now a master of the human list, and he has achieved great perfection. Seeing that the earth list is just around the corner, how can he be willing to give up for a person who seems to be a threat in the future?

Yes, from this point of view, Liao Kong is also selfish, he can't give up himself for the prosperity of Buddhism, he can't be regarded as a fanatic.After death, you may not be able to enter the Buddhist kingdom to dominate, but who cares?You asked Kong if he cared?Ha ha!
"I don't want the general to be so stubborn. In the future, I'm afraid he will harm others and himself!"

Zuo Zhou shook his head boredly, "I thought you would say some great truths, or simply use some strong Sanskrit to influence me, who knows, just these few words, so I can leave."

Kong Kong: "..."

Liao Kong was silent for a while, but Murong Fu behind Zuo Zhou was close to Zhou Tong next to him, "Senior, why do I feel that Liao Kong has been using Sanskrit to influence Brother Li just now?"

Zhou Tong nodded, and said with a sneer, "Since the first meeting, Li Kong has been using his sanskrit ability to influence Li Yuanfang's mind, but he didn't expect that Li Yuanfang's spiritual cultivation is as solid as a rock, and that little bit of influence is like a breeze blowing on the face." It has no effect. In comparison, you can understand it when you look at other people."

Murong Fu turned sideways slightly, but saw that Azhu Abi was already leaning limply in Zhan Shiqi's arms, and the four generals were also sweating to support themselves, but the rest of them were much better and no different from themselves.This is because they are not the target of others, and they are only affected by the aftermath of the Sanskrit sound.

Among them, what puzzled him the most was Zhan Shiqi, Jiang Yuyan, Zhan Hongling, Liu Liqin, and Zhou Zhiruo. Why did these five girls act like nothing happened?

Zhan Shiqi also practiced the Heart Sutra of Returning to Dreams, and his mental strength was overwhelming. He didn't think the Sanskrit sounds had any effect and even expressed it, that's it?
The natural force on Jiang Yuyan's body was condensed as one, circling up and down, and whenever the Sanskrit sound came over, it was deflected by the wind force, and it was really a breeze.

The first time Zhan Hongling felt the Sanskrit sound, she began to recite the poem silently, "Don't you see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky..." The galloping sword intent was like a great river directly smashing the Sanskrit sound to pieces.

Liu Liqin closed her eyes, and felt that the Sanskrit sounds were very pleasant, and her Yi Jin Jing skill has also increased, so if you can speak it, you can speak more.Seeing Kong's stupid look, he even wanted to help out. If you want to persuade someone to quit, you always have to offer attractive conditions. Give room, give people, give money, give power, which condition can't be dragged for a few minutes. You just give up?I despise you!

Only Zhou Zhiruo felt a little irritable when she heard the Sanskrit sound. She turned her head to look at her sister who was full of interest and could not get enough of it. After thinking about it, she knew that she might have practiced the Yi Jin Jing, but Monk Peng didn't say it at the beginning?Is this the difference between Buddhism in different places?
"I am here to promote the Buddhadharma, and to save the benefactor from the sea of ​​suffering. Please think carefully, and don't wait until it is too late to regret everything."

Zuo Zhou was amused when he heard this, it meant to obey or die, so he was so useless?Even if you don't have a face, you still have to look at the face of Zhou Tong behind you. You add the so-called four great monks and you think you can hold down a top player?
"Why do people always think they can kill me?" This is what you forced me to say, and usually when I start to say that, it's because I'm trying to pretend.

Zuo Zhou's words were already a signal to start a war. Zhan Hongling behind him had already pulled out his sword with a thud, but he heard Kong Kong say again: "The poor monk and all senior brothers live in Cuiwei Building. If the general has figured it out, he can go and find me, and the heart of Buddhism will always be open to Your Excellency."

Um?do not fight?
Zuo Zhou froze for a moment, looked left and right, and didn't see any traces of the Four Great Sacred Monks, it didn't look like there was an ambush, so he really didn't want to fight this time?Or... this guy doesn't really intend to solicit it, wait a minute, and even left the address, so you're not afraid that I'll send you a pressure cooker?

Without Zuo Zhou's opening, everyone naturally couldn't do anything. After Kong went away silently, a group of people gathered around, "What does he mean?"

"Probably... what kind of big move is holding back? Or it's just full of food!"


I have to admit that this meeting of Kong Kong is very puzzling. If I really use my head to analyze it, I am afraid that I will not understand how many brain cells are wasted.Suo Sheng Zuo Zhou has never been the kind of person who struggles with difficult problems. He never did the second question for the last science question in the college entrance examination. I am so proud of saving time!

On the other hand, after Liao Kong returned to Cuiwei Tower, his plans for Zuo Zhou began to be adjusted.

"Feixuan, your master's judgment is correct. Li Yuanfang has a very strong Buddha nature, and it is very likely that he is the reincarnation of someone powerful. It's just a pity that he has fallen into the devil's way now. If he can successfully transform, the natural merit will be immeasurable. If it becomes a demon completely, it will definitely endanger the world."

Concubine Shi Xuan was sitting in the center of the room at this time, surrounded by four old monks wearing moon white monk robes. Instead of being kind and friendly, the four old monks looked haggard and rotten.

Concubine Shixuan slowly opened her eyes, nodded slightly and said, "Then why didn't the master allow you to do anything just now?"

Liao Kong sighed: "One is because the people behind Li Yuanfang have Buddha nature, the poor monk can't see through it for a while. The second is... we can't take Li Yuanfang just because we can't get past Zhou Tong."

There was a trace of sadness in Shi Feixuan's eyes, and then replaced the sadness with firmness, "Master is really good at predicting things, this is exactly the meaning of my coming, isn't it?"

"Don't act rashly. The poor monk discovered that Li Yuanfang was able to ignore the influence of my Sanskrit voice. It can be seen that he has spiritual power skills in his cultivation. Even if you move out at this time, you may not be able to make meritorious deeds in one fell swoop."

"Then according to Master's opinion, what should disciples do?" Shi Fei Xuanxiu frowned slightly.

Sitting cross-legged slowly, "Four senior brothers, please help me pass on Gong Feixuan. This is the secret method of Buddhism. After Feixuan practices, she can act according to the original plan. However, the situation has changed now. Feixuan should only have my consciousness of going to hell." Can!"

Concubine Shixuan looked at them puzzled, although she wanted to ask, but she gave up out of trust in her senior, she just cared: "The previous monsters made trouble..."

"That's not something you need to be concerned about now, so keep your mind on it, and I'll teach you the secret method called... The Heart Sutra of Returning to Dreams!"


At the same time, Chunyun Building, although Li Shishi disappeared here, but Song Huizong was a little sad and did not order to block the secret passage.

So Liangshan's troops gathered here, looking at Gongsun Sheng eagerly.

"What's the matter with the monsters making trouble today? Who dares to drive us and the monsters like this, are they those bald donkeys?" Song Jiang cursed.

Gongsun Sheng shook his head, "Brother, don't worry, didn't you see how many snake monsters I snatched back, I will find out when I use the bloodline tracing method!"

(End of this chapter)

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