Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 414 Yuan Guo can, why can't I?

Chapter 414 Yuan Guo can, why can't I?
"Pass it on, Zhao Zheng, the master of the Tianbang, has brought 50 elites into the city!"

Zuo Zhou: "..."

How to do?Tianbang! 50!I'm so scared...

What is a rumor?This is just a rumor, I have been sitting in this restaurant for a day, but that Zhao Zheng has never been found, what's wrong?Afraid that blatant fights will not be easy to explain?Or is it that you are lost, or that you are overwhelmed by this inexplicable rumor like yourself.

"Hahahaha, it's so interesting, Tianbang, 50, hahaha, if 50 people entered the city last night, I'm afraid I'll be so noisy that I won't be able to sleep!"

Zhou Tong laughed and leaned back, while Song Ci beside him was trying to keep serious, but obviously his efforts failed.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhou directly put his chin on the table, tired, let's destroy it.

Maybe it was because he had so much fun playing with Zhan Shiqi last night, he didn't get up until the sun was high, and then everyone looked at him with interesting faces.Zuo Zhou even had the urge to look down to see if the zipper had been pulled properly.

"The Song army has all returned to defense now, but it was originally defeated, so more than half of the people scattered on the way, plus those soldiers who withdrew from the rebel front, it is estimated that there will be less than one person in Bianjing City." One hundred thousand soldiers." Fan Zeng slowly sat beside Zuo Zhou, stretched out his hand to draw on the table with the help of tea.

"If one hundred thousand soldiers guard a gate, they will definitely not be able to stand on the city wall. At that time, the combat power can only be calculated according to the number of people on the city wall. The quality of individual soldiers of the Qing army is far better than that of the Song army, so... I am not optimistic about this A battle to defend the city."

Zuo Zhou glanced at the simple map drawn with tea on the table, and said indifferently: "That's why the existence of the city defense equipment is meaningful."

Fan Zeng paused for a moment, and then said: "Judging by the speed of the Qing army, there are still three days to arrive. The general of the Qing army is very cautious and will not take the trouble of Fan underestimating the enemy's rash advance. It is impossible to give the Song army a chance to wait for work, so rest In one day, the siege battle will start in four days. In other words, the Song army still has about two and a half days to build fortifications and prepare defense equipment."

"Or to escape!" Xiang Yu interjected.


This is a bit ridiculous. The emperor of a country wants to escape before fighting?
But at this time, no one refuted it, um, or in the hearts of everyone, they still thought it was possible!
"Or, two and a half days are used to evacuate civilians." Song Ci paused for a moment, and then accepted something that was unlikely to happen.

Because everyone knows the importance of morale, if the people are allowed to retreat before the war starts, the morale of the army will be lowered to an unimaginable level.Well, although there is no morale to speak of right now.

Zuo Zhou looked at everyone, you didn't finish what I said, so he simply put the teacup in the middle, "What to do after thinking so much, let's combine all the possibilities! According to the worst case, Song Jun is not prepared Any defense equipment, and then put nearly 10 people together, they can't exert their due combat power at all, and then evacuate the people to destroy morale, and finally deserters also began to increase, and the city was destroyed!"

Murong Fu rolled his eyes, "It's impossible to be so exaggerated, then why don't you think in a better direction?"

Zuo Zhou was happy, "Okay, we'll see what the Song Dynasty court does in a while, well, the time is coming soon, after all, there is an urgent need to clean up the city defense."

Speaking of which, everyone's eyes turned to the gate of the city, and the two yamen servants really posted a yellow notice.

Xiang Yu looked at the crowd, and flew down to read the notice. Everyone waited quietly, but before Xiang Yu came back, he could feel the noise of the people getting louder.

"Shaoyu, what did you write?"

Fan Zeng pinched a hexagram money in his hand, and he secretly divination just now, using the simplest and most inaccurate method, but what he got was still a lottery, which was the same result as the dozen or so methods he had changed along the way.

Shaoyu's expression was extremely strange, and he paused and replied: "The imperial court will behead the five generals who left the front line without authorization, in order to enforce military discipline!"


Silence, even Zhou Tong was dumbfounded, my old man has lived for so many years, what kind of operation is this?With military discipline?I'm afraid you don't think morale is low enough, this is no longer a question of changing generals before the battle, it's killing the generals before the battle!
But Murong Fu seemed to have remembered something, and asked uncertainly: "These five generals...couldn't be the five generals who withdrew from the front line confronting the rebel army?"

Shaoyu nodded, "Looking at the name, it should be."

"Then that's easy to explain. The problem with the five of them is not that they left their posts without authorization, but that they got in touch with each other and retreated together. Isn't this just a clique!" Murong Fu opened his folding fan and said a little funny.

Zuo Zhou looked at him strangely, "It's rare that you can still be with Song Huizong... No, maybe Song Huizong doesn't care about forming a party. Well, it's rare that you can think of going with Cai Jing!"

Murong Fu was a little embarrassed, "This...doesn't seem like there's anything to brag about!"

Zuo Zhou took a sip of his tea indifferently, "In the worst case, killing the general before the battle, the basic morale is gone, not much worse than evacuating the people in advance. And just choosing a new general is enough for the courtiers to argue for a long time. It is estimated that the defense equipment cannot be prepared. Well, if the general who came up asked the soldiers to prepare overnight, it is estimated that there is no advantage in waiting for work."

Li Xunhuan has been standing behind Zuo Zhou, and whispered after hearing the words, "If the new general has no experience in defending the city, or even just a civil servant who has never learned military strategy... then he will definitely gather all his troops in one city. door here."

Zuo Zhou was amused, and turned back slowly, "Then tell me, if you were a general of the Qing army and found that the enemy put all their troops aside, what would you do?"

Li Xun Huan frowned slightly, and asked in puzzlement, "How did the Qing army know about the formation of the Song army?"

Zuo Zhou pointed to the gate of the city which has not yet been closed, "Hey, even at this time, the people are allowed to come in and out freely, and they don't even make much inquiries. Do you think the spies of the Qing army are stupid? Maybe the spies don't even know where we are. After inquiring, I understand, and I won’t harass Honglu Temple after entering the city.”

A trace of sadness flashed across Li Xun Huan's face, and then he sighed: "If I knew this information, I just need to maintain a certain degree of siege rhythm, and then send a small group of troops to cross the city wall from the other three directions at night. It will be very convenient to do whatever you want afterwards.”

Jiang Yuyan shook her head and continued, "It's not that easy. There are also martial arts masters in the city. It's impossible for the small troops of the Qing army to enter the city through the other three gates and cause damage."

Li Xunhuan shook his head, "No, you don't know those courtiers. If it was really a civil servant who took over the defense of the city, when the siege started and he found that the individual strength of the Song soldiers was not comparable to that of the Qing army, he would send the martial arts knights Go up the walls! Although it would be a great waste."

Zuo Zhou smiled, but he forgot that Li Xunhuan knew the virtues of those courtiers best. After thinking about it, he looked at Liu Liqin, who had been eating melons, "How would you exiles defend the city?"

Liu Liqin was stunned for a moment, I have never fought a war, and asked me a layman?
But she was not timid, and thought for a while and said, "The Song army's advantage may be in the troops formed by the people in the martial arts. This is a special force with strong combat effectiveness and strong mobility! Of course, let them out from the other gatekeepers, and then burn food that should be burned, and poison those that should be poisoned, anyway, it’s just sabotage, just like the way the Qing army wanted to send a small group of troops into the city.”

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows. This Liuliqin had obviously never played real-time strategy games, and a small group of elite troops would not be of much use against a group of well-garrisoned large troops.It may even be impossible to cross the opponent's fortifications!

If we talk about the effect, there is only one, that is, it can keep the enemy vigilant at all times, consume a little bit of the enemy's energy, and hopefully let the Song army drag down the enemy, but it is undoubtedly a test of will. morale?Nothing!

Of course, unless the generals of the Qing army suddenly acted foolishly and didn't set up a defensive belt after setting up camp, then maybe the Song army could really have a chance to delay.

But... I remember that the general of the Qing army was Dorgon, and the Song army... barely thought it was Cai Jing?I don't know if Song Huizong dared to go up the city wall to boost morale?


"Is there anyone willing to go to the city to supervise the battle?"

Song Huizong sat on the dragon chair, his gaze swept all around, not a single civil servant or general in the entire hall dared to look up at him.

"I remember you said that the army and the people in the city are united as one, and the right time, place and people are enough to keep the enemy out of Bianjing City? Why does no one dare to stand up and lead the soldiers to defend the city at this time?"

Silence, there is nothing but silence in the hall.

The more Song Huizong thought about it, the more angry he became, and he looked at Cai Jing, "Does Cai Qing have a good strategy?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the low morale of our army due to the greed of life and fear of death by the frontline generals can no longer be solved by strict military discipline. In my opinion, it is better to cede land and pay compensation for peace! Or..."

"What?" Song Huizong couldn't help but lean forward, seemingly full of expectations.

In fact, Song Huizong knew what method Cai Jing was going to say, and this was what he wanted Cai Jing to say. How should he say it?This pair of princes and ministers still have a tacit understanding on certain things.

Cai Jing took a deep breath, "Move south!"

This is not an impromptu choice, but a lesson learned from the past. The example is Yuan Guo!
When the Great Qin swept the world before, the Yuan Kingdom was unlucky to stop in front of the Daqin Iron Cavalry, so it was forced to shrink to the point where it had to shrink, which is the small area of ​​the Yuan Kingdom today.
Sometimes things are so simple that if no one has done it before, the first person to do it will definitely be the object of everyone's disgust.If there is no example of the Yuan Dynasty, Song Huizong's choice is to seek peace.But now that there are examples in front of him, he won't think that way anymore.

From his point of view, it is better to move to the south than to pay compensation, because moving to the south can only show that the general is incompetent, but the compensation is said to be his incompetence as an emperor.

"Get ready to move south!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" ×N
A group of ministers were actually waiting for this decision. They had already ordered their servants to tidy up everything. As long as Song Huizong gave an order, they could turn around and leave.

Of course, Song Huizong was not stupid. How could the people know that the emperor took the lead in fleeing? If the people knew, who would defend the city and stop the Qing army?
"Meet the master of the country!"

Not long after, Gongsun Sheng met Song Huizong in the bedroom with a playful face.

"The national teacher came just in time. I decided to evacuate the capital tonight. Do the math for me. Where is the right place to be the new capital?"

Gongsun Sheng paused slightly. He had thought that Song Huizong might run away, but he didn't expect that he didn't even think about where the new capital would be established before running away.

Then what are you running for? Is 'run' just a verb?Have you ever thought about how to deal with the pursuit of the Qing army after you escaped successfully, and how to develop again?Well, I was still too harsh on him.

"Your Majesty, I have already figured it out. If you plan to reorganize your army to take back your homeland, then Yingtian Mansion is a good choice. It is a strategically important place. Occupying it can..."

"I decided to take a rest for the time being, and wait for my morale to recover before attempting to take back my homeland."

"If that's the case, I recommend Lin'an, where the waterways are complex and can connect to the sea and other countries, and the mobility is excellent!"

Song Huizong's eyes lit up when he heard the words, what maneuverability is good, to put it bluntly, there are many escape routes.However, Song Huizong didn't intend to continue running when he arrived in Lin'an. Since Yuan Guo could use a small area to survive, why couldn't he?Well, at least I don't want to continue running now.

"Well, I'm very relieved by Ai Qing's words, let's go back and pack up."


Gongsun Sheng bowed out of the bedroom, but he didn't pack any luggage, hehe, if I let you run away, what will happen to my plan?
Now all the luck of the Song Dynasty has gathered on Huizong of Song Dynasty. The moment the capital was destroyed, it was the moment when the Qi movement had no roots to rely on, and it was time for him to seize the luck and establish a demon kingdom...


Late at night, the restaurant opposite Chunyun Building
Zuo Zhou and his party all gathered here. They didn't light the lamps, but they all had martial arts, but they couldn't see things clearly.

"What are you bringing us here at night?" Zhan Hongling yawned, "Why don't you light the lights?"

"Because it's easy to be discovered by lighting the lights. We are theatergoers. If the performers find that the audience is smaller than the performers, how embarrassing it will be!"

Zuo Zhou poured his own drink in a funny way, Li Xunhuan glanced at his former residence in silence, "Master is waiting for Song Huizong?"

"Well, since you are no longer here, but Song Huizong hasn't ordered someone to block the secret passage leading to the outside of the palace, it must still be useful. Hehe, don't you really believe that he has any thoughts on seeing things? Human thoughts, right?"

Li Xun Huan couldn't believe it, "He will run away?"

Zuo Zhou didn't speak any more, and a group of people poking out from the Chunyun Building not far away had already explained everything.

Zhou Tong crushed the water glass with a ding, blowing air from both nostrils, "Why don't I let the old man kill him, shame on me!"

"Take it easy, you'll pay for it!" Zuo Zhou said, looking towards the city gate, "They can't get out, someone has already stopped them."

(End of this chapter)

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