Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 419 You haven't won yet, why don't you fight?

Chapter 419 You haven't won yet, why don't you fight?

"Four holy monks... By the way, who gave you this name? Where are you holy?"

Zuo Zhou waved his hand to summon his courage to be the first. This is the best after having the Qiankun Bowl. Wherever he goes, he doesn't need to carry a stick on his back, otherwise those who don't know him will think he is some kind of monkey.

The four great monks didn't answer, but the four huge Dharma figures had already begun to close in the middle, each step carried the power of shaking the earth, and the humming and endless chanting was quite noisy.

Of course, it's just annoying, this Sanskrit sound is not even a fart to the mentally powerful Zuo Zhou.He was even a little contemptuous!

"Your Buddhism's mental power attack method is too backward. Instead of reciting those Buddhist scriptures that no one can understand, why not talk rubbish like me." Zuo Zhou glanced at a certain Dharma, "You just stepped out That foot trampled on the jujube tree of a family, although they may not use these jujubes for their livelihood, but do you know that this basket of jujubes can make the girl of this family wear a new dress during the Chinese New Year.”


Zuo Zhou could clearly feel that Faxiang paused, and although he started walking again immediately, this made Zuo Zhou very happy, and he began to point his finger, "Have you ever heard of the worrying moth gauze lamp?" , The saying that sweeping the floor may harm the lives of ants? I guess you must have never heard of it, because your dharma pictures are too big, and I don’t know how many people’s beliefs and hard-earned money are mixed in it. Have you responded? Have you ever met their request? I guess not, you are just studying your own Dharma with peace of mind, apart from practicing martial arts, you are fighting with the so-called evil cultivators."

"Obviously, I am the evil cultivator in your eyes, so I decided not to let you come here for nothing...I want to convert to Buddhism!"

The four Dharma images froze suddenly, and the four holy monks frowned almost at the same time. The synchronization rate of their expressions was like looking in a mirror. It was a pity that they didn't have a mobile phone in their hands, otherwise they would have to take screenshots to make emoticons.

But since they are called the Four Great Sacred Monks, their determination must be extremely firm, so they soon calmed down and started to surround Zuo Zhou again. The sound of biu emits a dazzling golden light!

Ah this...

Seeing the four Dharma figures raising and lowering one foot, not retracting it, Zuo Zhou almost burst out laughing.

He stretched out his hand and knocked the dharma image of the Arhat behind him, especially the round, smooth and golden Qiankun Bowl in his hand. The Four Great Monks even wondered if he had some kind of hallucination.

"Now tell me, who are you going to kill?"

"Amitabha! It's a pity that General Li has such Buddha-nature..."

hum!The golden Arhat Dharma Aspect once again turned into Shura, with a ferocious and ferocious face, so that he could kill a god on the spot!
Liao Kong's voice was directly choked in the middle of his throat, not up and down, unable to spit out or swallow, his eyes looking at Zuo Zhou had already collapsed.

Zuo Zhou was amused to see his obviously collapsed three views. He remembered that Master Chi Chi once said that a real eminent monk becomes a Buddha with one thought and a demon with one thought!
At that time, Zuo Zhou only thought it was incomparably mysterious, but after seeing Kong et al., he probably understood. It doesn't mean that Kong et al.'s Dharma practice is relatively poor. Weak, the key difference lies in their different cultivation methods.

Master Jian Chi's cultivation method seems to have originated from Shaolin Temple, or in other words, it was derived step by step from the past exercises by later generations.

However, what Liao Kong and the others practiced should be more similar to the meaning of the ancient Buddhist scriptures, so they didn't understand the mystery of Zuo Zhou's golden and red color scheme like a flashing light.

"Hey, I'll dodge... I'll dodge again... I'll dodge again! Who are you going to kill? Is it the general of Daqin, or the prince of the Demon Sect? Or an eminent monk who has cultivated to the state of Arhat, What's more, is he a benevolent person who is about to save people from fire and water?"

After being silent for a while, the four holy monks froze in place for a while and didn't know what to say, so, what are you arguing with these monks, just slap your face with the facts.

You always say that other people have fallen into the devil's way, but you see, we are clearly our own people!
"Hahaha, if you don't stop me, I'll go to the palace. I'm still waiting for a good show?" Zuo Zhou said and looked up. The black clouds seemed to cover the entire sky, and the invisible pressure spread across Bianjing. I don't know where it is brewing.

Liao Kong and others still didn't speak, but Zuo Zhou didn't continue to move forward, because he couldn't move forward without any scruples.

"You're not a monk, why didn't you come out with your sword just now?"

A slightly thin figure slowly came out from the corner, dressed in gray cloth, with a long sword, dressed like a swordsman, but there was no sense of sadness or inexplicable.

Zuo Zhou rubbed his chin and said with a smile: "You are a little different from what I imagined."

Zhao Zheng didn't mean to start a conversation, but just expressed his own meaning, "You are innate, it is invincible for me to kill you, and I will not participate in the siege."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, "Well, why don't you give me the sword, how about letting me do it?"

Zhao Zheng gently raised the sword, and the inconspicuous gray leather scabbard did not look so ugly in the hands of the masters on the ground list, "This sword is three feet and nine inches long, and it is made of meteorite in the grassland. Ye first matched the sword. After Wala was destroyed by Daqin, this sword fell into my hands. Today you can die under this sword, it can be regarded as a karmic cycle!"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "It's fine if you don't give it, but Jian Chen can be regarded as meeting me once. For his sake, I will make you feel better. You are not going to kill me, just right I don't have a sword, go and find me one. And during this time, I will deal with these monks."

Zhao Zheng: "..." Withdrawing his sword slowly, he appeared on the roof in the distance as soon as he turned around, and flew towards the city gate with a few jumps.

Zuo Zhou laughed secretly, there is a saying that a gentleman can be deceived, although it doesn't mean what it is now, but Zuo Zhou still thinks this guy is a bit silly to be principled, or maybe he really thinks that he has the chance to win.

"Okay, my worries are gone for now, let's get started!"

Zuo Zhou jumped up with a stick, smashing it into the air, who made you have no Dharma!
After returning to his senses, Zuo Zhou was no longer obsessed with why Zuo Zhou was one of the Buddha and the devil. The rosary beads in his hands were shot out one after another, and gleams of light shot out from the rosary beads. With Zuo Zhou's eyesight, he could easily see that there were various seals engraved on them. .

Ding ding ding ding, Yong Weixian spun rapidly, and a green glow weapon soul flew up and down in the stick, blocking all the rosary beads and flying out.

However, Zuo Zhou's fall suddenly accelerated. This move was born out of the first move of the Spring and Autumn Saber Technique, but this time it was replaced with a stick!

"Come!" After the empty knot didn't move, the root seal rose, and collided with the stick. The whole process exploded, and circles of energy mixed with Buddha's light radiated out. When it reached the sky, Zuo Zhou's fall was pushed back to the sky.

Zuo Zhou took advantage of the momentum and floated far away with a crane soaring into the sky and watching the clouds, but he felt a little helpless in his heart. His level was really low. Er, if he thought about it carefully, he couldn't blame himself, after all, the people he had to deal with were all Forty or fifty seniors at worst, if he had so much time, he would have already made the list.


The four great monks seemed to have given up thinking, and under their control, the four giant Dharma figures slapped together, and a strong shock wave rushed over like a tsunami.

Zuo Zhou choked up, er, it seemed that in the face of these opponents who were at the perfect level of masters on the list, stick skills and his innate qi were not enough, he still had to use some tricks.

Eleven Nirvana!

Hand made sword fingers, countless sword shadows bloomed like lotus flowers in an instant, and turned into arhats behind the back, like countless exploded Buddha lights.

However, this time, Liaokong and the four great monks did not hesitate any longer. Sure enough, the reason why scholars meet soldiers is applicable everywhere. As long as we give up thinking, your trash talk will not affect us.

Ding Ding Ding!
Shock waves mixed with sword shadows all over the sky, and the shattered energy and sword energy seemed to split the sky. In terms of momentum, it was no worse than the battle between Zhou Tong and Tie Dan Shenhou.

In the next second, before the remaining energy completely subsided, the four huge dharma figures jumped up at the same time, and the oppressive feeling was immediately full, like a mountain toppled, and Zuo Zhou was already unable to move before the attack arrived.

"Hiss, this trick... I know it!"

Have you heard of the palm technique that falls from the sky with one move?Yes, that's it!

After all, Zuo Zhou is also a master who knows the first form of Tathagata Palm, so he still can't recognize this one, but he doesn't know which palm it is.

But he couldn't allow him to think too much, the power of the Tathagata's divine palm was a bit super powerful, and Zuo Zhou had to put it out a bit more.

Behind him, Arhat Faxiang blinked and Shura was full of evil spirits, his arms were wide open, Zuo Zhou immediately shouted, "Borrow a knife!"

The zhenqi swelled and shrank, and under the control of Pishui Jianyi, the zhenqi rolled back like a trickle, capturing all the steel knives in the hands of all the soldiers nearby.

The blades were connected to each other and were pinched by Shura Faxiang, and it spread to 40 meters in the blink of an eye.

Magic knife + magic knife cut!
Countless steel knives seemed to merge into a single horse running across the sky, and the blood-colored knives collided head-on with four times the palm of the Tathagata.In terms of innate innocence, it is naturally not as good as the consummation and innocence of the masters of the four holy monks.But the extremely surging and bewitching sword intent made up for the lack of true energy.

The golden light and the color of blood merged into each other, and the air wave that exploded in the air even spread to half of Bianjing City. Even Zhou Tong and Tie Dan Shenhou temporarily stopped their hands and turned their heads to watch the battle.The latter was even more amazed: "An innate realm can fight five masters at the perfection level to such an extent. If this kid enters the list, no one in the world will dare to say that he must be killed!"

Zhou Tong curled his lips, but his eyes were narrowed into a smile, Shi Qi has a good eye!

At this time, Zhao Zheng kicked Feng Xifan away, picked up his sword and looked back at the bloody blade light in the air, looked down with some doubts, do you still need to pass him the sword?
(End of this chapter)

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