Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 424

Chapter 424

The dragon chant that suddenly bloomed was louder than Qiao Feng's attack just now, and the phantom of the golden dragon that soared into the sky seemed to split into several slender tributaries for a moment.

One of them followed Qiao Feng's palm into his body, causing the furious Qiao Feng to calm down abruptly, like a pot of boiling oil cooling and freezing in an instant, and then he had an epiphany. Epiphany.

The other one seeped out from the wound on Song Huizong's neck, and got into Li Xunhuan's cuff. There was a knife, an unremarkable flying knife.It's just that Li Xun Huan didn't pay attention to these things at this time.

There was another one that hadn't been separated, but just as the Luck Golden Dragon soared into the sky, a small golden snake jumped out of Jiang Yuyan's cuff, and bit off a piece of the Luck Golden Dragon with a sharp bite!
"Hiss, you're really picky!" Jiang Yuyan was a little bit dumbfounded. She originally thought you were just a beast with not very high intelligence, but now it seems that you are hiding something deep.

Hiss!The little golden snake sprang out, squinted its snake eyes and began to rub against Jiang Yuyan's palm, like a Teddy that is day by day.

Jiang Yuyan's expression became more and more strange. Everyone said that pets are like their owners, so is she?


Zuo Zhou, who had turned Yong Wei into Hot Wheels, suddenly stopped moving, and the old monk who was almost struck by the drum in front of him and had a heart attack was relieved.

They were somewhat prepared for Li Yuanfang's strength, but they didn't know such trouble until they met him!

If ordinary innate faces them, even a master who is good at lightness kung fu can only run away, but Zuo Zhou can completely threaten them.

The key is that Zuo Zhou has a magic weapon in his hand!

Exiles who have played the game know how important equipment is to the strength of a character, but this law is actually very critical in the real world.Whether it is Yunlongjian or Yongweixian, they can hurt their Dharma appearance to a certain extent.This is very embarrassing, especially after Zuo Zhou caught a person and beat him in a way almost like a street fight, the pressure rose exponentially.

"Sometimes I really feel that I am the protagonist of destiny. You see, I just learned a kind of light work, and I can enter the epiphany."

Zuo Zhou raised his head and stared at the Luck Golden Dragon that had already risen into the sky. The Yunlong Jiuxian technique was running crazily in his mind, and it automatically overlapped with the tumbling golden dragon.

The wind follows the tiger, the cloud follows the dragon, and the dragon sees its head but does not see its end. The true meaning of the nine appearances of the cloud and the dragon is to stir up the world's wind and cloud, or hide behind the clouds, or appear in front of people, but it still lives high above the nine heavens, and you will always touch it Unable to exist!
"Have the opportunity!"

An old monk waved a huge Buddha's palm and cut it off, and matched him with the rosary in another monk's dharma image.

Bang, a huge surge of energy raised clouds of smoke and dust, but Zuo Zhou's figure seemed to disappear out of thin air, and even Zhao Zheng, who was at the top of the list, lost his trace in an instant.

"I used to know that luck is very useful, but I didn't expect it to be so effective. It's a pity that some luck can't be used."

Zuo Zhou's voice reverberated throughout the space, and could be heard in most of Bianjing City, and it was unknown who he was reminding, but when Zuo Zhou stood in mid-air with no tendency to fall, everyone was shocked.

He... can fly?

Zuo Zhou glanced at the introduction about Yunlong Jiuxian on the panel, and there was no other change except that his proficiency had become superb.But he himself knew that his Yunlong Jiuxian had evolved into something different because of his perception of Qiyun Jinlong.

It can also be understood from this that the system panel is actually just a small benefit of the will of heaven and earth for the exiles. If you rely on the system, you can only survive until you are born, and you have to rely on your own efforts to go further.

"With the appearance of the Luck Golden Dragon, there must be a fierce battle ahead. Do we still want to fight?"

Zuo Zhou didn't want to waste time with the four tortoise shells. As for Zhao Zheng, he was given a sword after all, so it was a chance for him, "I don't know what the royal family used to invite you out, but if you can grab it Once he is lucky enough to go back, Zhu Qizhen must not break his promise!"

"No, he will!"


The corners of Zuo Zhou's mouth twitched. He didn't know what to say to Zhao Zheng's straightforward answer.Old Zhao, I gave you the chance, you are useless!

Zuo Zhou set his sights on the four great monks again, and he could tell that these four old monks were a little moved when they saw the luck golden dragon in the sky.But what he didn't expect was that the four old monks hesitated for a moment and then attacked him again.

"Okay, anyway, I don't need any luck, let them grab it first, let's fight to the death!"

Zuo Zhou put away the Yunlong sword. In fact, after Yunlong Jiuxian evolved, this sword will not be very useful. At best, it can be broken later with dignity.As for the four holy monks, hehe, he is not worthy of using the Styx swordsmanship or the love of the city!

Gently turning the wrist, a shining precious sword appeared in his hand, he waved his hand and threw it back, Shurafa took it, and then it was still the routine of magic sword + magic sword.

Seeing this, the four holy monks still joined forces to fight against it, and then...the blade flashed, and the palms of the four dharma figures were cut off at the same time, a large piece of Buddha light was scattered, and the true energy was scattered. The hearts of the four holy monks were shocked, and something happened What?
After being stunned for a moment, they all turned their eyes to the treasured sword in Shura's hands. What kind of sword is that?I didn't feel the weapon soul aura that a divine weapon should have, why is it so strong?
That's right, this is exactly the handleless version of Qinglong Yanyue Dao that Zuo Zhou brought from Yang Zhi's pit. This sword is powerful, although it doesn't have a weapon soul, it has an advantage, it's sharp!The unreasonable sharpness!

In Yi Yun's words, this is not a sword that can be forged by manpower, it is forged by the user, the soul of the sword and various chances and coincidences, or in other words, it is made by nature.

"Don't be in a daze, let's continue!"

Zuo Zhou smiled cheaply and appeared next to a monk. Shura swung his knife to sweep his stick. The dharma face of the body was directly cut a big hole by the knife, and then Yong Wei was the first to hit the monk's chest firmly.

There was a muffled bang, blood would definitely be vomited, but this monk was also a thug, and with the force of the stick's sweeping force, he flew upside down to avoid Zuo Zhou's continuous attack.

"My Buddha is merciful!"

Seeing this, the other three monks tactfully put away their portraits, rolled up their sleeves one after another, as if they were going to fight Zuo Zhou.

Zuo Zhou is a bit funny, just like when playing arcade sparring games in the past, it is very difficult to hit the opponent if you are naked, you have to use combos effectively, so you think you can fight with me try it out?
This is great, you guys can't use big moves, but I can!

Standing together with the four holy monks again with great interest, they are indeed those who dare to fight with others. They obviously also have deep attainments in Buddhist boxing and palm techniques, but they may be used to using the method to suppress people. This gesture is too ingenious .

On the other hand, Zuo Zhou was not like that. Shura Fa Xiang swung his saber with his heart, took the lead in the routine sweeping, and there was also a chain that appeared and disappeared around the monks.Boxing, palms, claws, and legs are completely at your fingertips, and even take out a soft sword from time to time to play. It is obvious that four people are pressing one person to fight, but with more and more wounds on their bodies, they have become four monks.

Zhao Zheng watched the whole process, his eyes were full of admiration and regret, what he admired was martial arts, even he had to admit that, in terms of moves alone, even if he faced Zuo Zhou, he could at most maintain an undefeated situation.

It's amazing, if it is an ordinary person, learning so many kung fu and distracting energy should end up being miscellaneous but not perfect, but this one can combine all kung fu very well, he is a martial arts wizard!

It's a pity... such a person will eventually die by his hands!


The battle on Zuo Zhou's side seemed to have entered garbage time, and it was only a matter of time before several monks were hacked or knocked to death.And the palace has finally begun to change.

"Hahahahaha, which good brother helped me chop that annoying guy?"

Gongsun Sheng raised his head and laughed, while Li Kong on the other side had an ugly expression. Fortunately, he had asked Qiao Feng to support him and defended against Gongsun Sheng by himself, but Song Huizong was killed in the end. It was useless!

Looking at the Luck Golden Dragon soaring into the sky, Gongsun Sheng rose directly from the ground without delay.

"Don't think about it!"

Liao Kong let out a loud shout, and countless Buddha palms from Guanyin Dharma came down to pat him down.

Then there was a loud noise like thunder in the gray mist, which shook the Avalokitesvara of the sky in an instant, and it was about to collapse.

Liaokong shook his head hastily, and looked back with horror on his face, only to see a gigantic beast standing up in the tumbling gray mist, more than ten feet tall, covered in green, with a head like a bull but no horns, a The huge feet supported the huge body, and the black hoofs that shone with metal made everyone feel a chill down their backs.

Gongsun Sheng glanced down and was very satisfied. Although Lu Junyi and Wu Yong were unreliable, Brother Song Jiang was still able to get along. If something happened, he was really good!

Everyone trembled in their hearts, this image is too famous, isn't it just the legendary Thunder Beast Kui Niu, um, so it is said that the emperor used its skin to make a drum.

"Return my brother's life!"

While everyone was amazed, Song Jiang suddenly spoke, and then his huge body jumped into the air, and his black hooves fell fiercely towards an existence in the gray mist.

"The grief is indescribable!"

Also responding to this anger was a low moan, as if there was some mysterious power in the large space that expanded and contracted, not only did the gray mist move away a little, but even the air became sticky.

This was probably the weirdest sword intent that Liao Kong had ever seen, but he who was falling from the sky could see everything there clearly, and saw that Jian Chen was already exuding the aura of a master of Renbang, and at his feet On the other hand lay three men whose throats were sealed with a sword, they were the Ruan brothers who had been in contact with Zuo Zhou and others.

No wonder Song Jiang was in a hurry!
(End of this chapter)

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