Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 435

Chapter 435
Ruthlessly left, she flew away with her little sister, maybe she really listened to Zuo Zhou's advice, and escaped from people's sight when no one around dared to offend him, maybe, she just didn't want to see Zuo Zhou embarrassingly again .

Anyway, Zuo Zhou didn't care much about it.

Not many things happened on this day. The military advisers went back to persuade the rebels according to the rhetoric they had already thought about. At this time, everyone was holding the idea that other countries should not take advantage of it. A seemingly incongruous cooperation began.

They will be scattered in various areas of the original Song territory, taking care of each other and resisting invasion.And before leaving, there was an agreement that whoever lost more territory would get less territory and power correspondingly at the meeting of the leaders of the rebel army.

This can be regarded as an incentive, but Zuo Zhou can see that this agreement similar to the nature of gambling is a bit ridiculous. These rebels are about to face the encirclement and suppression of various big countries. A combat power, right?No way!
Therefore, Zuo Zhou could almost predict that none of the rebels could resist the aggression and gain enough power.The final result is still constant quarrels and confrontations.

"all gone?"

"Let's go, in fact, we are just putting on a show. The original plan has already been made, and now we are arguing loudly and breaking up unhappy. After similar meetings come again a few times, we can act according to the original plan Already." Li Yuzhu replied with a smile as he watched everyone scatter and leave from various gates.

Zuo Zhou nodded and asked curiously: "I have some doubts. You want to develop and hide yourself in the chaos, but how do you ensure that there will not be a certain big country determined to occupy the territory of Song State? Qing State has no Luck is profitable, and you didn’t want to waste too many resources to occupy and maintain the newly conquered towns before retreating. At that time, you didn’t seem to know the information about luck, right?”

Li Yuzhu looked around, as if it was a secret, "You don't need to know too much information, each country will have a certain potential, especially now that Daqin can't be the only one. What's more, we are not I am too concerned about this matter. In the initial battle, it is inevitable that the rebels will retreat steadily. This is all within our expectations. We just want to let the countries have an illusion that our place is a chaotic area that is almost ignored. It won't take long, and in their hearts, our place will become a so-called buffer zone for various major countries."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows. The definition of a buffer zone is no stranger. The Bangzi area in his previous life can be regarded as a kind of buffer zone.

"Of course, if there is a certain country that is determined to fight, then we will unite and defeat it if it touches our bottom line."

Li Yuzhu spoke very confidently, Zuo Zhou laughed, "So confident!"

"Don't you? To put it bluntly, the tactics of these natives seem a little backward to us. If it is not limited by the strength, we can do more things. If we just talk about tactics, we don't We will lose! And similarly, through the previous battle, we also understood something."

"What do you understand?"

"What does a top player mean to a country? If the future is not extremely urgent, or if there are too many top players, then various countries should not easily send them out."

Li Yuzhu's words were veiled and did not make it clear, but Zuo Zhou understood after thinking about it. There is no doubt that the official exiles should have their own special information channels, and they easily dispatched the masters of the local list and were killed by Zuo Zhou. Something must have happened in the Ming Dynasty.

This... Zuo Zhou wants to hit someone, he hates this kind of secret riddle person the most, but in order to maintain his aura of a master, Zuo Zhou feels that it is necessary to tolerate him, after all, he is so big!


Watching the exiles leave, Zuo Zhou stretched his waist, looked up at the sky again, the day was over, and he re-entered the palace with his back to the setting sun, and ran into Zhan Zhao head-on.

"You've been very busy recently, and it's hard to live in the palace once, why don't you know how to enjoy it?"

Zhan Zhao heard this with an awkward expression, "There are no servants in the palace, and there are no concubines in the harem, so what difference does it make if you can't live in the palace?"

Zuo Zhou squinted his eyes and smiled lewdly, "Oh, you really are not serious, I'm going to talk to Miss Ding."

The corner of Zhan Zhao's mouth twitched, and he coughed lightly, "The Qin army at the border has sent a reply, and five large ships have set off, and they will arrive here in about two days."

"The efficiency is quite high." Zuo Zhou sighed casually, and whispered as he walked past Zhan Zhao: "I remember that most of the concubines have returned to their natal homes, and many of them are the courtiers and dignitaries of the original Song Dynasty. Girl, if you're really interested in going to ask for it, they can't say they'll happily send the girls out!"

Zhan Zhao rolled his eyes angrily, "My love for Yuehua can be learned from all over the world!"

"Tch, I also said that I have nothing to do with evil!" Zuo Zhou disdainfully said, "To be honest, if you really had some fate with a certain concubine before, you might as well take her away. After we leave, all the rebels will definitely They will enter the city, even if they can restrain the soldiers and not disturb the people, it does not mean that they can let go of the rich and powerful in the past. At that time, these empresses will still be implicated, and they may become the playthings of those bandits."

Zhan Zhao was taken aback by Zuo Zhou's words, and then fell into deep thought.

Zuo Zhou was not surprised when he saw this. Although he seemed to be fooling around with Zhan Shiqi in the past two days, in fact, both Zhan Shiqi, Jiang Yuyan, and Li Xunhuan had reported everyone's whereabouts to him.

Leaving aside Murong Fu's secret operations, there were nearly a hundred people who came to visit Song Ci. Although these people seemed to be a large number, they were actually concentrated in a dozen or so families.Most of them were Song Ci's classmates during the imperial examination. They may not be considered "friends", but there is still a little friendship.

What's rare is that Song Ci didn't make trouble when he was handling the case, and a few even helped him once or twice, so the friendship stayed.

Now that the Song Kingdom is gone, these people are able to serve as officials in the court, and they have good eyesight. They don't want to wait for the rebels to enter the city to settle accounts.Therefore, coming to Song Ci for help became the only way to survive.

Zuo Zhou didn't mind being a favor, but he was just taking some people to Daqin, and Song Ci was a very principled person, if he could maintain a little friendship with him, then these officials would have some merits. It can be regarded as recruiting talents for Daqin.

However, because of Song Ci's affairs, Zuo Zhou also thought of Zhan Zhao, and he followed Bao Zheng to handle cases in the Song Dynasty, so there is no doubt that he must have some friendship.But Zhan Zhao has been with Bao Zheng for a long time, and he is more straightforward, so he might not save face and ask for something.

The same situation actually happened to Zhou Tong, but Zhou Tong didn't need to tell Zuo Zhou. After all, he is a master of the local rankings. If he really wants to take someone away, he just needs to come to the door and ask directly. There will be no one One can resist this temptation.

"Master, uh... I have something to tell you."

Zuo Zhou froze for a moment, seeing Li Xun Huan's embarrassed face, he became curious.

Seeing this, Zhan Zhao next to him said, "I'll go out for a while, let's talk if we have something to do."

Zuo Zhou didn't care about Zhan Zhao, but just followed Li Xunhuan to the depths of the harem. This place was chosen by Li Xunhuan himself. The scenery is very nice, and the night wind blows with a faint fragrance of flowers.

"This place is not bad, which concubine's yard used to be?"

Li Xun Huan sighed after hearing the words, "Another time Song Huizong didn't want to go into the tunnel, but also wanted me to sleep with him, so he came to this courtyard."

Zuo Zhou twitched cheekily, "Hehe, that's it, um, yes, I've talked to Qiao Feng and Yuyan, and I've taken over the matter of killing Song Huizong."

Li Xun Huan paused, lowered his head and felt aggrieved, "The disciple is reckless and didn't consider the position of the master."

After all, Zuo Zhou is the Great General of Great Qin. If he killed the emperor of the enemy country, he would be credited. However, Great Qin and Song Kingdom did not have a war, and he was the leader of the envoys. This identity has a bad reputation for killing other emperors. .If you become the leader of a mission in the future, wouldn't the emperor still have to find a bunch of experts to serve as guards when he received you?

Moreover, for the emperor of Great Qin, this matter was somewhat taboo.If it was the former Emperor Qin, of course there would be no problem, but for the current Hu Hai, it is not known whether someone would provoke him.After all, he did not greet the people in the court in advance about killing Song Huizong.

Zuo Zhou followed Li Xun Huan into the inner hall, and saw a man lying on the bed at a glance!
"Hiss, you're making me feel a little overwhelmed."

Li Xunhuan didn't want to accept Zuo Zhou's teasing. He stood beside the bed and looked at the unconscious man, "I found him this morning when I was looking for books in the palace library. I passed out afterwards."

Zuo Zhou curled his lips. Generally, in this kind of serious injury and not fainting, only after seeing his girlfriend or relatives and comrades-in-arms will he faint at ease, and the relationship between Li Xunhuan and Yan Qing is obviously not included in this list, so... What's the matter, my disciple is not a threat?Who do you look down on!

"Hmph, how did he get hurt?"

"I don't know."

Zuo Zhou put his hand on Yan Qing's wrist, and his innate qi slowly entered his body and swam around, "Huh? This was injured by a sneak attack."

Li Xun Huan was a little puzzled, "Why do you think it was a sneak attack?"

"The back was the most severely injured, and there was only this one wound. Yan Qing is already a human being, no matter how strong the enemy is, he can still withstand one or two, and he will not be completely uninjured, only the vital part of the vest has been hit hard .Obviously he was acquainted with someone, but he didn't expect that the other party would suddenly attack him."

"It's Wu Yong."

A weak voice sounded, Yan Qing unexpectedly woke up at this moment.

Zuo Zhou laughed and said, "Gongsun Sheng's so-called trump card should have been taken by your master Lu Junyi. If that's the case, why don't you be more vigilant against Song Jiang?"

Yan Qing looked bitter, "I met Song Jiang and Wu Yong who escaped in the secret path. I originally wanted to return Gongsun Sheng's cheat book to them so that they could help Gongsun Sheng, but I didn't wait for me to explain it to Song Jiang. But Wu Yong has already made a sneak attack from behind."

Zuo Zhou grinned, "If you say that, Song Jiang and Wu Yong did it before you mentioned any cheats? Well, does this count as cheating Gongsun Sheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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