Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 437 Someone always thinks they can deal with me

Chapter 437 Someone always thinks they can deal with me

The importance of cutting grass and roots does not need to be taught by others, especially for people who think they are not decent, most of them have this understanding.Is there such a thing as in a film and television drama that one can wake up suddenly by looking at a pair of children's eyes?Maybe, but Zuo Zhou has never seen it before.

Another morning, Zuo Zhou received two pieces of information, one was sent by Li Yuzhu from outside the city, which belonged to Chao Gai's intention to make peace with Zuo Zhou, and said that Song Jiang, Wu Yong, Yang Zhi and others had died up.Zuo Zhou didn't care much about this. When Song Jiang escaped, he didn't seriously pursue and kill him. He just knew that someone would help him to do everything right.

The second one is a bit embarrassing, it is the information sent from the Qin Frontier Army, the latest news from the Ming Dynasty, the cabinet minister Ye Xianggao committed treason and was executed by ransacking his home, and the queen Ye Min was given Bai Ling...

The moment Zuo Zhou saw the information, he felt a little embarrassed, and he didn't feel worthy of Zhao Zheng. Before, he wondered if he would be the most miserable master of the local list, but now he looked at it and it was indeed the case.

In fact, what Zhu Qizhen meant was obvious, he was showing his favor to Zuo Zhou.He executed Ye Xianggao on the grounds that he secretly mobilized Zhao Zheng to assassinate Li Yuanfang, and also gave Ye Min to death, because he was afraid that Li Yuanfang would use this as an excuse to attack the Ming Dynasty.

Now there is only one master of the local list left in the Ming Dynasty, and he must be stationed in Shuntian Mansion all the year round, otherwise he will be in danger of being beheaded.And this will inevitably cause the imperial court to deter the various sects and other forces in the territory, and the impact is not insignificant.

Speaking of which, Zhao Zheng really understood the emperor's behavior style.

Zhou Tong peeked at the side and sighed, "In this case, do we need to send Zhao Zheng's body back?"

Zuo Zhou thought for a while, playing with the Vala sword in his hand, and said leisurely: "Send it, why not? You have to send it back with a big fanfare and show enough respect, so that you can dare to contrast with Zhu Qizhen's style of crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, hehe !"

Zhou Tong let out a long '噫', "You are a real dog!"

"Hey, he made the first move. Could it be that I can't resist?" Zuo Zhou casually put the Vala sword into the Qiankun bowl. This is a legendary weapon, which may be meaningful to Zhao Zheng, but to him , is the level of using the Styx Sword Technique twice.

"How is Yan Qing recovering?"

"You're still lying on the bed. Your treatment... is very curative!" Zhou Tong really didn't know how to describe it for a while. Speaking of it, his feelings for Yan Qing were complicated. Back then, Lu Junyi followed him. At that time, he still wanted to match Yan Qing and Zhan Shiqi, but now that he thinks about it, luckily nothing happened.

"Well, how is the research on Guiyuan's cheats?"

Zhou Tong spread his hands, "After reading it again, kung fu is good kung fu, but my old man is still good at practicing boxing. I really don't understand the matter about the demon soul."

Zuo Zhou was quite speechless, Gongsun Sheng is so precious to these three cheat books, there must be very special secrets in them, but unfortunately, the name of Guiyuan cheat book is actually so-so, not to mention the bad street, but it can be considered ordinary, he completely wants to I can't figure out how to use this cheat.

"Forget it, everyone pack up your things. We will set off tomorrow. Anyone you want to take with you should be prepared. Let me explain first. Don't stuff all the big and small bags on the boat, which will slow down the return journey. I don't care." promise."

Zhou Tong nodded, "Don't worry, they are also very knowledgeable. All the real estate in the Song Dynasty is meaningless at this time. Those land deeds have been invalidated since the Qing army entered the city."

Zuo Zhou smiled and said: "Tell those people that they don't need to worry too much. Calculate the time, about half a year after they arrive in Daqin, there should be an imperial examination. If they have confidence in themselves, they can do it." Go to the imperial examination and become an official again. Of course, if you want to rely on your family property to start a business, I will introduce reliable chambers of commerce to them."

Zhou Tong let out a chuckle, "Family property? What kind of property, Song State is gone, what credit can Song State's banks have, and what banknotes can they cash? If you bring cash, how much money can you bring?"

Zuo Zhou sighed meaningfully: "Now you are underestimating the strength of the money bank of the Song State Chamber of Commerce, such as the Money Gang! As far as I know, they have already extended their sphere of influence to Daqin. Hehe, if someone brought the Money Gang Bank notes, that’s still very valuable.”

Zhou Tong looked at him strangely, "Do you have conflicts with Shangguan Jinhong?"

"There is no contradiction, it's just that this guy's reputation for doing business is a little bit bad. At the beginning, he clearly promised me that as long as Daqin existed, he would not develop his power, but within a few years, he began to expand his business territory."

"I know this, he has stepped into the list!"

Zhou Tong's words made Zuo Zhou pause for a moment, but he wasn't too surprised. He had guessed it since he heard that Shangguan Jinhong broke his promise.Just looking at Zhou Tong's appearance, it seems that the two have met each other before.

Sure enough, I only heard Zhou Tong say: "A master of the land list is very sensitive. He can often perceive a strong enemy in a direction with a distance of two cities. When I traveled to Yanmen Pass, I once fought with him." Face to face."

"Huh?" Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, "Yanmen Pass? Shangguan Jinhong has been to Yanmen Pass? What did you go for? Did you go there alone?"

"Yes, we were quite surprised at the time, so we stood and faced each other for a day and a night." Zhou Tong said it easily, but Zuo Zhou was a little surprised when he heard it. He knew the old man's temper, and said it It's not an exaggeration to be a martial idiot. When you meet a master, you will definitely have to fight with your hands, but you didn't make a move?
Zhou Tong noticed the doubt in Zuo Zhou's eyes, and explained: "If it's an ordinary sparring, of course I would do it, but the problem is, he has a strong killing intent, which makes it difficult for me to make a move. You must know that the masters of the local list If life and death are fought, the consequences are often very serious, not to mention that we have no enmity. But I can't retreat, because the two of us know what's going on, but outsiders don't. What if rumors slander my old man's reputation? "

Zuo Zhou laughed, "So you just stared at each other for a day and a night?"

"Don't laugh, people in Jianghu don't fight over steamed buns, this is a very serious matter." Zhou Tong continued with a serious face: "Later, his murderous aura subsided, so we nodded and turned away from each other."

Zuo Zhou smiled and sat reclined in the chair, as if he was listening to a story, but... turning around, he thought who was Shangguan Jin Hong planning to kill with his murderous look?Well, it's not that you want to kill me, then you old man is equivalent to his savior.


Daqin, in a certain huge building ship.

This high-rise boat is quite luxurious. Almost the whole body is painted with golden red paint. It will be bright.

And the owner of this building boat is none other than Shangguan Jinhong, the leader of the Qiang Gang that Zuo Zhou was slandering just now!

"Master, the distinguished guest has arrived." Jing Wuming bowed slowly and reported that his strength had improved rapidly, and he had already reached the level of the master of the list at this time. Faster?
There were four people standing on a small boat, two in front and two behind, the two in front were two men, one was dressed in ragged clothes and held a jade stick, with disheveled hair and white beard, he looked like the king of beggars.The other wears a purple robe, but he is middle-aged, but his features are tough and handsome, and his appearance is extraordinary.

The two people behind him couldn't tell their gender. One was tall and covered in red clothes, wearing a bamboo hat and couldn't tell the difference between male and female.One was covered in iron armor so tightly that he couldn't even see it with his eyeballs.

If there is anything else to be seen, it can only be said that the two standing behind the middle-aged man in the purple robe are obviously his followers.

Before the boat approached, the four of them flew onto the boat. Seeing this, Jing Wuming bowed slightly to salute, but frowned and said, "Please go in on your own, and the other two stay on the boat. After all... I don't like smelly things."

The old beggar walked straight in, as if it wasn't him, and Jing Wuming did not stop him, and the middle-aged man in the purple robe followed him.

Shangguan Jin Hong sat at the table and gently picked up a cup of tea, "I haven't seen you for a few years, how are you all?"

The old beggar's tone was a bit sour when he heard the words, "This is someone who has already made the list. He won't stand up to greet us when he sees us."

Shangguan Jin Hong smiled and said: "I can only say that you yourself are disappointing. If you don't study your Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, you may not even be able to compare with your own disciples."

The middle-aged man in Zipao looked him up and down, sat on the side of the table and hummed: "If you are willing to share the exercises, it won't be long before we step into the list."

Shangguan Jinhong replied indifferently: "It's because you know too much and are too complicated, and you can't find your own way, so you can't enter the list."

The middle-aged man in Zipao didn't refute anything, the three of them looked at each other, and the old beggar spoke first, "Is there a way to solve Li Yuanfang's problem? He's been very jumpy recently, and he's the one who beats the world and slays the dragon. He even killed Song Huizong! I said earlier that he should be killed directly."

The old beggar looked at the two of them again, "Speaking of which, you two should have been involved with him, right? Why didn't you do anything at the beginning?"

The face of the middle-aged man in Zipao turned cold, and he snorted: "My subordinates have contact with him, but unfortunately, Li Yuanfang was not the focus of the mission at that time."

Shangguan Jinhong disdainfully said, "I have met him face to face, no matter whether he is the key point or not, I am afraid that none of your people will be able to kill him!"

"Oh, the evaluation is so high?"

Shangguan Jin Hong teased: "He has already killed the master of the top list, you two are not top of the list yet."

The old beggar laughed, "Everyone came here for the same purpose this time, why bother making such an unpleasant scene, and how to deal with him after we talk about it."

Shangguan Jinhong was noncommittal, but the middle-aged man in Zipao snorted, "Don't worry, my people will deal with Li Yuanfang."

(End of this chapter)

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