Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 445

Chapter 445
"Actually, Zuo Feng didn't lie. At that time, he was indeed a dude, and he seemed to have nothing to show for it except a good appearance!" Zhu Yuyan smiled, looking at Zuo Zhou from a distance, feeling I am very satisfied, this child looks like me, if he is really the same as Zuo Feng when he was young, he will appear frivolous and indecent.

Wanwan was a little puzzled, "If Uncle Zuo was so unbearable before, how could Master..."

Zhu Yuyan sighed: "Maybe it's a problem of mental loopholes. At that time, I was very contradictory. I was unwilling and not very sure about the magic of heavenly demons. The idea of ​​finding a random man also appeared in my mind from time to time. So, Treat him as a spare tire, if I fail to create my own cultivation technique in the end, then I will continue to follow the path of Heavenly Demon Dafa, which is unfeeling and unrequited."

"And then?" Wanwan was a little anxious, the fire of gossip burning in her eyes.

Seeing this, Zhu Yuyan flicked her bright and clean forehead amusedly, "As a teacher, I still overestimated myself at the time, and the Heavenly Demon Dafa is not so easy to improve. During that time, I visited the seniors of various schools anonymously, and I also came into contact with many ideas, but in the end I failed to perfect the exercises. It was a desperate journey, and even at the end I began to doubt myself, and when I woke up one morning, I even decided to recommend myself to Zuo Feng as a pillow at night!"

"At this moment, by chance, I learned of the seclusion of Zuo's descendants... Zuo Qiuming, a close friend of Confucian saints, a family of historians, is known as the number one gentleman in the world. His status is not only extremely important among Confucianism Gao, even other sects respect him very much. Although Zuo Qiuming has passed away long ago, the name of a descendant of the Zuo family is enough to be treated politely, so I went to visit, but I didn't expect... to meet him there Left Wind!"

Wanwan's eyes brightened, "Then Master's feelings for Uncle Zuo at the beginning were just for real!?"

Zhu Yuyan also seemed to be lost for a while, "It's hard to say, Zuo Feng at home is completely different from outside. He is knowledgeable, knowledgeable in etiquette, and looks like a gentleman. The feeling of splitting up the contradiction makes the teacher very uncomfortable. So I showed up and asked him why there were two different faces."

"What did Uncle Zuo say?"

"He looked at me with a look of caring for the mentally retarded, and asked me, 'how many emperors can tolerate people with higher prestige than him in the territory', he didn't think about spreading any ideas, he just wanted to continue to live happily , and if you want to live happily, you have to act recklessly. Well, a little self-deprecating, a little lonely, a little sad!"

Wanwan frowned in confusion, "Isn't it good to be able to live recklessly?"

Zhu Yuyan patted Wanwan on the back of the head like stroking a child, "It doesn't matter if you act recklessly or live in poverty, the key is your own choice, if you keep 'acting recklessly' under the coercion of others, you are just following the trend. "

"Afterwards, I stayed by his side for a while. Apart from seeking advice on some ideological matters, I also started to try to improve the exercises again. As far as Zuo Feng was concerned, my beauty also fascinated him, probably because he was greedy for my body. , and taught me everything in the process.”

"Master has succeeded in improving the exercises?"

Zhu Yuyan shook her head, "It didn't work at first, and I was very irritable at that time. He saw that something was wrong with me and asked, and I didn't hide anything, so I told him the problem. Then he asked me back, but asked me It's like enlightenment!"

"What?" Wanwan asked again.

"He asked me, 'What is the central idea of ​​your Heavenly Demon Dafa?', and I blurted out Unrequited Love! But he shook his head and said, 'Unrequited Love is just a person's attitude in dealing with things, not thoughts. Thoughts can change yourself To change others, it is obvious that unfeeling and unrequited love may not even be able to influence oneself, let alone influence others.'”

"At that moment, I really woke up. The magic door, which also evolved from various schools of thought, why is there a lack of thought in the strongest unique school? So far, I have completely doubted the magic of the sky."

Zhu Yuyan smiled slightly, "Didn't you always wonder why I was able to fight against the master of the human list without losing the wind even though I was born with great perfection? It's because I abandoned all the superficially mysterious and empty and thoughtless cultivation in the Heavenly Demon Dafa The way, all the energy is used to practice the method of increasing the power of attack and defense. It also caused the situation that the teacher's clear state has not improved, but his combat power is very strong."

Wanwan was a little confused, that's it?Originally I thought there was something mysterious about the master's exercises, that's it?Isn't this equivalent to the kind of students who are partial to the imperial examinations, who are super strong in a certain subject, but because they are seriously deficient in a certain aspect, they will never be able to become that champion.

Although the master's combat power is strong enough, his realm cannot be improved, and his future achievements will be limited after all.

Zhu Yuyan looked at the distress on her disciple's face and couldn't help laughing: "Actually, this is not a disadvantage. Since there is a lack of thinking, it is necessary to make up for it. The self-strengthening exercises in the Heavenly Demon Dafa can still be learned and used. It’s good to strengthen the spiritual realm with your thoughts and ideas, act with your mind, pass through the entrance with your mind, and let your work run through the eight extraordinary meridians, then you can also improve your realm.”

"Eh? It's so simple? Then why..."

Mentioning this, Zhu Yuyan was very angry, her face turned cold, and she glanced at the old man Zuo in the yard from a distance, "After I realized it, I no longer stick to unrequited love, and I was grateful for his help, so I let him get it. But who knows... this bitch is so ruthless that he won't allow me to use Confucian ideas to elevate my realm! It's enough for me to have a dude in the Confucian school, and there can't be another witch!"

Wanwan was too shocked to speak, and glanced at the old man Zuo from a distance, is the operation so flamboyant?

"At that time, my teacher was so angry that I beat him up, but the old man was very stubborn, and he didn't let go of what he said. As a teacher, he was proud and arrogant, and he didn't think about other schools. Until the time when the magic door appeared There were some accidents, and I left without saying goodbye in a fit of anger, and only after I dealt with everything did I find out that I had broken Zuo Zhou."

Zhu Yuyan sighed, "At that time, there were many internal problems in the Demon Sect, and it was impossible for the teacher to leave a clue, so I gave the child to him, but this old guy ran away with the child."

Wan Wan asked weakly with a sneer: "So the master hasn't raised his level for so many years, is it because of anger?"

Zhu Yuyan paused for a moment, and said righteously: "How can you say it's outrageous, it's just that the teacher hasn't found the most suitable idea to join the Heavenly Demon Dafa!"

Wanwan straightened her face, "Yes! Master, I believe in you!"


When Zuo Zhou entered the inner courtyard, he should have seen the old man Zuo at first sight, but just as he opened the door, his sight was blocked by a face covered with rain.

Ah Xiang was very enthusiastic, and completely forgot what the old man Zuo said about "reserve" and "taming husband".

"Okay, okay, kiss me and drool!" Zuo Zhou hugged her with a look of disgust and handed her over to Zhan Shiqi next to him.

When Ah Xiang saw Zhan Shiqi, she immediately took on the posture of a big woman, walked directly behind Zhan Shiqi, and slapped her on the buttocks, "How dare you run away from home! Did you ask me?" ?”

Zhan Shiqi immediately begged for mercy with a small face, knowing that he was wrong, in order not to be beaten, he hugged A Xiang and did not let go. The two soft bodies were tightly squeezed together, making Zuo Zhou's nostrils a little dry. This scene shocked Very strong.

"Shame!" The old man Zuo rolled his eyes angrily, he had taught this girl so much, but he couldn't walk when he saw the man, heck!

Zuo Zhou looked at the old man Zuo with a little emotion, but it was not to the extent of a warm hug, he just pointed casually, "What's going on around here?"

The old man on the left sighed a long time, and spoke eloquently.

If you want to overthrow a country, there are always several ways to start. First of all, the most common way is to start from the grassroots. This is also the possibility that happened most often in various dynasties in history, but the prerequisite is that the people are in dire straits.After all, based on the inertia of the common people, as long as they can survive, they will not choose to take risks.

Although the current Daqin is not so exaggerated to say that the whole people get rid of poverty and go to a well-off society, they can still have enough food and clothing, so if they want to start an uprising, it is undoubtedly out of date.

Therefore, for Hu Hai, what is threatening becomes other possibilities, such as... thoughts!

This is really a very dangerous thing. The reason why the magic gate was born is because the thoughts of various schools of thought blocked the rule of the royal family.And the ruler must find a school of thought that can appease the people or even benefit the rule, so Buddhism has flourished for a period of time.

Also at that time, large and small temples appeared in various countries, and there was a word called "learn from others". The success of one country is also a good reference for other countries.

This is actually a bit different from the development of the next-door earth. The thought chosen by the rulers on the next-door earth is Confucianism. In this world, although Confucianism is not classified as a demon, it has not become the mainstream.

In the final analysis, it is because the potential strength of Buddhism is too strong, there are various Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, etc., but there are not so many strong people in other schools of thought.

However, when a religion is too strong, it will cause huge obstacles to the ruler, and the Buddhist forces in various places will inevitably form a dark force.

And the opportunity to break this situation is the sudden change of the world, and the one who broke the situation is the original Qin Huang!

Although Emperor Qin has transformed into a dragon, the problems left behind are very serious.

Thoughts are very dangerous. They may become the fuse of a country's disintegration, but they may also become the foundation of a country's strength.

As for Daqin, the thinking of the soldiers in the past was not to pray to gods and worship Buddha, but to believe in the emperor of Qin!
And Qin Huang is also worthy of this trust, he is completely the magic needle of the whole Great Qin, as long as he is there for a day, then the Great Qin will exist stably for a day.

But today's Hu Hai doesn't have this ability, so here comes the problem. Although there is no possibility of collapse in a short period of time for the soldiers of Daqin who have no faith, what about after a long time?Who can guarantee that they will not slack off, maybe it's just a small-scale failure, maybe it's just a grievance, and they may shake their confidence in Daqin.

Doesn't Hu Hai know about this situation?Of course he knew, but he didn't have a good solution for the time being. He had discussed this matter with Li Si, Di Renjie, Bao Zheng and other important officials of the court many times.

Perhaps due to the limitations of history, the various courtiers did not make any good suggestions.On the contrary, Li Si put forward the idea of ​​ruling the country according to law, but this can only be said to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.The law can be said to be the minimum standard requirement for the moral level of the people. If people always behave in the world according to the minimum standard, there will be no noble people born in Daqin.

Sometimes you have to admit that if you want to advance the course of history, you need a man from heaven!

It just so happened that at this time, the identity of the old man Zuo was exposed, the descendants of Zuo's family, this identity is very serious.

There were so many schools of thought in the world back then, some became religions, some became magic sects, and some still insisted on their own ideas but could only walk alone in the world, reluctantly belonging to sects. In terms of power, they were not as good as demon sects.

But if it is really counted in terms of quantity, the foundation of the sect is too huge, even if the Buddhism and the magic sect are added together, they can't compare, but they are not united.

Hu Hai obviously paid attention to this point, and his thoughts were simple. Now Zuo Zhou is the prince of the demon sect, and the old man Zuo plays an important role in the sect. If their ideas become the core of Daqin, it will definitely be beneficial to the continuation of Daqin.

However, there are still some details that need to be dealt with, and Hu Hai is also hesitating!

(End of this chapter)

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