Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 453 Conspiracy

Chapter 453 Conspiracy
"I'm wondering right now if you guys have a plan B?"

Du Suyan slapped the table with a slap, and when he raised his hand, a dung beetle Gu had turned into meat paste.

Shangguan Jinhong looked at her strangely, pondered for two seconds, "What is Plan B?"

"It means back-up plan!" Du Suyan rolled his eyes greatly, feeling that he really has no common language with these natives.

"Is there anything wrong with this plan?"

Different from the imagined mysterious scene where a group of villains gather around the dark depths of the bonfire and plan to destroy the world, the meeting between Shangguan Jinhong and the two villain leaders is like a family sitting together eating melon seeds, a small round table, and a pot of tea So Easy.

On Shangguan Jinhong's left is an old beggar, but his clothes are more torn than before. Obviously, he took advantage of his status to sneak into the imperial capital.On the right of Shangguan Jinhong is a middle-aged man in a purple robe, looking as handsome as ever.

Du Suyan looked at them with a caring attitude, "Do you know how to make wine?"

The three of them looked at each other, "Why do we go back to brewing wine after poisoning?"

Du Suyan took a long breath. She actually wanted to tell them that if you don't know refrigeration in the next-door earth, don't just buy a refrigerator.Sometimes professional things still have to be done by professional people, you really can't do it!

"Throwing this kind of Gu worm into the wine will instantly change the taste of the wine, no one will drink this kind of wine."


Shangguan Jinhong was silent, the middle-aged man in purple robe closed his eyes, and the old beggar shrugged, "Maybe those princes and nobles don't mind drinking something different."

"Okay, then try it!" Du Suyan directly took out a jug of wine from the bag, unwrapped the paper, and the room was instantly filled with violent anger.


The old beggar was almost not smoked to death, and the urine that has been held for more than ten days does not have this smell!
"You don't even drink shit, you think those royal relatives will drink it?" Du Suyan said without any scruples, she was ashamed, and she was ashamed in front of her 'good girlfriends' all the time.

She still remembers Zuo Yaoqing's eyes before, "That's all, this is the conspiracy your partner came up with?" ', just like she looks at Shangguan Jinhong and others now, Zuo Yaoqing looked at her that way before.

The old beggar was a little embarrassed, looked at the middle-aged man in the purple robe and snorted, "You found this kind of Gu from the Western Regions, what do you say?"

The middle-aged man in Zipao thought about it, "According to ancient books, this Gu worm can strengthen the body at the beginning of consumption, but it will explode and die once it attacks. It can also be mixed with drinks such as wine and tea. The smell can cover up the smell of the Gu worm itself. It shouldn't be discovered, right?"

"It has become another more pungent smell, which can be regarded as covering up the smell of the Gu worm itself, hmph!"

"Okay, this matter ends here." Shangguan Jin Hong wisely interrupted Du Suyan's complaints. In fact, he also had high hopes for this plan at the beginning, but they really did not expect such a thing to happen.

how to say?Any skill that can be passed down for a long time cannot be easily covered up by others.

Gu art is, so is winemaking!
If they want to put Gu insects in the wine, they must find a person who is proficient in both wine making and Gu art, at least someone who is proficient in both dung beetle insect Gu and tribute wine.Unfortunately, I can't find it now.

"Since this plan doesn't work, let's find another way. Coincidentally, I heard some special news recently, which should be useful to us." The old beggar coughed lightly, sealed the altar of wine with a sealing paper, and pushed it away.

Du Suyan frowned, "Your beggar gang doesn't have much influence in the imperial capital, you don't see any beggars on the streets here."

"It's news from other cities that Huhai is going to confer the state religion, and now there are Taoist monks, Taoist priests and various shaman monks from all over the world are rushing here."

Du Suyan was amused, and looked everyone up and down, "You don't mean you want to sneak in to run for the national teacher? You three... beggars, rich people, and outsiders, how can any one of you seem to be playing with religion?"


The scene was awkward for a while, as if someone pressed the pause button.

"You've been complaining all the time, but you want one if you have the ability!" The middle-aged man in Zipao snorted. If Du Suyan didn't have a special news channel, they wouldn't tolerate her.

Just like Shangguan Jinhong looked down on the two of them, the two of them also looked down on Du Suyan, who made her the worst, but everyone has its own necessity.

Du Suyan sneered, "According to my eyeliner report in the palace, Hu Hai will increase his encouragement for women to take the imperial examination."

Everyone was startled, Shangguan Jin Hong sighed: "Have courage!"

"Fuck!" Du Suyan disdainfully said, "He wants to choose a concubine for himself!"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they showed expressions that men could understand, "This is a talented woman who wants to play, she really knows how to play!"

"It is true that most talented women have a kind of temperament... Ahem, I mean this can indeed be manipulated." The middle-aged lsp in the purple robe said seriously with an expression on his face.

Shangguan Jinhong picked up the teacup and took a sip. He looked at the jar of wine, which was quite dazzling, and sighed: "Hu Hai's lecherous problem can indeed be exploited...Who threw this thing out?"

The middle-aged man in Zipao knocked the altar of wine out of the window with one palm, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the air was fragrant and sweet.

"It is unknown to what extent Hu Hai is lustful, but it should not reach the level of Song Huizong."

"That's not necessarily the case. If there is a beautiful woman like Li Shishi outside the palace, I will definitely go for it!" The old beggar laughed lewdly.

Du Suyan despised, "It's not easy to use a beauty trick. What he said is the problem. As far as I know, Li Shishi also participated in the imperial examination this time. Are you sure that the woman you are looking for is more beautiful than Li Shishi?"


The old beggar is depressed, why is Hu Hai so difficult to target?Those courtiers protected him so thoughtfully?
Du Suyan looked at the three people who were silent again and became more and more disdainful. If it weren't for the fact that they were all members of the Qinglong Society, she would have disdain to cooperate with this group of people at all. She must meet the leader of the Qinglong Society if she has the opportunity.

"Actually, it's not that there is no chance."

"Oh? Do you have a solution?"

Du Suyan said with a smile: "Actually, we can use Li Shishi's method in the Song Dynasty to create, create momentum! I have already inquired. It doesn't matter, so we will act very low-key. Before Hu Hai sees these beauties, we can create an oiran who is famous in the entire imperial capital. When this reputation spreads to the palace, it will definitely arouse Hu Hai's curiosity."

"It's a good idea, but don't forget that Li Yuanfang once proposed to abolish brothels, which is already the law of Daqin today."

"As long as you don't give me money, it's not considered a sale!" Du Suyan didn't care at all, "The more pure you are, the more you can arouse men's desire to conquer. Who would refuse the temptation of a sexy, charming, singing and dancing beauty~!"

"It sounds feasible, but where can I find such a woman? You are not talking about yourself!" The old beggar was very disdainful.

Du Suyan stared at him coldly, but the middle-aged man in purple robe next to him said, "I can take responsibility for this matter, but the plan has changed, and we need to inform the leader."


In the middle of the night, outside a mansion, Lu Xiaofeng, Sikong Zaixing and Wanwan lay on a big tree outside and waited quietly.

Although this combination seems a bit strange, it is also due to chance.

"Since we know this is the enemy's stronghold, why didn't we send people to wipe it out?" Wanwan was a little puzzled.

At this time, Sikong Zhaixing was a wretched young man with big buck teeth, and snorted in a male duck voice, "There are only about twenty people in the house now, it is impossible for a few dragons to be inside, right? Attack at this time It’s just to scare the snake away.”

Lu Xiaofeng continued: "It seems that Lao Di's calculation is correct, the other party did intend to poison the wine, fortunately we came in time, otherwise we really missed it."

Wanwan thought for a while and asked again: "Which leader do you think that woman is under? I don't think her martial arts are very strong."

"Maybe there is something special about not being strong in martial arts. I have been an undercover agent under Dalongtou's command, and I have to say that there are many special talents in the Azure Dragon Club." Sikong Zhaixing rubbed his chin and talked eloquently.

"Don't talk about your lurking that time, you were recognized by an old woman! Tell me honestly, did you see that Zhao Ji was beautiful, and didn't control her?" Lu Xiaofeng gave a hard look.

Sikong Zhaixing was embarrassed, "I told them that the King of Wheels has obtained Rama martial arts, so there is nothing wrong with what a normal man should do. Who knew that Zhao Ji would not recognize anyone when she put on a skirt!"

Lu Xiaofeng rolled his eyes when he heard the words, "You idiot! The wheel-turning Wang Lai Ai is the one who can conquer Qin Huang's biological mother with his own money. Aren't you bringing shame on yourself?"

Wanwan frowned, "You two don't need to worry about the little girls, you can continue talking about any dirty jokes you have!"


"Okay, my fault, but there are indeed a lot of strange people under Da Longtou's command, this woman must have merit."

Lu Xiaofeng thought for a while, "Looking at her age and the fact that she went to Zuo Yaoqing, she must be an exile. Well, it seems that we need to investigate the exiles in the palace."

"Are there many exiles in the palace?" Sikong Zaixing was puzzled.

Wanwan reluctantly continued: "You two didn't know outside before that besides the guards and eunuchs, most of the maids in the palace are maids. Hu Hai is a bit lecherous, so he recruited many young court ladies, and the exiles are now The age is the youngest and most tender. It may be said that there are many spies of exiles among them."

Lu Xiaofeng waved his hand indifferently, "Forget it, the imperial palace is not impenetrable, and there are as many spies as courtiers from various forces, and there is no way to investigate. This is actually the same in every country, the only difference lies in which side these forces are on. "

Ding bang!

At this moment, a jug of wine suddenly pierced through the window and smashed on the ground outside, a wave of anger rose into the sky, making the three of them dizzy in an instant.

"No, we have been discovered, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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