Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 455: For the sake of longevity, I have to stop being a human being

Chapter 455: For the sake of longevity, I have to stop being a human being

A long series of question marks rose on Zuo Zhou's forehead, and things like Godzilla, Cthulhu, Frost Dragon, Aliens, and Squid Girl flashed past in his mind.

He Ran looked at the confused look in his eyes and said with a smile: "What are you thinking? Monsters are things that don't make any sense and don't grow according to the normal law of heaven."

Zuo Zhou came back to his senses and looked at him meaningfully, "It doesn't grow according to the law of heaven, it's made by another person who is abandoned by heaven!"

He Ran choked up for a moment, but did not deny it, "That's true. His self-named Land Que is the embodiment of the biochemical disaster in the original world, so he has a special talent for things like biological transformation and bacterial cultivation. Although he is like me He is annoying, but Xian Wang is also a person who has done great things, and he did not kill him just because he was annoying, but instead relied on his trust."

Zuo Zhou was stunned, "I remember that Shi Huolong seemed to have taken some medicine before and became like a monster. What's the matter? Since King Xian trusted him, why did he transform King Xian into a monster?"

"The elixir you mentioned is actually a defective product, but it was perfunctory for the lower-level members of the Azure Dragon Association. Di Que has made many strange elixirs. As for the matter of King fact, King Xian asked for it Remodeled."

"It's so hard to think about it, let's talk about this part!" Zuo Zhou expressed his interest.

"King Xian is Qin Huang's brother in terms of blood relationship. He also supported Qin Huang when he ascended the throne. Speaking of which, the relationship between them is quite complicated. Qin Huang knows that he is the leader of the Azure Dragon Society, and Xian Wang has always Supporting Emperor Qin means a bit of healthy competition!" He Ran shook his head as he said, human emotions are too complicated.

Zuo Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, this King Xian must have some unreasonable thoughts about Emperor Qin, uh, people say that rotten eyes look at people, we are not rotten, why would you think of this?

He Ran didn't notice Zuo Zhou's wild thoughts, and continued: "Since Qin Huang turned into a dragon and left, King Xian didn't care much about the affairs of the Qinglong Society, and left everything to the people below. And he started to chase after him wholeheartedly. Longevity!"

"So let Di Que transform himself into a monster?"

He Ran sighed: "Longevity is not so easy. Di Que once said before that if you want to live forever, there are only two ways, either live to cultivate to the strength of the Tianbang, or stop being a human being. But the Tianbang is not so simple Stepping in, Emperor Qin was only listed on the list after he transformed into a dragon. Therefore, King Xian chose the latter, but originally thought that even if he became a monster, he could maintain his humanity, but... the way of heaven is not so easy to talk about, and King Xian did not in the end. Being able to keep the human form, became a monster."

"Then who is in charge of the Qinglong Society now? The lack of land?" Zuo Zhou frowned. He stopped being a human being and cared about other people's affairs. Is this Xian Wang too floating?

"It's still King Xian, but now he is not keen on making trouble for Daqin. In his words, the emperor of Daqin cannot be a monster. If there is anything else worthy of his attention, it may be how to change back to human form. So All the plans of the imperial capital this time are actually operated by the people below."

"That is to say, once that Zhao Ji is captured, the forces under the leadership of the leader will be out of the game!"

"you can say it this way."

"What about the others?"

He Ran spread his hands, "You know, the dragon heads of the Qinglong Society do not belong to each other, they all have their own ideas and desires."

"Tch, trouble! So you actually don't know what conspiracy the other dragon heads are up to?"

"I don't know, but if you can catch Zhao Ji, you can definitely ask."

"This is the troublesome part." Zuo Zhou leaned lazily on the side of the bed, "If it was me, I would definitely arrest Zhao Ji, but she is Qin Huang's biological mother and Hu Hai's grandma after all. When we live in Daqin, we always have to give the imperial court some face."

"You can live in other countries."

"Where is it better than Daqin now?"

He Ran opened his mouth but didn't say any answer. Seeing this, Zuo Zhou picked up Chu Chu and stuffed it into He Ran's arms, "You help me look after my daughter first, I'll go to the palace and talk to Hu Hai and Bai Qi , what they want to do is their business, um, I hope this Zhao Ji will not die."


"Don't mess with me, and don't touch my people."

He Ran looked down at Chu Chu in his arms, "I hope she won't die."


Three days passed in a flash, and Zuo Zhou didn't have any secrets about Hu Hai. Except for the existence of the man who was abandoned by heaven, he basically said everything about the King Xian and the power of the leader.

It's just that three days have passed, and Hu Hai still hasn't taken any action, what should I say?Quite disappointed, but Zuo Zhou didn't care, anyway, the other party was not targeting him.

"General, Lord Wei, please see me."

Zuo Zhou was lying flat on the wicker chair enjoying himself, but the servants reported him directly, Mr. Wei?Zuo Zhou just paused for a moment before he figured it out, Wei Xiaobao, right?

Back then the old man Zuo took Shuang'er as his goddaughter, so Wei Xiaobao naturally became his godson-in-law and Zuo Zhou's brother-in-law.It's just that the two of them have been working under Di Renjie's command at the Dali Temple. They are usually not busy with work, but they don't know what they are looking for this time.

"Little Treasure, what brought you here? Could it be that Lao Di encountered some problems, so you want to invite me out of the mountain! I'm very busy."

Wei Xiaobao couldn't help laughing at Zuo Zhou's appearance that he didn't even bother to take shit, "Brother really knows how to joke, now that you are a general, who can tell you what to do?" He took out an invitation card from his bosom, It's written on big red paper, with the word "囍" on the surface.

"The wedding between me and Shuang'er, big brother must honor me!"

Zuo Zhou sat up abruptly, and pouted a little jealously after receiving the invitation, "The older brother hasn't married yet, but she, the younger sister, is in a hurry."

Wei Xiaobao kept smiling, why don't you get married, don't you have any idea?

"Huh? The day after tomorrow, it's a little urgent!"

Wei Xiaobao had no choice but to say, "Don't be in a hurry, I'm going to work in the palace in a few days, and then there will be less time to see Shuang'er every day."

"A job in the palace?"

"Zhao Gao proposed to set up a secret organization to protect His Majesty, and I was selected." Wei Xiaobao scratched his cheek, a little embarrassed.

"Zhao Gao's proposal? Special protection for His Majesty?" Zuo Zhou didn't know whether to be happy, "There are so many sunflower eunuchs, and Bai Qi is here, there are so many masters inside and outside the palace, why do you need to set up some special organization? And you This kung fu is so hip, why are you selected?"

Wei Xiaobao was very angry, but he didn't seem to be able to refute, he just said: "It is said to protect His Majesty, but in fact it is to help him find some interesting things. As for why he chose me, it is probably because I am among the people who are related to you. Easiest to monitor."

Zuo Zhou laughed out loud, "That's really embarrassing for you, um, what about the other people in this organization?"

"Some were selected from the six gates, and some were selected from other yamen. Zhuge Zheng and I sent Tie Shou over. I don't know about the others, but they were all selected by Zhao Gao. After all, this team will eventually be composed of Zhao Gao led it."

Zuo Zhou couldn't help curling his lips after a pause, led by Zhao Gao?Isn't that equivalent to giving him a reason to prepare a private army!Will Bai Qi let it go?

Zuo Zhou's expression became more and more weird, maybe he found that Zhao Gao was a little aware, so he wanted to continue to fool him, so let's give him some sweetness!

Thinking about it, he said to Wei Xiaobao: "You don't need to inquire about anything after you take office. If Zhao Gao wants you to perform some tasks, you can shirk it if you can. Just clock in every day and be an honest laborer. With me They don’t dare to deduct wages from you because of the relationship at the upper level.”

Wei Xiaobao was not stupid, he was obviously afraid that Zhao Gao would use his power to deceive him, so he said with a smile, "Where can such a good thing be found if you can get money without any effort?"

"As long as you know."


Nancheng, some kind of small courtyard with apricot trees.

Zhao Ji was lying on the bed. Opposite her was a huge floor-to-ceiling bronze mirror. Her crisp shirt was half exposed, and her plump and slim figure seemed to be covered with a halo under the reflection of the bronze mirror.

"I miss you!"

She let out a long sigh, and waved her hand lightly to smash the bronze mirror. If this beautiful figure has no one to appreciate it, how lonely it would be!

"My lord, Dalongtou has replied."

The guard outside shouted softly, then opened the door and handed over a brocade box with closed eyes, this is Zhao Ji's rule, anyone who sees her body will die, but this girl is always dressed in revealing clothes, It's annoying.

"Well~~~ let it go!"

The guards retreated, and Zhao Ji opened the brocade box, which contained two bottles of pills and a letter.

Zhao Ji looked at the pill with a satisfied expression, but she didn't care too much about the letter.

Xian Wang is the brother of Emperor Qin, so in terms of seniority, he is naturally Zhao Ji's junior.If Zhao Ji hadn't insisted this time, King Xian wouldn't be bothered to meddle in the affairs of the imperial capital, but he couldn't resist Zhao Ji's begging, so he sent these things.

Zhao Ji opened the letter and glanced at it casually, as expected, it was nothing more than some words of advice.

"I don't want to be a human anymore, but I still want to meddle in other people's business, please pray for your longevity!"

Zhao Ji stuffed the two bottles of medicine carefully into her bosom, and said: "Go to Du Suyan and ask her to send a message to the people in the palace. I want to see Zhao Gao."

The guards left immediately, and it didn't take long before Du Suyan came to the small courtyard, and Zhao Ji's scalp went numb with just one word!
"What's the matter with you, why are there so many people staring outside!"

"Quick, take the secret path!"

Boom, the gate of the small courtyard was knocked open, and a team of six-door arresters rushed in. At the same time, a figure jumped in from outside the wall. peak.

"Don't hurt Zhao Ji, let's kill other characters!"

Dufeng yelled like this, and led people into the room first, and killed a guard with two sword lights, but only saw the backs of Zhao Ji and Du Suyan when they entered the secret passage.


(End of this chapter)

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