Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 461 Zuozhou's nemesis?

Chapter 461 Zuozhou's nemesis?
The little monster that popped up suddenly has obviously overturned the cognition of Hu Hai and the guards. Well, the little monster was born by Zhao Ji, so isn't it the same generation as Emperor Qin?Isn't that equivalent to my uncle?

What the hell!

"Kill those monsters for me, and every time you kill one, you will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of silver and promoted to a thousand households!"

Hu Hai had never been so angry before, his roar was a bit hoarse, and fortunately everyone didn't know that his thinking was so out of the way, otherwise they would have been stunned.How can you still think of this when it is so dangerous?

Sigh, a few eunuchs suddenly jumped in from the arena, pulling Hu Hai away at an extremely fast speed.

These eunuchs are all masters who have practiced the Sunflower Book. They may not have that much experience in fighting the enemy, but because of their excellent speed, they can basically fight people who are stronger than themselves.

And at this moment, a little monster jumped onto the head of a guard when he was surprised.

The guard immediately rolled on the ground in disgust, but the monster's shot actually pierced through the air hole in an instant, as if wearing an octopus hat on its head, and then its body began to change.

The body swelled to the size of Zhao Ji at this time, the muscles of the limbs were knotted, and the muscles swelled to the point where the skin was directly pierced, like a giant without skin.

"Ah! These monsters can still parasitize, everyone protect their heads!"

The iron hand yelled but attracted the attention of a mob, who was about to jump up to parasitize at the right time, and the iron hand turned around with the intuition of a master and accurately punched and bombarded.However, his face changed drastically in an instant, "These mobs can also absorb true energy!"

The mob clung to his fist and stretched out its tentacles to wrap around his arms tightly. However, the iron hand was very fierce. It opened its mouth instead of closing it, and bit down on the tentacles!

Squeak squeak!

The little monster let out a piercing neigh like pain, and the originally tightly bound arms became loose.

Tie Shou spat out half of his tentacles, and then slammed the mob on the ground with a slap in the face. He was about to chase but was swept away by a sudden force from the left.

It turned out that it was Zhao Ji who came to protect the calf!
"Pfft, although these little monsters can absorb true energy, their defense and attack power are not strong, and they can be killed with a sharp blade!" The iron hand rolled around on the ground, and when he got up, he felt a stabbing pain in his ribs. , knowing it was a broken rib, but he just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up to remind him.

After being reminded by the iron hand, the rest of the guards woke up from the disgusting and weird image, and chased the mobs with swords, but the problem came again, Zhao Ji and the parasitic Cyclops monster began to consciously protect the other mobs , Often the mobs are allowed to parasitize after the guards are swept away, so that the mobs parasitize one after another and successfully turn into Cyclops.

"I can't do this! I have to think of something..."

"That Zhao Ji gave birth to mobs after absorbing her true energy, and those mobs choose to parasitize people with high true energy."

A voice behind him interrupted Tie Shou, but when he turned around, he saw Wei Xiaobao squinting his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Do you have a solution?"

"You tell the brothers not to face the hard steel. Although these monsters can absorb true energy, they can't use it. You use lightness skills to hang them in circles. I'll go prepare."

Tie Shou watched Wei Xiaobao go away inexplicably, if he was not Li Yuanfang's man, he would have even thought that Wei Xiaobao had run away.

"Follow me, brothers!"

Shouting loudly, Tie Shou ran away with many guards. Well, after all, those who can serve in the palace are not simple people. Tie Shou did not commit any crime of plotting loudly, but they all understood what he meant.

Just like that, a group of guards ran wildly in front, followed by a group of big and small monsters. Many eunuchs and maids screamed along the way, but just like Wei Xiaobao said, these monsters are only interested in people with strong qi.Often after a gust of wind passed, the maid frightened herself, and the monster stood a little further away with a look of disgust.

At this time, Hu Hai had already stood behind Bai Qi with the help of the sunflower eunuchs, watching the race from a high tower in the harem.

"What are they trying to do?"

Bai Qi looked at those monsters with great interest, could they absorb true energy?Can only fight with strength?I'm sorry, isn't this being overcome by myself?
He had no interest in making a move at all at this time, and just stood and watched with his hands behind his hands, "Your Majesty wants to cultivate his own master, so let's see who among these people can use it."

Hu Hai was a little embarrassed, and said with a sneer: "Now it seems that the Taifu's people are used together, at least the fight is very calm."

Bai Qi laughed and said: "Your Majesty should give them some time, fighting is not something that can be done overnight."

"Then why is Zuo Zhou so powerful? He's not yet 20 years old."

"Almost 20 years old!"

"..." Am I talking about age with you?
Hu Hai had no choice but to turn his head to look at the battle again. When he was far away, he took out a telescope, which was well equipped.

"Brothers hold on, someone has already figured out a way." Tie Shou yelled, grabbing a table and smashing it back hard. In fact, after adapting to the monster's attack style, he can also find a way to fight back, such as pouring true energy converted into pure kinetic energy.

The rest of the guards followed suit. Tables, chairs and benches were the basics. There were also those who threw knives, spears, sledgehammers and maces, which caused the monsters to bleed and hurt a lot.

Then the screen began to enter garbage time, those maids and eunuchs who had no real energy began to consciously throw all kinds of heavy weapons on the road that everyone must pass, complete with knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, and even beat up the guards at ordinary times All the stone locks of strength were moved out.

Well, there is such a sense of unity and solidarity!

This scene was really beyond Hu Hai's expectation. It is said that what I want to train are masters, masters, masters, why are there such a bunch of people?The key is that Tie Shou even started playing with them, you are from the Taifu, don't be infected by those idiots.

This method is indeed a bit playful, but it is really effective. The iron hand swung the stone lock with both hands and directly hit the head of a cyclops. Broken.

The Cyclops still didn't seem to be out of the characteristics of a creature. After the head was dried and crushed, it collapsed into a pool of rotten meat, and it couldn't see its original appearance at all.


Zhao Ji seemed to be quite fond of those mobs. After one of them died, she started crying, and the rest of the mobs stopped instantly, and then started chasing and killing those innocuous court ladies and eunuchs.

This time, it wasn't for the sake of gaining true energy, it was pure killing. In an instant, the court ladies and eunuchs who thought they were safe suffered heavy casualties, blood even soaked a small area of ​​floor tiles.

Tieshou's eyes were about to crack, and he stopped running away, holding two stone locks as if he was about to fight!
Just at this moment, Wei Xiaobao, who had run away, finally came back, followed by more than a dozen sunflower eunuchs.

"Don't fight hard, thank you father-in-law!"

Wei Xiaobao bowed to salute, but saw those sunflower eunuchs nodded and surrounded the monsters with lightness kung fu.

The surge of true energy immediately attracted the attention of the mobs, but the speed of the sunflower eunuch was so fast that the mobs couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes. Almost all happened in an instant, and everyone was dumbfounded.

And Tie Shou squinted his eyes for a long time before he understood, "Is this the unique skill you are going to prepare?"

Wei Xiaobao nodded. Speaking of which, his talent in martial arts is not high, and he went to practice in order to get rid of the childlike innocence in Shuang'er.But the sky failed, and he couldn't even practice the scriptures of childlike innocence, but he learned the part about puppets in the scriptures of childlike innocence.

The dozens of fine steel wires in the hands of those sunflower eunuchs at this time are the result of his long-term preparations. These are actually puppet threads, which he used to prepare for making puppets in the future.

It's a pity that he doesn't have any resources, and it's not easy to make so many silk threads. As for the puppet, he still doesn't have any.

Since these monsters cannot be dealt with with true energy, they can only use pure physical damage, and physical damage includes blunt blows such as stone lock throwing, and of course cutting damage.

At this time, it seems that the sunflower eunuch is circling around the monster, but in fact, it has laid a hidden wire mesh around it, and you will never notice it unless you look carefully.Unless you also have the intuition of an innate master, but those monsters don't even have true energy, so they certainly can't perceive it.


Zhao Ji yelled in panic, her pectoralis major had turned into a monolith at this time, and her gradually confused mind made it difficult for her to judge the situation.Use the last bit of rationality to order the monsters to attack one place, maybe the blood hanging on the steel wire was finally discovered, and the monsters swarmed up and smashed a steel wire wall.

"They are rushing over!" Tie Shou picked up the stone lock again.

Wei Xiaobao pressed his arm, "Don't panic, there are more!"

The sunflower eunuch did not show any reluctance to fight when the steel wire broke, and then another group of eunuchs appeared, led by Cao Zhengchun.These eunuchs have not studied the Sunflower Canon, and their strength is almost the same as that of the guards, not comparable to the Sunflower eunuch.

But in their hands are sickles wrapped with hemp ropes!

Hurrah!The sickles were swung up and thrown out in unison, all the true energy was used to increase the strength, those sickles darted at the monster from all directions, and then the rope was tightened.

Each rope seemed to be soaked in some oily liquid, which made the rope very strong. More than a dozen or twenty little eunuchs used force from all directions at the same time to fix the monsters there.

The monsters wanted to slap off the rope or the sickle, but the huge force pulled them from all directions, and they couldn't move at all.

"Look at you, old man!" Wei Xiaobao yelled, and then backed away.

The iron hand laughed and threw the stone lock, and the heads of the cyclops burst like watermelons, and the crisis was completely resolved.

It's just that when it was only Zhao Ji's turn, Tieshou made trouble again. Although Zhao Ji had become a monster now...but there was still one head that remained the same!
"Take that head off and bury it!"

Hu Hai's voice finally stabilized, and Tie Shou turned around, only to see that he had an ugly face and remained silent for a long time.

Take the head off and bury it?


A farce was over, Zuo Zhou slowly fell from mid-air to the ground, reviewing everything he had just seen in his mind, feeling a little awkward, this monster... Biohazard?Or Cthulhu?Anyway, it can't be explained by a simple biochemical virus!

Zuo Zhou saw Qingping as soon as he got home.

"There's a lot of chaos in the palace, what happened?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "It's nothing, what about He Ran?"

"Stay with Chuchu inside, and I'll come out to get some air. For some reason, I always feel awkward staying with that brother of yours."

Zuo Zhou kissed Qingping amusedly, turned around and entered the room, sat beside Chuchu, pinched Chuchu's face and said indifferently: "I just saw that Di Que's work, he really represents Something like a biochemical virus?"

He Ran paused, then sighed in silence for a moment: "At least that's what he told me."

"He told you that, and you just told me that, when did your moral bottom line become so inflexible?"

He Ran laughed, "Anyway, they are all abandoned by heaven, what's the difference?"

"It's a big difference! If it's just that the world next door has it and this world doesn't, I can still guess his ability based on logic. But if... he is very strange in the world next door, then there is no logic in this matter." what."

He Ran was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and his face couldn't help becoming serious, "Cause a lot of trouble?"

"A lot of people died, but this has nothing to do with you. Even if you said that you probably couldn't stop it, it still couldn't stop it."

He Ran looked at Zuo Zhou who didn't care at all and just made a funny smile, and sighed: "Although he didn't tell me clearly, I can vaguely perceive...he represents the distorted thoughts of the creatures in the next world, and all irrational , cannot be described, and has no concept of rule logic!"

Zuo Zhou froze, "Concept?"

"Yes, concept! I have seen him make monsters with my own eyes. You can't find logic from it, and he doesn't even know what logic it is. When making a synthesis, you only need to satisfy your own way of thinking, and then add concepts to it. .”

"Add concepts to it? Does that mean that if you let something have certain characteristics, then that thing will have those characteristics! For example, if you can make a monster have the ability to absorb true energy and grow, then the monster can have it."

He Ran nodded and asked with a smile, "It's easy, haha!"

"Haha, your sister!"

Zuo Zhou has a sense of crisis. If this defines a monster that can ignore black holes, then Lao Tzu's alluring love is not easy to use?
Tsk tsk, if this kind of guy got enough information and made enough preparations, wouldn't he be invincible?It is completely possible to make specific monster targets according to specific enemies!
"I regret that I used too many big moves before!"

He Ran comforted: "Don't worry, if he targets you, I will help you."

Zuo Zhou (;¬¬¬) "What if he creates a monster that is immune to nuclear power? Can you still output explosions?"

He Ran: "..."

 In such a bad festival, I actually encountered phone scams. The other party knew my package order number, and then said that if I lost it, I would pay for it and then asked me to open Alipay’s reserve fund. I, a person who has never borrowed money, had no idea what it was.After it was turned on, it said that I lost more money and asked me to pay back.

  You all know how picky I am, I became wary when I heard that I was making money, and then I had a good mouthful!
  This trick may have been used by others, so let’s popularize it here, so that family members can also be vigilant.

  This chapter will commemorate the first phone scam in my life. Unfortunately, the caller is not a young lady. The voice is loud and unpleasant, and the review is bad.

(End of this chapter)

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