Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 469 Arrangement

Chapter 469 Arrangement
"Zhao Gao, do you know? I feel very irritable these days."

"Your Majesty, are you worried about the selection of the national teacher?"

Hu Hai rubbed his temples, "Yeah, it's been seven days, and it's been seven days since I inspected those people. These days, there is no progress at all except for eliminating some people who pretend to be fake and have no real talents!"

"Your Majesty, in my humble opinion, why not just choose someone who is strong enough!" Zhao Gao smiled perfunctorily.

Hu Hai's heart sank, but his face remained calm, "Zhao Gao, then tell me about the benefits of choosing a master?"

"Hey, there are too many benefits of choosing a master. Don't talk about anything else. Your Majesty, you have always been afraid of Li Yuanfang. If there is another master of the local list by your side, then your majesty will no longer have to be afraid of him. You Bai Even if it is Li Yuanfang who cooperates with the National Teacher, he has to weigh it. Moreover, Lord Bai Qi is a sharp knife, and it is a bit overkill to always stay in the imperial capital to serve as your guard. He should gallop on the battlefield!"

Hu Hai placed Ge Youtan on the dragon chair, looking very lazy on the surface, but in fact a new round of storm had already started in his mind.

This Zhao Gao is worthy of being a bright light in the dark, with one idea, I have an extra national teacher who doesn't know the details, and also removed the two cards left to me by my father.Poisonous enough!Hard enough!

However, Hu Hai was relieved, because since he said that, it means that Zhao Gao has not found out... Alas, if it is reversed according to what Zhao Gao said, if the national teacher does not choose the strong one, it seems to be a loss. It's still me!

Good guy, you are blocked on both sides, you have evolved!
Seeing that Hu Hai stopped talking for a while, Zhao Gao asked again with concern: "Your Majesty seems to have some candidates, but you are still hesitating?"

Hu Hai followed the words and reached out to pick up a roster and said: "Yes, let's take this Pudu Cihang as an example. It is neither a monk nor a Taoist, has no fixed religious influence, and has the strength of the local list. It should be the first choice. but……"

Zhao Gao didn't answer and let Hu Hai continue to perform.

"But this Jian Chi is also a master of the local rankings, and he said that as long as the Shaolin Temple is rebuilt, he is willing to make a public statement, accusing the Tang Dynasty of Buddhism as heresy!"

Zhao Gao was confused, what kind of operation is this?
Hu Hai sighed: "This is too embarrassing. Although it is good not to have a fixed religious force, it would be even better if there is a mature religious force that will completely listen to me! If the Shaolin Temple is built, see Chi's move is equivalent to breaking with the Buddhism of the Tang Dynasty. As long as there is strong support from me, the Buddhist masters scattered all over the place will make a choice. You see, this is a prostitution of a national teacher and a wave of Buddhist masters Rhythm!"

Zhao Gao asked after hearing the words: "Then choose this kind of idiot, why are you still hesitating?"

"Jianchi is very concerned about the reconstruction of Shaolin Temple. It can be seen that he still has feelings for Buddhism, but the teachings of Buddhism are very mature. I am afraid that he is unwilling to change the teachings according to the true meaning."

"Oh, that's a problem. So there's no alternative?"

Hu Hai looked through the roster again, "If it's just about ideology, the Zuo family of Confucianism actually meets the requirements the most, but it's a pity...the other is the Huangshang University Bachelor of the Imperial Academy, who has profound attainments in Taoism, and He also dabbles deeply in various theories, and he was born in the Hanlin Academy, so he can be said to be a real person of his own."

"That's good."

"But according to the information, this Huang Chang has never learned martial arts. If a country's national teacher doesn't even have any martial arts, it's really a bit..."

"Your Majesty, [-] of the Baolong clan is asking to see you."

There was a message from a guard outside the hall, and Hu Hai frowned and scolded: "Didn't I say it? Don't call it by numbers in the future, change it to zero and eight!"

"Yes, I deserve to die."

"Forget it, let him in."

Wei Xiaobao didn't have any objection to the title of zero zero hair, anyway, it doesn't affect his salary, he just hopes to have a chance to make meritorious service.He and Shuang'er were about to get married, so they couldn't live in Dali Temple or the General's Mansion all the time, it was time to buy a house.

"Your Majesty, the candidate for the national division sees Master Chi and asks me to send a memorial."

Um?Just now I mentioned this idiot, and now it appears?
Zhao Gao took the memorial and presented it to Hu Hai, and when he opened it lightly, Hu Hai's eyes widened.

The memorial said, '...'In short, the general meaning is that His Majesty's importance to Buddhism has made the ministers tremble with sincerity. In order to repay His Majesty's love, he is willing to modify the true meaning of Buddhism, so that it is more in line with the situation of Great Qin, and for the benefit of the people!
In the end, he even emphasized that the minister does not have any psychological burden, and the matter of revitalizing Buddhism is not shabby!

The entire memorial was well-chosen and full of emotion, which almost made Hu Hai exclaim, "Ai Qing has a heart!" '

Next to him, Zhao Gao's scalp is numb, what the hell, are these masters already so curly in order to run for the national teacher?

What about ethics?Don't want them all?

Hu Hai put the memorial on the table, and became irritable again for a while, "Look, this kind of idiot seems to be able to figure out my mind. I am a little afraid to use such a person!"

Zhao Gao: "..."

Wei Xiaobao: "..." This His Majesty is too right and wrong.

Zhao Gao also sneered and didn't know what to say, turned his head to look at Wei Xiaobao who was still below and didn't retreat, the bad water came to his head, and persuaded: "Your Majesty is worrying about state affairs, I am incompetent and can't share your worries, but Long Body is the most important thing, combining work and rest is the right way. It just so happens that people from the Baolong clan are here, why don't you let them present their talents for your entertainment and relaxation."

Hu Hai was stunned for a moment, Zhao Gao's idea was actually a bit humiliating, the accusation of the master guards of the palace was to protect the royal family, but you let them perform for fun with their skills, how is that different from juggling on the street?

It's not that I despise jugglers, but the two have different purposes, just like Zhongnanhai's bodyguards don't envy movie stars who can make leaders laugh, but if you let Zhongnanhai's bodyguards perform a set of punches in public, what will he think?

It's just that Hu Hai glanced at Wei Xiaobao, this person is Li Yuanfang's brother-in-law, if he can embarrass him, then I feel at ease.

"Ahem, the Baolong Clan has been established for some time, and it's time for me to review your skills. Come on, let other members of the Baolong Clan come in too."


General's House
Zuo Zhou poured wine for Jian Chi, Huang Chang, Zhang Junbao and others, "The memorial has already been delivered, but based on my understanding of Hu Hai, he is likely to increase his suspicion of the master."

Jian Chi didn't avoid alcohol and meat at all, so he took a sip from his glass, "Then you still want me to send the memorial?"

Zuo Zhou said with a smile: "This time, he is willing to act for the sake of Master Slayer and Exorcist Demon, but if Master is allowed to stay in the imperial capital, I am afraid that Master is not willing."

Jian Chi nodded, this is true, he still likes to live a free life.

"So I asked the master to send the memorial. Based on my understanding of him, I am afraid that he will soon exclude the master from the candidates. However, Hu Hai is a bit greedy, so he has the opportunity to attack Buddhism. I will not let it go, and I will definitely discuss with Grandmaster privately about rebuilding the Shaolin Temple. At that time, Grandmaster can refuse to publish the statement that Buddhism in Tang Dynasty is a heresy on the grounds that he is not a national teacher."

Seeing Chi laughed and drank another cup, "You can do it, kid!"

Not making a statement would be enough to fulfill the reputation of being an idiot, but the act of establishing the Shaolin Temple is actually in opposition to the Buddhism of the Tang Dynasty. For Hu Hai, although it cannot be regarded as perfect, he will not give up the opportunity.

Zhang Junbao frowned slightly, "But in this way, doesn't it give Pudu Cihang another chance?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head and smiled, "Three days ago, I had already communicated with Concubine Xiao by taking the opportunity of sending Chu Chu to play with Concubine Xiao, and learned that Pudu Cihang had bought eyeliner in the palace and was always watching him. With His Majesty's actions, I believe that at this time he already knows that he has no competitiveness."

"Wait, you just bought eyeliner when you came to the imperial capital? This is too..." Huang Chang couldn't understand but was shocked. Could it be that monsters act like this?
Zuo Zhou shook his head, "I have already observed that eyeliner secretly, it is a servant next to Hu Hai, but he is dead, and the current one is a puppet controlled by Pudu Cihang by some means. But that's fine, that puppet Although we can get information, we are not sure about Hu Hai's character, so it's fun to let him look forward to it and get nervous at the same time!"

The idiot heard the words and laughed, "You have a bad personality, so will this Pudu Cihang sneak over and try to kill me? I'm looking forward to it!"

Zuo Zhou was amused, "Want to kill a strong man on the top list with a sneak attack? Pudu Cihang wouldn't be so naive, he can't do anything now, he can only hold back. Hehe, let him suffer until Hu Hai Until I summon Master Chi in private."

Zhang Junbao obviously knew Zuo Zhou's character a long time ago, and said with a smile, "What about after that? If Master Jian Chi no longer threatens Pudu Cihang, how are you going to play with him?"

Zuo Zhou nodded Huang Chang with his chin, "There are still Grand Scholars here. When Hu Hai wants to appoint Pudu Cihang as the national teacher, the Grand Scholars can break through a few more realms, it will be fine!"

"Huh? What do you think the realm is, if you say breakthrough, you will break through!"

"Isn't it?" Zhang Junbao frowned and looked at him strangely, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Zuo Zhou's previous words, there was nothing wrong with him, that's what he did before.
"No, no, no, if I break through the realm, then I won't be able to read and drink freely in the future. I'm afraid there will be people staring at me everywhere, so uncomfortable."

It's funny to see the idiot, "It's because of this that you dare not break through!"

Zuo Zhou was also well prepared, "It's easy, you will be in the General's Mansion when you break through, let's try to make the momentum as loud as possible, and let Pudu Cihang get nervous."

Huang Chang understood that it would be fine if he broke through in the General's Mansion, and Hu Hai would be afraid of him because of his relationship with Li Yuanfang.Although he will not be allowed to become a national teacher, but out of respect for the masters of the local list, he will still choose to contact secretly, which will make Pudu Cihang irritated for a while.

"What about after that?" Zhang Junbao raised his hand, "Don't count on me, I don't plan to break through any rankings, and I don't have the ability!"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, Zhang Junbao and Huang Chang are different, not to mention that the same tricks can't be used all the time, "Don't worry, when the hope of Pudu Cihang rises again, I will try to expose his true colors, and then completely Let it despair!"

(End of this chapter)

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