Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 472: The Plan Was Abolished Again?

Chapter 472: The Plan Was Abolished Again?
Life is full of surprises, just like Hu Hai today, originally when Di Renjie said he wanted to ban brothels, he refused. After all, what kind of place is that? Brothels are a place for men to relax. You banned us. Woolen cloth?At that moment, Hu Hai even had a sense of mission at that moment, and he couldn't let these ministers go on messing around, especially when he knew that this proposal was proposed by Li Yuanfang, he felt that the right way in the world is vicissitudes!
Until he found out that Zhao Gao thought so too...

Ah, this... I thought about going with Zhao Gao again?
Sometimes, if you don't believe in this fate, you can't do it. If you don't have the talent, don't force it.

Obviously, there are countless capable ministers in the government and the opposition, since they are willing to take you to fly, then you just lie down and win honestly, don't give it away randomly!

As a result, the ambition that had just been raised has diminished again.

But now, because both men and women can participate in the imperial examinations, the imperial capital is more than a thousand times more lively than usual. The streets are full of talented people, and wherever they go, there are beauties.Of course, they are mainly beauties. These talented women are all young and lively, with bright eyes and fire in their hearts. Obviously, the reform of the imperial examination system has given them new hope. People who I have never met, don’t have to look at the face of the man in the family and are not allowed to do this or that. As long as you study hard, you can become the pillar of the family, you can enter the court as an official, and you can decide your own life!
Of course, they still have another obstacle, and that is the hurdle of signing up for the imperial examination.

Speaking of it, I don’t know whether it is the good fortune left by the Qin Emperor that has had an effect, or God is too partial to Hu Hai. Originally, the families of those talented women were not willing to let them participate in the imperial examination, but Hu Hai’s nonsense order solved it instead. solved this problem.

These talented women only need to say that they aspire to become concubines in the harem, and the family is extremely supportive!
Therefore, almost at the same time, the eyeliners of various yamen in the imperial capital came back with news that Hu Hai had received the gratitude of most talented women. At this moment, Hu Hai's public support rate was unprecedentedly high.

This unexpected joy made Hu Hai so happy that he couldn't sleep for several days, so the noble concubines in the harem were happy.

But this is not a situation where everyone is happy, because there is one person who feels very embarrassed, and this person is the instigator of everything, Zuo Zhou.

"My lord, there is a female student outside the door asking to see you."

The servant's voice was a little hoarse, and his tone was as calm as possible, as if he was a little careless, but he couldn't be blamed for it, because there were too many people who came to visit these days, and they were all female students.

Zuo Zhou scratched his cheeks, looked at Qingping Axiang and Zhan Shiqi who were trying to maintain their smiles beside him, and said with a sneer: ", there are always some entertainments that cannot be escaped, people come all the way to chase stars, I always You can't drive people back, can you?"

snort! ×3
Zuo Zhou waved his hand and asked his servants to bring the female students over. The female students who came to visit this time seemed to be quite pure and beautiful, with a lot of temperament.

"Student Li Qingzhao pays homage to the general."


The corners of Zuo Zhou's mouth twitched, and he said with a smile: "See you again, let's go back and concentrate on preparing for the imperial examination."

Li Qingzhao looked at him in surprise, "But where is Qingzhao being rude? Why..."

"It's not your reason. It's because too many female students came to visit recently, and my wife has a little opinion. Besides, I also have a military post, so it's not easy to get too involved with you future pillars."

Li Qingzhao's eyes lingered slightly on the three women who were not far away, and then bowed slightly in that direction, "The general's character is admirable, but Qingzhao's actions were not thorough enough."

Zuo Zhou stood up with a smile, and slowly sent Li Qingzhao out the door. After exchanging a few pleasantries, he turned around and took a deep breath.

"The general seems to have a different opinion of this female student!"

Jiang Yuyan poked her head out from the gate, and said with a naughty smile, those who didn't know thought this was some kind of lively young lady.

Zuo Zhou was happy, Jiang Yuyan's jealousy almost overflowed, "I have always valued talented people."

"Talented? How is it better than my sister?"

Zuo Zhou paused for a moment, he really couldn't bear to be hit. She is known as the "most talented woman in the ages" on the next-door earth. Although I don't know how it is in this world, just like Zhang Sanfeng, no matter which version is more famous in reality. Broader people are basically stronger in this world.

In fact, there is a reasonable explanation for this situation. The two worlds are originally parallel worlds, and the world next to the earth basically has them. Then when the wills of the two worlds are unified, people who are awesome in both worlds will definitely If you get more luck, it's quite normal to have more powerful abilities.

"Whether your sister can beat her in the imperial examination is unknown, but she is definitely not her opponent in kung fu."

"Huh? She is very powerful?" Jiang Yuyan was a little surprised, she didn't notice it just now.

Zuo Zhou smiled and said: "You have already entered the list of people, um, pretty fast."

Jiang Yuyan was startled, she had been hiding her realm very well, even Zhou Tong didn't see through her realm, why did the other party know?The general is the general, it really is unfathomable!

Zuo Zhou keeps smiling, but in his heart is infinite mmp
He knew what the hell, he just counted the days and felt that Jiang Yuyan had been practicing for a while, plus she was very talented, and she seemed to be in a good mood again today, so he just said something, but it turned out to be true up!

"I would also like to thank the General for protecting me in the past, Yuyan is extremely grateful!"

"It's nothing, it's up to you, but the way of martial arts is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat, you must not slack off."

"Yes, Yuyan can save it."

Zuo Zhou nodded and then straightened his face, "Since you have made a breakthrough, I happen to have one thing for you to do. You go home as quickly as possible, and then tell your father and An Yunshan to start immediately." Launch a sniper attack on the money gang's business."

When Jiang Yuyan heard the words, a killing intent flashed in her eyes, as if she wanted to kill a bloody path for Zuo Zhou. Zuo Zhou's order meant that he was finally going to do it.

After sending Jiang Yuyan away, the three daughters of Qingping came over and asked worriedly, "Are you planning to go to war?"

Zuo Zhou sat down again, a little helpless, "Although I don't know what the plan of Shangguan Jinhong and others is, I know that such a plan with the intention of overthrowing the imperial court must be carried out while it is chaotic. And when is the most chaotic? Of course it’s the days of the imperial examinations!”

"This is a bit troublesome. You must know that the few days of the imperial examination should also be the days when Hu Hai summoned Master Chi, because Hu Hai didn't know what to do. He couldn't decide who would win this round of competition in the end. If Master Jian Chi won again If so, it would be a bit unreasonable for him not to choose Master Chi. So he will make it clear to the master in advance."

"After that, I will play the second stage of Pudu Cihang. This stage will be after the exam and before the list is released."

"After the list is released, it will be the third stage. Purdue Cihang will definitely lose in this competition, and without the information from the palace, he will definitely be in a mess. At that time, he will think about playing tricks. Hehe, this is exactly what happened. This is my chance to expose his true colors!"

"You see, I have a lot of things to do during the imperial examination period, and I probably won't be able to spare time to deal with Shangguan Jinhong and his gang, so I have to motivate these people to jump out before they make trouble. And to fight against the power of the money gang, Definitely a good idea!"

Qingping was puzzled, "From what you mean, it seems that you have great confidence that Purdue Cihang will definitely lose?"

Zuo Zhou was amused, "Because I saw Zhang Junbao's question yesterday, and found that this kid was terrified. This time, the number of people answering his question must be the most."

"What topic?" The girls suddenly became interested.

"I don't want to tell you, why don't you take part in the imperial examination?" Zuo Zhou hugged Ah Xiang, "My husband has taught you for a long time, and you and Shi Qi can read and write smoothly, should you? Go take part in the imperial examination and see how far you are from talented women?"

Ah Xiang and Zhan Shiqi froze, "I still have two sets of boxing that I haven't practiced yet, I have to work hard, otherwise the master will be angry." Zhan Shiqi first ran to the backyard to practice boxing.

Ah Xiang's tender body twisted and slipped out of Zuo Zhou's arms, "Hmph, I'm not going to take the imperial examination because I'm afraid, it's just that we are a family of military generals after all, if you accidentally can't hold back, it will make you fall into the rank of civil servants." Suspected and jealous by Hu Hai, those who don’t know think that our family intends to throw power into the government!”

Before Zuo Zhou opened his mouth to speak, Ah Xiang ran away, and immediately turned to look at Qingping.

Qingping didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and waved her hands, "I'm Hu Hai's adopted sister. As a princess, I can't take the imperial examination."

Zuo Zhou grabbed it, rubbed it and laughed, "I'm not talking about the imperial examination, I'm talking about them all running away, shall we take this opportunity to live in the world of two people!"

With a strange cry, Qingping was picked up by Zuo Zhou and entered the house. Not long after, a female student came to visit outside the General's mansion. The concierge smiled and said: "The general is dealing with business at this time, please come back another day."


Zhao Gao's private house

Shangguan Jinhong and Wang Jiantong were appreciating a dance with gloomy expressions, but before the dance was over, the two called to stop in unison.

"Okay, our plan is going to fail again!"

A group of dancers who were dancing obediently retreated to the side, as if the dissatisfaction of the two had nothing to do with them, leaving only a woman who led the dance standing in the field.

This is a person with an incomparably graceful and seductive figure, with a lot of silk and satin, nobile and jade, and even a faint sense of nobility.

However, she has a face without facial features, as if someone saw that face was too scary and wiped it off with an eraser.

"Singing and dancing are really not my forte. It's okay if I play some punches." The face without a mouth can speak normally, and the voice is quite nice.

"But we don't have time to make new plans." Wang Jiantong nestled in the chair with Ge You paralyzed, he was lying flat.

The woman thought for a while and said, "Actually, I always thought that this imperial examination is an opportunity!"

(End of this chapter)

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