Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 483 Today, I am an invigilator!

Chapter 483 Today, I am an invigilator!
Zuo Zhou is not the kind of person who is secretive, and there is no such thing as "unable to know, unworthy to know" or "for your own good" about certain secrets.

Therefore, Zuo Zhou told everyone the news that monsters, gods and Buddhas may return in various ways, even if some people don't understand, he is responsible for explaining, such as the role of the six reincarnations, etc., except that he has become a master of Buddhism. The secrets of the holy class are not mentioned, it can be said that the old man Zuo is very clear about these facts.

So when Di Renjie mentioned "the Kingdom of God", the old man Zuo immediately thought of those gods and Buddhas.

Thinking about it rationally, if the opponents are really those gods and Buddhas, then the people of Tang Kingdom really have no power to fight back.Of course, the most difficult point is not that you can't beat your opponent, but that you can't find an enemy!
There are various methods used by gods and Buddhas to return. Take the monsters in the Song Dynasty as an example. Obviously, everyone gave up the monster body together to prepare for reincarnation, but there are so many twists and turns in private.

And the monsters who were at a disadvantage in the past are so many moths, could it be that the gods and Buddhas are worse than them?
You don't even know where the enemy is or who the enemy is, how to fight, maybe the last group of people rush out, and you are the only one outputting...

"So, you guys left Tang country?" Old man Zuo had a mysterious expression.

Di Renjie shook his head, "I don't lack the courage to die as a martyr, but... what if the emperor surrenders first?"

"..." This operation was unexpected by the old man Zuo, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Di Renjie sighed: "Li Longji took the initiative to give Buddhism a lot of convenience, and even chose someone from Buddhism to be the national teacher. The influence of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty was extremely expanded... Hehe, in fact, it can be understood that the gods and Buddhas are superior , They are noble and supreme! And such people will not take the initiative to assume the responsibility of managing the people, so they need an agent. Li Longji obviously wanted to be this agent."

The old man Zuo suddenly said, "So if you can't beat it, you can join. It's understandable. After all, the so-called Kingdom of God is nothing more than adding a shackle called faith to people's souls. Li Longji should have a sense of how to live or how to live." There will be no less glory and wealth."

Di Renjie didn't speak again, the facts are just like the old man Zuo said, since I know why I can't fight, my rights can still be guaranteed anyway, so just lie down.

This is undoubtedly a solution, but it is unacceptable to Di Renjie and his group, but they are helpless, even the emperor is lying flat, what can they do?So he left the Tang country. At that time, Di Renjie had actually considered it in all countries, but only Daqin could catch his eyes, so there was Di Renjie today.

Old man Zuo sighed and got up, turned around and left without saying anything, let Di Renjie be quiet for a while!

The arrival of Li Bai is like a small episode in life, and the situation has not been changed in any way because of his strength in the local list. As for its impact, it is still unknown.

For Zuo Zhou, the most important thing right now is to kill Pudu Cihang, and with the start of the imperial examination, the Zhuxin Project has also come to the final step.


The imperial examination, in theory, is to be compared with the college entrance examination + civil service examination on the earth next door, but in fact it is far more cruel than that.

This time the imperial examination is definitely the largest number of people in the history of the Great Qin, not only because women are allowed to take the exam, but also because the territory of the Great Qin has now expanded, and the proportion of talented people among those newly included in the Great Qin is not small.

In order to be able to appease them better, Daqin has never engaged in the practice of dividing people into three, six or nine classes. The opportunities that the people of Daqin could have obtained can also be obtained by the new people.

If there are any benefits for the people of the original imperial capital, it is probably a good review environment. After all, when there are more people, the imperial capital becomes a lot more noisy. Sometimes it is quite difficult to study in such a city with peace of mind. hard.

"After the exam starts, scan the test paper first, answer the questions you will get first and get the score you can get, and then do other things." Zuo Zhou faced Li Xunhuan, Jiang Yufeng and Lu Qinghou tirelessly, "Don't Spend too much time discussing policies. You are just candidates for the imperial examination, not experienced officials. Letting you talk about the policy of governing the country is nothing more than paper. Those officials have already had their own inherent concepts. What they see is just It’s just your political inclinations. Remember! This time the examiner is Li Si, that is to say, he tends to think more of Legalism and follow the idea of ​​ruling the country by law, do you understand?”

Everyone nodded, Zuo Zhou was still at ease with Lu Qinghou and Li Xunhuan, but Jiang Yufeng's mental state was a little bit bad, but this was also expected, after all, no one could recover from grief in just a few days Get out.

"Okay, come on!" Zuo Zhou clapped his hands, inexplicably still a little nervous, he seemed to finally be able to understand the feeling of parents outside the examination room.

The dark crowd began to rush towards the Guozijian. From a distance, it looked like a tide, with endless ups and downs.

Well, fortunately, everyone knows what this place is, even if men and women are mixed together, no one is said to have dirty hands and feet.

"General Li, Master Di, send someone to take the imperial examination, hahaha."

Zuo Zhou didn't wait to think about it. A bunch of officials he knew and didn't know approached and greeted each other with fists in their hands. As the saying goes, don't hit people with smiling faces.

For those who don't have a child yet and want to be officials in the same court in the future, it is always good to have a place to cultivate mutual affection.

If there was anyone who really didn't fit in, it might be Hu Hai.

Yes, you read that right, this guy actually sneaked into the Imperial College, dressed in blue yamen uniform, wandering around in the examination room.

Although there is no need to worry about safety issues, this behavior is really a bit...

Li Si's face twitched uncontrollably. All invigilators usually move around from time to time, but this frequency must not be too frequent, and they must be kept as quiet as possible, otherwise it may affect the candidates' exams.But Hu Hai is good, he can't wait to press the two wheels under his feet, and his eyes are cruising on the faces and chests of the female candidates. He also wants to see the legs, but unfortunately he can't.

The quality of the female candidates in this era is much higher than that of the female academic masters in the college entrance examination on the earth next door. It does not refer to knowledge, but only to image.Because it contains another meaning of choosing a concubine for Hu Hai, most of the girls who came to refer to this time are handsome and dignified. It's more like writing a poem to show off at a literary meeting.

In contrast, those female academic masters wearing glasses who were thinking hard and writing hard during the college entrance examination on the earth next door could not catch Hu Hai's eyes.

Hu Hai is really a bit dazzled now, and at the same time, he is proud of himself in his heart. I am indeed a genius. The concubines selected in this way must be knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and they are much better than those women who came to marry because of the combination of interests.

Li Xun Huan's pen paused, the mental strength gained from practicing Divine Sword Slash made her easily notice Hu Hai who was jumping around, she raised her head slightly, her eyes flashed sharply, be quiet! ! !

Hu Hai trembled, and made eye contact with Li Xun Huan, that cold and sharp look was a little scary, but for the first time, his lust overshadowed his awareness of the beautiful! ! !

Li Xun Huan was a little helpless, no wonder there is a saying called "sex and guts", it seems that he is not good enough in the magic knife, and he can't force this annoying guy back.

Shaking his head, Li Xun Huan resigned himself to his fate and bowed his head again to answer, didn't he just look at it, look at it, my old lady was seen less when she was still Li Shishi?
Just like that, Hu Hai stood here for almost a quarter of an hour, during which time he even drooled, probably finally recovered from the astonishment, so he left before Li Xun Huan was about to explode.

Soon, Hu Hai saw Jiang Yufeng again. Although Jiang Yufeng didn't have Li Xunhuan's alluring beauty, she was definitely a beauty, especially today's Jiang Yufeng, who had a low, sad, self-pitying feeling, which was too much. attractive.So Hu Hai stopped again.

After Jiang Yufeng finished answering a question, she temporarily put down her pen. Jiang Biehe's death had a great impact on her, and she couldn't concentrate all the time. Each answer required her to concentrate for a long time.As soon as he put down his pen, he saw Hu Hai. At this time, Jiang Yufeng was in no mood to think about who this person was, but felt that it was a bit of an eyesore, so he waved to him to drive him away.

After all, Jiang Yufeng was recommended by General Li, and the invigilators had all the information in advance, so it was a bit excessive to make this move, but it made sense.But it's different in Hu Hai's eyes, hey, don't you know me?Didn't Concubine Ben Xuan come here?He has a big temper and is still a fierce horse!
Well, I like this tune.

Hu Hai deeply remembered Jiang Yufeng in his heart, and then left cooperatively.

Soon, Hu Hai came in front of Li Qingzhao again. As Li Bai's disciple, Li Qingzhao's spiritual perception was much stronger than Jiang Yufeng's, so she soon discovered Hu Hai like Li Xunhuan did.

In terms of appearance, Li Qingzhao was inferior to Li Xunhuan, but the scholarly aura that rushed to his face hit Hu Hai's heart directly, making him stop again.

Li Qingzhao paused slightly, and couldn't help laughing when he thought of the matter of choosing a concubine and some rumors about Hu Hai.

The cheerful and provocative Hu Hai felt itchy in his heart, but Li Qingzhao didn't look up, she had enough heart to ignore Hu Hai.It's just that she still doesn't know enough about Hu Hai's unscrupulous mentality.

Hu Hai looked endless, and he was still muttering in his heart, why didn't this girl look up at me?I feel very upset that I can't see the face!

One bowed his head to answer the question, and the other stared straight at the other person, just like raising an argument, it was very uncomfortable.

Li Qingzhao answered the question more and more slowly, finally raised his head helplessly, and rolled his eyes full of resentment.

Hey!Hu Hai felt comfortable, nodded with a smile on his face, and left contentedly.

The whole picture has been fully caught by Li Si at this time, good guy, the tea is not fragrant, and the atmosphere is not serious. If there are not too many people here, and Hu Hai is an emperor, he can't wait to pick up the stool and throw at that guy past!

With a long sigh, sometimes he really regrets agreeing to the Qin Emperor's bet that whoever governs well will be the new emperor, and it would be great to support Fusu, at least he won't have to worry about it in the future.

Speaking of which, after Fusu left with some members of the royal family, he really didn't ask Daqin any more questions. He even didn't even ask for the supplies that should be given in the past few days. Obviously, in a short period of time, Fusu has been able to do it. Self-sufficient.

how to say?Excellent, Fusu is really excellent!
If I had known that I was so worried, I should have gone to live in seclusion with Fusu in the first place. Maybe I could live for two more years and save myself from being angry with him every day.

Well, that's it, sometimes it's not that simple to give up power.

While Li Si was thinking wildly, Hu Hai walked in front of another female examinee. This examinee was very beautiful, and she was close to Li Xunhuan's level in appearance. It is determined, but there is no lack of femininity.A simple hosta, slightly curly and soft long hair, and two earrings are plain and elegant.

General door tiger girl?Ladylike?

It was easy for this woman to attract Hu Hai's attention. There was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, as if everything was well thought out, giving Hu Hai an illusion that the test papers, questions, etc. were not worth mentioning. This is another talented woman?

Hu Hai swallowed very bluntly, and glanced at the house number next to him, on which was the woman's name, Qin Cao?I'm afraid this name didn't come from the Western Regions?Well, sure enough, it is said that the women in the Western Regions have taste, it is true!

The woman seemed to have finished answering a question, but when she was about to put down the pen, Hu Hai was startled, "Oops!" The inkstone was indeed knocked over with a soft exhale, and the black ink stained the test paper, and immediately stained a large area.

She was so distressed that she wanted to cry, she looked at the unusable test paper but didn't dare to say anything more, complained and gave Hu Hai a cowardly look, her milk was fierce.

Whoops!This is killing me, Hu Hai wiped the corner of his mouth, but it's okay, the saliva hasn't had time to overflow.

He took the initiative to go forward to help tidy up, waved and called two invigilators, pointed to the desks and chairs in front of Qin Cao, "All changed!"

Two invigilators: "..."

Okay, you are the emperor and you have the final say, we just need mmp in our hearts.

Hu Hai turned his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the emperor is kind enough to extend the time for this imperial examination by half an hour, so you can answer the paper with peace of mind."

Qin Cao's eyes showed surprise when he heard the words, and he looked at Hu Hai with a bit of embarrassment, his cheeks were extremely red and alluring.

Two invigilators: "..."

Okay, you are the emperor and you have the final say, we will tell Lord Li Si in a while, let's mmp in our hearts together.

Hu Hai watched Qin Cao continue to answer the questions and finally left satisfied. It was still early to go and see other girls, but for some reason, Qin Cao’s every move was always in his mind. Well, this woman seems to have moved in. into his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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