Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 488 Maybe we are despicable?

Chapter 488 Maybe we are despicable?

"You may not believe me, but I think even if we don't expose Pudu Cihang, he won't be able to become a national teacher."

As soon as Qin Cao entered the courtyard, he said something, and Wang Jiantong and Shangguan Jin Hong, who were sitting in the lobby, looked over together, expecting her to explain, when Zhao Gao almost entered the room.

Apparently Zhao Gao also heard Qin Cao's words just now, and continued: "Put away your luck!"

Qin Cao choked halfway when he was about to explain, only to hear Zhao Gao snort: "Hu Hai mixed the imperial examination with the selection of national teachers, just to give everyone an impression of 'I am fair and justified' .In fact, this time the competition can't really decide who is the national teacher. It can be used as a reference at most, and the final choice is still Hu Hai's decision!"

Qin Cao frowned when she heard this, "Has he always been so willful? Those ministers don't care?"

Zhao Gao shook his head, "It doesn't matter, why don't they care, it's just that they don't care about the national teacher. After all, what Hu Hai wants is just a belief." He ground his teeth while talking, why don't he care?Those ministers had opposed him a lot before, if they hadn't been watching, he would have bewitched Hu Hai to ruin the country.

Seeing this, Qin Cao didn't say anything more, and forgot about the exam questions.Shangguan Jinhong held a teacup in his hand and pondered for a moment, "If this is the case, Hu Hai will most likely announce who the winner is on the day the ranking is released, and then take advantage of the situation to pass on the position of national teacher to Pudu Cihang. We don't have much time to prepare !"

"By the way, are you sure that Purdue Cihang can hold back so many people? You must know that there is more than one strong person in the imperial capital at this time!" Zhao Gao was a little skeptical.

"Don't worry, there is also a difference between the local ranking and the local ranking. It may not be that simple to say who Pudu Cihang can defeat, but it is not that simple if those people want to kill Pudu Cihang. As a big demon, Pudu Cihang, his body is absolutely hard beyond everyone's expectations."

Shangguan Jinhong's affirmative words made Zhao Gao put down a big stone in his heart, and said, "The property that I secretly allocated to Fusu a few months ago through the Ministry of Household Affairs has roughly marked the location where the Fusu family may live in seclusion. You should familiarize yourself with it." .” As he spoke, he took out a map from his pocket.

Shangguan Jinhong and the others were amazed to see that the mark in the picture was not far from the imperial capital.

"This place doesn't seem to be far from the village we passed by when we first came here!"

Zhao Gao nodded and continued: "Before I learned about it, I didn't think that this village appeared to be a small town attached to the imperial capital, but in fact it appeared on the map overnight. But because it is too simple and remote , especially against the background of the bustling imperial capital, it looks even more inconspicuous. So even if someone knows that there is such a place, no one will care."

"It's hard to help Su and the others. They are obviously members of the royal family, but they have to live in this remote small town."

"It's nothing difficult, there is no shortage of food and clothing, but it has changed from the gorgeous luxury of the past to the low-key and connotation of today. If there is anything to say, it may not be as lively as the imperial capital, but they are not saying that they cannot come to the imperial capital. It’s just that their identities cannot be exposed.” Zhao Gao pointed to the map not very concerned, “With your strength, you should be able to run back and forth in half an hour, and the strength of Pudu Cihang should be enough to delay you so much. It's time. But you also have to be careful, since Emperor Qin asked them to reproduce, he will definitely leave some emergency measures."

Shangguan Jin Hong shook his head, "With me here, as long as Bai Qi doesn't make a move, the others have nothing to fear."

"What if Li Yuanfang makes a move? As far as I know, Li Yuanfang and Hu Hai are not very good at dealing with each other, but they have no contact with Fusu. If Emperor Qin had made arrangements at the beginning, then Li Yuanfang..."

"No!" Qin Cao interrupted suddenly: "Once there is chaos, we will immediately enter the six gates to rescue Chai Yuguan and Du Suyan, and they will immediately attack Li Yuanfang's vital points."

"Huh? Li Yuanfang still has a weak point?" Wang Jiantong was a little confused. He had heard you say that he has a weakness, but he didn't say it.

"Hmph, the best thing to deal with in this world is the Lone Ranger, but the most difficult thing to deal with is also, because if you have no worries, you have no weaknesses. But Li Yuanfang has many people around him."

"You mean his women?" Zhao Gao asked uncertainly.

Qin Cao shook his head, "Not only women, but also his father, his adopted daughter, and even his god-sister."

"It's okay to be a younger sister, that Wei Xiaobao is trying to curry favor with Hu Hai now, and the relationship with Li Yuanfang is already a bit stiff." Zhao Gao waved his hand in denial.

"His father is often surrounded by a group of literati, and often lives in Dali Temple, so it's not easy to do anything." Wang Jiantong controls the beggars in the entire imperial capital, so he is quite well informed.

"I don't want to touch his father and god-sister. If I want to hurt him and keep him from moving, I have to choose his woman." Qin Cao obviously knows Zuo Zhou's lustful habits very well.

"But I remember that Zhou Tong is the ancestor of Zhan Seventeen, a master of the local list!" Shangguan Jinhong glanced at Qin Cao with some disdain. You are not even congenital Dzogchen, so you dare to touch the master of the local list?Your innate ability is the same as that of Li Yuanfang?
Qin Cao didn't care about his contempt, but said again: "Of course Zhan Shiqi can't touch it, but the other two don't have so many problems. Although that Princess Qingping has a royal status, in the end it's just for There are no masters around to master the tools of Jiangnan Taoist military power. Then there is Ximenxiang, she just relied on Li Yuanfang for the longest time, and in terms of background, she is even worse than Princess Qingping. Although these two people have kung fu , but no one has been named a master yet, so with the strength of Chai Yuguan and Du Suyan, they should be able to handle it."

Zhao Gao nodded in agreement, but then he felt a little awkward, "You say, since this Li Yuanfang has such an obvious weakness, why has he been able to turn danger into luck until now?"

Wang Jiantong shrugged, "Maybe other people are not as despicable as us!"


Your understanding of yourself is really clear, so we don't know how to refute it for a while.

Shangguan Jinhong showed a rare embarrassment, and waved his hand: "We will write down this map. There is still time before the ranking is released. Let's gather people immediately. When the ranking day comes, we will start to do it."

Hearing this, Zhao Gao didn't say any more, he turned around and left with his people, while Shangguan Jin Hong tied the message to the letter eagle and let it fly.

The flying height of eagles is much higher than that of carrier pigeons, but the training of hawks is more difficult and costly, so most people will not use carrier pigeons.In most people's opinion, it is enough to raise a few more pigeons for sending messages, even if one or two are lost, more will be able to achieve the goal.But it is not enough to pass on this kind of confidential information. No matter how secret the information is written, there is bound to be a possibility of being cracked.

It's just that this time Shangguan Jinhong's cautiousness failed after all, thinking that there were two masters of qinggong standing outside.

Lu Xiaofeng's eyesight was extremely strong, and he spotted the black shadow flashing across the sky at a glance. He first moved in parallel for a while, and then flew up and shot into the night sky.Also going to the sky is Sikong Zhaixing. The two cooperate with each other to help each other, but it is much more convincing than stepping on the right foot with the left foot.

"This...the two of them can still jump higher than the eagle?"

Hu Hai raised his head in bewilderment, his mouth was almost drooling when he opened his mouth, and Wei Xiaobao squatted down again while holding his head, "Shhh, be careful, Zhao Gao is out."

Hu Hai's eyes darkened. It seemed that he was running out of time to play around with Zhao Gao, and this guy obviously had the intention of treason.

Well, as for Qin Cao, from the moment she and Zhao Gao entered the same courtyard, it was basically possible to confirm her identity as a traitor.It's just that I don't know if there is a possibility of surrender?

"Your Majesty, what should we do next? Why don't we just gather people to destroy this bandit's lair." Wei Xiaobao suggested this, almost screaming in his heart, "Just do it, please, don't make any more moths, okay?"

But it's a pity that Hu Hai at this time is quite stubborn, "Don't worry, since you have found the enemy's lair, why worry? You stay here and watch, come out one by one to follow one by one, and arrest all the spies in the imperial capital." .”

Wei Xiaobao twitched his face, got it!It seems that there is no way to go back to sleep tonight.

"What about Your Majesty?"

"I'm sleepy, I'm going back to sleep."


Hu Hai really went back to sleep, of course it wasn't him, Ximen Chuuxue was secretly escorting him, but he was still a little dazed when Lu Xiaofeng and Sikong Zaixing fell from the sky holding the letter eagle.

"Honestly, I've never seen anything like this... Forget it, he's the emperor, give him some face."

Wei Xiaobao really didn't answer, just took the superstition on Xinying's leg, the encryption method on it was very special, although Wei Xiaobao didn't know how to do it, he miraculously knew where to unlock it.

"You help monitor, I will let Dufeng secretly send someone to follow up, I already have a clue about the deciphering."

Lu Xiaofeng nodded, he knew Wei Xiaobao quite well, although he was not a hero, he was absolutely reliable in his work.

Wei Xiaobao didn't delay, he quickly ran to the General's Mansion and called Zuo Zhou out.

"Oh? Why do you have such a bad face!"

Zuo Zhou looked at him and asked with a smile, "Does Shuang'er's cute body smell good?"

"Xiang, hehe!"

"Well, Shi Qi's body is also fragrant!"


Wei Xiaobao understood that he was interrupting someone's important business, and coughed slightly in embarrassment, " know, it's about the enemy's confidential information, and I can't do anything about it." He said and handed over the note.

Zuo Zhou took it angrily, and handed it back to him after only a glance, "Go to Liu Liqin and Xiaomeng, she can decipher this secret letter."

(End of this chapter)

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