Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 497 I will scare you

Chapter 497 I will scare you
"What are you waiting for? The night is long and the dream is full, hurry up!" Du Suyan shouted dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Qin Cao slowly took off the jacket one by one, slow enough and tempting enough, even Chai Yuguan, who knew her details, couldn't help but take a few extra glances.

Soon, a in front of everyone.

Qingping and Ximenxiang suddenly felt mentally attacked, their eyes were too hot, um, the camels still look good!

Well, although he is a man, some organs cannot be avoided, but in terms of body shape, they all belong to women, which seems to be a very discordant situation.Then something even more discordant came, Qin Cao began to grow hair, the silver-gray fluff all over her body became longer and denser, her mouth began to deform and protrude, her eyes gradually turned into golden animal pupils, and her fangs were sharp. The corners of the mouth were bared, and even the nose gradually developed into a canine creature, and soon it completely became a giant wolf!
"Hiss? A werewolf?"

Qingping and Ximenxiang were still doing well, so Du Suyan took a step back. As an exile, she had of course heard the legend of werewolves, but on the next-door earth, they were all stories, and they were themes that had long been played out in movies and TV dramas. It never occurred to me that the world could still see it.

"So, this is where the title of Descendants of the Wolf God comes from?" Qingping swung the big knife in her hand, as if thinking of something, "No wonder Aji can still maintain a certain degree of sanity after the transformation of the roaring book, and maybe even a little recovery. And the reason why you want to catch him, I think, is to obtain the ability to transform, you are not a descendant of the wolf god at all!"

Qingping let out a loud roar, and Qin Cao's attacking posture stopped, her eyes were filled with pain.With a hoarse and echoing cry, he said slowly: "Did you know? In the grassland, the wolf god is our totem. Although we fight for power and profit, the descendants of the wolf god have always been the objects of our respect and our spiritual leaders. But you ...You ruined the grassland, slaughtered the blood of the wolf god, and the last one became like that again! I want revenge, I want revenge, I want you to be reduced to ashes in the wolf god's wrath!"

"You can pull it down. Aji is obviously recovering slowly, and he is likely to become a normal person in the future. Moreover, Aji's talent is very good. If you can also become a werewolf, you can at least make it to the top list. How can you compare to the perfection of a master on the list of people? And if you want revenge, go to the palace, and with all your strength, you are coming at us, I despise you!"

Ximenxiang opened and closed the umbrella and successfully pushed Chai Yuguan out several times. This guy's skill declined too fast, and he couldn't even suppress his true energy.And Ximen Xiang had already pinched her hands on the handle of the umbrella, and she could tell that the group of magic soldiers outside was nothing to worry about, and the three in front of her were the most troublesome.

It seems that Chai Yuguan has released all his killing moves before, but Du Suyan needs to pay attention to practicing the three martial arts. Besides, this piano exercise, now incarnate as a werewolf, can reach the level of the master of the list.Maybe it's because they spent too much time with Zhou Tong, and after watching Jian Chi and Huang Shang enter the list, they no longer have much respect for the master of the list.

Ximenxiang's cursing didn't shake the piano anymore, and his figure turned into a silver light, so fast that it couldn't be seen by naked eyes.

Qingping was startled, relying on the intuition of a warrior, she just slashed in front of her face. This kind of move is actually very dangerous, because after the first move, the back and back reveal flaws, but the first two moves of the Spring and Autumn Saber Technique are connected, so she is not afraid of being targeted. It can even be said that this is a trap.

When Qingping couldn't catch the enemy, she could only use this method of luring the enemy, and Qin Cao lived up to her high expectations, and really came to her back, and grabbed her with a pair of wolf claws aimed at her back.


The huge saber light formed a fan, which almost enveloped Qingping's entire body.

Tink!Qin Cao obviously didn't expect this move, and temporarily used the wolf's claws to block the big knife. He thought that the big knife in the opponent's hand was not a magical weapon, so his own wolf claws should be able to resist it.

But he obviously underestimated the power of Divine Saber Slash, no matter what kind of sword in his hand, Divine Saber Slash is a unique technique of the Demon Sect, and it has the ability to divide life and death with one move.

When the wolf claws came into contact with Da Dao Pu, Qin Cao felt something was wrong. The nails were split, and then the phalanx was broken. The flesh could not bear the pressure and was torn apart first.Qin Cao keenly sensed the imminent touch of death, pulled his body very stiffly, and kicked hard in mid-air, which made him almost dodge the fatal blow. However, after rolling away for a while, Standing up again to check, only to find that half of the palm of the right hand has been lost!

"Idiot! Those two tricks are a chain. If it is so easy to break, will I be held back for such a long time?" Du Suyan, who was next to him, saw his brain twitching, and dared to fight recklessly?Why are you so brave!

Qin Cao looked at half of the palms, but he didn't scream or go crazy, he just raised his head and sneered, "The reason why the descendants of the wolf god are so worshiped by us is because of the suppression of this bloodline, how can mere human beings compare with the wolf god. "When the words fell to the ground, the half of the palm started to spurt blood, which was miserable, but as the blood flowed more and more, his palm gradually grew back!
"I'll go! This is stronger than any Black Jade Ointment!"

Ximen Xiang let out a strange cry, and twisted the handle of the umbrella to see if Sister Qing could deal with it. If she couldn't, it would be the old lady's turn to show herself in front of her!
Qingping narrowed her eyes slightly, she really didn't think of this trick, but seeing the rushing blood of the other party, it shouldn't be something that can be used casually.

Thinking about turning around and running, leaning forward and dragging the sword on the ground!

Everyone: "..."

Hey, it's too obvious, who will chase you!

Someone will, Qin Cao!

But this time the pursuit was not a foolish trick, but he knew that dragging the knife had a disadvantage, that is, if he wanted to guarantee the power, he had to run a sufficient distance, or the power accumulation stage could not be interrupted, otherwise the power would not be the same as It's the same as a normal horizontal cut.

And this move is not connected with the previous two moves, that is to say, the power storage stage is a flaw!

So, Qin Cao rushed up again, and then...

Reminiscent of a silver crescent moon, the light of the saber is ruthless and fast, Qin Cao didn't expect that although he knew in his heart that the power of the big saber without charging is not strong, but he was a little timid after the pain just now, thinking about waiting, You have nothing left to do anyway, so this time he didn't play GG, but took a step back to avoid it.

It's just that when I saw Qingping again, Qin Cao's whole body was not well, and Qingping's knife light had changed from a new moon to a full moon!
I saw that slender and delicate body tilted close to the ground at 45 degrees, and then rotated, and the big knife waving around it has become a huge spinning top.The most important thing is that she spun endlessly, her eyes were full of sword lights, and the yard was full of sword lights, and the power of the sword lights was getting stronger and stronger, and the sound of cutting through the air became more and more piercing. The power of just a few laps surpassed the knife that cut off his palm just now!
hiss!Is this dragging a knife?Are you telling me that this is a fucking dragging knife?
Ximenxiang fought with Chai Yuguan again, and then ran to the corner of the courtyard, keeping away from Qingping, she knew this trick.

In fact, in essence, this is still dragging the knife, but the method of accumulating energy is changed to non-stop rotation. This move has been used by Zuo Zhou before, but his strength was not enough at that time, and it was impossible to store energy infinitely. The power limit is not high either.

But Qingping's move is different, because Zuo Zhou has a good brother named Zhang Junbao, who lived in the General's Mansion when he was running for the National Teacher, but outsiders didn't know about it.

This good brother Zuo Zhou is amazing. He created a kind of kung fu called Taijiquan. Zuo Zhou always asks him to study and perfect it. Slowly Zhang Junbao also taught Qingping a little bit. Although he didn't learn much, But it's no problem to keep spinning like a top to store power.


Qingping's power storage limit is very high, if you let her keep spinning like this, she will be able to slash across half of the imperial capital in a while!

Of course, Qingping wasn't that crazy, there were too many civilians in the imperial capital, this move didn't have the effect of automatically locking the enemy and not hurting her own people.Therefore, Ximenxiang was almost certain that Qingping might not be able to use this move after accumulating her strength to the end, but the problem was, Qin Cao and the others didn't know about it!

" is this broken?" Chai Yuguan's face was so ugly that he waved a dozen or so mental patients to rush up, swish swish swish, but they didn't draw out any slashing attacks. Swept to pieces.

Du Suyan said urgently: "Stop her quickly, or we won't be able to stop that knife for a while!" As he said, he punched the ground, and the frosty air of Tianshuang's fist spread forward quickly. She couldn't stand anymore, but she obviously missed it.Can you smoke ice on ice?If she can, then she can turn!

Qin Cao's face was extremely ugly, although he could regenerate his body, but...he didn't want to be stabbed like this!
Just like that, the three men with evil intentions looked at each other, but none of them went up.

Buzzing, Qingping turned round and round, the sound of the blade cutting through the air became deeper and deeper, and the piercing sound of the knife had already spread out of the courtyard, more and more people and civilians in the martial arts world felt threatened .

Living in the imperial capital all year round, I can always encounter this kind of thing more or less. These civilians are very experienced and start to escape, and more and more arresters are also starting to approach this side.

It's just that before they got close, they were blocked by the magic soldiers two streets away. It was very troublesome for these magic soldiers to be invulnerable.

Du Suyan and the three of them clearly saw the intention of retreating, but they were a little unwilling. However, when they didn't know how to end it, they heard a dingyin, and Qingping's sword broke...

Qingping stopped slowly in embarrassment, looked at the handle of the big knife in her hand, and then at the small fragments on the ground, and turned her head helplessly, "You should do it!"

Ximen Xiang stepped forward with a grin, and drew out the soft sword in the umbrella handle, "Let you all taste the Styx swordsmanship taught by my man!"

(End of this chapter)

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