Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 606 What a painstaking effort!

Chapter 606 What a painstaking effort!
What Zuo Zhou faced was similar to that of Di Renjie and the others, the same skeleton giants, the same vengeful souls, and the same imitations of black and white flames.

The difference is that in front of him is not Li Si, but Ding Chunqiu, Tong Huang and Fan Yao.

"General, don't do it anymore, we can't afford to hurt you!"

A martial arts master he didn't know cried out with a wry smile, Zuo Zhou was also a little embarrassed, just now he used the sword eleven nirvana for the purpose of probing, but the backhand was learned by the skeleton giant, and now the sky is full of black fire The blade of the sword caused the rest of the martial arts people to suffer unspeakably.

These people in the martial arts are all summoned from somewhere to stop the opponent, but the form is obviously not optimistic, and they can't play any role at all.

Zuo Zhou raised his head and glanced at the sky full of innocent souls, "This amount was launched simultaneously in all parts of the world. It seems that you have already started preparing for it more than 20 years ago. I guess, you should go to collect it in every war. Wrong soul, right?"

Fan Yao sneered, "What the general said is true, but we didn't think of instilling any rules in the way of heaven at the beginning. We should thank His Majesty Qin Huang. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have thought of such a method."

Zuo Zhou nodded, but he already understood a little bit in his heart. The calculation of receiving and guiding gave him the opportunity to come into contact with the Six Realms of Reincarnation. Not even two or three kittens, which is unreasonable.

Now that I think about it, it should be Yama of the Ten Temples who prevented the reincarnation of the soul, which led to the scene where the reincarnation of the six realms was empty.

Speaking of which, this is a very clever move, no matter whether it is Yama of the Ten Palaces or Ksitigarbha behind the scenes, he is extremely smart.

If it was in the past, preventing the reincarnation of the soul would have been discovered, but when the gods fell, no one could go to the Six Paths of Reincarnation to check.And those gods who are trapped in the six realms of reincarnation can't come out, even if they come out for a short time, they won't confront them head-on, which gives them enough time to plan.

Zuo Zhou turned his head and looked around. Dorgon had already revealed the form of a little giant. He didn't have to worry about being imitated by the skeleton giant, but the skeleton giant was already very powerful, so he was not afraid of his attack at all.

Tang Ruowang's formation skills were strong enough, but he hadn't prepared in a hurry, so he couldn't exert too much power at all, making a master of the local list fight with his hands tied, and he was not even as efficient as a group of martial arts people next to him.

However, no matter what, they couldn't cross the barrier formed by a large number of skeleton giants, which is outrageous!
Zuo Zhou let out a long sigh. It was up to the men at the critical moment. In fact, he didn't want to make a move at all. After all, the other party clearly knew that he had the way of hell in him, so he should understand that he had absolute restraint against these innocent souls. Why did these guys still Think you can win?

There is no doubt that Yama of the Ten Palaces should have prepared a trump card to deal with him. Zuo Zhou really hoped that someone would stand up and be cannon fodder at this time to help him experiment.But unfortunately, no stand!
Stepping out lightly, Zuo Zhou's movements instantly attracted the attention of the three people on the opposite side.

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes wide, "Look, I knew you guys must have something waiting for me!"

Ding Chunqiu chuckled, "Actually, we don't have any grievances that cannot be overcome with the general. As long as the general is willing to stay out of the matter, we can naturally gain our friendship."

"Hehe, don't be so polite. I'm afraid that if I really don't care, I will be targeted by the Dao of Heaven!" Zuo Zhou stretched out his hand and pointed upward, "Do you know that you can gain the merits of the Dao of Heaven if you kill all of you? It can be seen from this that what you are doing is not recognized by the Dao of Heaven. If I have the ability to stop it but do not do it, I am afraid there will be no good fruit to eat in the future."

Hearing Zuo Zhou's words, everyone's heart was shocked. So there is such a benefit?Especially led by Dorgon and Tang Ruowang, they are masters of the local list, of course they understand the preciousness of merit, and looking at Ding Chunqiu and the other three is like seeing rare treasures, these are three walking experience packs!
But Ding Chunqiu and the others didn't care, Fan Yao smiled and said: "I'm afraid the general has misunderstood, in fact, the reason why Heavenly Dao confers merits is not because Heavenly Dao believes that what we do is wrong, but because Heavenly Dao aims at everything we do. Therein lies the law of infusion."

Ding Chunqiu nodded and continued: "That's right. Speaking of which, Emperor Qin is truly magnificent. He was able to think of a way to instill the power of unity to reach the top of the list. This is a possibility that Tiandao never thought of before, and now Emperor Qin has succeeded. , Tian Dao will naturally not allow other people to do this again."

The Tonghuang said again: "Although our plan is secret, we can't hide it from the Dao of Heaven. Naturally, people will come to kill us in the way of descending merit, just like when you come this time, it is the Dao of Heaven that guides you in the dark, but These are all within our expectations.”

Captain Zuo Zhou breathed out, "So that's the case, I'm relieved to hear you say that, but..."

Pointing to the black and white flaming skeleton giants, "You should understand that my Styx swordsmanship can kill souls, so you should know that this cannot be imitated by the skeleton giants, so why do you think you can stop me? "

Ding Chunqiu said with a smile: "The general's Styx swordsmanship is naturally unpredictable, but it seems that the penetrating power is not strong. I wonder how many skeleton giants he can hit at one time?"

As soon as this guy said that, he commanded a dozen skeleton giants to stop in front of them, a bunch of dogs!
Inevitably, a little vein appeared in the corner of Zuo Zhou's eyes. You guys are so witty. I should also understand that I am the most restrained of these innocent souls!"

When these words came out, everyone looked at Zuo Zhou, did he have any tricks?
Ding Chunqiu and the others were extremely decisive, the three joined forces and immediately activated the formation. The bloody circle that originally blocked the outside world from viewing it burst, and with a bang, the entire space distorted and changed, and the scene outside spread and changed.

At the same time, the densely packed grievances began to spread aimlessly around, filling the sky within a radius of a hundred miles in the blink of an eye.

Crying and howling!The world is dark!
The Qing army, the Ming army, and the people everywhere looked up with expressions of fear. From this moment on, the night seemed extremely long, so long that there was no end in sight, and if it really came to an end, it would be boundless loss and despair.

At the same time, Li Si, who was far away in the famous sword villa, also raised his head and sighed: "It seems that Li Yuanfang still made a move, but it's okay, we have already prepared." occupy the sky.

Similarly, far away near the capital of the Ming Dynasty, Sheng Tingyu, the former governor of the East Factory, hummed to Zhu Wushi, Shangguan Jinhong and others: "Let the skeleton giant play with you, I have more important things to do. "Following the same behavior, the blood ring was exploded, and the people of the entire Ming capital were immersed in fear.

Dongying, a forest sea, the crow ignored Jue Wushen and Yagyu Shashen in the distance. While waving his hand and blasting the blood ring, he flew up, and a distorted space like a black hole suddenly appeared in the sky. After the crow entered it, Suddenly disappeared.


Zuo Zhou was very upset that the other party exploded the blood ring to scare the people, but he also knew that he couldn't delay. It seems that the ghosts everywhere have not been connected, but if he waits, it may be too late.

Zuo Zhou flew to the sky, and drew out the huge sword under the wronged soul. With a slash in the void, the hell path in the consciousness space was opened, and then it was connected to the end and directly penetrated the reincarnation channel.

The violent suction suddenly appeared. This kind of suction has no effect on the soul protected by the body, but it can be said to be restrained for these dead souls.

As soon as the suction power appeared, the infinite grievances formed a vortex and began to slowly surge towards the channel of reincarnation. In an instant, a bright moon was revealed. Under the moonlight, it seemed like a huge funnel, pouring the grievances into a certain In an indescribable existence.

"After all, you have come to this point, General, you are No. 1 through the ages if you can let us treat you like this!"

Ding Chunqiu flew into the sky, behind him were several huge black distorted spaces, soon, a figure appeared from it, there is no doubt that they are all strong on the ground list.

Zuo Zhou was shocked, "Except for Liu Shengdan Mashou who was killed by me and an unknown maidservant, Yama of the Ten Palaces is here... Li Si? It turns out that you are King Yama! To be honest, I am very sad of!"

Li Si looked at Zuo Zhou with a sighing expression, "There are so many generals in the imperial capital, I admire you the most. You are so powerful at such a young age, and you are not afraid of power, and you have no taboos in doing things in a hurry. It is fascinating! "

"The prime minister is absurd, the world is just playing tricks, my character is not a good thing!" Zuo Zhou was rare to be humble.

"What are you talking about with him? Now that everyone is here, killing him will naturally prevent the opening of reincarnation." Tong Huang's face was cold, and all kinds of weapons burst out of his body as if blooming, and blue lights flashed on them. The barking luster is highly poisonous at first glance.

Naturally, the poison produced by the masters on the ground list should not be underestimated. Zuo Zhou flashed far away in an instant.

I don't want to fight with you, the cycle of reincarnation is opened, it's just there, as long as there is enough time, I can absorb all the wronged souls, so why should I fight hard with you?

Hehehe, eat farts behind me!
Li Si and the others shook their heads when they saw this, but they didn't panic. Obviously, they had thought of this scene a long time ago. Zuo Zhou's Lingbo Weibu gave them a headache.

A sword glow suddenly flashed past Zuo Zhou's eyes, and if Zuo Zhou hadn't braked in time, he would have almost bumped into it.But he saw a young man with a sword standing in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"Quickly! Where is the evildoer?"

The young man's face twitched uncontrollably, "Emperor Song!"

"I didn't ask about your past life."

"Lin Pingzhi!"

Zuo Zhou's expression suddenly turned weird, "To stop me, it's hard for you brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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