Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 611 Confidant 1 game, send you on the road

Chapter 611 A bosom friend, send you on your way
The reality is like a turn-based game. It was Yama's turn before, but unfortunately they failed to grasp it. Now it's someone else's turn to make a move.

"I have already told you all the information, including the prince's adopted son and the conspiracy of the Qing army, so heroes should keep their promises and let me go!"

Sheng Tingyu tried his best to regain his true energy while talking, but the effect was not very good. To put it bluntly, in order to escape the power of Shiri Hengkong, he threw out all his abilities, and he was able to come back without injury. Very rare.

Many martial arts practitioners hesitated for a while. The information just now was very important to them and even to the entire Ming country. If they hadn't learned this information from Sheng Tingyu, I am afraid that the Ming country would not know how to destroy it.

Everyone focused their attention on Zhu Wushi, now it's not as simple as following the horse's head, well, tearing up the promise is a bit of a villain's behavior after all, and let the fiercest person take the blame.

Zhu Wushi naturally knew what other people were thinking, but he didn't hesitate too much, or in other words, he never thought of taking the blame.

"Okay, I wait for the heroes of the martial arts of the Ming Dynasty to disdain to deceive you, a despicable devil, you can go, but today Zhu boldly issued an arrest warrant on behalf of the Ming Kingdom's martial arts, and anyone who sees Sheng Tingyu can kill him in the future. Whoever wins his head, I will reward 1 taels of gold from Hulong Villa! Although the money is not much, it also shows an attitude of my Hulong Villa!"

"Okay! What the prince said is very true. How can we wait for martial arts heroes to act like a devil? My Diancang faction also joined in the fun and offered a reward of 1000 taels of silver for Sheng Tingyu's head."

"My Kongtong faction also joined in the fun and contributed 1000 taels."

"My Emei sect..."

"My Hengshan pie..."

Sheng Tingyu's face was extremely ugly, he was really bullied by dogs in Pingyang. Seeing that his reward amount had reached a huge amount of 10 taels, he snorted coldly, "Okay, okay, you Ming Dynasty martial arts are indeed heroes, and we will have a bright future!"

Sheng Tingyu was about to turn around and leave when the words fell to the ground, but suddenly there was a figure in the crowd. This person was very aura, and Pu was everyone's focus as soon as Pu appeared on the stage. His strength at the top of the list made Sheng Tingyu's heart suddenly chill.

This newly emerged master of the local list obviously has no affiliation with Zhu Wushi, and the information he just mentioned must not involve this person, otherwise he would not be able to act so decisively.

With his current strength, it is quite difficult to deal with a master of the local list, and more importantly, this master of the local list is probably still an ordinary master of the local list.

Sheng Tingyu slapped each other's palms together, and his strong true energy shook the two of them a foot away, and then they joined forces to fight together.

Everyone thought that the battle would be won in two or three hundred moves, but what they didn't expect was that after only ten moves, two golden lights pierced Sheng Tingyu's chest.

"you you……"

Sheng Tingyu looked at the two holes in his chest in disbelief. Just as they fought, two meteor-like objects suddenly shot out from the opponent's cuffs. These objects are fundamentally different from ordinary hidden weapons. They are faster, more ruthless, and more extreme. I didn't even see what kind of weapon it was.

"I don't care about the state of Ming, so your conditions are useless to me!"

The low and magnetic voice, the straight eyebrows, and the chiseled lines of the face, although he is middle-aged, he is very charming.

Sheng Tingyu looked back with difficulty, he wanted to see clearly what was behind him, and the middle-aged man took the two gold rings into his hands with a wave of his hands.

Sheng Tingyu saw it clearly this time, "Shangguan Jinhong! I have no grievances with you, why..."

Zhu Wushi had already come behind Sheng Tingyu, and said coldly: "Thanks to your Shishamen's conspiracy, if you hadn't planned to kill Ming's naval forces, I wouldn't have cooperated with Shangguan Jinhong!"

Sheng Tingyu vomited out a mouthful of blood, but there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "He is one of the leaders of the Azure Dragon Society. Everyone shouts and beats him, and he is a deadly enemy with Li Yuanfang. Do you dare to form an alliance with him?" Well, Long He really doesn't care about the first thing, but if he fights against Li Yuanfang, it's courting death!
Zhu Wushi laughed a little and said: "You seem to be very afraid of General Li, but in my opinion, General Li is still easy to talk to. As long as there is enough price, we can actually become friends."

Hearing this, Sheng Tingyu looked at them with an expression of caring for the mentally retarded, "Hehe, I'll take a step first, slow down, and wait for you to reincarnate together..." The breath became weaker and weaker, and finally completely turned into nothingness.

Zhu Wushi snorted coldly, and was still wishful thinking when his death was imminent, "Everyone in the martial arts world, today we should be able to exterminate the evil together. However, the Qing Dynasty's thieves are determined to destroy our Ming Dynasty. This king must solve this matter immediately. , so I won’t bother you.”

"My lord, let's go. If it's useful to wait for me, just tell me."

Regardless of the initiative of the licking dogs, many martial arts people clasped their fists and saluted, expressing their intention to leave.

And Zhu Wushi was really in a hurry, so he rushed back to the capital after saying hello, similarly, Shangguan Jinhong followed closely, his face was unusually excited.


Famous Sword Villa
The battle here was still fierce. Although Li Si didn't have any means to fight, but because he escaped early, his physical condition was still in good condition.And before leaving, he summoned a lot of skeleton giants. Although these skeleton giants will gradually lose their strength due to the elimination of the formation, it will take a while. During this time, he can run away.What's more, there is Fan Ju!

"Hey, it seems that your plan is not going very well. Was it stopped by someone?" Bai Qi laughed mockingly: "Let me guess, judging by your expression now, it must be Li Yuanfang!"

Li Si paused, and Fan Ju glanced back during the battle, well, it seems that Bai Qi has hit the mark.

"Hehehe, that kid is the most capable of making troubles. I'm still thinking about it. Why didn't the Ming and Qing countries have any accidents this time? It turns out that you were the ones who prevented the disaster!"

Bai Qi's sarcasm can be said to be straight to the heart, and Li Si's expression was distorted, and he wanted to tear Bai Qi's mouth right away, but he looked at Di Renjie's lineup, and if he doesn't leave now, after the skeleton giant is defeated. Can't go...Wait, where's Di Renjie?

Li Si was startled. Because the previous incident was too shocking, he observed the situation after he came back, but he didn't pay attention to Di Renjie at all. After all, his martial arts were mediocre, and he was not worthy of attention.

However, after all, he was an official in the same dynasty. After making sure that other people would not pose a threat, he glanced instinctively but failed to find Di Renjie.

"Are you looking for me?"


Li Si slowly turned his head in disbelief, and Di Renjie actually appeared ten meters behind him. Such a short distance, if it was another strong man on the list, he might be caught.

"Why are you there?"

Di Renjie laughed, "Do you believe it? I thought from the very beginning that you would not succeed, so I sneaked here while everyone was immersed in the battle. I knew you would definitely come back, so I thought Here's a surprise for you, who knows... You seem to be scared out of your wits! Well, Yuanfang is still reliable, hahahahaha!"

Di Renjie was so happy, he raised his head and laughed, his throat was seen.

Li Si's eyelids twitched wildly, why is it so difficult to get out of Dali Temple?

"Hmph, so what can you do if you get close to me? With your strength, you want to stop me? I'm a minister of the same dynasty and a bosom friend. I won't hurt you, get out of the way!"

Di Renjie slowly withdrew his smile, and even gradually became more sad, "A confidant? I thought I was a confidant too, but... how have I ever really understood you?"

Li Si: "..."

The silence between the two obviously did not contain killing intent, but it was extremely heavy. It was a decisive decision of different ways and no conspiracy. A farewell today is likely to be a lifetime of not seeing each other, and even a decisive decision to erase each other from the memory .

"Go away!"

After all, Li Si made the first move, attacking the former confidant he said, but Di Renjie didn't seem to be surprised. He moved very slowly, and gently unbuttoned his cloak, revealing a long package behind him. As soon as the rope was pulled, the package was completely untied, and a black handle was exposed. It seemed to be made of metal, and it might be a sword.

Naturally, Li Si didn't care. Maybe Di Renjie was a good courtier in the government and the public, and a famous detective in handling cases, but he was definitely not a good swordsman!

Li Si slapped a palm. He didn't use too much qi in this palm, but he added his unique gloomy energy into it.This is the power of death, a special ability unique to him as Yama.

In this world, except for Li Yuanfang, he has not found anyone who is immune to this!

As long as this palm hits, Di Renjie will die within three days, unless Li Yuanfang comes back in time, but unfortunately, Li Yuanfang is now in Ming country, it is impossible to come to rescue him.


A black shadow swept over, and Li Si just glanced at it and didn't care.It turned out to be not a sword, but a black iron mace divided into many sections.

To say that the mace is not a mainstream weapon, at least it is rarely used in the Jianghu, and the generals use it a little more.After all, the battlefield is crowded, so it’s fine on the horse, but once you get off the horse, there are not so many places for you to move and dodge, so the heavier and faster the weapon, the better, mace is probably for this purpose.

Generally speaking, a mace has no knots, but a whip has knots. However, this iron mace has very few knots, and each knot is sunken in. The striking area is still a long flat surface, so it is still considered a mace.

The use of the mace is somewhat similar to the hand hammer of a western knight. They are all heavy blows, but if they are strong enough, they can use moves such as pointing, poking, patting, and teasing, which is more flexible than a hammer.

However, from Li Si's point of view, Di Renjie didn't know what to do, and it didn't even count as tricks, which was ridiculous!
Therefore, Li Si did not respond in any way, and directly summoned up his true energy and greeted him.

Split palm!Broken arm!All the yin energy disappeared without a trace, and even the shoulder disappeared in an instant!
The severe pain hit, Li Si fainted for a moment, what happened?He raised his head in a daze, and the iron mace had already been smashed down...

(End of this chapter)

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