Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 613 Zhu ignores the death plan

Chapter 613 Zhu ignores the death plan
Zombies are originally a kind of creature spurned and cursed by the heavens, so when the sword containing merit is cut through, everything seems so logical.

Bai Qi slowly put the sword of the Son of Heaven back into its sheath, looked at Fan Ju who gradually turned into powder and dissipated in the world, and smiled wryly, "The soul of a zombie is tightly bound up with its body, once the body dies, even the soul will disappear too! It's the curse of heaven, and it really belongs to you."

Bai Qi sighed, but after thinking about it, human beings have to go through reincarnation, and zombies live forever.

Gently put the Sword of the Son of Heaven back behind his back, turned around and slowly walked towards the emperor. Now that Li Si and Fan Ju are both dead, the formation should be shattered, and the new crisis has been resolved, but he did not relax at all. a feeling of.

He could clearly feel that since Qin Huang transformed into a dragon, all kinds of jumping clowns have come out.I don't know if it's because of the absence of Emperor Qin's suppression, or because of the unifying power?
Suddenly, he just felt a little tired, maybe... because Hu Hai is not the Emperor of Qin, he always lacks a little motivation to guard the royal family.But after all, I watched Fu Su and Hu Hai grow up, at least... let's wait until they have descendants before leaving.

On the side of Famous Sword Villa, Di Renjie commanded the soldiers to clean up the mess, and Huang Chang began to study that kind of formation. After all, this is a formation that can inject rules into the way of heaven. Although the various conditions are very harsh, there is quite a lot of truth in it for deep.

However, what followed was the call from Hu Hai, who asked Di Renjie to quickly go to Beijing to report the incident. After all, the weirdness involved the celestial phenomena of many countries, but it caused quite a panic.

It's just that this person has always been used as a foil. Since the countless grievances were mainly concentrated in the Ming and Qing countries, when the people of Daqin learned that someone was worse than them, they all felt that it was me, Daqin Niubi! !
Li Yuanfang, the most powerful general in the whole of Daqin, had already made a big circle at this time, and finally returned to Dorgon's team after putting on makeup.

"Shhh, I'm back, how's the situation?"

Zuo Zhou sneaked into the tent, Li Yuzhu was holding the latest information in his hand at this time, his brows were tightly furrowed and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What's new?"

"The freshest thing is that you have killed the Quartet, but it seems that you have not been able to achieve the goal of eliminating demons."

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, "I've already beaten them into that virtue, don't tell me there are still people who have escaped!"

Li Yuzhu reached out to hand over the information, Zuo Zhou just glanced at it and almost scolded.

Old Di on Daqin's side was still reliable, and even dealt with Li Si by himself.The battle on the outskirts of the capital of the Ming Dynasty also ended smoothly. After Zhu Wushi got the information, Shangguan Jinhong took the initiative to kill Sheng Tingyu.

However, the battle on the border of the Ming Dynasty did not achieve any results. Lin Pingzhi had already lost his arm, and the right hand of the sword was broken, but those in the martial arts of the Ming Kingdom still failed to keep him.However, according to intelligence, at this time a rising star named Feng Wubei is frantically chasing and killing him, and there is no news about whether it will succeed or not.

The other thing is Dongpu. Since Li Yuzhu's information cannot be transmitted in time due to the sea, no one can say for sure.

"Hip pulling, really hip pulling, well, sometimes I have to admit that these enemies of mine are quite reliable sometimes, as for the others, hehe."

Zuo Zhou was very disappointed with the people in the martial arts from the Ming Dynasty. After crushing the information, he asked, "How about the news about Duan Tianya and the others?"

Li Yuzhu knew the identity of Liu Sheng Piaoxu, so he said: "When Sheng Tingyu told the news, there were many people around, so it's not a secret. Gui Hai Yidao was arrested and sent to Dongpu, Duan Tianya and Liu Shengxueji were arrested. Pushed to the cliff, Duan Tianya blocked Liu Shengxueji's fatal attack and died, and Liu Shengxueji was shaken off the cliff, probably smashed to pieces."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou pursed his lips, reached out and took a glass of wine from the side and spilled it on the ground, "This glass of wine can be regarded as a farewell for Duan Tianya, well, in the next life, remember to stay away from conspiratorial people, I hope you live an ordinary life."

Li Yuzhu watched all this silently. For them, sometimes no news is good news. For example, Guihai Yidao and Liu Shengxueji can at least survive, but Duan Tianya has nothing to look forward to. up.

"By the way, Sheng Tingyu revealed Dorgon's secret plot to take over Ming's luck. Do you think Zhu Wushi will have any countermeasures?"

Zuo Zhou rubbed his chin, "There must be countermeasures. If it were me, I would gather a death squad to try and save Zhu Qizhen. Even if it can't be saved...he must be killed!"

Li Yuzhu froze for a moment, amused: "You mean, the Ming court will organize a team of masters to steal the camp?"

"Let's just watch!" Zuo Zhou sat down cross-legged, looking like he was waiting for a good show, and even took out a lot of beef and wine from the universe bowl.


Only ten miles away from the Qing army camp, a team of about 100 troops is quietly gathering.

The leader was a man with stern eyes. He crouched halfway in the grass, looking at the secret instruction letter in his hand while being vigilant about the surrounding environment.

"My lord, the Empress Dowager ordered us to rescue Your Majesty, but it is rumored that there are two masters in the Qing military camp, how can we be opponents!" A man with a fake face next to him complained bitterly.

The leading man frowned, "The God of Tiedan will not come, it seems that we can only resort to stealth, otherwise we will not be able to rescue His Majesty."

Everyone behind them was shocked when they heard the words. Who didn't know that now Zhu Wushi and Shangguan Jinhong were wearing a pair of trousers, and the two masters of the local rankings happened to be equal to the high-end combat power on the opposite side.Now tell them whether Zhu ignores it or not?What the fuck!

The leading man shook his head but still looked firm, "This matter is not beyond my lord's expectations. The Queen Mother actually doesn't trust Zhu Wushi. If Zhu Wushi really agrees to come to save His Majesty, it will be even more worrying."

Everyone was speechless, and they had no way to participate in the intrigue among the big shots, but the problem was, they would be unlucky!
This group of people is actually from Jinyiwei. Because of Sheng Tingyu's betrayal, Dongchang was temporarily in chaos without a leader, and the attitude of the courtiers has always been a bit unpredictable. In conclusion, even Zhu ignored Dorgon's conspiracy. After going out, these courtiers still quarreled from time to time, without any constructive suggestions at all.And Zhu Wushi seemed to be so happy too, he actually went against his previous style of vigorous and resolute, and bickered with the courtiers every day.

The queen mother couldn't bear it, so she ordered Jin Yiwei to be the only team she could command now.

Before Ji Gang was killed by Murong Qiudi himself, Jin Yiwei re-selected the commander-in-chief. His name is Menda, and he is Zhu Qizhen's confidant, so it is too good to trust him.

But this Menda is obviously a cowardly person, and he probably knows that the success rate of this mission is extremely low, so he entrusts the mission to his most capable general, who is now the leader of the team, Qinglong!
As a knife under the emperor's hand, Jin Yiwei naturally did a lot of dirty work. A large part of it was gilded by the descendants of various princes and nobles, but a large part was really capable.However, the more capable people are, the more ambitious they are. Jin Yiwei's reputation is not good. How could a truly capable person be willing to hang around in this yamen for the rest of his life.Therefore, Jinyiwei has the tradition of "cultivating from childhood".

These children were raised by orphans or were trafficked. They received cruel training since they were young, and their survival rate was extremely low. However, those who survived were all masters.

Qinglong is one of the best...

"I already have a plan in my heart, you just listen to me slowly."

While Qinglong was explaining the plan to his subordinates, two people were hiding less than a hundred meters away from them.

"Digging tunnels? This plan is really simple and crude, but it might be useful." Shangguan Haitang put down the binoculars in her hand, and she just learned about Qinglong's plan by reading her lips.Although this plan is absolutely useless for the masters of the local list, as long as they grasp the direction well, bypass the warning range of the masters of the local list, and do some mental calculation or careless calculations, Zhu Qizhen may be rescued.

Cheng Shifei next to him curled his lips, "Your adoptive father's heart is really big, isn't the most urgent thing now is to find Guihai Yidao?"

Shangguan Haitang's expression struggled for a moment, but she quickly said firmly: "The state's affairs are the most important, and he... will understand!"

Cheng Shifei raised his eyebrows, do you understand?I really don't understand, even in his heart he thought it would be better for Zhu Qizhen not to go back than to go back!
Shangguan Haitang was obviously struggling and was unwilling to say more about this matter, "This time we came to rescue His Majesty with two lights and one dark, and we are destined to have sacrifices. Your lightness skill is better than mine. Take Your Majesty with you!"

Cheng Shifei opened his mouth, he joined Hulong Villa halfway, he was far from being loyal to the imperial court like Duan Tianya and Shangguan Haitang.He always felt that something was wrong, and there was a feeling that everything was awkward, as if... Zhu Wushi wanted them to die on purpose!
He knew that if he made such a guess, he would be beaten up by Shangguan Haitang, so he didn't say it, and he couldn't find a reason. He said that Hulong Villa, as the protector of the royal family, was also the most useful card in Zhu Wushi's hand. It doesn't make sense to send it out to die in vain, right?

Time passed bit by bit, about noon.

Shangguan Haitang looked up, "Okay, it's almost time."

Outside the camp of the Qing army in the distance, a stormtrooper composed of martial arts knights appeared. Their task was to feign an attack...or to die!

(End of this chapter)

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