Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 615

Chapter 615
Ahem, Qinglong's legs softened and fell off the horse, Shangguan Haitang immediately helped him up.

"Be patient, there are no more chasing soldiers, and we will be able to reach the safe house not long ago."

Cheng Shifei climbed to the top of a tree with light skills, and looked at the Qing army camp from a distance. The opponent obviously didn't chase for too long, but the whole thing was a bit weird, and he couldn't really be sure of anything.

"Didn't I tell you to leave? Why do you want to come back?"

Qinglong took a long breath, the pain on his body has improved slightly, he needs to rest now.

"Finding spies is more important than our safety." Shangguan Haitang said so decisively, but it made Qinglong feel a little funny.

"It's very funny to say this sentence from your mouth."

Cheng Shifei frowned, "Why do you say that?"

"We are all abandoned sons, but now you are telling me to investigate spies? Don't you find it ridiculous?"

"What abandoned son? What do you know?" Shangguan Haitang grabbed Qinglong's shoulder, his whole face twisted.

This frightened Cheng Fei, he never thought that he would see such an expression on this beautiful face one day.But... He could vaguely understand it, from the time they were sent to rescue Zhu Qizhen, he roughly understood it.

"I don't know anything, and I don't want to know." Qinglong pushed away Shangguan Haitang's hand, and sat slumped under a tree, his face was full of exhaustion, "If you want to go back, remember to say that I have died of serious injuries It's gone. It won't save Tiedan Shenhou from killing me again."

"What do you mean? You want to say... that the adoptive father sent you to die? What do you know, why does the adoptive father target you!"

"Hehe, how could such a small person like me be remembered by Shenhou!"

Qinglong's contradictory words wanted to drive Shangguan Haitang crazy, so Cheng Shifei patted Shangguan Haitang on the shoulder, "Because he is a royalist!"

Shangguan Haitang turned her head blankly, Cheng Shifei had already given an answer.

But without waiting for Shangguan Haitang to inquire carefully, Qinglong has already corrected him: "I am not only a royalist, but my boss is a firm royalist, so I must die too!"

Shangguan Haitang looked at the two people who were silent one after another, her eyes became more and more gray, how could she not understand as smart as she was?It's just that everything hit her too hard.

Although Zhu Wushi's Hulong Villa has done a lot of dirty work, but those things are justified and can strengthen Ming, so her belief has never wavered.

But now, he finds that his belief seems to be about to collapse!
"So, the new emperor is about to ascend the throne!"


The sudden sound startled Qinglong staggeringly, he quickly sat up and flashed his two sabers, only to see a man standing on the top of a tree slowly rising and falling with the wind, squinting at 45 degrees with his hands behind his back, very pretentious!
"General Li!"

Shangguan Haitang called out Zuo Zhou's identity, and also reminded Qinglong, don't be impulsive, we can't do this.

Zuo Zhou looked down at the three of them and suddenly sighed, "Zhu Wushi did a great job. This is not only going to the front desk, but also cutting with the past!"
"What did General Li mean just now?" Cheng Zhengfei was grinning. He had met Zuo Zhou when he came back from a mission before, and he knew his strength. If there was malice, they would have died countless times.

"Zhu ignores his loyalty to the royal family, you should know that."

"Naturally." Shangguan Haitang nodded.

"No, you don't know, his loyalty to the royal family does not necessarily mean his loyalty to Zhu Qizhen."


Zuo Zhou's words were too harsh, almost making it clear that Zhu Wushi wanted to usurp the throne, and Shangguan Haitang shook for a moment.Rebellion turned right and wrong and Qinglong remained silent.

"People, regardless of their deeds, who doesn't want to be an emperor? The question is whether you will do it, and how to do it. If you follow the normal procedure, then when Zhu Qizhen dies, or after a while, you will be an emperor." Many ministers re-elected the new emperor on the grounds that the country cannot live without a king. It is a pity that the Qing army's action to absorb Zhu Qizhen's luck exposed them all, so Zhu Wushi had to execute the plan quickly , Immediately ascend the throne, in order to form a luck confrontation with Zhu Qizhen, and limit the theft of those luck."

Qinglong sat back under the tree again, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "There are very few ministers in the court who really want to save His Majesty, otherwise they wouldn't quarrel every day without a plan. But for him What I care about the most is nothing more than the Queen Mother and my boss Menda. These are people with relevant interests. If they can't rescue Zhu Qizhen, then no matter who the new emperor is, these people will have no good fruit to eat. "

"No, if that's the case, why did foster father want us to come here?" Shangguan Haitang denied Zuo Zhou's guess.

"Then you have to ask yourself, in your heart, if Zhu Wushi wants to be the emperor, does it count as usurping the throne?" Zuo Zhou shook his head amusedly.


Seeing Shangguan Haitang's silence, Zuo Zhou suddenly felt very ironic. In order to reflect his lofty personality, Zhu Wuwei cultivated the "righteousness" of his sons and daughters, but because of this, when he was about to leave It is only when the behind-the-scenes moves to the front stage that there is a need to break with the past. How can the emperor of a country do intelligence?How can you do dirty work?How can it be... In short, even if everyone knows, this is an open secret, just keep it in your heart, if anyone brings it up, he will not admit it, and will kill you behind his back.

"Oh? No, I can understand that Zhu Wushi sent Haitang to die, but my moral bottom line is so flexible, there is absolutely no reason to cheat me together!"

Cheng Shifei raised his hand suddenly and clarified his question very clearly.

Zuo Zhou was amused, "You really have self-knowledge, but... your situation is a bit complicated, but I don't bother to talk about it, let you investigate it yourself."

Cheng Shifei pursed his lips in displeasure, how did this general become a riddler?A little helpless, he asked again: "What does the general think we should do? Also, if you want to say that Zhu Wushi sent us to die, I believe it! However, the Qing army obviously had arrangements in advance, and Zhu Wushi should not be able to follow Dole. Gon cooperate?"

Shangguan Haitang raised her head and stared at Zuo Zhou, which was really unreasonable, "So your guess just now was wrong, foster father is absolutely not like what you said!"

Zuo Zhou didn't bother to talk to her, just looked at Cheng right and wrong amusedly, "That's right, I don't believe that Zhu Wushi will cooperate with Dorgon either. But my belief is of no value, after all, they were still with the people from Shishamen before." Ambush me together."

Cheng Shifei was a little embarrassed, he also knew about this, his expression turned bitter, and he didn't know what to say.

"So what are your plans in the future? Do you want to follow me? I am very optimistic about you!" Zuo Zhou said while sitting cross-legged on the tree, looking quite approachable.

Qinglong waved his hand, "I plan to leave Ming Kingdom and find a place to farm."

Zuo Zhou: "..."

Cheng Shifei laughed and said, "If we disagree, won't we be able to leave?"

"That's not the case, but if I'm not happy, I might beat you up, especially in the face!"

Cheng Shifei's complexion changed drastically, he rubbed his hands together and said sternly, "It is the dream of hot-blooded men of my generation to be able to follow the great general to make untold achievements, and I will ask the great general to take care of him in the future."

Zuo Zhou nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Shangguan Haitang again.Compared to Cheng Shifei, he actually valued Shangguan Haitang more. After all, Jiang Yuyan would be too busy developing Qinglong alone, and would not even have time to play cards with him. detail.

"I want to go back. Unless my foster father admits it, I won't believe it!"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, a little helpless, why is this girl so stubborn?If he went back, he might be killed by Zhu Wushi. Of course, even if he didn't kill him, he would end up under house arrest for a lifetime.

"Are you going to stop me? Although I'm not your opponent, I still won't give in."

Zuo Zhou turned his head away in disgust, "Although I don't have any persistence that a woman can't beat, I can't really beat your chest, can you? You can leave if you want, but I have solicited a woman three times. In my opinion, you Although not as good as her, I am still willing to give you a second chance, if you don't die, you can come to me."

Shangguan Haitang was a little surprised. Whether it was her knowledge or previous information, it basically showed that this Li Yuanfang was actually very rude.But now it seems that at certain times, he is also an exceptional gentleman!

At the same time, the Qing army camp

Dorgon came back with Zhu Qizhen, Zhu Qizhen was still flushed, why so happy?
Because Dorgon took Zhu Qizhen away on the grounds of hunting, he had a great time playing with Zhu Qizhen.

After asking his subordinates to send Zhu Qizhen back to the tent, Dorgon went to find Tang Ruowang, and as soon as he entered the tent, he saw two people, one was Tang Ruowang, and the other was the eunuch next to Zhu Qizhen, Wang Zhen!

"The general is working hard."

Dorgon nodded and smiled, "It's also thanks to you this time, otherwise Zhu Qizhen might have been rescued!"

Wang Zhen immediately replied respectfully: "Where is the general, with the three or two kittens, it is impossible to get past Mr. Tang and rescue him."

Dorgon didn't care either, he had turned Wang Zhen against him not long after he came. Speaking of which, Zhu Qizhen is also ridiculous, there is no one loyal and not afraid of bribes around him, it can be said that he is rotten from the inside out.

Wang Zhen was sent by the court of the Ming Dynasty, and his identity was an envoy. If the two countries did not fight each other, Dorgon was very polite. Besides, he also needed Wang Zhen to be more free. Otherwise, how would he send news to him?

"How are you preparing?"

"The materials are all ready, we can restart the formation tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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