Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 619 Hmph, I'm not fooled!

Chapter 619 Hmph, I'm not fooled!

"Mom, what are they here for?"

Murong Yanran asked very curiously, just like ordinary people rushing through the door, Murong Qiudi sent Zhu Wushi and Shangguan Jinhong away with a smile, and the two were also polite and down-to-earth.

Murong Qiudi seemed to be thinking about something, and didn't answer directly, but asked, "Where's Tianxing?"

"Practice, huh, I do it every day, and I don't even say to accompany me."

Murong Qiudi looked at her awkward eyes and said with a smile: "It's business, you're wasting your time wandering around like this! What's more, Tianxing has found this place all the way, so he doesn't pay enough attention to you? Besides, he used to be You idiot, didn't you cry and want to marry back then?"

Murong Yanran's eyes widened, "I was fascinated by beauty, I never thought that life after marriage would be so boring."

"That's not what you said when he came back from shopping with you the day before yesterday. Things in this world always have a price. They gave you the most beautiful years, and you have to treat him after his old age. Responsibility is."

The more Murong Yanran heard, the more something was wrong, "Mom, why do you say that I have become a person who has always been in chaos and abandoned? I just complained, but I didn't do anything."

"Often some big mistakes come from small details. You are an exile and you have your own thoughts. Sometimes, my mother will save a lot of trouble because of your mature thinking, but sometimes I am worried. I found that You exiles have a lot of problems. Many things that seem to be virtuous to be a mother are not very important to you."

"Uh, is it possible that mother, your thinking is too old?"

"Dare to talk back?"

The moment Murong Qiudi raised his head, Murong Yanran had already run away.

"That Yi Tianxing's comprehension is good, but it's a pity that he is not a pure swordsman."

Behind Murong Qiudi appeared a middle-aged man in black. He stood upright, like a sword stuck upside down into the ground. He clearly possessed a peerless sharpness but actively hid in the depths of the earth.

Murong Qiudi didn't look back, as if he was extremely skilled at the appearance of the middle-aged man in black, "I remember you said before that I'm not a pure swordsman."

The middle-aged man in black was silent for a moment, "I used to be, but the world is impermanent. Everyone's experience will affect their own sword intent. Sometimes even if you know it is wrong, there is no way to stop it."

Murong Qiudi asked again: "I doubt there are any pure swordsmen in the world."

"Yes, there is one overseas and one in Daqin, but the overseas one seems to be changing. If he can't stop it, he won't be a pure swordsman in the future."

Murong Qiudi smiled and said: "After so many years, are you still entangled in this matter? I thought that since you were willing to teach Yanran the sword technique, you would no longer be attached to these things."

The middle-aged man in black shook his head, "It's true that I don't have any attachments, but after seeing Yi Tianxing, I feel a little nostalgic. By the way, what are Zhu Wushi and Shangguan Jinhong doing here?"

"Forcing us to stand in line."

"Did they threaten you?"

"No, although Zhu Wushi has great ambitions, it hasn't reached the point where no other voices are allowed. We just want us to make a statement."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Murong Qiudi smiled and said: "Just like what I said to Yanran just now, if you want to get something, you have to give. Since Zhu Wushi doesn't mind coexisting with each other, then I have to show something."

"What do you want to do? When you first founded Tianzun, you said that you will be based in Jianghu and will not get involved in disputes between courts and courts."

"Do you want to have braids?"

"... Tell me, how do you express it?"


In the early morning, patches of dust were raised outside Weicheng, and teams of Qing soldiers lined up in the wind and sand to prepare for battle.

The guard of Weicheng is not a very powerful general. Before that, he was just a chief bookkeeper in charge of managing money and food.He belongs to the type who can't do anything without writing, maybe his only shortcoming is that he is responsible and uncompromising!

So when he learned that the Qing soldiers were about to attack the city, it turned out that the defender ran away first, and the deputy general also slipped away. It turned out that it was his turn to defend the huge city of Wei.

The main general surrendered before the battle, and the blow to the morale of the defenders can be imagined. In order to rekindle the fighting spirit of the soldiers, he secretly asked someone to get a few people from the death row to pretend to be the original main general and deputy general, and then killed these generals who had fled before the battle. After the beheading, a group of young and strong men were successfully pulled up to start the construction of the fortifications.

He first fortified the wall and cleared the fields, cutting down almost all the trees on the nearby mountains. He built more than 80 catapults alone, and piled up all kinds of wood and rolling stones on the city wall. There are simply not too many things, and the smell on the city wall is so strong that the soldiers have to use cloth masks to stand still.

To be honest, this kind of behavior is not only a huge waste, but also crazy. Soldiers in this world generally cultivate internal strength, so it is more cost-effective to use swords and swords than to waste power on moving things like rolling wood and rolling stones.

To be honest, Weicheng's defenders were also in a hurry to go to the doctor, but they soon discovered that after such troubles, Weicheng's people's hearts were stabilized!

Only then did they roughly understand that it’s not just about doing something wrong, it’s better than doing nothing well. As long as you keep making troubles, the people will feel that you are sincerely defending the city with your life, and they will feel much more at ease.

So the defenders became even crazier. Three days before the arrival of the Qing army, they used wooden strips, stones and several tons of rice to block all the gates of the Sifang City. If you want to eat, go directly to the city gate to pick it up.

Such behavior is quite ironic, but the effect is exceptionally good, and the common people can still laugh in such a high-pressure environment!

Then it is to block the sky of the whole city of Wei. Countless archers and common people hunters form a team. They do nothing else every day, just look at the sky, as long as there is a carrier pigeon flying by, no matter whether it is passing by or what, give it to him If it is shot down, even if the pigeon stretches its waist, it will die on the spot.

Needless to say, a dozen spies were caught by doing so, and the common people stopped complaining when they saw that this was really effective.

After tossing and tossing for a while, finally, now, the Qing army is just outside the city, and how far they can defend it depends on God's will.

"My lord... can we really hold on?"

A young boy, even the armor looks very big, the edge of the helmet directly covers the eyes, he was frightened by the Qing army outside the city gate, the opposite side is well equipped, looking at the pitchfork in his hand, I feel like crying .

The guard rubbed the steel gun in his hand, seeing that the surrounding soldiers were in a bit of a bad mood, he took a deep breath and smiled and said, "I won't hide it from everyone, actually... I, Yang Tiexin, am the empress of a famous general. !"

"What kind of expression do you guys have? I mean it. I have been familiar with the art of war since I was a child, and my martial arts have been taught by Ming masters. You have to have confidence in me. Although the Qing army looks powerful, they are all strong outsiders, not at all. Our opponent!"

"But the imperial army was defeated, and even the emperor was captured!" A middle-aged man with fear in his eyes said tremblingly.

Yang Tiexin gave this guy a hard look, and said this in front of his face, if Zhu Qizhen listened to it, he would be beheaded? "That's a good point, but I didn't command that battle. If it was me, Dorgon would definitely die."

"Hehe, my lord is so confident! Hehe!" A veteran took out a cigarette pouch from his waist and lit it up. At times like this, veterans are still reliable.

Yang Tiexin grunted and snorted: "If you have something in your hand and you have confidence in your heart, you will naturally be full of confidence!"

In fact, Yang Tiexin consciously didn't make too much fuss. His elder was once under Yue Fei's command, so he can be regarded as a descendant of a famous family.It's just that because Yue Fei was framed, he was also troubled. In order not to be killed, he ran out of Song Dynasty and came to Ming Dynasty.

Of course, the art of war and strategy are well-read by heart, but there is still a lot of distance from applying what you have learned.As for martial arts, it was taught by Yang Zaixing himself. Yang Zaixing is also well-known, and it is not too much to say that he is a famous master.It's just that his practice is only average, otherwise he wouldn't come to Weicheng to be the master book.

The dull sound of the horn came, and everyone immediately raised their vigilance, the Qing army had already begun to attack.

"Do you want to throw the wood rolling stone down?" A young man was a little panicked, and he reached out his hand to light the wood.

Yang Tiexin hurriedly pressed it down, "Don't worry! Wait a moment, and let off a wave of arrows!"

The Qing army outside the city didn't care too much about the rain of arrows. With a shield in their hands, the power of the rain of arrows would be reduced by at least [-]% to [-]%. Moreover, the strength of the rain of arrows shot by the defenders this time seemed to be quite weak, and some were not even as strong as the previous ones. The defenders of a city, hehe, it seems that this time the siege will go smoothly.

With this knowledge, the Qing army became a little careless, and a group of heavy armored cavalry rushed towards the city gate carrying a huge bumper.

Yang Tiexin stared at him, his eyes closely followed Zhuangmu, he almost hit it, look... yay!

The muffled loud noise stunned all the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty. The impact wood was shattered, and people turned their backs on their horses and crowded outside the city gate. Some horses were even shocked to death with bleeding from their mouths and noses. However, even with such a huge impact, they still could not Knock open the city gate.

What kind of door is that?Made of iron?Even if it is made of iron, it should collapse even if it is not broken under such a huge force, right?
The Qing army looked at the city gate in a daze, but saw that huge cracks had already covered the city gate, as if dividing the city gate into more than a dozen parts.

Fuck, isn't this broken?
Some unbelieving Qing soldiers looked in through the crack, but they couldn't see anything in the dark. Could it be that the door is several meters thick?

The vanguard general of the Qing army was a little unbelieving, but he could not attack blindly. He sent a team to climb the city wall with ladders while waving his hands, and at the same time began to organize a new round of charge.

Yang Tiexin shouted: "Spray with kerosene, throw wood and rolling stones! Don't throw them, throw them along the city wall!"

The soldiers immediately began to operate after hearing the words, and then waves of fire were pushed to the bottom of the city, and then it was the turn of the Qing soldiers to be embarrassed.

I have said before that soldiers in this world generally practice internal strength, and such simple fortifications naturally cannot hurt them, but they have never seen such a large number of rolling stones, which have already been laid under the city wall while burning. layer.

Then the pressure came to the Qing army, and the fire spread in a wide range, which made it difficult to build the ladder. If you set the ladder too far, you will not be able to reach the city wall.And if you stare at the flames and build a ladder, the flames are likely to threaten the soldiers along the ladders. If the opponent pours some oil down at this time, it will be even worse.

Well, this situation is not unprecedented, so they have countermeasures.The ladders of the Qing army can be spliced ​​together. As long as the splicing is high enough, it can reach the top of the city wall.

The Qing army did the same thing. Seeing the enemy running up the ladder, Yang Tiexin disgustedly ordered the soldiers to place their shields on the edge of the city wall.

These large shields are specially made, and the blacksmith connected four iron bolts on the back so that they can be firmly stuck on the crenels of the city wall. Once stuck, they must be lifted slowly with skill. Disaster.

The Qing army couldn't understand the meaning of this kind of operation at all. Adding a large shield was nothing more than raising the city wall. All they had to do was to read through multiple steps. Was it difficult?

And then...the Qing army went crazy together!
I saw Yang Tiexin ordered people to pour all the oil on the shield, and the raging fire burned directly, hehe, don't you want to climb over?Check it out for me!

The vanguard general of the Qing army is a little bit numb, what kind of opponent is this?
In other words, if they do this, wouldn't they be unable to attack outwards, and there are such defenders?

The soldiers of the Qing army also had this kind of doubt. As soon as their climbing movements slowed down, they saw rolling stones being thrown out with parabolas.At that moment, what was it like to be covered by stones above your head?
It was the feeling of being suddenly startled, then wanting to laugh, and then screaming and falling to the ground!

First of all, it is a shock, after all, the scene of falling rocks from the sky is really shocking.Then it was discovered that the accuracy of these stones was extremely poor, and nearly [-]% of the stones fell into the empty space. Obviously, the flame shield also blocked their sight, and the opponent did not aim at all!

But...there were too many stones, and all the Qing soldiers lying on the ladders couldn't avoid it. They were smashed to death, fell to death, and even the ladders were broken.

The generals of the Qing army twitched their faces, what's the matter?Didn't the defender of Weicheng say that they have already run away?What kind of weirdness is defending the city now?


It might be difficult to climb the city wall. The Qing army refocused on the city gate. The city gate was almost shattered just now, and it will definitely be possible to do it again.

Boom boom boom, the heavy armored cavalry launched another round of charge, carrying a bigger ram than before!
And this time the heavy armored cavalry can be said to be full of firepower. Everyone's internal strength is entangled in the impact log, coupled with the impact force of the horse, this blow is absolutely no small matter.


The bumper shattered again, and the heavy-armored knight turned his back on his back, and at the same time hit his head and broke his blood.

Everyone gasped, the city gate was indeed smashed, but...there were countless boulders and earthworks exposed inside, and there were even trees mixed among them, and there seemed to be something behind them, which they couldn't quite see.

This... is it blocking everything inside?
The Qing army's camp was directly heated up by two degrees, and the cool air was really sucked out.

Zuo Zhou took a sip of water and spit it out, "This guard is really talented."

Li Yuzhu looked at the situation in the field from a distance, and was a little dumbfounded, "Actually, as long as there are not enough experts to defend the city, it is impossible to defend the city with such a small means. But his move is very good, so many things will The gates of the city are all blocked, although masters can cross the city wall, but the army cannot, it will take a lot of effort for them to open the gate again."

Zuo Zhou sat down cross-legged, with a wicked look on his face, "This guard probably knows that he can't defend for too long, so he made such a move, even if the defense fails, your army will be delayed for at least two days You see, he is not afraid of wasting stones and rolling logs, so he won’t be able to cut down all the surrounding mountains, right?”

Li Yuzhu thought about it and shook his head, "I don't know, we don't have any spies in Weicheng."

Zuo Zhou frowned slightly, "I don't seem to have seen any intelligence from the Qing army recently, wait, this guard is not playing an empty city plan!"

"What do you mean?"

"He is defrauding Dorgon. The battles in this world are very special, and masters have great effects. If Dorgon rushes to the city wall at this moment, all the fortifications will be a joke. Although there are so many earthwork boulders, they will still block it." The army, but it would take more than a day to clean it up. If it is a normal defense of the city, it is true, but now no one can see the situation behind the shield, even Dorgon dare not mess around. "

Li Yuzhu was shocked and said: "No way, just playing psychological tactics so bluntly? What if Dorgon's art is bold?"

Zuo Zhou disdainfully said, "Brave people with high skills? The stronger they are, the more cautious they are, because they know that there are strong opponents in this world, not to mention that this is a war. Experts don't dare to mess around."

"Really? Ming country still has this kind of power?"

Zuo Zhou shrugged, "Just wait and see if it's true or not."


Dorgon and Tang Ruowang looked at each other, a little confused, but with their abilities, of course they also thought of the possibility Zuo Zhou thought about. Could it be that there are really masters ambushing in Weicheng?
"Only Zhu Wushi is the only master of the Ming Dynasty. Our spies reported that Zhu Wushi is not in Weicheng. But... Zhu Wushi used to be the helm of Hulong Villa. If he is transferred from the Jianghu It is also possible to come to a master."

Dorgon didn't really want to make a move. Firstly, it was a bit embarrassing. After all, this kind of serious offensive and defensive battles generally pay attention to soldiers against soldiers. It's a bit embarrassing for you to take the initiative to attack the soldiers when no one else has done anything.

For another reason, Dorgon also felt that something was wrong. Either there was a trap waiting for him behind the shield, or the opponent's guard was a two-handed swordsman who didn't know much but could do anything wrong.

Dorgon tends to the former!
Tang Ruowang understood Dorgon's concerns, thought for a while and said, "I can use formations and listen to the voices on their walls, maybe I can hear some truths."

"Oh? You still have this ability?" Dorgon was a little surprised.

"This kind of formation is actually used to amplify the senses. The stronger the user's sense of hearing, the better the effect of the formation. If you change the level of the personal list, I'm afraid you won't be able to hear the sound on the city wall."

Dorgon nodded, "That's how it is, I'll also hear what masters are targeting me!"

Tang Ruowang arranged the formation very quickly, and it was not a very esoteric formation. Within 2 minutes, Dorgon stood in the center of the formation.

Soon, a circle of formations lit up, and a voice sounded, echoing in Xiaoban's camp.

"Master Yang, if we close our eyes and fight outside like this, wouldn't it be a bit wasteful!" '

'Don't worry, we have dozens of trebuchets alone, and we have wiped out all the nearby mountains! '

When Dorgon and Tang Ruowang heard this, their faces were extremely awkward. The mountains were all gone?No wonder the surroundings are so barren, and I thought the environment here was harsh, but it turned out that the Ming army did it.

'Uh, will we irritate each other like this, we don't have any masters! '

Um?No master!

Dorgon and Tang Ruowang looked at each other, and even many soldiers and generals beside them felt very embarrassed. You guys have nothing, and then you dare to play like this?
'What is no master, am I not?Let me tell you, I am a descendant of a famous family. If Song Huizong hadn't been so unbearable, I would not have left. '

After the famous family?

Dorgon and Tang Ruowang looked at each other, this general seemed to have some background.

'Then my lord, why did you come to the Ming country, why didn't you go to Daqin?I heard that many generals of Song State went to Daqin to join the Yang family. '

'Of course I also want to go to Daqin, but... why are you asking so many questions?Go move the stones! '

The conversation is almost over, and the rest of the conversation is between soldiers. It's hard to believe that there can be so much small talk in such a fierce war?Could it be that the people behind this city wall are all elites?
Dorgon became a little suspicious again, but he also ignored one thing. Because of the barrier erected by the shield, the soldiers of the Ming army couldn't see how anxious the outside was, and they just operated blindly.Just like an assembly line worker, they just produce bullets, but they don't know what the bullets look like when they hit people.Naturally, this nervousness is a bit less meaningful.

Tang Ruo saw that he couldn't hear anything useful, so he turned off the array, "What do you think?"

Dorgon shook his head with a stern expression, "It's hard to say, this person's surname is Yang, and he is from the Song Dynasty, and he was hesitant to speak just now, so there may be a special secret. I suspect...he has a relationship with the Yang family of Daqin. There are relationships!"

Tang Ruowang was not surprised, "Yes, it is indeed possible. Daqin has never sent troops. Before, we thought it might be Hu Hai's trick. Now it seems that it is very likely that Daqin's masters secretly helped Ming to defend the city."

Dorgon said coldly: "Huh, this move is insidious enough. It doesn't cost us a single soldier, but it can cause us great trouble. This Hu Hai is very insidious!"

"Then what about us?"

"Since the enemy has made enough preparations, if I don't step on this trap, it will be equivalent to wasting the opponent's arrangement. Hmph, let's divert to attack Tongcheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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