Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 627 I, Zhu Qizhen, open the door!

Chapter 627 I, Zhu Qizhen, open the door!
Yang Tiexin probably never imagined in his dreams that he actually participated in a famous scene that has never been seen before or will not necessarily come after.

"Who is the guard in the city? Why don't you kneel when you see me?"


The wind is very noisy today!

Yang Tiexin looked up at the sky, as if he didn't hear Zhu Qizhen's roar under the city, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Zhu Qizhen squinted his eyes and looked up from the bottom of the city. He had never seen the leader himself, um, maybe he had seen it but didn't remember it. After all, there were so many courtiers who went to court every day, how could he remember all of them.

"Who is in the city? Do I need to ask a third time?"

Zhu Qizhen's words were already full of anger, even the soldiers on the top of the city felt a little bit of killing intent, hiss, is this Your Majesty?So majestic!

Today's Zhu Qizhen has a lot of luck left in him because of Tang Ruowang's unsuccessful formation before, which invisibly strengthens all aspects of Zhu Qizhen.And the most obvious point is that even if he didn't have anything to prove his identity, none of the soldiers or the common people would doubt his identity.

"Ahem, uh, the last general, Duan Tiande, Mayor of Yucheng!"


( ̄" ̄)(;¬¬¬)( ̄へ ̄)(-ω-)-ω-)-ω-)((-_-)-_-)-_-)
no one speaks...

The soldiers and the common people acted as if they hadn't heard it. Yang Tiexin raised his head and held his chest up as if he wasn't the one who spoke just now, while Zhu Qizhen was recalling that Duan Tiande seemed to have some impressions that he had paid homage to him before, but the specific details had long been heard. I don’t remember, well, being able to defend the first round of the Qing army’s attack is considered a talent.

puff!Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Zuo Zhou choked out a mouthful of water, and suddenly he realized, no wonder the future Yang Guo is so evil, he has been messing around for a long time to inherit his genes from here.

"Aiqing's hard work in defending the city is rewarding!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Open the city gate."


Yang Tiexin was a little confused for a moment, listen, how relaxed His Majesty said, as if he was instructing the accompanying eunuch to prepare a spittoon.

Yang Tiexin opened his mouth but didn't know what to say, so he held back for a long time and asked loudly: "Your Majesty said... what? I didn't hear clearly at the end!"

Zhu Qizhen frowned, and said again patiently, "Open the city gate, I want to enter the city!"

The air pressure on the entire city wall dropped instantly, even Yang Tiexin, who was not very skilled, could feel it.

He did a wave of psychological training with great difficulty, and then raised his hands, "Soldiers, when your majesty comes down, Yucheng will be at peace! We ask your majesty to be a hanging basket to the top of the city!"

Yang Tiexin yelled and even took the initiative to run to the side of the hanging basket and shake the wheel, looking flattering.

Seeing this, Zhu Qizhen was furious, "I said... open the city gate!"

"This...can't be opened!"


"The gates of the city are sealed with mud, we can't open them!" Yang Tiexin spread his hands. At this moment, not only does he feel that he is wise and mighty, but the common people and soldiers also look at him like a god. Master Yang is an eternal god. , I knew that I would be betrayed by His Majesty, so I sealed the city gate in advance!

Zhu Qizhen is at a loss at this moment, what do you mean?Seal the city gate?Never heard of such a fight!
Also confused was Dorgon, he was a little skeptical about his life, who was the player on the other side of the city?

In fact, Dorgon is a little hesitant about this pass in Weicheng. After all, the master of Daqin is still unknown. Now that Tang Ruowang is seriously ill, it is difficult for him to fight alone.However, the people of Daqin also have weaknesses that can be targeted, that is, the name is not right and the words are not right.

As long as the enemy surrendered by himself, there would be no reason for Daqin's people to make a move. It just so happened that he had a card in his hand, so there was this one in front of him.

However, Dorgon never imagined that Duan Tiande, the lord of Yucheng City, would do such a great job, even sealing the city gate with mud!

"Absurd! Absurd! The gate of the city is an important traffic point, how can it be sealed? You are delaying the battle opportunity, trapping the city in crisis, and trapping me in injustice!"

Zhu Qizhen was furious, like a fiery monkey.

Yang Tiexin on the top of the city is already numb, how dare you call others ridiculous?It's so unrighteous, I don't care if you are righteous or not!
For a moment, Yang Tiexin suddenly felt that Song Huizong didn't seem so stupid, er, well, maybe he was thinking too much, maybe in the same environment, others can do it too!
Yang Tiexin didn't speak, Dorgon couldn't wait behind, and ordered: "Tell them to dig both inside and outside the city at the same time, and try to clear the city gate before dark."

Immediately, a soldier ran to Zhu Qizhen's side, and after saying a few words to help Zhu Qizhen, he really shouted: "Duan Tiande listens to the order, and I order you to organize people to clear the city gate immediately, and there must be no mistakes!"

Yang Tiexin picked his ears, you ordered Duan Tiande, what does it matter to me, Yang Tiexin?You just go to dredge it, see if I beat you or not, it's over!

A group of infantry quickly ran to the gate of the city, and was about to push away the clogged soil with their weapons, when suddenly boiling oil was poured on it, which immediately scalded the Qing soldiers crying for their fathers and mothers.

"Bold! Duan Tiande, you dare to defy the order openly! Do you want to live?"

Yang Tiexin grimaced, "Your Majesty, you only said to let us unblock it, but you didn't say to let the Qing soldiers also unblock it. If you are in a hurry, you can take a hanging basket, or you can unblock it yourself from the outside. We definitely dare not do it!"

"My majestic emperor of the Ming Dynasty, you actually let me dig it? You have so much courage, you... you... I order you not to do anything to the Qing soldiers!"

Yang Tiexin nodded, and kicked the mechanism wrench of the catapult, buzzing, and a huge boulder fell into the camp of the Qing army with a wave of fire.

There was a huge earthquake on the ground, and the flames mixed with the mud and collapsed.

"You... Presumptuous! Rebelling against everything, traitor and traitor!"

Zhu Qizhen was furious, but here Dorgon had already sighed and asked someone to bring Zhu Qizhen back.

With a wave of hands, a siege battle began again!

Yang Tiexin was not ambiguous either, and repeated the same trick, setting up a flame shield on the top of the wall, and then throwing all kinds of wood and rolling stones out as if they didn't want money.

But this time, it seemed that the movement was much slower, and the morale of the soldiers was not as high as before.

Yang Tiexin smiled wryly in his heart, but Dorgon nodded in satisfaction. Although Zhu Qizhen didn't really call the city gate open, but because of Zhu Qizhen's good fortune, his behavior has already made Weicheng guard The city soldiers lost the protection of luck, and the defense power of the entire Weicheng city was at least [-]% weaker.


The second offensive and defensive battle of Weicheng began, and there was no atmosphere like the previous one on the top of the city. No one in the entire city spoke, even Yang Tiexin didn't know what to say for a while.

It was in such a heavy atmosphere that the soldiers made more and more mistakes. The rolling stones fell and hit their feet, the archers missed the bowstring and shot at the comrades in front, and even the gears of the catapult broke.

All kinds of accidents made Yang Tiexin understand more and more. Today, I am afraid that it will be his doomsday. I feel sorry for my beautiful wife, and I don't know which kind of grievance will be cheaper in the future.


The soldiers' shouts of killing awakened Yang Tiexin again, and the enemy rushed forward.

Knowing that it was impossible to rush into the city gate, the Qing army put all its strength on the city wall, which resulted in several times more Qing soldiers climbing the city wall than last time.And at this time, the morale of the Qing army was far stronger than theirs, and one by one they endured the flames and forcibly climbed over the shield wall.

"What are you waiting for? Come on, keep going! Remember, there is no way out behind us, don't you have the heart to watch them destroy your home and humiliate your wives and daughters?"

Yang Tiexin felt that it was necessary to mobilize again, and he was actually prepared for this situation.

The soldiers took out large shields one after another, as if they had just piled up the shield wall on the city wall. This time they started to pile up on the flat ground. What's more, the soldiers also poured fire on this shield wall Oil.

Boom, the flames ignited, and the large wall of fire pushed the Qing soldiers into a corner of the city wall with the push of the soldiers. This is outrageous, you can't finish the flame shield wall, right?And it's so hot, don't you feel hot?

Hot hands must be hot. No, the soldiers quickly threw out the fire shields, but the place where they threw them was also on the city wall. That position basically guarantees that the Qing soldiers will step on them after they come up, unless you have special fire protection equipment. Otherwise, it is bound to suffer a little burn.

Of course, the function of this burn is not to cause harm. After all, everyone has internal strength to protect the body, and ordinary burns are not worth mentioning at all.Its real function is to make the enemy lose their minds for a moment, and then the soldiers will take the opportunity to stab hard with their spears.

This tactic is very tricky, and it is difficult to use it after the enemy is ready. Fortunately, there is a new large fire shield in front of it, which can make the spear-wielding soldiers more at ease.

"Hmph, gimmicky!"

In the camp of the Qing army, Dorgon snorted disdainfully, he was waiting for the master of the Great Qin who was hiding in the dark to appear first.Of course, it would be better if they didn't show up. He believed that the current Qing soldiers would be able to kill all the enemies.Although the offensive on the city wall showed a little bit of anxiety, but the area that can be used on the city wall is limited, so what if the fire shield covers the ground?You only need to transport all your internal energy to the soles of your feet, and you can walk on fire.

The Qing soldiers did the same thing. As the battle progressed, more and more fire shields were thrown on the ground, raising the ground even higher.

"Guard the stairs!"

Yang Tiexin was the first to retreat from the city wall, and then shouted loudly, obviously this was also planned.

The soldiers raised their shields and pushed them towards the stairs, and then set up a shield wall at the top of the stairs. This time, the Qing soldiers were not as relaxed as before, because the stairs were very narrow, there was no room for them to hide, and there was no room to hide. Let them take advantage of their numbers.

In this way, the offensive of the Qing soldiers was once again temporarily blocked.

However, as Yang Tiexin and others abandoned the city wall, more Qing soldiers came up, and more and more Qing soldiers slammed into the shield wall with their bodies, and the narrow stairs turned into a wrestling, depending on which side has more people The strength is great.


Yang Tiexin let out a snarl, throwing the burning oil cans over the shield and onto the city wall one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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