Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 630 Encountering Death

Chapter 630 Encountering Death
Zhu Qizhen died just like that, without any red-eyed accusations, and no bitter sarcasm, he was simply killed.

During the whole process, Zuo Zhou and Li Yuzhu didn't take any unnecessary actions. Although they looked down on this guy in their hearts, they were not citizens of the Ming Dynasty, so they had no right to criticize anything.

In the whole process, Zuo Zhou was actually merciful. After all, he didn't take the opportunity to kill Zhu Qizhen's soul. Seeing him slowly drifting into the cycle of reincarnation, he only hoped that his next life would be a little new.

The golden luck was divided into two parts, one part entered Zuo Zhou's body, and the other part entered Li Yuzhu's body, but Li Yuzhu was in a subordinate relationship with the power of Song State at this time, so those lucks were quickly divided into unknown numbers. share.

"Okay, with luck, you can do whatever you want in the future." Zuo Zhou was about to leave the tent, waving his hands as if he didn't want to have anything to do with Li Yuzhu.

"Although Daqin's foundation is still deep now, Hu Hai doesn't seem like a wise master, why don't you come..."

"Don't persuade, it's useless to persuade. You can do whatever you want. As for whether you can get the approval of the will of heaven in the end, it depends entirely on your own good luck. If you do well, I will go to your place when I retire. retirement."

Zuo Zhou's words were so firm that Li Yuzhu couldn't say anything else for a while. The two walked out of the tent and separated. Li Yuzhu didn't dare to be careless without Zuo Zhou's company. He quickly entered stealth mode and disappeared on the horizon.

Zuo Zhou didn't leave in a hurry, but stayed to watch the siege battle. In fact, he also wanted to see if there was any hope.

"My lord! Zhu Qizhen...Zhu Qizhen is dead!"

The patrolling soldiers soon found out that something was wrong, and after entering the tent to check, they went to Dorgon. Dorgon's pupils trembled and immediately went to check, and when they entered the tent, they found Zhu Qizhen's body, especially the one stuck on his body. a sword.

He knew the Oala sword. When he was in the capital of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Zheng used this sword to assassinate Li Yuanfang. Who knew that Li Yuanfang's strength was extraordinary, Zhao Zheng was killed, and then the Oara sword followed Li Yuanfang.

Now it is stuck on Zhu Qizhen's body, which already explains a lot of problems, but... why now?

Dorgon clenched his fists tightly, his teeth were bleeding from his teeth. If it was said that he could attack the city in a systematic way before, it seems that he has no choice now.

"Withdraw the troops!"

Tang Ruowang's voice came from behind, Dorgon was startled, and turned around to see Tang Ruowang supported by two Qing soldiers.He shook his head calmly, "We have known each other for half a lifetime. You, as the general of the Qing Dynasty, can't lose your mind at this time. Li Yuanfang killed Zhu Qizhen but didn't kill you and me, which shows that he doesn't care about us. But taking action at this time also represents his tendency in some aspects. If you attack the city recklessly, it is very likely to force him out, and then it will be really difficult to end."

"This is the way to go, you just..."

Tang Ruowang said with a sad smile: "Actually, when His Majesty proposed to gather luck, I already thought that this day would come. No matter how small the probability of some things is, if they exist, they will definitely happen. This is my life!"

Dorgon's eyes were full of unwillingness, "I want to try again, and after Li Yuanfang kills Zhu Qizhen and gets luck, he won't meddle in other things anymore. As long as Weicheng is taken down, our defense line will be completed With the encirclement, we will be able to resist the Great Qin and the Tang Kingdom. Although there will still be a loophole in Tongcheng, this loophole is only facing the Ming Kingdom, and they have no ability to cause us any trouble now."

Tang Ruowang sighed and didn't know how to persuade him. Dorgon made a decisive decision and asked the soldiers to take good care of Tang Ruowang, and then rushed to the top of the city with a leap of his body.

He had to fight this time, for himself, for his best friend, and for the Qing Dynasty!

Huhuhu, from the moment he stood on the top of the wall, there was a large rain of arrows blowing towards his face, but even his body protection zhenqi couldn't penetrate it.He didn't care about that either, he just looked down, and it was ridiculous and heartbreaking to see the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty being frightened by a herd of cows!
These are all elites trained by him to fight in the north and south with him, but... they were frightened by a herd of cows?The lack of luck has never made him feel outrageous and helpless so clearly.

Dorgon fell towards the herd of cattle like a meteorite, and the violent air wave lifted the herd of cattle, and they all turned into meat paste on the wall amidst low and miserable screams.

The corner of Yang Tiexin's mouth grinned, his heart screamed, you, a top player in the rankings, took the initiative to participate in the battle, this is not about martial arts!
The most important thing is that there is no way for him to escape in this way, what should we do?
Yang Tiexin subconsciously looked around, not asking for help, but seeking help instinctively.However, what he saw were determined eyes, and soldiers who regarded death as home.

At that moment, Yang Tiexin was shocked. Well, they are different from him. He secretly dug a tunnel to prepare his escape route, and these soldiers never thought of surviving safely when they climbed the city wall. To die.

"General, it is a humble honor to be able to fight side by side with you!"

A soldier said solemnly to Yang Tiexin, and then turned his shield and spear towards Dorgon.At the same time, these words spread like weeds, and the emotion of vowing to die together infected everyone around, and each soldier saluted Yang Tiexin with their spears on the ground.

Yang Tiexin was stunned, did these people trust me so much?

Looking back at Dorgon, who had already noticed them, his heart swayed, since he couldn't run away, he had to give an explanation behind him, and immediately said boldly: "Okay, we are worthy of the country and the people, let us see the ground today." Is the master of the list really three-headed and six-armed!"

"My lord is heroic, I will follow to the death!"

The momentum of the defenders was extremely high, and even Dorgon was shocked for a moment, his eyes were full of admiration and regret.

This is a talent, but unfortunately, it is only used to defend the city. If his subordinates can have a decent army, they will probably be able to cause a lot of trouble for themselves.However, after thinking about Zhu Qizhen's appearance in his mind, he felt that it was a matter of course. After all, with such an emperor on top, no matter how capable he was, he might not have a bright future.

The feeling of sympathy is only for a moment. After all, he is the commander-in-chief of an army, and he cannot tolerate any kindness. All he can do for Yang Tiexin is to leave his whole body.

Yang Tiexin and the rest of the defenders stopped defending and blocked the stairs, and all aimed their spears and other weapons at Dorgon, which meant to charge.

Dorgon stepped forward step by step, and the strong infuriating energy alone made the soldiers tremble so much that they couldn't lift their weapons.Although Yang Tiexin was extremely flustered, the enthusiasm just now hadn't receded, and he took the lead to rush towards Dorgon with a groan.

Dorgon slapped him, but he didn't use all his strength, because he could tell with a glance that this general was not an expert, this palm could already send him... Bang!

The knotted muscles on the arm instantly swelled like a pillar, and Dorgon used all his strength at the last moment.It wasn't that he had any bad intentions at the moment, but that a person with black arrogance all over his body appeared behind Yang Tiexin, and gusts of but powerful true energy rushed over Yang Tiexin's body.

Yang Tiexin was completely unprepared, allowing his true energy to flow through his body and collided fiercely with Dorgon's fist.

"Damn it!" Yang Tiexin couldn't help cursing in a low voice, so much zhenqi was rushing around in his body, it really made him feel excruciatingly painful, coupled with the hard fight with Dorgon, his arm had already broken up.

But Dorgon was not having a good time, Yi Jin Jing's strong zhenqi pushed him back a full dozen meters, and there was another powerful energy fluctuation waiting behind him.

"Dorgon, you must die today!"

I just felt that my whole body fell into a vacuum, and the powerful twisting force sucked Dorgon's body and made it difficult to move forward.And behind him, the powerful energy fluctuations began to condense, and then approached.

Dorgon didn't care to think too much, turned around and punched with all his strength, and at the same time his body swelled into the form of a little giant.


Dorgon finally saw the source of the energy fluctuations. It was an energy ball bursting with blue light. It seemed to be spinning continuously inside. Zhu ignores it, he can basically see the secret of this move, it must be a variant made by absorbing energy and cooperating with the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

The air wave exploded, and the sound wave was like thunder, making everyone's eardrums tremble. The continuous crushing of true energy caused Dorgon's rocky muscles to produce waves of rolling waves.

Although Dorgon gritted his teeth and persisted, he did some mental calculations and accidentally got hit by Shangguan Jinhong's move first, and he caught the energy ball hard, which is really a bit exaggerated!

There was a crisp sound of bone cracking in the arm, and a little blood oozes from the corner of Dorgon's mouth, and then his body floated in the air but was firmly embedded in the wall.

"You... why did you..."

Zhu ignored the very satisfied acceptance, and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence, I thought that Yucheng had fallen, but who knew that the spies saw the black smoke that had been burning for almost a day in the sky of Yucheng from a distance, so they dispatched troops to support Yes. Of course, I admit that there is an element of gambling, and this is very likely to be your trick, but fortunately, the soldiers of Weicheng did not disappoint me."

Speaking of which, Zhu Wushi showed a satisfied smile to Yang Tiexin and others. He couldn't be more satisfied with their performance of treating death like home just now. Sure enough, there are still passionate people in Ming Dynasty!
Although Yang Tiexin kept scolding Shangguan Jinhong behind him, he still pretended to be very moved and raised his head up, as if very proud, and the soldiers behind him were also the same.

Dorgon was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then smiled wryly, is this also the effect of luck?In previous wars, your scouts were not so clever. How could you be able to detect such a critical opportunity this time just by seeing the black smoke burning from the top of the city.


Dorgon had no choice but to grit his teeth and wave his hands. He had faintly heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes outside the city, which was obviously the Ming army cavalry charging outside the city.

Shangguan Jin Hong sneered, "The general doesn't think he can escape, does he?"

Dorgon looked at Shangguan Jinhong and Zhu Wushi. He couldn't defeat the Yi Jin Jing of the former alone. Now that there is another Zhu Wushi, this time it might be really dangerous.

"I heard that Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty lost his national fortune. Hehe, why should this idiot general die with him? It's better to leave a useful body and strive for glory in the future!"

Zhu Wushi's words made Dorgon want to laugh, "I'm afraid you have changed your original intention of being an emperor. As a local leader, who doesn't have a firm belief? Do you think I will respond to your solicitation?"

Zhu Wushi heaved a sigh of relief, and sighed: "It's really absurd, let the general go with dignity."

Shangguan Jinhong has already made a move, but he has been holding back his anger all the time. He was taken away by Li Yuanfang for three days, and he wrote the information silently for three days. He had never worked so hard in school before.

Just as he was thinking, anger was almost intertwined with true energy, and the three black battle lines on his face suddenly turned into two. He used this fluctuating emotion to forcibly rush to the realm and reached the level of the second battle line!

Speaking of it, Yi Jin Jing is a very special kind of unique skill, and different people deliberately practice it to achieve different effects.Take Shangguan Jinhong and Zhou Zhiruo as an example. Although one of them is a businessman and the other is like a blank sheet of paper, they both have their own dark side inside. Therefore, the Book of Changes faithfully reflects their dark side, and their cultivation routes are also similar. It presents the form of a black-level pagoda covered in black air.

And Liuliqin is different, she looks like a cute girl who likes to pretend, but inside, she is a salty fish that can lie down, so the effect of her cultivation is also the most upright and peaceful, all-encompassing, all-encompassing No, it looks awesome but it can also be said to be the least distinctive.

Speaking of Shangguan Jinhong, it is precisely because the Yi Jin Jing is the embodiment of the dark side, so under the blessing of extreme emotions, and with sufficient preparation, it is possible to make a breakthrough.

Shangguan Jinhong's zhenqi suddenly surged a circle, startling Dorgon, and the slap of Shangguan Jinhong's thigh towards Shangguan Jinhong was a gravity strike.

This move is like a meteorite hitting the earth, as soon as Pu touches it, everyone's ears feel like thunder, the air twists immediately, and there is a moment of calm followed by a bigger explosion.

The two of them felt a huge force coming back, even Erjian Zhanwen's control over the true qi made Shangguan Jinhong a little at a loss, so they could only retreat.

However, Dorgon on the opposite side was even worse, his arms seemed to be bled by a thousand needles in turn, and his flesh and blood were badly mutilated.

"Let's go, General!"

At the critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the midair of Weicheng, it was Tang Ruowang who was already terminally ill.

"You... ugh!"

Dorgon turned his head and jumped over the city wall with heartache, and a large swath of gray fog immediately enveloped the entire city of Yucheng, like a big hood over Weicheng.

"Hurry up, get out of the city!" Yang Tiexin ordered while enduring the pain in his arm.

Wherever the gray mist passed, the swords, guns and shields began to rot, as if they had been eroded by time for a long time.

Shangguan Jinhong and Zhu Wushou glanced at each other, and they both saw the severity of the gray fog. Looking at Tang Ruowang floating in the sky, he had no intention of fleeing, and seemed to have made up his mind to die together.

"You are overdrawing your own life. Are you really desperate? Live a little longer, just a little longer!"

Tang Ruowang laughed loudly, "It's because you guys saw through the state of my flashback at the end of my battle, but you should understand that people are mortal. It would be a good thing if so many people can make me inflated."

Zhu ignored the eyes of the two, but it was extremely ugly. The black mist was really weird. He waved his palm and pumped his true energy into it for a while, but the true energy disintegrated as soon as it entered the gray mist.

"You don't need to try it anymore. This is the formation I restored from an ancient book. It's called the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. It has the effect of ecstasy and bone erosion to reverse the universe! Although the power has not been fully restored, it is enough to deal with the two of you!"

Shangguan Jinhong's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at Tang Ruowang bitterly, "What a lunatic, he was backed by luck before, and now he still wants to use this kind of formation beyond his ability, aren't you afraid of being destroyed?"

Tang Ruowang laughed loudly, "After reincarnation, will I still be myself? Since I am nothing, why should I care about the so-called reincarnation?"

Zhu Wushi furrowed his brows tightly, and was about to insinuate the reality of the so-called Nine-Twisting Yellow River Formation when he saw Tang Ruowang choked up with laughter, and his whole body fell into the gray mist, turning into a dead bone in the blink of an eye.

"It's really fast to die!"

Everyone couldn't laugh or cry, it was so cruel!

Shangguan Jinhong said anxiously: "Is there a way to break the situation? Originally, we came to support the sneak attack, we can't be counterattacked here!"

Zhu ignored his expression and became more and more nervous. The only thing that can be thankful at this time is that the formation shrinks very slowly. It took a long time to shrink it to less than ten meters, and it has not even crossed the city wall.

"Uh... I have a way!"


Everyone looked at Yang Tiexin in astonishment, and he said with a sneer, "There is a tunnel in my mansion. I used it for the spies to get out of the city for help, but... Anyway, we can go out of the city through the tunnel. My mansion is located in Wei In the center of the city, there is at least an hour before the gray fog comes over, it should be enough!"

Zhu Wushi's eyes flickered, "Okay, you are really my lucky general, hurry up and lead the way."

"It's Your Majesty!"

Yang Tiexin didn't care about the pain in his arm anymore, all he could think about was a promising life in the future, this wave of saving His Majesty, won't he reach the pinnacle of his life in the future?


In the sky outside the city, Zuo Zhou looked at this scene with some surprise, he had to sigh, the difference between luck and luck was too great, and he was able to use this method to escape.

Shaking his head, he focused his attention on the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation that Tang Ruowang created before he died.

A mountain is still as high as a mountain, and the strong have their own strong hands. The water in the rivers and lakes is really too deep!
Unexpectedly, Tang Ruowang actually hid such a trick. This formation is not simple. Just by looking at it, one can feel the intertwining of five elements, yin and yang, life and death and nine forces.These forces repel each other and merge with each other. The constant grinding and tearing will produce a mysterious force that separates the essence of everything.

For example, a man is composed of a body and a penis. Without a penis, he is no longer a complete man, and the ability of the formation is to give the penis, which is the most important to the definition of a 'man', to the body. Stripped away.

It's just...cruel...!
Zuo Zhou had studied Zhu Rong's memory before, and his understanding of the natural power of the fire element was unparalleled.It is precisely in this way that he can analyze the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation more clearly, but that's all. Except for his understanding of the fire element, which is higher than that of the Formation, he is not as good as the Formation.

Well, if the sword core is here, you may be able to see the true and false secrets of the formation at a glance!
Zuo Zhou sighed again, and turned his head to look at the Qing army that was already retreating crazily. Dorgon's fate was saved today, but after that, he had no strength to fight anymore, so he could only return to the Qing Dynasty.

As for Zhu Qizhen's side, although they managed to escape the danger, the power of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation would corrode the entire Wei City, making this city a waste.

After that, the Qing army was unable to establish a complete line of defense, but the Ming army also had no way to connect the front lines together.

From the perspective of terrain, the location of Weicheng is a gap in the terrain of the entire plain. Either mobilize troops to garrison at all times, or spend huge material resources and manpower to rebuild a city.Either way, it's bound to be a decision that consumes countless resources and time.


Dorgon's eyes were full of tears. He had never been defeated in his military career, but this time he lost completely.

The luck of the country is gone, the best friends are gone, and even myself is almost sent inside!

The huge blow made him turn pale, as if he had lost all vitality.

"General, please cheer up!"

A lieutenant general's eyes were also a little wet, this battle was too difficult, and made them cry.

Dorgon let out a long breath, as if he wanted to release all the pressure, and asked, "Bring me the information from the previous two days."


Dorgon glanced at the information, then took out the map and glanced at it, "Let's walk along the shore."

"Why is this? It's a bit far away!"

"According to the intelligence, those who stole the national luck will use the water to escape. If we are fast enough, we should be able to stop them. As long as we regain the luck, we will not be considered a complete failure! If we keep the green hills, we are not afraid of running out of firewood! "

"The general is right!"

The generals immediately issued orders, and the direction of the army changed quietly.

"There is a way in the world, if you don't go, there is no way to go to hell, general...why bother?"

Dorgon's eyes widened suddenly, his body swelled suddenly and crushed the horse under him to death. Looking back, there was a middle-aged man standing among the soldiers, as if he had been there a long time ago, but none of the soldiers noticed him.

It wasn't until this time that the Qing soldiers came to their senses and pointed their weapons at the middle-aged man one after another.

"Who are you?" Dorgon's voice was already trembling slightly. It's too bad for a top player to appear at this time.

The middle-aged man also seemed to be a little impatient, "We originally wanted to cut off your logistics supplies, who knew that you fought so badly at the front line! Moreover, there is a normal route for retreating troops, and they insist on bumping into me. Why bother?"

As the middle-aged man spoke, he drew out a long sword with a black sheath. The whole sword was just like him, aloof and cold, like a divine bird accompanied by death, condescending, and all eyes were on Jedi...

(End of this chapter)

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