Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 643 I am seasick!

Chapter 643 I am seasick!
"So many captives, are you sure you want to take them away? Or just sink into the sea."

Jiang Yuyan's face was full of innocence, but those captives who had squatted with their heads in their arms were already scared to pee.

"No!" Xiang Liang stretched out his hand to stop him, his serious expression was completely different from Jiang Yuyan's style of painting, "Whether it is the Tiandihui or the Qing Dynasty Navy, there is no hatred between us. The matter of eating the king and being loyal to the king is just a position It's just different, now that Chen Jinnan is dead, then Zhao Wuji also left the Qing soldiers and fled, so there is no need to fight any more."

"That's right, God has the virtue of good life. For the sake of ideals, we can dirty our hands, but we can't dirty our hearts!" Murong Fu slapped the folding fan on his palm and firmly stood by Xiang Liang's side.

Jiang Yuyan disdainfully said, "Hmph, it's up to you, but when you encounter betrayal in the future, don't say I didn't remind you today."

Jiang Xiaoyu chuckled and said, "Then it can only be said that the second lady is so good at planning things!"

Next to him, Hua Wuque glanced at the grateful expressions on the faces of the captives, then looked at the few people whose acting skills were beyond the mark, and sighed in his heart, after all, there are only a few smart people in this world.

The captives were taken away by all parties, and Jiang Yuyan didn't need to pay attention to how it would develop in the future. That night, everyone sat together and praised each other, and then exchanged eye-to-eye for a while, and finally returned to their respective homes.

In the early morning, Jiang Yuyan stood on the deck and kept waving goodbye to everyone. Once again, they were the only ship left in the mighty fleet.

"What are you trying to win people over like this?" Zhao Min felt a little bit aggrieved, as a leader of the Azure Dragon Society, the other party didn't care about his reputation so much.

Jiang Yuyan chuckled, "The faster they win people's hearts, the faster those captives will integrate into them. Similarly, my people will also be able to gain their trust sooner. Hehe, as an existence in the shadows, what do we need so much fame for?" Woolen cloth?"

Xie Xun was recuperating with his legs crossed. It was nothing to fight against Chen Jinnan, but Zao Wou-ki's strength was too high before. He was a little too impatient when performing the lion's roar. If he had known that Chen Jinnan was so useless, he would not have What opportunities to create.Now I heard Jiang Yuyan's answer and asked: "Then why don't you take them to Shenlong Island together? You must know that although our fleet can crush Shenlong Island, their masters may not be easy to deal with. The strong have their own strong Hand, you have seen what happened today, the local rankings are also different from the local rankings, I have no chance of winning against Hong Antong, let alone... I heard that he can do some magic tricks?"

Jiang Yuyan shook her head, "Shenlong Island can be wiped out by the Qinglong Society, but whether the Qinglong Society has anything to do with me, or the general, will make the general fearful of Hu Hai, um, although he doesn't care .but I know he hates trouble..."

Zhao Minxiu frowned slightly, looked at Xie Xun and then at Jiang Yuyan, and didn't say anything, but she couldn't bear it after all, and when night fell, she took the initiative to knock on Jiang Yuyan's door.

"You don't trust Xie Xun? Why didn't you tell you that you don't want to be feared by Murong Fu and others?"

Jiang Yuyan was quite satisfied with Zhao Min's intelligence, and said with a smile: "The people in Yihua Palace don't have any ambitions, well, at least not now. But the Xiang family and the Murong family have their own positions. Although their friendship with the general That's right, but if they know that the general has so many manpower, they will feel threatened, so I don't let them go to Shenlong Island, partly because of Hu Hai, and partly because of them. As for Xie Xun... he It was because of the promise that I stayed by the General's side, but the General never asked him too much...Moreover, I don't believe in promises! So Xie Xun is essentially no different from the Xiang family and the Murong family."

Zhao Min watched Jiang Yuyan speechless for a long time and seemed to be making a decision, Jiang Yuyan smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You don't believe in promises, so how can I trust you? If I listen to you and leave children with others, how can I believe that you will help me restore the Yuan Kingdom?"

Jiang Yuyan lifted Zhao Min's chin, feeling greasy, "Qinglong will live in the shadows, and won't revive the royal family of the Yuan Kingdom. Are we going to stand in front and govern the country? And... I intend to dedicate you to the general, The general is very responsible. If you can give birth to an heir, he will definitely take care of you. As for the issue of trust... Promises are useless, and your own value is the key. As long as you are useful to the general, I will naturally not will break the contract."

Zhao Min turned her head away as if she was very resistant to this ambiguous action, but Jiang Yuyan didn't notice that her face was flushed when she turned away.

"Where is my value? Being able to give birth? Or is it justified by the status of the royal family of the Yuan Kingdom?"

"That depends on what you think, people, happiness is the most important thing!"


A sneeze!

Zuo Zhou hovered in the sky blankly, what happened just now?Could it be a cold?Does his body catch a cold?

Could it be that someone is plotting against him!
Thinking so in my heart, the speed of flying to Shenlong Island has not slowed down, just kidding, who can count him at this time?As long as they can't beat themselves, no calculation can be carried out to the last step.

As for plotting against his relatives... Hehe, are so many fortune tellers really vegetarian?Even if you have the ability to deceive the sky, I can still hand over luck to the fortune teller, and then it will depend on whether the other party can bear the revenge.The rules of this world are like this, things like scapegoats and scapegoats are not so easy to use.

"Huh? Isn't this a coincidence!"

Zuo Zhou was thinking about when to chat with Fan Zeng and Xiao Ai. It's not a problem to be so passive and tricked, it's just a bit of luck, and I'm not reluctant.As a result, when he lowered his head, he saw a sailboat sailing on the sea, and a familiar figure on the deck made him quite amused.

"Master Guoshi, we can meet in the vast sea, we are so destined!"

Xu Fu shivered suddenly, his neck was stiff and he turned his head to look at Zuo Zhou who was slowly landing, and said with a smile: "General, please be careful, I am not a national teacher."

"It's the same, anyway, it will be a matter of time before His Majesty promulgates the imperial decree, hehe!"

Zuo Zhou had a mean smile on his face, and Xu Fu swallowed his saliva as he watched. He made a lot of effort to select the national teacher before, but in the end he didn't really know who the new national teacher was.Judging from the current situation, Xu Fu believes that as long as he brings back luck, he can be recognized as a national teacher.

But others are just fine, he really dare not talk nonsense in front of Zuo Zhou, this bitch might change his face at any time, say that he falsely preached imperial edicts and pretended to be a national teacher to swindle and deceive, and then crushed him to death!

"The general is joking, how dare I covet the position of the national teacher with my lack of talent and learning, ahahahahaha...ahhaha!"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes in disgust, how cowardly!And it's disgusting to laugh too.

"Forget it, next topic, what are you doing at sea?"

Xu Fu was stunned for a moment, and said with a quick-witted smile: "Isn't it because your Majesty is interested in things like Taoist alchemy and longevity, so the villain went out to sea to find overseas fairy mountains."

"Really? Did you find it?"

Zuo Zhou began to smile again, Xu Fu was covered in cold sweat, his head began to think crazy, if he said no, then would he say that he was incompetent and owed the emperor's favor and killed him?But if he said he found it, would he say that he was bewitching the emperor's heart to plot something wrong, and then crush himself to death?
"Hey, old Xu, why are you sweating?"

"It''s hot."

"Then why is your face still black?"

"No...didn't sleep well."

"That should be dark circles, why is the face dark?"

"Uh, seasick."

"Well, why not go for a run on the sea, so you won't get seasick."


After Xu Fu got off the boat, he just stayed by the side of the boat, treading the water with light work, hung on the mast to rest when he was tired, and talked to Zuo Zhou as little as possible.

Zuo Zhou felt very boring, the opponent was too cowardly, he couldn't find any chance to get mad, it's unreasonable!

Just like that, the two of them seemed to be on the fence. They both had something to do, but in the end, neither of them left, and the ship continued to move forward according to the established course.

Well, Zuo Zhou didn't give Xu Fu a chance to communicate with the boatman, so the direction of the boat never changed. He also wanted to see where Xu Fu wanted to go.

In this way, three days later, Xu Fu's mood fluctuated.

"Isn't the general an envoy to the Ming Kingdom? I'm afraid he will be gossiped about being so leisurely!"

Zuo Zhou looked at Xu Fu amusedly, "So, you are going to inform me!"

Xu Fu o(╥﹏╥)o "The general was joking, how could Xu Fu do such a thing, I'm just curious, if the general is really bored, he can go home and pamper a few wives, ah ha ha ha!"

"Women will only affect my interest in watching the show, so don't mention it!"


Xu Fu was at a loss for words, he had already given the reasons for this kind of nonsense, and he felt that he was completely out of control.

The ship sailed forward for another day, and finally an island appeared in the distance.Looking from a distance, the green jade is lush, and the topography of the island looks quite complicated.It's just... smoking, the island is smoking!
"Good guy, whoever is attacking Ping'an County so vigorously, this general will also help!"

Xu Fu was extremely depressed, and he didn't know why this Li Yuanfang was acting weird, and what the hell was Ping'an County?

"Hehe, since the general is interested, let's go up and see the excitement."


Zuo Zhou and Xu Fu didn't wait for the boat to approach, they directly used Qinggong to jump from a distance, and landed on the island after a few ups and downs.

As soon as Pu landed on Zuo Zhou, he shivered, "There are so many snakes here!"

He saw a crater made by artillery, and there were at least a dozen dead snakes in and around the crater. The coverage area is quite interesting.

At this point, Zuo Zhou can basically understand that this is Shenlong Island.

(End of this chapter)

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